Vampire King: Escape Part 9

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"Well, now you're known as the top pathfinder and most trustworthy sewer guide," I joked. He pinched my arm. I jumped and laughed as our horse trotted along.

"Your hair smells like rose petals," he said, as if it were the most normal thing to say to a woman with a husband and kids. My cheeks warmed into a blush. Don't think about the effect he has on you. Think about Ethan.

"And how do you know Ethan hasn't replaced you?" Samuel asked.

"You said you wouldn't read my thoughts." I scooted up on the saddle, away from him.

"No. I said maybe." He dragged me back to him. The two moons aligned in the sky. "And you didn't answer my question."

"I forgot the question." I grinned.

"What will you do if Ethan found someone new?"

I shrugged.

"I've been helping people for years." He leaned toward me and rubbed his face against my cheek. "If the couple have been separated for a year or more, it's a good chance the other spouse has moved on."

I snorted. "So I should just turn around right now and forget about going home?"

"I'm not saying that, but I do think you should be prepared," he said. "What will you do if he's found someone else?"

I patted the side of our horse's head. "Dawn is coming. The horses have been running all night and you need to get away from the sun."

"Answer me." In seconds, he dragged the tip of his fangs across my neck. My blood's temperature soared to boiling, like someone had poured hot embers into my mouth. I arched back into him.

"I'm too hot." I panted. "What are you doing?"

He leaned away a little. "Sorry."

My normal temperature returned instantly. My erect nipples rose in the air. His fangs trailed the arc of my shoulder, stirring my hormones into frenzy. Moaning, my head fell back into his shoulder as I closed my eyes, no longer guiding the horse or caring if he rode us into a tree or off a hill.

Do you know how hard it's been to not f.u.c.k you this whole journey? he asked inside my head.

We can't have s.e.x, I thought. Put your fangs away. I hate the affect they're having on me.

"Why can't I make love to you? Your husband sent you off to breed with a vampire." Samuel's fangs retracted. "Last time I checked, I was a vampire."


He growled.

"We should camp now." Opening my eyes, I blew out air and yanked the reins, stopping us near several trees. Their branches extended in a downward arch like umbrellas. Their leaves stretched larger than my face and were as black as the soil on the ground. I figured the huge trees would provide good shade from the sun during the daylight hours.

"And if Ethan has fallen in love with someone else, what will you do?"

"Goodness, Samuel. I don't know." I climbed off the horse. My legs rubbed against his. "So much has happened in these past days. Leave me alone."

Besides, I'm more worried about my girls.

He hopped off our horse. His feet landed on the ground. Dust rose around his boots. His lips formed into a frown as he stomped toward the horse that carried our supplies.

"I just want to go home," I said, hoping he heard me. "Let's not make this whole situation even more uncomfortable. You already have a mental bond with me and my body does weird things around you now."

And I'm enjoying your touch too much.

He grumbled something under his breath. After taking the supplies off, he untied the reins from both horses and patted their backs. The creatures sped off into the darkness.

"There's a river ahead," he stated. "They'll rest near it and drink."

"Okay." My body relaxed. Maybe he's decided to leave the whole situation alone. Good. As much as I wanted to stay true to Ethan, I couldn't stop my body and blood's reaction to Samuel.

He yanked out a ma.s.sive fur blanket the color of the night sky and laid it on the ground. He grunted and dragged out a huge pack of folded black leather from a box. Within seconds, he turned, twisted, and hiked the thick material up into a decent-sized tent, his image blurring with the action.

"The tent is up," he announced.

"How will it stay up? Where are the poles and rope?" I asked, circling and studying the sides for any weakness. He approached me on my right. His lips straightened into a line. His eyes s.h.i.+mmered in the moons' light.

"You need to understand that if you won't be with your husband," He stepped closer, "then we'll be together."

Warmth spread across my skin. Don't listen to him. He's just a vampire. I can't get hot and bothered over him. The pregnant woman decorated in old bites flashed in my head. Think about Ethan. His face didn't come. I swallowed and focused on my girls' faces instead.

"Where is the food?" My voice screeched a little.

