Into The Wildewood Part 13

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Keelie hoped that Laurie wouldn't buy the oak leaf for her own piercing. Instead, Laurie reached for a navel ring with a unicorn charm attached to it.

"Less is more, maybe, but this is too cute!" She dangled it in the air and pointed to the painting of the unicorn on the wall. "Looks just like it, doesn't it?"

Keelie stared at the painting. The unicorn glowed like silvery moonlight, and the artist had painted little starbursts all around it and at the tip of its horn. Keelie wondered what Laurie would do if she knew what a real unicorn looked like-and that Keelie had seen one.


On the way back to the Faire, Sir Davey drove while Keelie and Laurie sat in the backseat. Keelie made sure Laurie sat behind the driver's seat so that she didn't notice that Sir Davey's feet didn't reach the pedals. At least he was going through the motions of pretending to drive. Keelie hoped that this wasn't how Laurie's whole stay would be, with Keelie trying to keep her from seeing her new, hidden world.

"So, will I get to meet your man, Sean?" Laurie's eyes crinkled with curiosity. "Last I heard, he was working at a Florida Renaissance Faire."

"Yeah, and I haven't heard from him. Nothing's changed." The thought of Sean, far away, made her glum. Their kiss seemed long ago, not just a few weeks past. And not hearing from him made the time seem so much longer.

"I can't believe you haven't touched a phone since St. Louis. How do you exist? So does Sean email? Is he on Mys.p.a.ce?"

"I don't go online much anymore," Keelie admitted. More like, at all. Laurie would find out soon enough that they were practically living in the Middle Ages. "How are things at Baywood?"

Laurie made a face. "I failed most of my, even though Mom redid my room in 'get good grades' colors. She moved my furniture all around, too, because she said the bad feng shui was holding me back. I think it was spending time at the mall with Trent. I pa.s.sed history, though, which is good because Mom said that if I studied she'd buy me the peridot-and-amethyst necklace and earrings that I really wanted." Laurie's stream of words dried up and her expression turned serious. "It's not the same without you. School's not the same. Shopping's not the same. I miss you."

Keelie's chest tightened. "I miss you, too." She was about to get teary, but Laurie let out a laugh and punched her shoulder.

"Yeah, right, last time we talked, you were on the road with your Pops and totally excited about something. You said you were going to tell me what it was all about, but so far, nada. Was it about Sean?"

"I wish." She couldn't tell a mundane about the elves and the other world. For one, Laurie would think she was nuts. "Maybe it was about the pirates." The High Mountain Faire had been infested with pirates, handsome ones who were mostly very naughty. As in, a-girl-could-really-get-into-trouble-hanging-with-them kind of naughty.

"Oh! Details."

Sir Davey had an ear c.o.c.ked their way. Not that he would overhear on purpose, maybe, but he was her dad's best friend. But she didn't want him to know just how friendly she had been with the pirates, especially Captain Dandy Randy. Keelie whispered, "We'll talk later."

Laurie raised her eyebrows. "Gotcha."

As if on cue, Sir Davey inserted a CD and a rollicking drumbeat started, joined by flutes and fiddles.

Laurie's eyes widened. "I love Irish music!"

"This is Rigadoon. They play at the Faire." Keelie had heard the band at the Fletcher's Row stage when she'd been in the Plumpkin costume. She whispered, "They're also famous for doing the music at the drinking parties at Rivendell, the Faire's party spot. Dad says they're as bad as pirates." She laughed. "He called them rogues."

Laurie grinned, eyes twinkling, and wriggled in her seat belt as if she were already dancing at the party.

Keelie thought that with Laurie along, she might gather up the courage to join in the merriment. It would be great to get away from all the tree troubles, and with the elves sick and at the lodge, maybe Rivendell would be more fun-not that the elves ever mixed with the humans.

"Rogues." Laurie s.h.i.+vered, smiling. "They sound exciting and scary. What do these Rigadoon rogues look like?"

"They're all different. Tall, short, fat, skinny, bearded, and bald. All of them are incredibly talented and incredibly weird, and so so not boyfriend material." not boyfriend material."

"So, where is is the so-called boyfriend material around here? I'm ready for a summer fling." the so-called boyfriend material around here? I'm ready for a summer fling."

Sir Davey made a noise that might have been a snort of laughter. Laurie glared at the back of his head.

"Some of the actors are really cute. You should see the guy who plays Robin Hood. Yummy." Keelie hugged herself to show how totally delicious she found Robin Hood.

Sir Davey's eyes met hers in the rearview mirror. He was sending her severe parental vibes.

Keelie smiled innocently at him, then turned to look out the window. She was catching snippets of each tree as they pa.s.sed by, one big blurry sense of leafy green flas.h.i.+ng in her mind. Unlike the forest around the Wildewood Faire, everything seemed to be fine in the forest around Canooga Springs-except for a few distressing seconds, when she'd picked up a sense of desperation in the trees, wanting her, calling out to her for help. And then, like a dropped call on her cell phone (when she'd had one), it was gone.

