Crown Of Midnight Part 7

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Again, that stupid, bright anger took over, and she gave him a slow smile. "You're a smart boy," she said, stalking down the steps to the carriage. "Figure it out yourself."

Chaol kept staring as though he didn't know her, his body so very still. She wouldn't have him thinking her vulnerable, or foolish, or inexperienced-not when she'd worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get to this point. Maybe it had been a mistake to let him in; because the idea of him thinking that she was weak, that she needed to be protected, made her want to shatter someone's bones.

"Good night," she said, and before she could reconsider all that she'd just implied, she got into the carriage and drove away.

She'd worry about Chaol later. Tonight, her focus was on Archer-and on getting the truth out of him.

Archer was waiting inside an exclusive dining room, frequented by the elite of Rifthold. Most of the tables were already occupied, the patrons' fine clothes and jewels glimmering in the dim light.

As the servant at the front helped her out of her cloak, she made sure that she was angled away from Archer-so he could get an eyeful of the exquisite black lace that covered the open back (and mostly concealed her scars from Endovier). She felt the eyes of the servant on her, too, but pretended not to notice.

Archer let out a breath, and she turned to find him grinning, slowly shaking his head.

"I think *stunning,' *beautiful,' and *dazzling' are the words you're looking for," she said. She took his arm as they were escorted to a table tucked into an alcove of the ornate room.

Archer ran a finger along the red velvet sleeve of her gown. "I'm glad to see your taste matured along with the rest of you. And with your arrogance, it seems."

She would have smiled anyway, she told herself.

Once they were seated, had the menu recited to them, and ordered the wine, Celaena found herself staring into that exquisite face. "So," she said, leaning back in her seat, "how many ladies want to kill me tonight for monopolizing your time?"

He gave a laugh like a tickle of breath. "If I told you, you'd be bolting back to the castle."

"You're still that popular?"

Archer waved a hand, taking a sip from his wine. "I still have my debts to Clarisse," he said, naming the most influential and prosperous madam in the capital. "But ... yes." A twinkle gleamed in his eye. "And what of your surly friend? Should I watch my back tonight, too?"

This was all a dance, a prelude to what would come later. She winked at him. "He knows better than to try to keep me locked up."

"Wyrd help the man who does. I still remember what a h.e.l.lion you were."

"And here I was thinking you found me charming."

"In the way a mountain cat's cub is charming, I suppose."

She laughed and drank a small sip of her wine. She had to keep her head as clear as possible. When she set her gla.s.s on the table, she found Archer giving her that contemplative, sad look he'd given her yesterday. "Can I ask how you came to work for him?" She knew he meant the king-and also knew he was aware they weren't the only people in the dining room. He would have made a good

Perhaps the king's suspicions weren't so far-fetched.

But she'd prepared for this question and countless others, so she gave him a wicked smile and said, "Turns out my skills are better suited to aiding the empire than they are to mining. Working for him and working for Arobynn are nearly the same." That wasn't a lie, actually.

Archer gave a slow, considering nod. "Our professions have always been similar, yours and mine. I can't tell which is worse: training us for the bedroom, or the battlefield."

If she recalled correctly, he'd been twelve when Clarisse had discovered him as an orphan running wild in the capital's streets and invited him to train with her.

And when he turned seventeen and had the Bidding Party for his virginity, there had been rumors of actual brawls breaking out among would-be patronesses.

"I can't tell, either. They're equally horrible, I suppose." She lifted her wine gla.s.s in a toast. "To our esteemed owners."

His eyes lingered on her for a moment before he lifted his gla.s.s and murmured, "To us." The sound of his voice was enough to make her skin heat, but the look in his eyes as he said it, the curve of that divine mouth ... He was a weapon, too. A beautiful, deadly weapon.

He leaned over the edge of the table, pinning her to the spot with his stare. A challenge-and an intimate invitation.

G.o.ds above and Wyrd save me.

She actually needed to take a long sip from her wine this time. "It's going to take more than a few sultry glances to make me your willing slave, Archer. You should know better than to try the tricks of your trade on me."

He let out a low, rumbling laugh that she felt in her core. "And I think you know well enough to realize when I'm not actually using them. If I were, then we would have left the restaurant already."

"That's a bold, bold claim. I don't think you'd want to go head-to-head with me when it comes to tricks of the trade."

"Oh, I want to do a lot of things with you."

She'd never been so grateful to see a servant in her life, and never realized that a bowl of soup could be so immensely interesting.

Since she'd dismissed her carriage just to spite Chaol and back up her insinuation, Celaena wound up in Archer's carriage after dinner. The meal itself had been pleasant enough-talk of old acquaintances, the theater, books, the miserable weather. All comfortable, safe topics, though he'd kept looking at her like she was his prey and this was one long hunt.

