More Than: More Than This Part 21

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My eyes close and his breath shortens and I thrust into him just once so he knows that I want him too.

So f.u.c.king bad.

The next second his mouth is open and on my neck, and I feel the heat from it causing heat somewhere else.

Our joined parts are moving together, so slowly, intimately, almost imperceptibly, but it feels huge, and I'm not just talking about his junk.

I feel my body tingle with the sensation and I throw my head back causing his mouth to go lower, to my collarbone, down to the swell of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and he's kissing and sucking and licking and oh G.o.d, I want him so f.u.c.king bad. I want all of him. Right now.

I moan out loud with the pleasure of him, of what he's doing. "Holy s.h.i.+t, Jake. What are you doing to me?" I say, because I can't f.u.c.king control what comes out of my mouth when he does these things to me.

He tenses in my arms and pulls away, all the way away, as in out of the bed away. I miss him instantly.

He stands up to his full height, his hands go down his boxers to adjust himself.


And then he clears his throat and looks away from me.

"Jesus Christ, Kayla. I'm so sorry, I got carried away." He starts to walk away.

"s.h.i.+t," he mutters under his breath.

"We should get ready and head out," he mumbles before leaving my room.

What. in the actual f.u.c.k. just. happened.


By the time I've showered again, a cold one this time, half an hour's pa.s.sed and there's a knocking at my door.

She's standing on the other side and I freeze mid greet, the cold shower I just had deemed pointless.

She raises her hand, motions a little wave, and then stands with her hands behind her back. Waiting, for me to say or do something.

But all I can do is stare.

She's wearing a light blue dress, wide neckline so that one shoulder and part of her upper arm is exposed. It's loose fitting with a drawstring around the waist and it stops just past her a.s.s. Literally just enough to cover her goods. She's wearing a little makeup, mainly around her eyes. She smells like coconuts. It's s.e.xy as f.u.c.k but it's not meant to be. It's just Kayla, all fricken Kayla.

She chuckles and it brings me out of my trance.

I turn to collect my phone that's charging on the nightstand and take the opportunity to adjust myself, Again.

When we get to the club, everyone is already there. We all do the bro hug/cheek kiss greeting and settle in the booth they've already reserved for us.

While walking through the club, I saw more than a few guys checking her out. I couldn't help putting my arm around her, and bringing her into me. Because it's the stone age and I'm a caveman.

She didn't seem to mind though, not even a little bit.

An hour later and we're all buzzed. Logan's found some chick to hang off his arm. She's sitting at the table cooing at him while he talks to us. It's kind of weird but whatever. Some Ludacris song comes on and Heidi makes the girls get up and dance. I eye Logan and watch him mouthing the words to the song. Apparently he went through a Ludacris faze in middle school, he legit thought he was black. I wish I was there to see it.

The song's pretty d.a.m.n dirty and the girls start dancing that way. Dylan gets my attention and nods to the dance floor, I get what he's saying. Dylan and I get up and walk over there. We stand like creepers about 5 feet away from the girls, so we're there in case any a.s.shole wants in. Cam stayed back at the booth, he said Lucy could hold her own. I've seen Lucy drunk a few times, she gets loud and nasty and cusses like a sailor. It's pretty d.a.m.n funny because it's the complete opposite of who she is.

The song is pretty f.u.c.king dirty, something about asking about peoples fantasies, I don't know. But the girls are into it and the dancing matches the song. Every time Kayla moves her skirt gets higher and forms to her perfect a.s.s.

I know, I'm a d.i.c.k, but I'm an 18 year old guy.

We stand and watch them from afar because we're that type of jealous creeper.

Dylan notices a guy eyeing Heidi, he starts to approach her but Dylan moves just enough to catch his attention and he backs away. Dylan doesn't say much, but his presence sure as s.h.i.+t does.

Three songs later and we make a move back to the booth. I put my arm on the seat behind Kayla and she moves closer to me, our sides completely touching, her hand lightly on my leg.

A few minutes after we sit down, a bartender brings a drink over and places it in front of Kayla.

It's some bright green drink in one of those shakers.

Her eyes widen for a second, confusion on her face.

I stare at it, eyebrows drawn together.

What the f.u.c.k?

My gaze goes from the drink to her, and she's looking at me. Who the f.u.c.k would buy her a drink when I'm right. f.u.c.king. here.

Did she talk to some a.s.shole while I had my back turned? When she was out on the dance floor for like, a minute, before I was there?

She must get what I'm thinking because she shakes her head no. It's a small movement, but I see it.

Just as she's about to ask the bartender, he points to a guy a few tables away. He's sitting with a bunch of other guys around our age. I don't recognize them.