He pointed to a silver box. I twisted that way, headed toward it, and pulled out a packet of dry cherries. A slapping noise sounded behind me. I glanced over my shoulder as Samuel disappeared into the tent.

Will we discuss this, Brie? Or should I just read your thoughts? His voice still came out smooth in my head but held a tiny edge.

"I wish you would stop that!" I tossed some of the cherries in my mouth. The sweet fruit teased my taste buds. I peeped at the tent.

One tent? Samuel should have bought two of them. I can't sleep in there with him so close to me. My heartbeat sped up as I considered how tight it would be in there. Could I even go to sleep with his hard muscles right next to me?

I could think of other things we could do. His voice filled my head.

"That's it!" I slammed the pouch down to the ground. It dropped by the box. I stomped to the tent and formed my hands into fists. "I don't want you reading my mind! Don't do it again!"

His hands clamped onto my arm as I crawled into the tent. He tenderly drew me onto him, covering my mouth with his full lips. I shoved him away.

"Be selfish for once." He brushed his lips against my cheek. "When's the last time someone only thought of you? When's the last time all anyone could think about was taking care of your needs?"


"He won't know."

"But I will." My lips quivered.

"Do you want me?"

I looked away, unable to meet his eyes. His hand went to my chin. He guided my face back to him. "I'll stop when you tell me, but I won't lie next to you with a hard c.o.c.k, pretending like I don't want to fill you."

Just the thought of him inside me made me stir and squeeze my thighs together. He captured my mouth. His lips were so pillowy soft. I kissed him back and vowed it would only be for a second or two, but minutes pa.s.sed as we tasted one another. Our tongues slowly dipped into each other's mouths. I sucked on his bottom lip.

This may end up being more than a blood bond, he said in my head.

I pulled away from his tongue and lay on the fur blanket. The blanket's soft pelt surrounded me. "It can't be more than this bond."

"You don't feel the power growing between us?" He leaned his head to the side.

"This is your hormones and my inability to have s.e.x for two years," I said. "Nothing else."

"You'll be my queen," he declared. My blood rushed through my veins at an erratic pace. My heart slammed against my chest as if I were running. What is he doing to me? My hands shook as I held on to him just so I wouldn't pa.s.s out.

"Don't say that," I whispered. He opened my pants. My heartbeats slowed. My body froze. Ambi, help me. I should stop him. I bit my lip while the soft pads of his fingers traveled along the pants' opening.

"Are you scared there could be more between us?" He slipped his hand into my panties.

"Yes." I gasped as his fingers toyed with my swollen bud. He fondled me and I moistened at his caress.

"This isn't just hormones." His two fingers entered me. Biting my lip harder, I moaned and rocked my hips. His fangs extended longer than before. "I would have f.u.c.ked you with no mercy last night if it was just s.e.x."

It feels so good. Ambi, help me. It feels so good.

"Can I make love to you, Brie?"

And with no hesitation, the sad realization hit me. I had to have him no matter what. And deal with the consequences later.

"Yes," I said. "Make love to me."

His growls shook the leather walls. The tent wavered as if a breeze had come through. He removed his fingers and practically tore off his clothes undressing himself. I took off my s.h.i.+rt and quickly slipped out of my pants and panties. Samuel spread my legs apart.

"Let me taste you first." His face journeyed down to my thighs.

"No." I stopped him. "I want your hard c.o.c.k inside me. You've teased me enough."

Something quaked inside his chest. Power rippled across his skin, thickening the air. He returned to me, kissing my lips, and parted my folds with satin fingers. "You're so wet for me."

He thrust his thick, throbbing c.o.c.k into me, expanding my flesh around him so his length would fit. Smoldering heat fused and clenched where he pumped in a smooth motion.

"Samuel!" I cried out in pure pleasure, completely devoured by the rising hunger that threatened to explode in my core. His hands shot to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, teasing my right nipple. His mouth captured my other nipple, devouring the pink peak. My blood swayed back and forth inside my veins as though thousands of hands were all over my body stimulating me.

I love the way you feel! I thought because I could barely form a coherent word with my mouth.

"Blasted!" His steady rhythm transformed to merciless pounding as he formed my drenched tunnel into his own creation. "I knew you'd feel this good."

