Love Me: Teach Me Part 7

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"Does that feel good?"

I nodded. "More," I mumbled against his ear.

He nodded, and slipped all the way into me. I felt myself widen for him, and I spread my legs, offering him all of me.

"You're so tight," he mumbled into my ear, nibbling along the lobe. "Tell me how you want it."

I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than him to slam into me. "All of you. Slam into me, Liam."

He made the s.e.xiest noise I'd ever heard, grabbed the inside of my knees spread them wider and slammed into me. I cried out, my body s.h.i.+vering from want. He bent down and took my mouth with him, never stopping grinding into me. "Tell me your mine, Sarah."

"I'm yours."

"Tell me to f.u.c.k you. Tell me you want me."

"I want you," I screamed, my muscles tightening around his d.i.c.k. "I'm coming," I said, digging my nails into him.

"Tell me when you're about to again," he said, breathing heavy into my ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pus.h.i.+ng him deeper into me. He closed his eyes and slammed harder, giving me everything he had.

It wasn't long before I was convulsing around him, my body coming undone. "I'm coming," I said. "Please, don't stop. I'm coming."

"I'm not gonna stop, baby."

He slammed into me harder, making me cry out with my o.r.g.a.s.m. A wicked smile stretched across his face. He buried his mouth into my neck and gave me three more hard strokes before he groaned and his stomach clenched.

He lay there on top of me for a few seconds, staring down at me. His finger felt feather soft on my cheek. "Sarah," he whispered.

"Don't say it." I held a finger to his lips. "I'm not worried about anything else than us. I don't' know how it will work out, but I don't want to think about that tonight."

Liam laughed, showing me his straight white teeth. "Okay," he said. "But, there is one problem. We probably need to stay at your house. My water isn't working."

"Oh," I said, leaning up. "Well, we need to hurry and get over there, before Cody gets home. I don't need that drama."

Liam laughed, stood up and offered me his hand. "Okay, let's go."

I glanced down at him. b.u.t.t naked. "Maybe, we should get dressed first. I think us walking out of your apartment naked, may cause suspicion."

Liam c.o.c.ked an eyebrow. "If you insist."

We dressed, filled Layla's food bowls and made a mad dash toward my apartment. We opened the door and stopped dead in our tracks. "Cody, what are you doing home?"

His eyes were wide and he knew exactly what we had been doing. Since Liam didn't put his s.h.i.+rt back on, I could see why he thought that. Not to mention, I had serious s.e.x hair. "Um, I played sick. Thought we could hang out, but it seems you've been doing your own hanging out." He smiled. "I'm just gonna go over to Jonathon's, see ya later you two." Then he was gone. You never had to hint around about leaving to Cody, he got it, and left fast.

"He didn't have to leave," Liam said from behind me. "But, I'm glad he did."

Chapter Eleven.

Liam Sarah led me into her room, and locked the door behind her. She was flushed, her hair messy and smiling to herself. She'd been...amazing. I wondered how it would be since she was obviously not as experienced as I was. I didn't give a d.a.m.n, I wanted to make her come. I wanted that girl in more than one way. She had taken charge and took me in her mouth. I groaned, begging my d.i.c.k to stay down for at least another hour. I could still taste her on my lips, and that was a taste I'd never forget. I knew I was playing with fire, but the burn felt too good to stop now.

She lay back on her bed, smiling over at me. "Does this mean I get an A?"

I barked out a laugh and crawled onto the bed with her. "Are you asking me to cheat, Ms. Thomas?" I snaked an arm around her back.

She smiled up at me, green eyes laughing. "On the contrary. I'm only asking for you to help me a little. Since I did do you a favor and all. Giving you something you wanted so badly." She trailed her finger down my stomach to the front of my jeans.

"You're a vixen, Sarah. Manipulative."

"We'll you're a rule-breaker, Mr. Downs. You had a student in your bed."

"And I'll have her again." I kissed her neck. "And again. How about I help you study for the test tomorrow."

She shook her head. "Now, you're starting to sound like a normal teacher. Regardless, that you look like a bad boy out of a New Adult novel."

"New Adult?"

"College aged. Anyway, I don't have a mind set to study."

I grinned down at her. "I bet I could help you with that." I slipped my fingers under her s.h.i.+rt and traced her tanned, flat stomach. "I'm sure we could make the study session fun. What do you say?"

She placed a finger on her pink lips and tapped it there a few times. "I might be willing to take a chance. What do you have in mind?"

Smiling, I stood up. "Do you have a marker? An erasable one?"

She nodded. She disappeared into her closet and came back with a black, blue and pink erasable marker. "Here." She sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as I took the cap off of each one.

"We're going to play a little drawing game. Stand up."

She raised an eyebrow but obeyed. "Now what?"

"Take off your s.h.i.+rt."

"Wow, take me out to dinner first," she giggled, sliding the fabric over her head. She tossed her s.h.i.+rt on the floor and stood staring down at me. Sitting on the side of the bed, I pulled her to where she was standing between my legs.

"Okay," I said, tracing the marker over her skin. "I'm going to draw the UK on you belly." She laughed, placing her hands on my shoulders. "There will be dots to where cities would be. You're going to point to each one and let me know what goes there. Afterwards, I'm going to grade you. For how many you get wrong, you have to strip. If you make an F, then so be it."

She laughed. "I think this is more of a pleasure than studying."

I shrugged. "You say potato. Okay, lay down." She slid toward me, laying her head on the pillow. "Now," I said sliding my finger toward a dot in the middle. "How about here," I whispered, my mouth close to hers. She tapped her finger, while I traced the outline of her bra.