I watch her face as understanding dawns and slowly, a smile pulls on her lips and she looks down at her hands, almost shy. She picks up the drink, takes a sip, and stands up.

She walks over to the guy without a word.

What the f.u.c.k?

Logan pulls his mouth away from his girl for the night. "You know that a.s.shole?"

"No, you guys know who he is?" I ask mainly Cam and Dylan.

Dylan speaks up, "Looks familiar but I can't place him."

The whole time she's talking to him, I'm watching.


They talk for a while, both smiling at each other.

Then he leans down and says something close to her ear and immediately her expression changes. She looks almost sad, but when he pulls back she nods her head a few times and his hands move to rub her upper arm.

I'm so close to standing up and punching this guy for touching her.

When she makes her way back, with drink still in hand, she doesn't say anything.

Not one f.u.c.king word. Just acts like nothing has happened. No explanation as to who that a.s.shole is, nothing about what they talked about. Nothing.

The s.h.i.+t with Kayla and that guy p.i.s.sed me off, so I take it out on myself. I drink. And drink. And drink.

By whatever the f.u.c.k time it is, I'm beyond buzzed and a little more on the drunk side. I'm at the bar, ordering another beer. I haven't spoken to Kayla since she came back from speaking to that a.s.shole.

"Jake, is that you?"

I turn around to see Madison, this girl I went to high school with. Her dad's the baseball coach. She's a cool girl. Knows her s.h.i.+t when it comes to baseball, that's all we've ever talked about.

She's cute, but she's in no way even close to Kayla.

"It is you!" she squeals, before running up and giving me a hug. She's obviously drunk, her face is splotchy and her breath reeks of alcohol.

I hug her back, but it's more like holding her upright.

"You okay, Madison? Had a bit to drink have ya?" I chuckle.

Her arms haven't left my neck and I'm doing my best to keep her up.

She moves closer into me, and I think for a second that this isn't what I think it is. That maybe she's not so much drunk, that she just wants to be close, and then she says, "I was hoping I'd see you before you left for college, I've always wanted to f.u.c.k you, Jake Andrews."

My eyes bug out and I try to pull her off me, but her mouth attacks my neck and the one second she's there feels like f.u.c.king hours, and that whole second I'm thinking, what the f.u.c.k?

It was only a second, but a second is all it took, because when I look up, I see her, Kayla, watching this play out, and I'm sure in her head it played out completely wrong, because she looks at me, tears already in her eyes.

She turns around and walks away.

And I watch her.


Seriously, f.u.c.k my life.

There's only so much s.h.i.+t I can take before all the f.u.c.ked up things in my life consume me.

Chapter 28.


Once I've managed to stop the tears and clean myself up, I take a few deep breaths and open the restroom door, and he's there.

Standing just outside, leaning against the wall, one foot on the wall, hands behind his back, looking down.

When he senses me, he looks up, a sad smile creeping on his features.

I try to smile back, but I don't know that it shows.

I start to walk back to the others, but he grabs my arm and starts to say something.

Guys coming out of the mens room walk towards us and Jake has to move us against the wall so they can get through.

So here we are. Me leaning against the wall, him in front of me.

When the guys pa.s.s he doesn't make a move to step back and I let him stand there, in front of me, so close were almost touching.

One hand resting against the wall next to my head, the other by his side.

He reaches his free hand up, and he cups my face gently, and I can't help lean into him slightly.

He moves his body closer to me so that our fronts are pressed together. He dips his head so his mouth is so close to my ear, I can hear him breathing over the sounds of the club. "Whatever you're thinking that was, quit. It wasn't."

And then he takes my earlobe in his mouth, just slightly and it's enough to make my knees weak and my body give out.

But he's on me and holding me up as his mouth moves from my ear to the spot behind it, to my neck. My hands reach to grip his hair. He takes the hand that was cupping my face and moves it down my side, past my waist and hips to my bare thighs and he lifts it so it's around him and he's in between me.

Leaning against a f.u.c.king wall.

In a f.u.c.king club.

With people all around us.

And I forget what my f.u.c.king name is because I'm so G.o.dd.a.m.n turned on right now, and I know he is, I can feel that he is.

My head falls back slightly and a moan escapes, because being with him, like this, it's all so intense, physically and emotionally.

He takes my move as an invitation, and his kisses get less gentle and more extreme. He's kissing and licking and sucking. Sucking hard like he wants to leave his mark, like he wants the world to know I'm his. And I am. His, I mean.

Just when I'm about to grip his hair to bring his mouth to mine, because I need to kiss him, and we've never ever kissed before- "Holy s.h.i.+t!"

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