What's Left Of Me Part 5

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I don't move. He's turning around.


He's still speaking, but I don't pay attention to anything he says. I just watch his mouth move as he follows my sister into the living room. That's when I see his face.

"f.u.c.k. Me," I whisper loud enough for Jason to hear.

Jason starts laughing so loudly it causes me to jump. I forgot he was still standing next to me. "Oh, Aundrea, you're going to fit in perfectly with the girls," he says, continuing to laugh as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I can feel his body shaking with every laugh.

It's then I notice that Parker is staring straight into my hazel eyes. Mouth agape.

I can't breathe.

I can't move.

I can't hear anything.

The man I slept with last night is now standing in my sister's house.

Holy freaking h.e.l.l.

"Come on, let me introduce you," Jason says as he drags me to Parker. It's a good thing he's guiding me because I would still be stuck on the bottom step.

Parker's eyes don't leave mine.

My eyes don't leave Parker.

"Parker, this is Aundrea. Aundrea, this is Parker." Neither of us makes a move. I just stand looking at him. This cannot be happening to me.

Of course it is! Everything happens to me.

Clearing his throat, Parker reaches his hand out, taking mine in his grasp. Shaking my hand, he smiles. "Nice to formally meet you, Aundrea."

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out, so I close it. Jason starts to laugh again. I elbow his side, which causes him to laugh harder. If only he knew how funny this really is. And I don't mean that lightly.

Finding my voice, I reply, "Yeah, uh, it's nice to meet you too." This causes him to give me a wide smile. Jason doesn't stop laughing. Genna says something to him, and he instantly becomes quiet.

"Dinner is done. Why don't we go eat?" she asks, giving Jason a stern look.

I can't eat. I'm sitting across the table from Parker. He doesn't appear to be affected by my presence as I am by his. He carries on a conversation through the whole dinner with Genna and Jason. I nod when needed. Smile when indicated. Laugh when they do. All while not paying attention to anything they're saying.

"Aundrea?" I hear my name, but I don't know who said it.


"I was just telling Parker here how you'll be helping out around the office," Genna says, taking a break between bites.

Looking at Parker, I find my voice. "Oh, I'm not helping there. It was brought up, but I'll be too busy with school."

"Cla.s.s is only onli-"

"Wednesdays. Not to mention I signed up to help tutor," I interrupt. I specify Wednesdays because that's my chemo day.

"Since when?" she counters, giving me an odd expression.


"It's Sunday." Oops.

"I emailed my instructor today and told him I would. He emailed the cla.s.s last week to ask who would be interested."

"Riiiight." She knows I'm lying.

"Well, if you'll excuse me. I'm not very hungry." I stand up from the table.

Genna lets out a soft sigh. "Aundrea." Her eyes plead with me. She looks at my barely touched plate, then back at me, but she doesn't have to say anything. I can see it in her sad eyes. She's doing it. Trying to tell me that I need to eat. I contemplate sitting back down, but then remember who is across from me.

I look at Parker. I try to put on a fake smile for my sister and Jason. "Parker, it was great meeting you. Maybe I'll see you around."

Or not.

I leave the dining room and head toward the stairs. I can hear Parker mumble something to Genna and Jason, but I don't turn back. Instead, I take the steps two at a time.

When I make it into my room, my heart is pounding so fast. I go to push my door closed, but it's stopped. There's a hand pus.h.i.+ng it back open. Parker.

Parker walks into my room, closing my door quietly behind him.

"You left." I don't think he's talking about just now.

He takes a step toward me. I take a step back. He's looking at me with those eyes. The ones from the bar. The ones with fire. I suddenly can't breathe again. I look at his lips and back up into his eyes.

"Look, Parker. I don't usually go home with strange men, or strangers for that matter. I promise after this moment I won't bring up last night again, or even think about it. It won't happen again, and I swear I won't tell Jason. So, your secret of s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g your boss' sister-in-law is safe with me." I make a zipper motion across my lips when I say the last part.


"Never. I never go home with strange men."

"You think I'm strange?"

"Yes. I mean, no." I'm fl.u.s.tered because all I can think about is me on his couch and him holding my hands above my head while thrusting inside of me. "Are we done?" I ask, trying to get back to the topic on hand.


Okay, then.

He walks toward me, causing me to into the bed. He's so close. Close enough that I can smell his cologne. Why does he have to smell so good?

"I want to make sure we are on the same page. First, I hope what you said about not ever thinking about last night isn't true because it's all I can think about. And second, I hope it does happen again. As a matter of fact, I'm counting on it."

With that, he turns and walks out the door.

Chapter Five.

Monday goes by quickly, and I don't think about Parker once.

Okay, that's a lie.

His d.a.m.n blue eyes and strong hands are all I can think about. Every time I think about what he said to me the evening prior, I smile. I can't help it. Genna knows something is up and keeps pressing for answers, but I don't know what to tell her.

Sorry, I'm reminiscing about your husband's new employee f.u.c.king me on his couch and then threatening that it will happen again.

