Into The Wildewood Part 15

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No answer. Once Laurie got started partying there would be no stopping her.

Knot glared accusingly at Keelie, as if she could control her friend or had put the idea of going down to the tent into Laurie's head. She glowered back down at him. "This is your fault. I need your help to get her back to the RV."

He blinked at her, then sauntered off after Laurie, his fuzzy orange tail held high. Laurie pushed aside the heavy canvas door of the tent with her hand, and a soft golden glow from inside illuminated her. She held the tent flap back as Knot entered, like a VIP guest at a Hollywood party, then followed him. The flap dropped behind them and the light was gone, leaving Keelie in darkness.

She pulled herself over the fence after them and crossed the meadow, glancing back toward the dark woods. Einhorn was gone, and she was going to be in so much trouble. She already imagined the conversation she would have with Dad: "I had to follow her. Laurie's not used to Ren Faire party types." As if Keelie was. The unicorn would be no excuse, either. Dad would be furious and frightened that she'd tried to help Einhorn by herself. But the trees had called to her, not to Dad.

She entered the tent. Inside, lanterns hung from hooks atop long, twisted iron poles that were stuck in the ground. The floor was a jumble of bamboo mats, revealing meadow gra.s.s at the tent walls. An area had been part.i.tioned to one side with wooden screens, and at the far end of the tent, long panels of colorful gauze hung down, forming another room. The warm light of the lanterns cast a flickering spotlight on the Faire actor who played Robin Hood. He strummed a melody Keelie recognized: "Scarborough Fair."

Tonight, Robin Hood wore jeans and a light blue polo s.h.i.+rt with a black, long-sleeved T-s.h.i.+rt underneath. Whether in tights or mundane clothes, the guy was hot. He sang, looking into Laurie's eyes as she stood watching him adoringly, like an idiot fan. Any minute now she'd start drooling.

Suddenly self-conscious, Keelie wondered what this guy, who had hundreds of girls swooning at his feet every weekend, thought of two teenage girls wandering around in the middle of the night in pajama pants and T-s.h.i.+rts.

The song ended. Robin Hood smiled up at Laurie. "You're new."31 Laurie's lips curved up. "Please keep playing. I'm Laurie. What's your name?"

Robin Hood grinned as if he'd been offered a box of candy. "Hey there, Laurie. I'm Jared. What are you and your friend doing out in the middle of the night?"

"Stargazing." She batted her eyes.

The flirt! Keelie quickly sidled up to her.

Robin Hood arched an eyebrow. "I know you. Weren't you Plumpkin?"

"What's a Plumpkin?" Laurie frowned, unhappy that his attention had strayed.

"I'll explain it later." Keelie blushed all the way down to her toes. "Yep, lost the head and almost lost my job. You wouldn't happen to have seen a white cat? He belongs to my cat, Knot."

"Your cat has a cat." Laurie rolled her eyes.

Keelie wanted to stomp on her friend's foot for pointing out how ridiculous it sounded. Laurie didn't know the half of what Knot could do.

Jared laughed. "I haven't seen a white cat, but I did see you and that white horse. He came right to you. He's a wild one. A lot of the jousters have been trying to catch him, yet he seemed charmed by you."

Keelie suppressed a gasp. It occurred to her that she might be giving off that cinnamon smell, too, when she worked magic or communicated with the trees. She realized Laurie and Jared were looking at her, expecting a reply, and shrugged. "I just have a way with animals."

He smiled, and dimples popped out in his cheeks to match the small indentation in his chin. Too cute. "Your cat likes to come down here and listen to the music." He gestured toward Knot, who was was.h.i.+ng his tail. "He likes to hang out, although he hisses at the jousters sometimes." Knot rubbed up against the guitar and purred.

"Really?" Life wasn't fair, Keelie thought. First, Knot had hung out with the pirates at the High Mountain Faire, and now here he was with Robin Hood at the Wildewood. Of course, he'd traveled with Dad for decades. He'd probably seen lots of fun acts at Ren Faires throughout the years.

"Well, if you haven't seen the white cat, Laurie and I need to get back to the campground."

"No we don't. It's a lovely night-live for the moment. Knot knows how to have a good time." Laurie lowered her voice. "You've really gotten uptight since you left California. This is like something out of a movie: two teen girls wandering in the woods meet up with a really awesomely cute dude playing a guitar."

"Yeah, just before the guy with the chain saw shows up," Keelie muttered.

"Wrong movie. The only thing missing to really make it more fantastical is for a unicorn to show up, like the one on the wall at the Canooga Crystal Shoppe. Or maybe some fairies dancing around in a circle, leaving mushrooms behind to show the world they were here."

Keelie's laugh was shaky. She rubbed her hands over her arms to warm up.

"What?" Laurie picked up on Keelie's unease.

