Love Me: Teach Me Part 6

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Liam Sarah had been pretty forward about us today. She wanted us to cool down, and I didn't think I could. I would because I said I would try. She did say she'd go with me to see my parents. Which, I knew was a bad idea, but I wanted to take her. I slammed my forehead against the bathroom wall. It would be hard pretending to be with Sarah, knowing I really wanted to be with her.

Reaching over I tried to turn on my water, but the shower head oozed out a slow drizzle. "You've got to be kidding me." I picked up my phone to call the landlord when I remembered she's a f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h. It'd be three hours before she sent someone up. Frustrated, I bit my lip, grabbed my clothes and marched over to 203A.

Sarah opened the door. Her long tanned legs barely covered with a pair of cheerleading shorts, and her flat stomach showing between the elastic waist of her pants and the bottom of her tank top. "Hi," I said, finally finding her eyes.

She smiled. "HI, what's up?"

"My shower will not work, is there any way I could use yours?"

Her faced turned pale. Maybe this was a bad idea. But before I could run from humiliation, she opened the door all the way. "Sure, you can use Cody's."

"No he can't," Cody said from the kitchen. He tugged off his s.h.i.+rt. "I'm getting in. You can use Sarah's." He gave Sarah a smile and ran into what I a.s.sumed was his bathroom.

She looked back at me and motioned for me to follow her. I tried not to laugh at her face. Then I saw her a.s.s in those shorts and my d.i.c.k reminded me not to ever laugh at her again. "Okay, here it is," she said, opening the door. The smell smacked me in the face when I walked in. It smelled like vanilla, a scent I'd smelled on her the night at the lake. She had orange, pink and yellow towels, shower curtains and orange rugs. I smiled and looked over at her.

She was nervously picking at her s.h.i.+rt and not meeting my eyes on purpose. "There are towels in the cabinet, shampoo, body wash and conditioner. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

I licked my lips and nodded at her. "Sure."

Sarah Holy h.e.l.l. I shut the door and slid against the wall. He was naked in the next room, no clothes, just all manly inch of him bear. I s.h.i.+vered.

I heard the shower turn on and then my door creaked opened. "What are you doing in here? You said you had to take a shower," I said.

Cody rolled his eyes. "That was a ploy to get him in your shower. Don't cha just want to sneak in there and take a little peak?"

I shook my head. "No way, you couldn't pay me." That's was a lie, I would have done it for free.

"Sureee," Cody said, shutting the door. "Tell me how it is," he said. I heard his feet and then his door shut.

Jesus. Biting my lip, I sat on my bed and watched the door. I didn't figure it would do anything, but I imagined what lied behind it. Liam. Naked. s.e.xy. Chest. Arms. Tattoos. That was what my brain felt like, a mush of words surrounding him. I need some help.

I turned on my TV and laid against the headboard. Zeus chased his tail on the end of the bed. When I heard the shower turn off, I sat up straight, waiting for him to come out. When the door finally opened, he walked out in just his jeans, hanging low on his hips. Mother f.u.c.ker. His hair was still wet, water traveling down his chest and dissolving in his jeans. My mouth felt dry, I couldn't make myself speak.

"Thanks, Sarah," he said, bringing me back to the present.

I nodded, nibbled on my lip and smiled. "Sure, anytime. You should call the landlord and tell her about your water. But, she is kind of a b.i.t.c.h."

He laughed, his Adam's apple moving in his throat. "That she is. I just hope that she can get it fixed soon."

I twisted a ring around my finger. "Well, if you need to, my shower is opened anytime."

Liam c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and a cat like grin spread across his face. "Really?" he took a small step toward me. "Will you be in that shower that's opened anytime?" He took another step toward me.

My breath started to come in short gasps. Control your hormones, Sarah. I bit my lip and took a step backwards. "That really isn't something we should talk about, Mr. Downs."

He stopped, smiled wider and took two steps toward me. "Something we shouldn't and something you want to, is two different things, Ms. Thomas. Tell me," he said, trailing a finger from my jawline to the V in my s.h.i.+rt. "Do you not want to be in that shower, or do you think we shouldn't be in that shower?"

Shouldn't. His hand dipped below my s.h.i.+rt, caressing against the top of my bra. Jesus. I exhaled shakily and glanced up at him. He winked. "Shouldn't," I mumbled.

He made a soft purr sound and leaned into me. Yes, I wanted to scream. But before his lips touched mine, he turned and kissed my cheek. "Just checking," he mumbled into my ear, before turning around and walking out.


I lay in my bed, watching the door. Did he just tease me? I couldn't describe the feeling I had when he walked out of the door. a.s.shole. I wanted to slap the s.h.i.+t out of him and pull his clothes off at the same time. My body was on fire, he was hot as h.e.l.l and I wanted all of him. I had gotten up three different times determined to barge over to his house, but decided against it. I had told him we needed to cool down, and I was anything but cool. I was scolding hot with need. Aggravated, I turned on my side and buried my face in my pillow. I don't know how long I laid there, until I finally fell into a Liam filled sleep.