Um, no thanks. Instead, I play it off as having had a really good weekend out. I'll tell her about Parker ...


Dr. Bradley, my new general surgeon, places my port without any difficulty. It's a simple procedure than can be done under sedation. It sits just below my left collarbone. You can see it underneath my skin, pressing up like a small grape. It's not too noticeable unless someone is close-or, I guess you'd be able to see it poking through if my clothing were tight. But, to me, it's very noticeable. Every scar or mark on my body that is related to my cancer is noticeable.

There's an inch and a half long scar on the right side of my neck where the first biopsy was done, and where, later, a lump was removed. There's one by my left collarbone from my previous port. I had to get that one removed because it became infected. At that time, I only had two chemo treatments left, so they did it through an IV instead of replacing it.

There is a two-inch scar under my right arm and discoloration on the right side of my neck, reaching down onto my chest and under my right arm from the radiation I went through. It forms a large square and might appear to be a birthmark to someone who didn't know any better. There is a black tattoo dot by my right shoulder that was used for the radiation beam. It looks like a small, dark mole from a distance.

All these scars and marks are the painful reminders of what I've had to go through to get to this very second. It may not seem like a lot, but to me, they're battle scars. I have to face them every morning when I wake up and every night when I crawl into bed. No matter how many times I try to forget, they're always there looking back at me in the mirror. Just when I get over them, or look past them, my family will make a comment and it will all come back. I am always reminded. This doesn't even include my thoughts on my hair, or all the marks from the needle sticks, trying to find a vein for hundreds of blood draws.

I spend Tuesday doing some online course work for my calculus cla.s.s. Since graduating high school three years ago, I've taken as many college credits as I can. I'm not doing them in any order. I sign up for what looks interesting at the time. Different science and math mainly. Some literature I don't know what my future holds, but when I do, I'll be ready.

When the evening comes, Genna and I decide to watch a movie.

"Hey, I made popcorn," Genna announces as she joins me on the couch. One hand is holding an orange Rachael Ray bowl with extra b.u.t.tery popcorn and the other has a small gla.s.s dish with pickle juice. No one can sit near us when we do this, but they shouldn't judge us until they try it. Popcorn dipped in pickle juice is so good! I don't have to be pregnant to know that.

Reaching my hand into the bowl, I grab a handful.

"Thanks." I dip each kernel into the pickle juice before placing them one by one in my mouth. The salty taste mixed with the tang of the pickle juice is heaven on my tongue.

She puts on some horror movie with unknown actors that she finds on TV. It's the typical movie where the girl is at home-alone-being attacked, and runs upstairs instead of out the front door. It's funny how the cell phone always goes dead or is out of service when she's about to be attacked. So stupid! I can't help but roll my eyes at the movie choice.

"So... Are you going to tell me what was up Sunday night?" she asks, not taking her eyes off the movie.

Following her same notion, I reply, "What do you mean?" I know what she means.

"I thought you wanted to help Jason around the clinic. What changed?"

Parker. "Nothing."


She does that. Will just say my name with this sad tone, then stop. Like she wants to continue, but doesn't want to argue.

"I'm just not sure I will be up to it. I can't commit to anything just yet."

"I understand. I think."

We continue to watch the cheesy horror movie, calling out what's going to happen next before it does. Genna orders take-out Chinese for us after the movie is over.

As we sit cross-legged on the floor, leaning against the couch with boxes of noodles, rice, chicken, vegetables, and egg rolls arranged in front of us, Genna brings up the one topic of conversation I want to crawl away and hide from.

"What did you think of Parker last night? He's nice, huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't really talk to him much." Nope. I just stared at his full lips. Wis.h.i.+ng they were on mine.

"He's from Florida. He went to the University of Florida's College of Veterinary Medicine, and grew up on Jupiter Island."

"For someone who only met him briefly you seem to know his life story."

She laughs. "I asked Jason."

Of course she did. She has to know everything about everybody.

"Okay, so what's Jupiter Island?"

"Aundrea! It's where Celine Dion has a house. I think Tiger Woods has a place there, too. Well, that's what Jason said. There are a lot of nice homes there, according to Google. I looked it up once he mentioned Celine and Tiger. It's like a private little town, but not gated or anything, so people can drive through."

"So he has money?" I ask.

"Um, I'm not sure. But Jason said his dad is some investment banker guy, so I think it's his family that has money, not necessarily him. But, I mean, he is a veterinarian now, so he'll be making pretty d.a.m.n good money."

Typical. Good-looking doctor, who happens to come from money. This couldn't be any better than if I were reading it in one of my books.

"And"-she nudges me with her shoulder-"Jason said he's single."

I shake my head at her, but smile. "I'm not looking for anything."

"I know. You always say that, but when are you going to be looking for something? It's okay to date, Aundrea. To go out. Have fun."

"I go out."

"I mean with a guy."

"I do."

"Who is not your friend."

"I don't want complications. I have enough going on." I've tried dating, but it causes too many complications, so I avoid it as much as possible.

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