"Um, Carlisle."

I smiled to myself. She got one. I grabbed her waist, and carefully wrote Carlisle onto the center dot. "Good job, Sarah."

She smiled up at me, her chest rising and falling faster. "I'm brilliant."

"That you are. Next." I tapped her right side, and she laughed. Ticklish? I'd have to remember that.

"Um" she said, her breath coming slower. "Liverpool."

Wrong. That'd be her jeans. I smiled and wrote Liverpool on her side. "Did I get it right?"

I shook my head, a grin rising up my face. "Nope," I said, bending my head to kiss her stomach. I marked an X on the spot.

She exhaled. "Next."

"Here," I said, placing my finger in the center south of Carlisle.

"England," she said. "I'd always get that right. It's on my bucket list to go there."

"Hmm. Maybe you'll get there one day. I've heard it's beautiful. I've always wanted to go to England myself."

She s.h.i.+fted beneath me, her hips wiggling. I wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h her up, tear her clothes off and make her say my name again. But, I didn't. I traced a line from England to right under her bra. "Here," I whispered.

She sighed at my touch and said, "Outer Hebrides."

I smiled to myself. "Another wrong, sweetheart. That's two and two."

She smiled, closing her eyes. "How many more?"

"Two more," I said. Bending over her, I trailed from Ben Nevis down to her hipbone where Plymouth was located. "Here," I said.

She was panting. I knew it wasn't fair. She couldn't possibly concentrate. h.e.l.l, I barely could. "Um," she panted. "Plymouth."

I laughed into her hipbone. "Right," I said. "Two for three."

Sliding my tongue from one hipbone to the other I said, "Here."

"Liam," she whispered.


"Please, you're killing me."

"Answer the question, Sarah."

She shook her head and screwed her eyes close. "Um...London."

"Close, but no. Three for three. Three pieces of clothes, Ms. Thomas." She smiled, eyes still shut and then sat up.

"Hmm," she said, looking over herself. "What to take off, Mr. Downs? I really only have three articles on."

"Even better. Strip, Ms. Thomas."

A cat like grin traveled up her jaw. She slid off the bed, and stood before me. I sat on the edge, with her in between my legs. With ease, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s fell from there holds, and my d.i.c.k jumped in my pants. d.a.m.n it.

"Two, please?" I asked. I wanted to beg but I kept my composure.

"Begging already, Mr. Downs?" She shook her head. "Good things come to those who wait." I raised an eyebrow daring her. She smiled, reached around and pulled her jeans off. "Two," she whispered.

f.u.c.k. She looked amazing. Topless, only in her underwear, standing in front of me. Bearing all. I'd dated girls embarra.s.sed to stand completely naked in front of me. But, Sarah didn't care. She even wore a come and get me smile. I planned on it. Even if her stomach had the UK drawn on it, she was too hot to care.

"Three," she mumbled, sliding her underwear off. My jeans grew tighter, and my blood was pumping hard. I took her in from head to toe. All the way down to the little strip of hair on her mound. Nothing turned me on more than that. She was made for me.

"Three," I said, swallowing the large lump in my throat. "Three was my favorite."

She laughed and took a step toward me. "Now, how about I get an award for doing so horribly on my test."

I gripped her waist. "What did you have in mind?"

She ran her fingers along my shoulders. "How about you take off ones for the ones I got right. Doesn't that seem fair?"

"It does." I nodded. "But, I only have two pair of clothing articles on. And you got three right."

She licked her pink, full lips. "Well, you'll have to think of something to do for the third prize." Her finger trailed down to the zipper of my pants. "I'm sure you'll think of something, Mr. Downs."

"Oh, I know I will. Come here." She giggled when I picked her up and ran with her to the shower.

Chapter Twelve.

Sarah My entire body was sore. I stretched feeling every muscle clench in disapproval. "Ouch," I mumbled, burying my head into my pillow. Nine fifty five. My alarm close would go off in five minutes. I reached over and turned it off then the memories from last night slammed into me. I sat straight up in my bed. There was an indention where Liam had slept with me, but no Liam. I almost frowned but noticed a small Post-It note on his pillow.

Had to get to cla.s.s. Didn't want to wake you.

I'll see you at eleven, and don't jump me in cla.s.s, like you did in the shower. Don't forget to study.

Mr. Downs.

I laughed and placed the note on my bedside table. I snuggled my head into his pillow and it smelled like him. Sandalwood, rain and man. All man. My stomach tightened at the thought. I hadn't thought twice about Matt since I caught him with Jamie. It still boiled my blood, because that was my best friend. I'd never do that to him. I would never get together with Tyler. But, I couldn't complain much, I had made out with my teacher.

I got up and headed to the kitchen. Cody was sitting at our table with a coffee cup in his hand. There was one for me across from him.

"Sit down, Sarah. And tell me what the h.e.l.l happened. I heard some noises from the shower." He wiggled his eyebrows. My hand automatically went up to my stomach, where he had washed away the UK. He was so gentle, his hands trailing all over me. We done it again in the shower, but it was slow, more pa.s.sionate. We had already had our fix on one another and it was time to take it slow. Though not much about our relations.h.i.+p had been slow so far. It was a nice, hot change.

"h.e.l.lo!" Cody yelled, pus.h.i.+ng his bangs away from his blue eyes. "I need details, Sarah. Like why Matt has been calling my cell phone nonstop talking about how he messed up? Secondly, how your mind-blowing s.e.x was with Mr. Hottie?"

I trailed my finger around the top of my cup. "First, I caught Matt making out with Jamie in the library."

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