What's Left Of Me Part 21

What's Left Of Me -

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Ignoring those around me, and not paying attention to the others trying to get the bartender's attention, I speak loudly, giving the good-looking gentleman my drink order. "I'll take a gla.s.s of Brut, please." It's not your fancy champagne, but it's cheap, which is all I care about. I can't drink it, but it helps me get Parker's attention. I'll give the drink to Shannon or Genna.

I don't know if this is an open bar or not, so I open my clutch to grab some cash when I see someone lay a twenty on the bar top.


I want to play hard to get with Parker, or at least see how long it takes for him to recognize me. My fire red wig is long and curly and my makeup is extra thick, playing up the cartoon look. I have on purple eyeshadow, multiple layers of mascara and eyeliner, and bright red lipstick. Completing my Jessica Rabbit look is a long, red, strapless sequined dress, slit to mid-thigh, and purple over-the-elbow gloves. It's s.e.xy, yet

Genna gave me a necklace to help camouflage my chemo port and applied a little makeup to help it blend. No one will notice unless they specifically look for it.

When the bartender gives me my champagne, I rest the flute between my fingers, allowing the bubbles to settle. Looking across the bar, I notice the men on the other side stop their conversation and watch me. I like the power I have over them, and only hope I'm giving Parker the same feeling.

I turn to my right slightly, giving Parker a glimpse of me, and give him a wink. He gives me a slow, s.e.xy grin. Turning all the way around, I come face to face with him, thanks to my high heels, and lean toward his ear. "It looks as if someone has been a bad boy," I whisper softly which causes him to groan in response.

I've never said those words to anyone before, and I silently thank Jessica for giving me the extra courage.

Parker reaches out to grab my waist, but I move out of his grasp to lean back against the bar. His eyes roam slowly over my body, taking in every inch and curve. When he meets my twinkling eyes, I can see the pa.s.sion in his own; the consent.

Parker brings his hand back to my waist, gripping tightly, and pulls me roughly back into him. He has no shame about showing those around us that I am his.

His. I like the sound of that.

"You have no idea how bad a boy I've been," he says seductively as he looks at my lips. Not caring who is around us, I bring my mouth up to his, but wait to bring them together. We've never kissed in public before, but I don't care anymore. I'm tired of pretending. I'm tired of being his friend. I want more.

I need more. And I don't care who knows. Not anymore.

I brush my lips against his and run my tongue along his bottom lip before pulling it between my teeth and biting down gently. All thoughts of people watching us are out of my mind. It's just us. It has only ever been us.

He growls into my mouth, stamping his approval. Bringing his hand up, he cups my neck, holding me in place. I can smell the hard liquor on his breath mixed with his sweet scent.

Just as I'm about to capture his mouth, the sound of a throat being cleared behind me brings me back to reality. Gradually, I move back and out of Parker's grasp. His eyes are foggy and don't leave mine. I know I've got him hooked, so I give him a devious grin before turning on my heel, leaving him with Batman.

I find Shannon shortly after I leave Parker at the bar, and hang out with her. She keeps letting random men come up to her and blow her whistle.

It starts to get obnoxious. Seriously.

No matter where we are in the ballroom, Parker and I always seem to know where the other is. We maintain eye contact all night. It's as if there is a magnetic pull forcing us toward each other. Every time his eyes land on mine, he gives me his famous wink that now melts my heart whenever I see it. And, whenever I pa.s.s by him, I flirtatiously rub up against him in just the right places. It's become a game between the two of us. A slow, seductive game that can only lead to one thing.

Genna catches up with me just before we have to sit down for dinner, letting Jason mingle with the guests first.

"Parker can't take his eyes off you tonight, Dre. Every time I look over, he's looking directly at you. That man has it bad," Genna says loudly in front of Shannon.

"You and Parker, huh?" Shannon teases. She's been hinting at the two of us being more than friends for a few weeks now, but I have been denying her accusations.

I shrug and take a small sip of my water, wis.h.i.+ng it were champagne.

When it's time for dinner, we make our way over to find our table. We stop to collect our place cards first. Genna made Jason do some rearranging at the last minute to allow me to sit at their table.

There are three long rectangular tables filled with dark chocolate cupcakes with white frosting and headstones in the centers. On each headstone are our names and table numbers. Finding my cupcake, I make my way to table seven. Lucky number seven.

Genna, Jason, Shannon, Parker, Bryn, Batman, and Catwoman are all seated at my table. Parker pulls out a chair and nods his head for me to sit, so I do.

Bryn takes the seat next to Parker.

I don't hide my eye roll.

"Are you having a good night so far?" I ask Parker.

"Very much. Are you?"

"More than you know."