The next morning, I got up early, and went to Java City. I ordered an Oreo Java and headed toward cla.s.s. Jamie still hadn't texted or called me. For some reason, she was mad and wasn't getting over it. Not to mention Matt, who hadn't stayed the night in two nights. Not that I was complaining, getting sleep was something I had missed. But, it was out of character for him.

When I got to cla.s.s I swept into the room and took my seat by Tyler. He was in my creative writing cla.s.s, too. "Hey," he said, leaning toward me.

I sat down. "Hey, what's up?"

He shrugged and spun his pen around his desktop. "Nothing. Haven't heard from Jamie. She won't have anything to do with me. Any news on your end?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "She has been ignoring me for days. I don't know what the h.e.l.l is up with her. She and Matt were talking in the hallway and I asked her. She said she'd been busy. We all know that's a d.a.m.n lie. She doesn't do anything. Ever."

Tyler smiled and shook his head, turning his hat around backwards. "Did you do your homework?"

I pulled my notebook close to my chest. Yeah, I had done it. I had basically written a f.u.c.king Not exactly, but close. "Yeah, I did."

He rummaged around in his bag and slid me his. We always did that. I read his, he read mine. "Um, I'd rather not--," I said but he had already placed his on my desk and took my notebook.

No! He opened it up and then his brows furrowed. "What in the h.e.l.l?" He looked up at me. "I'd say this was a nice piece for Matt to see, but he doesn't have brown hair or gray eyes." He held the notebook out to the side. "Who is this about?"

I leaned over and s.n.a.t.c.hed my notebook. "No one. This is fiction writing, I made him up." Lie. Lie. Lie.

He furrowed his brow but finally smiled and shrugged. "You're such a girl," he mumbled.

I sighed. I had been feeling more like a hormone case than a girl lately.

When cla.s.s was over, I walked toward the library. I had the day off from the writing center, so I decided to do a little studying for the Survey of Civ cla.s.s on Friday. I sat down at my table and pulled out my books. I had the places down probably as much as I could. After an hour, I decided to go get me a drink. The drink machine was on the other side of the second floor.

I made it to the third row over when I heard something. What was that? I strained my ear and listened. Moaning? I rolled my eyes. Again, moaning louder. d.a.m.n. Tip-toeing I walked over to the bookshelf, and peeked around the corner. My heart fell from my body.

"Matt?" I asked, even though I knew it was him.

His head whipped around, turning his make out buddy to face me. "Jamie?" I screeched out, my hand covering my mouth.

"Baby," Matt said, pus.h.i.+ng Jamie away. "It's not what it looks like."

"It's not what it looks like? So, I'm imagining you making out with my best friend. I'm pretty sure it is what it look like, Matt."

"I'm sorry, baby. She doesn't mean anything. I f.u.c.ked up."

Jamie stomped her foot, letting out a scream. "I don't mean anything?" she yelled, her brown eyes huge. "What was last night then, Matt? Did you f.u.c.k me just because I'm nothing?"

He'd slept with her. My face was burning, and I couldn't stop the rage in my throat. Grabbing the nearest book, I threw it right at his head. He tried to duck but it nicked his eye. "f.u.c.k," he yelled, grabbing at his eye. A thin line of blood ran down his face and I smiled.

"Serves you right, mother f.u.c.ker."

"You made him bleed," Jamie yelled, running to his side.

I laughed without humor. "Don't you ever talk to me again, you stupid s.l.u.t. Do you see he was so easily going to toss you away? You. Mean. Nothing."

Tears started to build in my eyes but I pushed them back. I will not let them see me cry.

A firm hand grabbed my elbow, pulling me back from the aisle. I glanced up and looked into Liam's eyes. "You going home?"

I nodded. "Anywhere but here."

Liam didn't say anything to me on the way back to Pine Valley. He sat in the driver's seat, no music, no talking just silence. I needed it. I couldn't tolerate any more words, talking, sounds or looks. I was on the verge of tears and a scream was teasing my throat. How could they do this to me? How could my best friend sleep with my boyfriend? How could my boyfriend sleep with my best friend?

My vision blurred from the tears but the sick realization that I had done this to Matt with Liam struck me. Regardless that it wasn't his best friend I had done it with, it was still wrong. I sighed, and ran my fingers over my face. "Is this a sign?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"A sign that what I'm doing it wrong? Or is it a free pa.s.s out. A free pa.s.s to not be with Matt anymore. To do what I want to do."

Liam's jaw clenched and he closed his eyes. "What do you want to do?" he asked.

He knew. He wanted me to say it. "For you to take me," I said as calmly as I could. I hoped that he couldn't tell that my heart was beating erratically against my chest.