Maybe she was stressed. She wondered how she was going to hide the tree magic from Laurie. Did she even want her to know? Laurie was her last tie to her old life. If she knew about the other world, then it would blur the line between her old life and her new one, a line already shaky since she'd remembered seeing the fairies and feeling the trees as a child. Keelie thought of the times she wanted to remember, and the moments slid through her mind like the pa.s.sing landscape: she and Laurie at the beach with the cute surfers in the background, at the mall trying on goofy hats, and talking and teasing about Trent. Laurie was still living this life, which was now closed to her.

Sir Davey pulled into the Faire's main parking lot instead of the campground. "I have a meeting with some of the performers in a few minutes. Show Laurie around, Keelie. I'll drive the car around to the RV when I'm done, and you girls can help me unload."

Keelie steeled herself. Time to introduce Laurie to her new life. Things would never be the same between them. She hugged her friend, and Laurie hugged her back, surprised.

"You dope. It hasn't been that long." Laurie jumped out of the Wagoneer. "Thank you for coming to pick me up, Sir Davey." She curtseyed, a movement that should have looked dumb in street clothes, but instead looked natural. Watch out Elia. Laurie's California-blonde good looks would rival the elf girl's any day of the week.

"Everything is quiet until the weekends," Keelie told her friend. "But most of the folk live here and camp by the river. It'll get livelier tomorrow."

They strolled through the gates, and Laurie looked up, interested in the towers and the medieval-looking architecture. Keelie saw it through her friend's eyes and was struck by how pretty it was, with flowers bursting from window boxes and brightly colored banners and shop signs everywhere.

Their trip toward the campground took them near the Admin building. Keelie s.h.i.+vered and looked up the path, dark from the forest canopy above it. She looked around for Elianard. She hated the way he popped out of thin air, his derisive tone of voice being the only warning he was there. Keelie shuddered. Of course, it could be because of the Admin building, lair to the living, breathing, human dragon. She'd have to face Finch tomorrow, and with Elianard lurking around in the woods, Keelie would stay away. Right now, she'd just enjoy the moment with Laurie.

Heartwood's simple wooden structure was deserted, but Dad had left them a little note tacked to an outer post: "Come to Janice's for lunch. Dad."

Dad was back! Suddenly lighter, Keelie thought he must be better. She grabbed Laurie's hand. "Come on. You'll love Janice."

They pa.s.sed Lulu's shop, and Laurie's feet slowed. Her mouth hung open as she stared at the gingerbread house. "I want a puppet."

Alarmed, Keelie pulled her past the enchanted building. "Believe me, you don't."

Laurie shook her head as if to shake a bad feeling off. "No, I don't. I never liked puppets. They're creepy." She looked back at Lulu's shop. "For minute there I really wanted one. Weird."

Keelie glanced at her friend. Most humans would fall under the spell and then out again without ever noticing, but Laurie had sensed its pa.s.sing. Interesting.

Ahead was the thatched roof of Janice's two-story cottage. "Janice runs the herb shop, and she's so into herbal cures and remedies. You'll love her."

"You told me about her. She's Raven's mom, right? Is Raven here?"

"Not yet. She had a summer job in New York, at Doom Kitty, but she's leaving there early to come help her mom." Keelie didn't want to say any more until she found out the whole story.

"Wow. Doom Kitty? That must be incredible. I'm glad she's coming." Laurie looked around at the little wooden buildings. "This place is amazing. I've never been to a Renaissance Faire. Do people live in these little fairy houses?"

"Fairy houses are mostly moss and sticks, like little nests. These are cottages, and yes, some of the merchants live in the back or above their shops. Just like in the real Renaissance. Although, strictly speaking, this is a Medieval Faire, since the theme is Robin Hood."

"Don't go all geeky on me, girl," Laurie cautioned.

Keelie's face got hot. She totally was geeking out. She knocked lightly on Janice's door, then pushed it open. Red-wood from California gave off the suns.h.i.+ne of home, and the spicy smell of the forest floor.

They walked into the tiny vestibule. To the right, the shop was dark, with the counters covered in cloth to protect them from dust. The smell of herbs, soaps, and potions was intoxicating. She glanced at Laurie to see if it had the same effect on her.

Laurie's eyes gleamed in the dim light. "Can we go in here?"

"Maybe later. Let's go upstairs." The bare wooden stairs led up to the tiny loft apartment.

To Keelie's relief, Dad was up and dressed. He sat on the futon, b.u.t.toning a white poet's s.h.i.+rt, its billowing sleeves and ruffled cuffs very different from his usual straight, woodsy tunic. His dark blue jeans were tucked inside his Ren Faire boots, and he'd pulled his hair back loosely, his ears still covered.

"Hey Dad, feeling better?"

Knot sat on the futon beside him, purring. A day of sleep had done the two of them a lot of good. There was no sign of the stray white cat.

"I'm much better." Dad rose, smiling. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Keelie gave him a look that she hoped he would read as, don't use elven charm on Laurie don't use elven charm on Laurie. She'd talked to him in her head once before, when they'd battled the Red Cap in the High Mountain meadow.