They sat beside each other on the bench of the carriage, close enough that she could smell whatever fine cologne he wore-an elegant, tantalizing blend that made her think of silk sheets and candlelight. So she turned her mind to what she was about to do.

The carriage rolled to a stop, and Celaena glanced out the small window to see a familiar, beautiful townhouse. Archer looked at her and gently twined her fingers with his before raising her hand to his lips. It was a soft, slow kiss that burned through her. He murmured onto her skin. "Do you want to come inside?"

She swallowed hard. "Don't you want a night off?" This was not what she'd expected. And ... and this was not what she wanted, flirting aside.

He lifted his head but still held her hand, his thumb caressing small circles into her flame-hot skin. "It's immensely different when it's my choice, you know."

Someone else might have missed it, but she'd also grown up without choices, and recognized the glimmer of bitterness. She eased her hand out of his. "Do you hate your life?" Her words were barely more than a whisper.

He looked at her-truly looked at her, as though he somehow hadn't seen her until just now. "Sometimes," he said, and then his eyes s.h.i.+fted to the window behind her and the townhouse beyond it. "But someday," he went on, "someday, I'll have enough money to pay off Clarisse forever-to really be free-and live on my own."

"You'd leave behind being a courtesan?"

He gave her a half smile that was more real than any expression she'd seen him give tonight. "By that point, I'll either be rich enough that I won't ever have to work, or old enough that no one will want to hire me."

She had a flicker of memory from a time when, just for a moment, she'd been free; when the world had been wide open and she'd been about to enter it with Sam at her side. It was a freedom that she was still working for, because even though she'd tasted it only for a heartbeat, it had been the most exquisite heartbeat she'd ever experienced.

She took a steadying breath and looked him in the eye. It was time.

"The king sent me to kill you."

Chapter 11.

His training with the must have paid off, because Archer was across the carriage and brandis.h.i.+ng a hidden dagger between them before she could blink. "Please," he breathed, his chest rising and falling in uneven patterns. "Please, Laena." She opened her mouth, ready to explain everything, but he was gasping down breaths, his eyes wide. "I can pay you."

A small, wretched part of her was fairly smug at the sight of him cowering. But she held up her hands, showing him she was unarmed-at least as far as he could see. "The king thinks you're part of a rebel movement that's interrupting his agenda."

A harsh, barked laugh-so raw that none of the smooth, lovely man was even recognizable in the sound. "I'm not part of any movement! Wyrd d.a.m.n me, I might be a wh.o.r.e, but I'm not a traitor!" She kept her hands where he could see them, and opened her mouth to tell him to shut up, sit down, and listen. But he went on. "I don't know anything about a movement like that-I haven't even heard of anyone who'd dare try to get in the way of the king. But-but ..." His panting evened out. "If you spare me, I can feed you information about a group that I know is starting to gather power in Rifthold."

"The king is targeting the wrong people?"

"I don't know," he said quickly, "but this group ... this one, he'd probably want to know more about. It seems like they recently learned that the king might be planning some new horror for us all-and they want to try to stop him."

If she were a nice, decent person, she'd tell him to take the time to calm himself, to right his mind. But she wasn't a nice, decent person, and his panic was giving his tongue free rein, so she let him go on.

"I've only heard my clients whispering about it, every now and then. But there's a group that's formed, right here in Rifthold, and they want to put Aelin Galathynius back on Terrasen's throne."

Her heart stopped beating. Aelin Galathynius, the lost heir of Terrasen.

"Aelin Galathynius is dead," she breathed.

Archer shook his head. "They don't think so. They say she's alive, and that she's raising an army against the king. She's looking to reestablish her court, to find what's left of King Orlon's inner circle."

She just stared at him, willing her fingers to unclench, willing air into her lungs. If it were true ... No, it wasn't true. If these people actually claimed to have met the heir to the throne, then she had to be an imposter.

Was it mere coincidence that Nehemia had mentioned Terrasen's court that morning? That Terrasen was the one force capable of standing against the king-if it could get to its feet again, with or without the true heir? But Nehemia had sworn to never lie to her; if she'd known anything, she would have said it.

Celaena closed her eyes, though she was aware of Archer's every movement. In the darkness, she pulled herself together, shoved down that desperate, foolish hope until nothing but an ageless fear blanketed it again.

She opened her eyes. Archer was gaping at her, his face white as death.