"What I want to tell you is that it's your free pa.s.s, you can have all of me you want. But the other side of me says to do what you think is right. If you love Matt and want to give him another chance than I'll be here when you're finished."

He glanced over at me, gray eyes iridescent. He pulled into the parking lot, the hot sun beating down on his truck. "What is it, Sarah?" he asked, his voice a soft whisper.

I swallowed. "I think you need to bring me to your room."

Chapter Ten.

Sarah Liam opened the door, well flung it against the wall. He hadn't put me down since the parking lot. I was beginning to think that he really wanted me. I almost laughed as he swiftly sat me down on his bed and shut the door behind him. But when he turned around I saw the darkness to his eyes, the stormy gray in his eyes erupting.

"I want all of you, Sarah," he said, striding forward, dropping to his knees in front of me.

I almost whimpered. "Okay," I whispered.

He gave me a wide smile, that made me one hundred percent that being here was the right thing. I wanted my teacher and I didn't give a f.u.c.k who knew or cared. "Why don't you strip for me," he said, leaning back on his heels.

I glanced down at him, blood rus.h.i.+ng to my cheeks. "Come on, Sarah. Strip for me." He stared up at me, eyes wide.

Swallowing a large lump in my throat, I grabbed the bottom of my s.h.i.+rt and pulled it over my head. The air was cool against my skin but I was so hot that it melted away. With shaky fingers I had try to unb.u.t.ton my pants, but failed. Liam's warm, calloused hands a.s.sisted me, sliding the fabric down my legs.

I felt naked in my pink see through panties, but Liam never looked away. Liam's tongue left his lip wet, and bit it afterwards. "You have no idea how many time I've fantasied about being inside you, Sarah. I've wanted to fill you up, ever since you tripped over Layla."

f.u.c.k. My insides lit fire. I could make out his strong muscles beneath his s.h.i.+rt and I reached over the pull it off. He watched me, trailing his finger from my ankle to the tip of my panties. The warmth of his hand hovered over my s.e.x, before he moved my panties to the side and slipped one finger over my c.l.i.t. I threw my head back, enjoying the circles he made against me.

"Liam," I mumbled, gripping his comforter.

"Do you like that?" he asked, standing up, never stopping touching me. He leaned over the bed until he was lying on top of me.


He didn't make it simple. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."

"Touch me."



He laughed, and let his mouth drop to my ear. "Say where you want me to touch you right now, Sarah. Or I'll stop."

s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g my eyes shut, I said, "My c.l.i.t. I want you to rub my c.l.i.t."

He groaned in my ear, slipping one finger inside of me, while continued to run against me. I bucked my hips toward him. "f.u.c.k," I whispered, riding his finger.

"Will get to that, darling."

I almost laughed, but he increased his pace and slipped another finger inside of me. "Liam, please...." I trailed off not knowing what I was even begging for.

He knew. He quickened his pace, sliding his tongue against my neck. "I'm gonna take care of you, Sarah."

I was on the verge of exploding when he pulled his fingers out of me and bent between my legs. Oh, G.o.d. Grabbing his hair, I pushed his face into my s.e.x. He lapped at me, hands reached underneath me gripping my a.s.s. He sucked harder on my c.l.i.t, sending me closer to o.r.g.a.s.m.

"I'm gonna come, Liam," I said, my body shuddering.

He made a low moaning sound in his throat and rubbed his thumb against my c.l.i.t, sending me over the edge. "Ah," I groaned, gripping his hair as hard as I could. My body shook, my breathing heavy and I felt lightheaded in the best way.

Liam leaned over me, kissing me harder than I'd ever been kissed. I could taste myself on his mouth, and it excited me. "Lay down, Liam," I said, shoving him on his back.

He raised an eyebrow but he laid back. He was still in his jeans, but I could see his c.o.c.k in his pants, stretched over his length. In between my legs turned hotter while I unzipped his pants, sliding them away with his boxers.

Liam groaned, bringing up a tattooed arm and slipping it around my back. "You don't have to do that, Sarah. I want to make you happy. I'd be happy with that."

Shaking my head, I kissed down his body. His d.i.c.k was hard and ready for me. Looking up at him, I took him in my mouth, making him moan. "f.u.c.k," he said, grabbing my hair.

I slid up and back down again. I took his b.a.l.l.s in my hand and squeezed slightly. "f.u.c.k, Sarah," he moaned, guiding my head up and down his shaft. I opened my mouth wider, letting him hit the back of my throat. His stomach tightened and then he pulled me away from him and tossed me on the bed in one fluid motion.

"I'm going to make you mine, Sarah," he whispered in my ear. "Hold on tight." Without any other notion, he slipped inside of me.

"Ah," I said, tossing my head back into the pillow. "f.u.c.k," I mumbled, biting my lip. Liam watched me, as he slid slowly into me.

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