To introduce Laurie, Keelie swept her hand in a "ta-da" gesture. Her friend's mouth was hanging open. Apparently, Dad didn't need to use elven charm to impress her. His looks were enough. Keelie sighed loudly. "Dad, this is Laurie. Laurie, this is my dad."

He held out his hand. Laurie stopped gaping and looked back at Keelie, mouthing "Oh my G.o.d" at her, then turned to accept Zeke's hand. "Nice to meet you, Keelie's Dad. Mr. Heartwood. Sir."

He smiled as he gently removed his hand. Laurie looked at Keelie, then back again at Dad. "Thank you for letting me visit," she said. "I've really missed Keelie. We used to get into all kinds of trouble together. It's tough when you lose, like, your partner in crime."

Dad arched an eyebrow and cleared his throat. "I'm glad your mother allowed you to come. When I spoke to her, she was interested in the educational opportunities the Faire had to offer, along with the experience of traveling out east."

Laurie motioned with her hand. "Mom was thrilled when you called and invited me to come out."

Dad had called to invite her? Like melting chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven, Keelie's insides went all warm and gooey. He'd remembered how much Laurie meant to her.

Janice appeared, wearing her beautiful purple and white gown and holding a bowl full of fragrant loose herbs. "You're back."

"Laurie, this is Janice, herbalist extraordinaire." If Keelie's voice was a teeny bit frosty, it was because she was still a little miffed about the 'no watch, oh, look at the time' incident. "Why are you in costume?"

"Photo op for the newspapers." She straightened Zeke's collar.

Laurie's elbow dug into her ribs. Yeah, so the Zekester and Janice were an item, even if he didn't know it. So what? She cleared her throat. "What did you give Dad and Knot to make them better?"

"Dragonberry tea."

"Dragonberry tea?" Laurie laughed. "That sounds so My Little Pony. Remember playing My Little Pony?"

"Oh yeah. I had the stable, but you had the ranch, and when you got mad you wouldn't let my ponies come over and play." Keelie hadn't thought it was funny at the time.

"Yeah well, you never let me play with your old wooden dollhouse. You always shrieked if I touched it."

"Oh, yeah." Keelie's cheeks burned with embarra.s.sment. She never wanted any of her friends, even her best friend, to touch the dollhouse Dad had made for her. How she'd longed to have him in her life back then. She turned to him and smiled. Now she had him, rather than a subst.i.tute dollhouse.

He was smiling at her, pleased to hear how she'd valued the toy he'd made for her.

"Dad, I almost forgot. I bought these for you." She reached into the plastic Canooga Springs Crystal Shoppe bag and pulled out the green velvet pouch of healing stones. "Sir Davey helped me pick them out for you."

Dad tugged at the drawstring and let the stones fall into his other hand. "Thank you, Keelie. I may have more need of these than you know."

"Sir Davey brought the car around to the parking area," Janice said to Laurie. "I'm going to have some of the Merry Men unload your luggage and put it in Sir Davey's camper. Keelie, why don't you take your friend on a tour of the Faire before it's crowded with mundanes?"

"We were actually in the middle of a tour when we found Dad's note." Keelie wasn't anxious to go outside again.

"Lunch is just sandwiches, but I thought you girls would be hungry." Janice produced a platter piled high with them.

"I'm totally in love with the Faire." Laurie took a sandwich. "It's so picturesque. I even like the terminology. Mundanes-how medieval. Like serfs or something."

"You said it." Keelie helped herself to a sandwich. "So this photo op, is it for the Faire?" She thought of the reporter the elves were worried about.

Dad smiled rea.s.suringly. "It's a promo shot for an ad, Keelie." He stood up. "And we need to get going."

Janice patted the girls' shoulders as she headed to the stairs. "Laurie, if you need garb, just say the word."

"I'll say the word, all right." Laurie looked at Keelie. "Garb?"


"Oh. Cool."

They finished lunch, then cleaned up, working cautiously in the tiny s.p.a.ce to avoid a concussion.

"Ready to continue the tour?" Keelie glanced around the little s.p.a.ce, spotless once more.

"Totally." Laurie jumped up.

Knot bolted from the futon, ran to the door, and stopped, waiting for them to open it.

"You can't go with us." Keelie glared at Knot.

He blinked up at her. His tail swished back and forth on the floor like a fuzzy samba dancer.

"Cute kitty. Is he yours?"

"This," Keelie swept a hand dramatically toward him, "is Knot."

"The Evil Kitty? No. It can't be. He's so cute and fluffy. I can't believe you called him a demon cat straight from the pits of the feline netherworld." Laurie smiled down at him. "Cutie."

Knot lifted his head to stare up at Keelie, eyes narrowed to slits. His tail swished faster, kicking up dust motes.

Keelie knew he was mad, and that she would pay for that comment. She nudged Knot to one side with her tennis shoe. "Stay here, Snot."

He purred and s.h.i.+fted to sit on her foot.

"Get your fuzzy b.u.t.t off my toe, Knot the Snot."

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