He was so hard, thick, and long. Never had I ever had a man so big, so all consuming. All I could feel was him inside me. My blood floated on his power, waiting impatiently for his fangs to cut through me like his c.o.c.k had and take what was his.

I groaned with abandoned l.u.s.t. "Don't ever stop!"

I'm going to spend all day pleasing you, my queen. His voice swirled inside my head, never staying in one area of my mind, but echoing as I rode his hungry cadence.

Moaning, I reached for his back, digging my nails into his skin. An o.r.g.a.s.m crashed into me. His fingers pinched my nipples hard as I screamed and gyrated into his waist. Grunting, he sped up, hammering me, shoving that delicious c.o.c.k into me, and claiming my body as his. A tingling current surrounded my bud and set it on fire. Another o.r.g.a.s.m smashed into my body.

Panting, I whimpered, "Yes!"

"Who are you to me?" His gold eyes centered on me as he pierced me over and over with that hard sword. "Who are you to me?"

And with no doubt, my lips parted and I moaned, "Your queen."

A wet slapping noise progressed throughout the tent. Our scents mingled together-rose and the herbal aroma of tenna.

"I just can't get deep enough." He lifted me so his knees were still on the ground, but I was straddling his waist.

My hair fell down my back. I rode him as his c.o.c.k spread me open wider to fit him. His mouth returned to my breast, licking my nipple's tip. His fangs cut into my areola. A new craving pulsed through my veins. It was like I couldn't get enough of him, not his c.o.c.k or his fangs. Blood dripped down the side of my breast as he greedily drank from me and brought me to another climax within seconds. A drunken haze surrounded me.

"Samuel!" I dug my nails deeper in to his back and arched up into him, giving him all of me and not wanting this to ever end. He lifted his mouth from my breast and bit the other one. Molten energy throbbed at the bite. I screamed in bliss. He sucked as if he would never get a chance to drink from me again. Blood painted my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stomach.

I can stay inside of you all day, he whispered in my head.

And he tried, as we made love the whole morning and well beyond the afternoon, until we both pa.s.sed out in each other's arms, completely exhausted.

Chapter Nine.

I couldn't sleep. Stunned, I lay on Samuel's chest, wide awake and drowning in regret. I'll have to tell Ethan. Samuel's chest rose and fell. His heart pounded in my ears at an even pace. With each beat, I exhaled and inhaled my own breaths. It's like we're connected. I shut my eyes and focused on Ethan's image in my mind. Tears leaked from the corner of my eyes and spilled over.

What did I do? Am I that pitiful? I can't go a day with a man without keeping my legs closed?

Samuel was only my second lover, but so help me, it was like he'd destroyed me for anybody else. Even Ethan? My body pulsed with Samuel's energy as if he were still on top of me, pumping between my thighs. Phantom fangs continued to nip at my flesh. A constant vibration trembled on my nipples and c.l.i.toris. I clenched my shaking fingers into a fist. Yes. Even Ethan. Noise sounded outside of the tent. Without making too much of a racket, I sat up. Footsteps thumped our way. Voices came next.

I shook Samuel. "Somebody is outside."

Samuel's eyes snapped open. He sniffed the air. "Blasted blood pirates."

"What do we do?"

Stay inside the tent. His voice hit my mind with no restraint. They get a lot of money for finding dominas and dragging them back to the castle.

I searched for my dagger as I threw on my clothes quickly. I'm not going to sit in the tent and not do anything.

"Samuel the great pathfinder! I smell you. Come on out," a man with a deep voice said and clucked twice. "Your path ends here today."

Samuel's lips formed into a frown. His fangs pushed out. His eyes glowed with rage. Please, Brie. Stay in here. I know this one. He's no friend.

The tent ripped from around us and flung into the air. The night sky now hovered over us. A chilly breeze rushed by, freezing my bare skin. I clutched the dagger in my right hand and covered it with a blanket. Three ma.s.sive vampires with bra.s.s-colored eyes gazed down at me. They turned to me and more clucks ripped from their throats. The white-haired one did three short clucks and the others silenced.

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