"I'm just cold."

Laurie rubbed her hands up and down her arms, too, squeezing them tight to her torso to deepen her cleavage. "You're right; it is getting cold, and we still have to hike back." She smiled at Jared. "It was nice meeting you. I'll look for you at the Faire."

"Would you two like some coffee before you go back? I just made a fresh pot. I have to stay awake to babysit the horses since all the other jousters have the crud."

"Are you kidding? I'd love some coffee," Laurie replied before Keelie could utter "no."

Hearing about the sick jousters, Keelie wanted to rush back and check on Dad. And she didn't want him hearing from the Faire workers she'd been hanging out in Rivendell.

Jared placed his guitar to the side and rose. Maybe one cup of coffee wouldn't hurt. But since there was no fire pit with a coffeepot on it, and no roaring generator outside disturbing the night, the coffee probably wasn't brewed. But maybe Laurie would lose her glazed groupie look if he served her the instant dreck.

"Come over to the Kasbah. That's what we call the inner room of our tent."

They followed Jared through the colorful strips of gauzy fabric and into a room straight out of the Arabian Knights. Fat silk pillows littered the carpet-covered floor, illuminated by flickering candles in tall iron holders. The room had a s.e.xy Silk Road caravan feel.

This had to be party central. The plump pillows had probably seen a lot of action, but Keelie didn't feel in danger. It was two against one.

She sat back against the pillows. It was really very comfortable. Laurie sprawled next to her, bright-eyed and looking like an invitation to a jail sentence. Maybe this hadn't been a good idea.


Jared didn't throw himself down between them, to Keelie's relief. Instead, he went to the tent's corner, where a Mr. Coffee sat on a wooden table. The "on" light glowed bright orange.

Keelie frowned. "How are you powering your coffeepot?" If she kept the focus away from Laurie, maybe they'd get out of here quickly.

Jared paused and pushed the tent wall back. A power strip was rigged to a huge plastic square. "Battery. We don't use it much, to conserve power. But I've got to stay up to watch the horses." He grinned at Keelie with his dimples set on high. "Can't leave civilization behind, can we, little dove?"

Little dove? Keelie smiled weakly at Laurie, who shot her a mock venomous look. Jared poured some coffee into a small green porcelain cup. Keelie smirked at her friend's reaction. She'd been called little dove, and Laurie hadn't. The scent from the cup wafted out to greet her, like a siren's call to her taste buds. Keelie smiled weakly at Laurie, who shot her a mock venomous look. Jared poured some coffee into a small green porcelain cup. Keelie smirked at her friend's reaction. She'd been called little dove, and Laurie hadn't. The scent from the cup wafted out to greet her, like a siren's call to her taste buds.

She accepted a green china cup with a chipped handle. Jared gave Laurie a white cup painted with delicate roses. Laurie's grateful smile was way over the top.

"Sorry about the random mugs. With all the traveling, we end up with a jumble of dishes."

"You travel from Faire to Faire?" Laurie blew on her coffee. "That's so gypsy-like."

Keelie could have kicked her, but Jared might notice.

Jared smiled. "Yeah, I'm on the circuit."

"Are you Robin Hood at every Faire?"

"No, different Faires have different themes. I audition just like everyone else. It depends on the role. Sometimes I just joust, and play the Queen's Champion or the Black Knight."

"I hear auditions are tough. At our school in L.A., our friend Ashlee was always auditioning for TV roles."

"Are you both from L.A.?" Jared sat down on a tall stack of pillows with his own steaming cup of brew.

"Yes, and I live still live there." Laurie probably thought he'd be impressed.

"And I'm living with my dad," Keelie replied with a grin. She was glad he wasn't falling for Laurie's flirtation.

Laurie leaned forward, still trying to act cute. "Are you doing another Faire after this one?"

"Nope. This is the last one of the season for me." Jared sipped his coffee and looked at Keelie. "How about you and your father?"

"This is our last Faire for the season, too. Dad spends the winter making furniture, so we're going to his home in the Dread Forest when this Faire closes."

"The Dread Forest?"

Was she supposed to keep the place a secret? Keelie couldn't remember. "I know it sounds like it's located in Transylvania, but it's in Oregon."

Knot sat next to Jared, who reached down absentmindedly to scratch the cat's ears. Knot closed his eyes contentedly, but his tail swished back and forth like a furry snake.

Laurie gave Keelie a "back off, he's mine" look. "So, are you alone here? We thought you were having a party."

"This is the party tent, but only the person on watch with the horses sleeps here. Something's been spooking them, so I'm on watch all night."

Keelie grinned at Laurie. "It was probably a bear."

Jared laughed. "I'm pretty sure there aren't any bears around here. It was probably that wild white horse. They get really upset whenever they see him."