As dinner is served, I pay little attention to the discussions happening around me. My only focus is on Parker. His hand keeps drawing small circles on my thigh, shooting electric bolts down my leg and into my toes. I keep trying to act unaffected by his touch, but when his hand moves higher up my thigh, I lose all focus. Closing my eyes, I take in his soft touch gliding leisurely up my leg, closer to the top of the slit in my dress, which now sits higher up on my thigh thanks to my sitting position.

My breath catches and my eyes fly open as his fingers make contact with the fabric that sits between my thighs. Looking around the table, I see that no one is paying any attention to us. Parker is talking to the guy across from him, so no one would even fathom what is happening under the table.

Just as I'm about to reach under the table to grab his hand, he slips a finger inside the fabric, brus.h.i.+ng my smooth skin gently.

The first time we were together, I had a landing strip that covered my now naked skin. Since my second chemo, I've lost all hair below the waist. The bareness of me must catch him by surprise because there is a soft intake of breath from his slightly parted lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he leans back into his chair, adjusting himself before settling in a more comfortable position.

The smile that spreads across my face is difficult to hide and, apparently, it doesn't go unnoticed by Genna.

"What are you so happy about?" Genna asks.

Parker lets out a faint laugh.

Ignoring him, and trying to ignore his finger between my thighs, I reply-convincingly, I hope-"Oh, nothing. Just their conversation." I don't look at her when I say it for fear she'll call my bluff. I don't even know what the conversation going on around me is, and silently hope it wasn't about any poor animals.

Genna goes back to talking to Shannon, and I'm thankful for the long table because Parker pushes my thighs apart and slips his finger inside of me. Swallowing hard, I reach under the table and grip his thigh, but he slips in another finger, causing me to loosen my grip and give him all the access he needs.

I look at him, and he gives me a wicked grin followed by a wink before turning away and resuming his conversation.

The voices around me turn m.u.f.fled as I pay them no attention. Parker doesn't move his fingers fast or forcefully. He takes his time, teasing me. He slides his fingers in and out, running them up my sleek folds. When he reaches my swollen bud, he circles it before working his way back down and inside me again. He does this a few times before focusing all his attention on the spot where I need him.

He continues to move in soft, slow circles, causing pressure to build within me. I squeeze his thigh, under the table while my other hand holds tightly to my water gla.s.s. I desperately want to bring the water to my lips to cool myself off, but I know I won't be able to bring it to my mouth without shaking, so I leave the gla.s.s where it is.

Parker continues to talk to the group as if nothing is out of the ordinary, allowing me to try and monitor my breathing by acting intrigued by the conversation taking place. I'm thankful when Jason says something that causes everyone to burst out in a loud rumble of laughter. It's that moment that Parker rubs me faster and with just enough force to send me over the edge, letting my m.u.f.fled cry of pleasure mix with the laughter surrounding us.

Once I'm able to regulate my breathing, Parker leans over and whispers, "Now that just turned my good evening into a f.u.c.king fantastic evening." He gives my temple a soft peck.

When dessert arrives, Genna and I are deep in conversation about some new romantic comedy that's opening next weekend and how we should go together.

I feel a soft kick from under the table that takes my attention away from Genna. Shannon focuses her gaze across the table on Parker and Bryn. Bryn has her head tilted back, laughing in her annoying high-pitched voice while resting one hand on his and the other on his shoulder.

A surge of anger takes over. Not jealousy, but I don't like it, and I hate that I'm affected by it. I don't play dirty, but I can. And I will. I'll show him just how dirty I can play.

Pus.h.i.+ng my chair back, I start to stand.

"Yeah, you go show them who is boss," Shannon says calmly, and I let out a little giggle.

I don't like confrontation. I never have. And I won't start tonight. I'm simply going to stake my claim with Parker, letting Bryn know once and for all who he is interested in. It's not like working for him and Jason is a real job. Yes, it's money in my pocket, but I don't need it. I can walk away anytime. I don't care about the ramifications. I only care about her keeping her hands off what's mine.

Parker looks over his shoulder at me and raises his eyebrows. Bryn takes her hand off his shoulder and places it on his chest, patting it lightly to get his attention back on her. I let out an inner happy dance when he places it onto the table, while still looking up at me.

I reach down, resting my hand on the shoulder that Bryn was just touching. Maybe my touch will take away her mark? I wonder why he didn't shrug Bryn off earlier. I know I'm being childish, but it's hard dealing with these emotions when I've never experienced them.


"h.e.l.lo," he whispers, bringing his hand up and locking it behind my neck, pulling my head closer to his. I can feel all eyes on us, and I don't care. I want everyone to know that I am with Parker.

With his free hand, he reaches for mine, twining our fingers together and joining our lips. It's a quick, simple, kiss. Pulling back, he looks up into my eyes. No words are needed between us. I know what he's thinking by his look of desire.

I grip his hand tighter, pulling him up from his seat and away from the group. I have to fight the urge to not look at the table, or at Bryn, as I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning into him for another kiss. He wraps his arms around my lower back and meets me with the same gentle kiss as before. It's effortless. No tongue. No open mouth. Just our lips touching. Staying locked on one another. It says everything I need it to say. He's mine.