"I have no intention of killing you, Archer," she said. He sagged against the bench, releasing his grip on the dagger. "I'm going to give you a choice. You can fake your own death right now and flee the city before dawn. Or I can give you until the end of the month-four weeks. Four weeks to discreetly get your affairs in order; I a.s.sume you have money tied up in Rifthold. But the time comes at a cost: I'll keep you alive only if you can get me information about whatever this Terrasen rebel movement is-and whatever they know about the king's plans. At the end of the month, you will fake your death, and you will leave this city, go someplace far away, and never use the name Archer Finn again."

He stared carefully, warily, at her. "I'll need the rest of the month to untangle my money." He loosed a breath, then rubbed his face with his hands. After a long moment, he said, "Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. I'll get to be free of Clarisse and start my life anew elsewhere." Though he gave her a wobbly smile, his eyes were still haunted. "Why did the king even suspect me?"

She hated herself for feeling such pity for him. "I don't know. He just handed me a piece of paper with your name on it, and said you were a part of some movement to upset his plans-whatever those may be."

Archer snorted. "I only wish I could be that sort of man."

She studied him: the strong jaw, the broad frame, all suggested strength. But what she'd seen just now-that was not strength. Chaol had known right away what sort of man Archer was. Chaol had seen through the illusion of strength-and she hadn't. Shame heated her cheeks, but she made herself speak again. "You truly think you can uncover information about this-this movement from Terrasen?" Even though the heir had to be an imposter, the movement itself was worth looking into. Elena had said to look for clues; she might find some here.

Archer nodded. "There's a ball tomorrow night at a client's house; I've heard him and his friends murmuring about the movement. If I sneak you into the party, it might give you a chance to look around his office. Maybe you'll even find real traitors at the party-not just suspects."

And some ideas about what the king might be up to. Oh, this information could be very useful.

"Send along the details to the castle tomorrow morning, care of Lillian Gordaina," she told him. "But if this party turns out to be a load of nonsense, I'll reconsider my offer. Don't make me look the fool, Archer."

"You're Arobynn's protegee," he said quietly, opening the carriage door and keeping his distance as best he could while he exited. "I wouldn't dare."

"Good," she said. "And Archer?" He paused, a hand on the carriage door. She leaned forward, letting a bit of that wicked darkness s.h.i.+ne through her eyes. "If I find out that you aren't being discreet-if you draw too much attention to yourself or attempt to flee-I will end you. Is that clear?"

He gave her a low bow. "I am your eternal servant, milady." And then he gave her a smile that made her wonder whether she'd regret her decision to let him live. Leaning into the carriage bench, she thumped on the ceiling, and the driver headed to the castle. Though she was exhausted, she had one last thing to do before bed.

She knocked once, then opened the door to Chaol's bedroom just wide enough to peer in. He was standing frozen before the fireplace, as if he'd been in the middle of pacing.

"I thought you'd be asleep," she said, slipping inside. "It's past twelve."

He folded his arms across his chest, his captain's uniform rumpled and unb.u.t.toned at the collar. "Then why bother stopping by? I thought you weren't coming home tonight, anyway."

She pulled her cloak tighter around her, her fingers digging into the soft fur. She lifted her chin. "Turns out Archer wasn't as das.h.i.+ng as I remembered. Funny how a year in Endovier can change the way you see people."

His lips tugged upward, but his face remained solemn. "Did you get the information you wanted?"

"Yes, and then some," she said. She explained what Archer had told her (pretending that he'd accidentally given her the information, of course). She explained the rumors surrounding the lost heir of Terrasen, but left out the bits about Aelin Galathynius seeking to reestablish her court and raise an army. And about Archer not really being in the movement. Oh, and about wanting to uncover the king's true plans.

When she finished telling Chaol about the upcoming ball, he walked up to the mantel and braced his hands against it, staring at the tapestry hanging on the wall above. Though it was faded and worn, she instantly recognized the ancient city nestled into the side of a mountain above a silver lake: Anielle, Chaol's home.

"When are you going to tell the king?" he asked, turning his head to look at her.

"Not until I know if this is actually real-or until I use Archer to get as much information as I can before I kill him."

He nodded, pus.h.i.+ng off the mantel. "Just be careful."

"You keep saying that."

"Is there something wrong with saying it?"

"Yes, there is! I'm not some silly fool who can't protect herself or use her head!"

"Did I ever imply that?"

"No, but you keep saying *be careful' and telling me how you worry, and insisting you help me with things, and-"

"Because I do worry!"

"Well, you shouldn't! I'm just as capable of looking after myself as you are!"

He took a step toward her, but she held her ground. "Believe me, Celaena," he snarled, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng, "I know you can look after yourself. But I worry because I care. G.o.ds help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens."

She blinked. "Oh," was all she managed.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, then took a long, deep breath.

Celaena gave him a sheepish smile.

Chapter 12.

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