What's Left Of Me Part 2

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Mr. Handsome.

With my heart racing, I turn around and smile sweetly. "No, I'm going to sit down and pee this time." My smile widens, and I say a silent thanks to sweet baby Jesus for letting me find my voice this time.

He doesn't respond. He just steps closer to me with the corner of his lips spreading upward.

I don't breathe.

I can't breathe. Not when he is this close.

G.o.d, he smells amazing. Like a mixture of spice and mint. Maybe a hint of beer too. It's the type of scent that would awaken a primal desire within any female, and good G.o.d, do I feel awakened.

"You ran off before I could thank you for the dance earlier."

No, thank you.

His voice is a faint whisper, and his face is now so close that our noses are almost touching. I glance at his very attractive red lips just as the corners of his mouth move up into the most beautiful smile.

s.h.i.+t. He knows I'm looking at his lips.

I'm transfixed by him, and all I can think about are those lips on mine. I would take him in this hallway. There, I said it.

Or, did I think it?

Do something.


I look back at his lips.

I want to feel his lips against mine. I don't care. I'll say any cheesy pick-up line if it means I get to go home with him.

I know he's watching me, and that he's thinking about my lips because his tongue comes out, licking his own. I feel him close the distance between us. He puts a finger under my chin for the second time tonight, lifting my face so that I'm looking right into his eyes.

He speaks in a low, raspy whisper. "I'm going to kiss you now."

Without waiting for permission, his lips crash down on mine. He takes my top lip into his mouth, tugging ever so gently. I let out a soft moan as his tongue lightly traces my lips, tasting me. I can smell the fresh mint and beer on his breath, and all I can think about is tasting it.

I grab his neck, bringing him closer, opening my mouth ... inviting him in.

He groans as I wrap my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair. s.h.i.+t, if I die tomorrow, I can die a happy woman knowing this is my last kiss.

His tongue enters my mouth and I meet it with my own. He reaches down to lift me up and I let him. I wrap my legs around his waist just as he slams my back against the wall in the corner of the hallway. There's a rush of pain that shoots down my legs, causing me to cry out. He must take that as a cry of pleasure because he kisses me harder.

My dress rises all the way to my waist, exposing me to anyone who walks by. My head falls back against the wall and he immediately starts kissing down my chin to my neck, then up to my earlobe, taking it in his mouth and biting down.

"Do you want to get out of here?" he whispers softly in my ear. I nod in agreement, afraid if I say anything it won't be yes.

And I really want it to be yes.

Setting me down, he runs his hands over my dress, settling it back into place, then grabs my hand and starts speed walking toward the exit sign.

Chapter Three.

Exiting the bar, he holds my hand and leads me around the corner and down the sidewalk. I'm afraid to look at him because maybe then he'll realize he's making a mistake and I don't want him to second-guess himself. h.e.l.l, I don't want to second-guess myself.

I quickly pull out my phone and text Jean, letting her know I didn't get lost. I'm not worried what she'll think because she was the one encouraging this.

Me: Left with Mr. Handsome. See you in the am.

About ten seconds later, my phone vibrates in my hand.

Jean: WHAT!!?!? Details tomorrow!

Shaking my head, I put my phone back into my purse.

"Everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I just told my friend that I left."

He doesn't say anything, just a slight head nod of understanding.

Aside from the sound of my heels on the pavement, and his fingers twirling the keys in his hand, we walk in silence, enjoying the warm night breeze. Summers in Minnesota are so beautiful. It's a shame they don't last long.

I wonder if I'm insane for leaving a bar with a man whose name I don't even know.

"I only live about five minutes from here." Pointing his fingers ahead, he adds, "Just up a block, then down two."

I smile up at him. Looking down at our locked hands, I wonder if I should say something, but I don't know what to say, or what to do. Maybe I should ask his name? That might be good. A little icebreaker. f.u.c.k, why is this so difficult? I'm just making this more awkward. I decide it's better if I don't speak.

I look over at him. He's running his hand through his hair. He looks just as nervous as me, which makes me happy.