When we break from the kiss, I look at Bryn. If there was any doubt about the status of our relations.h.i.+p before, it was just erased.

Parker Cade Jackson is mine.

I lead Parker out of the ballroom and back down the webbed hallway toward the elevators. Neither of us speak during the ride to his floor, or when I lead him off the elevator. He takes the lead, pulling me toward his room.

He fumbles with his key card, and I can't help but laugh.

He holds the door open for me and I enter the pitch black room slowly. I make my way past the small hallway, opening up into the main room, where my eyes land on the king sized bed.

As I turn around to face Parker, I feel him press into my back, exposing just how excited he is. Wrapping his arm around the front of my waist, he pulls me roughly against him, so I'm even closer.

I close my eyes.

"Aundrea," he breathes out, lowering his head into the crook of my neck while pus.h.i.+ng my red hair off my shoulder, exposing my bare skin. My eyes stay closed as I feel his lips come down. Leisurely, he traces small kisses up my neck and behind my ear. "Take this off," he whispers as he runs his hands up and down my sides.

I open my eyes. I came up here thinking I would be the one in charge, but hearing his low command excites me. It makes me want to do anything he says. I'll get my turn.

I push off him and begin to walk away slowly.

"Wait," he calls from behind me.

I stop, not turning to face him.

I can see him out of the corner of my eye as he makes his way over to the bed and sits on the edge, tossing his wallet behind him on the bed.

"Okay, face me."

I do as I'm told.

"Slowly undress, Aundrea. I want to watch you."

Placing both hands on my hips, I walk seductively toward Parker. He doesn't move. He just watches me with hunger in his eyes. The sly grin that's forming makes me blush.

I've never done this before: seduced a man. I'm making up each movement as I go, hoping it doesn't come off as amateur. It's not as if I've taken Seduction 101.

Standing directly in front of him, I use my knee to push his legs apart so I can stand between them. Reaching behind me, with my eyes glued to his, I pull down the zipper of my dress, bit by bit.

"Jesus," Parker says under his breath as I let the dress drop freely down my body, exposing my red-lace bra and matching thong.

I step out of my dress, showcasing the same red pumps I wore the first night I met him. I see the recognition on his face and the smile I've grown to admire.

"So beautiful." His fingers come up, hooking into the strap of my thong, curling into it and tugging me closer. His left hand comes up to my waist, while his right lets go of my thong and comes up to my neck, pulling me down to his lips. The kiss is slow and sensual. No tongue, and no greedy hands pulling each other closer.

Parker gives me a once over, traveling up and down my body, eyes filling with pa.s.sion, want, need. When they land on my right hip, I see the shocked expression on his face, telling me he's noticed the dark blue and purple marks mixed with a light green from my old bruise.

"Is that from the ice rink?"

I don't need to follow his gaze. "Yes. I'm okay. Really."


"Parker, it's okay. I promise." I give him his own wink before letting out a soft smile.

My hands find the zipper to his jumpsuit and pull it down. His eyes find mine and I can see the antic.i.p.ation in them. I help him slide his arms out first, then lower my body to the floor while pulling it the rest of the way down to his feet. I stand back up as he kicks his shoes off and steps out of it, tossing it aside, leaving him in his black silk boxers.

"I want you to move all the way to the top of the bed for me," I say.

When he opens his mouth to speak, I shake my head at him.

"Shh," I say, bringing a finger to my lips.

Stepping away from him, I motion for him to move to the top of the bed.

He moves until his back touches the headboard.

Walking over to his side of the bed, in my best slow Jessica Rabbit walk, I decide it's time I give Parker a slow, torturous night of enjoyment. A night he won't forget. One that neither of us will forget.

In one swift movement, I bring my lips to his so that they're barely touching. Speaking in a low hushed voice, I say, "Someone has been a bad boy."

"s.h.i.+t, Aundrea," Parker groans.

All embarra.s.sment I might have had just left with those two words. It's not the actual words, but the tone of his voice that tells me he likes it.

Finding the courage deep within, I slip my tongue out and lick his upper lip softly before continuing to speak in a barely there whisper, "I'm going to go very ... very ... slowly, so sit back, relax, and enjoy."

I trace my fingernails lightly down his chest and over his ripped stomach muscles. I watch as my touch affects him.

Reaching over, I adjust the two large pillows, so he's tucked neatly between. Picking up his left wrist where the handcuffs are still hanging, I ask, "Where is the key to these?"

"My wallet."

I look around the bed where I saw him toss it. Parker s.h.i.+fts, pulling it out from under him. He hands me the key skeptically.

"Thanks." I unlock the free cuff, leaving the other in place securely around his wrist and reach over him to grab his right hand.

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