"I saw him!" Laurie exclaimed. "Can't you catch him?" saw him!" Laurie exclaimed. "Can't you catch him?"

"Not yet. I was amazed that he let Keelie get so close."

He seemed ready to talk more about the mysterious white horse, so Keelie changed the conversation. "I can't wait for Laurie to see the Faire in action. You're very convincing as Robin Hood."

He preened. "Thanks. Have you seen the entire Robin Hood and his Merry Men story line played out?"

"No, I've been busy working as a Jill-of-the-Faire for Ms. Finch, and in my dad's shop."

"Ah, Finch, aka the Faire Dragon." Jared rolled his eyes and made a face. "Yeah, she's got all the acts scheduled to appear at the Maypole tomorrow. It's going to be a traffic jam, and if Sir Brine the Pickle Man shows up, then I'll shoot him with a bow and arrow myself."

"Faire Dragon?" Laurie looked confused. "Sir Brine?"

"I'll explain it all later." Keelie wasn't sure she understood it all herself. "Suffice to say, Finch is my boss, and you'll get the dubious pleasure of meeting her tomorrow."

"You're working?" Laurie's eyes were wide. "Like, a job?"

"Don't act all shocked." Another round of heat flushed Keelie's skin. "I have to."

"Well, I'm here to have fun. It's summer vacation." Laurie scooted closer to Jared and linked her arm through his elbow. "You're an actor and and a jouster. That's so cool. Sounds like I'm going to have lots of free time tomorrow. Maybe you could show me around." a jouster. That's so cool. Sounds like I'm going to have lots of free time tomorrow. Maybe you could show me around."

Jared cleared his throat. "I do have to be Robin Hood, so unfortunately I won't be able to tend thee, my fair lady."

"Well, I'll be sure to say 'hi' to you. Tell me, what's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to you at a Faire?"

Jared smiled and began telling Laurie tales of Rennie life. Keelie wanted to hit her with a pillow. It wasn't fair. Laurie could come to the Faire and play, and then return to her life in California. She'd waltzed into Keelie's new life, enchanted Sir Davey, and was now flirting with Robin Hood, while Keelie had been working her a.s.s off. The only thing she had to show for it was more work ahead, thanks to Dad and his ideas about learning values and building character.

Then a realization hit her like a cold slap. Dad would be waking up soon. Very soon.

"What time is it?"

Jared glanced at his watch. "Four thirty."

"Laurie, we need to get back or we're going to be grounded."

"Grounded by your dad? He's too sweet." Laurie gave Jared a syrupy smile. "So far I'm very impressed by the handsome men at this Faire."

Jared's gaze bounced from Keelie to Laurie. "Keelie's right. Her dad is tough. He sent a memo out to all the jousters saying they were to stay away from his daughter."

Keelie sat straight up, outraged. "He did what?"

"He wasn't fooling."

For the umpteenth time, Keelie blushed. "Laurie, it's time to go." Laurie cuddled closer to Jared.

"We're already in trouble just for leaving the RV. So what more can he do to us?"

The aspen heart talisman grew warm against Keelie's skin. She put a hand up to touch the T-s.h.i.+rt covering it. Was Einhorn back? It hadn't reacted to the unicorn before.

"Are we having a party?" The deep baritone voice came from just outside the colorful cloth wall. A man stepped through, and Keelie stared. He was a stranger, but he seemed familiar.

"Lord Niriel. I didn't know anyone else was up." Jared looked uncomfortable.

Laurie giggled. "It's so cool the way everyone calls each other Lord this and that."

Lord Niriel didn't seem amused. "You're supposed to be watching the horses, not entertaining ladies."

Keelie poked Laurie in the back, trying to get her to shut up. The man looked young, but there was something about him that said he was much older. He was in shape, with broad shoulders and a small waist, and he had a majestic face with an aquiline nose. Although the only sign of age was a couple of wrinkles that creased at the corners of his eyes, wisdom clung to him like a cloak. He looked as if he should be wearing long robes, but he was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved polo s.h.i.+rt with a s.h.i.+ny leaf embroidered on the left pocket.

Jared stood with athletic grace and bowed from the waist. "Lord Niriel, you were right, the white horse returned." He motioned to Keelie. "I saw it go to Keelie."

Lord Niriel arched an eyebrow. "Ah, Keelie Heartwood. So your charm extends to stray horses. I would think collecting jousters' hearts would be work enough for you."

Jared looked at her with renewed interest.

Keelie's heart raced. "I don't know what you're talking about." He meant Sean, of course. Her palms were sweaty at the thought of him. She wiped her hands on her pajama pants and hoped she didn't smell like cinnamon.

"Hi, I'm Laurie. I'm staying with Keelie." Laurie's hand stuck out, daring Lord Niriel not to shake.

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