Okay, I need to shut off all my thoughts before I talk myself out of this.

We stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change. He clears his throat next to me.

s.h.i.+t, he's backing out!

"My name's Parker, by the way."

I close my eyes and sigh with relief. Smiling, I look up at him. He has a hopeful expression on his face. It makes him look a lot younger than I'm guessing he is.

"My name is Aundrea."

He squeezes my hand and smiles back. "It's nice to meet you, Aundrea."

We round the corner and start making our way down the remaining two blocks. I think he can sense my uneasiness because he pulls me in close to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. I can't help but think how perfect I fit against his side. His thumb traces small circles on my side, raising gooseb.u.mps all over my body.

We reach what I a.s.sume is his apartment building. However, it doesn't look like an apartment building at all. It looks more like a hotel, lit with glowing yellow and orange lights. It's a stunning brick building with windows lining it all the way to the roof.

He releases my waist, guiding me under a black canopy covering the stairs that lead up to the front door with the lightest of touches at the small of my back. There is a security guard who opens the door and greets us with a brief wave and smile. Parker's arm slides back around my waist as we enter the gorgeous building.

I'm in awe as we head toward the elevators clear across the other side of the big, open lobby. The building has a unique historic charm, with a huge mural of a light blue sky and white clouds on the ceiling and a huge gold chandelier hanging in the center. There are marble columns scattered throughout. It's absolutely breathtaking. The gentleman at the desk to the right of the elevators greets us with a warm smile as we pa.s.s. "Evening, Parker."

I really like that name.

Parker gives him a small nod, never letting go of my hand. "Evening." I can't help but smile at the word evening. It's probably close to two in the morning by now.

The elevator doors open and we walk inside. My stomach is doing flips with all the excitement, or maybe it's nerves. The elevator doors are lined with gla.s.s, reflecting our bodies. I swallow slowly as our eyes meet in the mirror. Just like when we first met. His lips turn up into a wicked grin and he winks.

He gives my hand another quick, soft squeeze, and I turn to face him. He's watching me, smiling. My heart is pounding so loud that I'm afraid it will jump right out of my chest.

"Second thoughts?"

"No," I reply quickly. Almost too quickly.

He lets out a breath. "Good."

Yup, he's definitely just as nervous as I am. When we get off the elevator, the hall is lit with gold and bronze sconces. He's still holding my hand, and all I can think about is how sweaty my palms are. I hope he hasn't noticed.

His apartment is the last door at the end of the hall. He only lets go of my hand to get his keys, holding the door open and letting me walk in first. The entrance is dark, and the only thing I can make out is a closet and the opening into his living room.

"Would you like something to drink? Water? Wine?"

I'm not really in the mood to talk. I didn't come here to talk.

I shake my head in response as he reaches around me. Before I can even think about what I'm doing, I push hard on his chest, shoving him against the opposite wall so he bangs into the double doors. His eyes widen in surprise with the sudden impact. Before I let him open his mouth to protest, I pull on his tie, roughly jerking his face close to mine. I stand there for a second, taking in his scent. It feels good to be in charge.

He stands there, looking at my mouth, and I can't help but smile. He doesn't make a move. He's waiting on me.

And I like it.

I bring my lips up to his so that they are just barely touching and I can feel his breath on my lips. Slowly, my tongue traces his lips. He lets out a loud groan while grabbing my neck to pull me closer. He doesn't try to stick his tongue in my mouth, or move his hands. Instead, he kisses me gently before grabbing my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. I keep one hand on his tie, the other resting on his chest, and allow him to suck on my lip, tasting me before I bring both hands to his waist.

I know there is no going back once his tongue pushes through my lips, forcing my mouth open. I meet his tongue with my own, savoring the mint and beer taste that is still present.

His hands move to my thighs, gripping me tightly and then lifting me as he steps away from the wall. I oblige, helping him by wrapping my legs securely around his waist, never breaking our kiss. His hands support me by clutching my a.s.s.

Bringing my hands around his neck, I deepen the kiss. It's a strong, pa.s.sionate kiss. I can feel my lips swelling with each pa.s.sing second.

He carries me away and I can feel him lift a leg, kicking something, then move again at the sound of a door slamming behind us.

The door! s.h.i.+t, I forgot about that!

Parker doesn't break our kiss while he carries me through his place, rounding corners and weaving around furniture. He stops and turns, lowering us down onto the couch, keeping us attached. Lifting my dress up to my waist, exposing my bare legs, I straddle his lap, bringing my hands behind his neck to grab his hair. Pulling gently, tilting his head back, I bring our mouths together. I can't get enough of his mouth.

All I can think about is his mouth on other parts of my body.

I don't know what's come over me, but I don't want it to stop. Ever.

Parker picks up the kiss forcefully, nipping at my lips while his hands keep squeezing my thighs tightly. He pulls me closer to him and a small gasp escapes my mouth at the feel of the hard bulge resting between my legs.

I begin to loosen his tie more and unb.u.t.ton his s.h.i.+rt, pus.h.i.+ng it down over his broad shoulders as he trails kisses down my neck. Turning my head, I allow him more access, giving him permission to continue.

"You ..." Kiss. "Are ..." Kiss. "So ..." Kiss. "s.e.xy ..." Kiss.

Without warning, I'm flipped onto my back so that I'm lying flat against his couch. I bring my hands up to my hair, pus.h.i.+ng it out of my face so I can watch his every move.

Parker pulls the top of my dress down, reaching behind me with one hand to unclasp my bra. Almost ripping it off, he throws it aside. As he brings his mouth down to cover my nipple, I bring my hands up to his head, tugging his hair.

He begins to suck harder on my nipple as he pulls my dress up further so that it's high above my waist. His finger lightly brushes the smooth fabric that is still in place between the two of us. I know he can feel how wet I am; how much I want this.

I wrap my legs around his hips, hooking us together. Parker releases my nipple, bringing our mouths back together. I take his tongue back inside my mouth, sucking it. He groans as he starts to grind against me, rocking our hips together and grabbing my hands, lifting them securely above my head.


Too. Much. Clothing.

Breaking out of his grasp and our kiss, I reach for his belt. "Take these off. I want to see you." It comes out raspier then I intended.

"f.u.c.k. That's so hot."

Releasing my legs from his waist, he leans back to unfasten his belt.

I can't wait. I bring my hands to his pants, helping him. Together, we lower his pants in one swift motion. I can feel him kick his legs, trying to release himself from the fabric that has tangled between our feet. I bring my foot up to help kick them to the floor.

I reach into his boxers, grabbing his hardness, slowly stroking up and down.

"Jesus." I don't even get a chance to respond before Parker's kissing me again, reaching behind my back and pulling me closer. I arch into his embrace. His left hand comes up, grabbing my breast and tugging on my nipple, pinching it hard.

A soft whimper escapes my mouth. I think I called him G.o.d once or twice too. I can't be sure. Everything feels so fuzzy.

Hip pain? What hip pain?

There is nothing to think or feel besides Parker and what's happening between the two of us right now.

Tilting my head back, he lowers his mouth to my neck, kissing, biting and sucking on my collarbone.

I release him and bring both hands to the waistband of his boxers to push them down. His hands meet mine. "Hold on. I'll be right back." He gives me one last quick peck on the lips, then, almost too quickly, he's gone, walking away from me. I'm left breathless, trying to slow down my panting. Lifting myself up on my elbows, I watch as he walks across the living room and through a doorway. His bedroom, maybe?

When he comes back, I take this as the perfect opportunity to memorize him. I know he knows I'm checking him out because he stops in the center of the room, allowing that s.e.xy grin to reappear. His chest is defined, with perfectly shaped pecs. The shoulders my mouth enjoyed kissing a while ago are toned, leading into his big, muscular arms.

I trail my eyes back over his body, landing on his rock hard stomach. Now, I've seen abs before, but these abs are better than anything I've ever seen. He has the perfect definition leading right down into the most amazing V known to man.

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