Wishes In The Wind Part 10

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An ironic snort. "Quite the opposite. Not only does Nickie ride like she was born for it, she thrives on pressure. I expect she'll stay calm long after the others are sweating profusely."

Well-being. A sudden, unnerving thought struck Dustin. "Do you have reason to suspect the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who threatened you will recognize Nicole?"

"Definitely not," Nick answered with the kind of conviction that suggested long hours of contemplation. "To my knowledge, those men have never laid eyes on Nickie. And even if they have, they'll believe what everyone else does-that she's in Scotland. With me. Tending to my injury. Besides, they'd never see through her disguise. It's too b.l.o.o.d.y good. Nickie made sure of that-given she'd have to get by the other jockeys, most of whom are my friends and have known the elf since she was a tot. She took extra precautions to fool them, lowering her voice, altering her mannerisms, and ... er, binding herself down." Nick flushed. "Anyway, combine all that with the cap she wears that hides half her face, and my colleagues would have to be looking d.a.m.ned close to see a glimpse of the real Nickie, which they won't be. Not at Epsom. All their attention will be focused on their own mounts." A troubled pause. "At least, I pray that's the case." Nick rubbed his palms against his breeches. "My nagging fear is for the time immediately preceding the race. Nickie will need to weigh out a quarter hour before the Derby's onset, draw a lot for her starting position, line up at the gate. That's when she'll be most vulnerable. Stoddard is new to the turf. The Racing Calendar will have printed his name as your stallion's jockey of record, so speculation will be rampant. It's only natural for the other jockeys to want to size up an unknown compet.i.tor. If they should stare long enough ..."

"They won't have the opportunity."


"I'm not without influence, Aldridge. I intend to make special provisions to eliminate the possibility you just described. Nicole won't arrive at Epsom until the Derby is about to commence. She'll be weighed out alone. Then she and Dagger will be ushered to their position at the gate just before the starter's flag is lowered. The other riders won't have time to scrutinize them."

"Thank G.o.d." Nick sagged with relief. "I can't tell you how that's preyed on my mind."

"Well, you can put it to rest. Now tell me precisely what else is causing you to worry about Nicole's well-being."

Again, Nick stiffened. "I'll be blunt, my lord. I never meant for Nickie's scheme to go this far. We needed an income. I needed to *disappear.' She was only to get a job and support us until the buzzards stopped circling me. I expected she'd stay at Tyreham, train for the summer races, and never put that training to use. July is a full two months off, more than enough time for those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds to lose interest in me and cast their eye on a more cooperative source. Once that happened, I planned to resume my life and have my daughter resume hers." His mouth set in harsh, stubborn lines. "I won't have Nickie living the life of a jockey-a man among other men. Traveling, living, sleeping in the same quarters."

"Nor will I." Dustin's expression was as steely as his tone. "I never even considered such a prospect. You have my word, Aldridge. Nicole will be s.h.i.+elded, separate, not only at the starting gate but in every aspect of her job."

"And, with all due respect, how do you intend to arrange such thorough overseeing?" Boldly, Nick met Dustin's gaze. "Or should I ask, who's going to provide it-you?"

"I take it you find that notion disagreeable?"

"Disagreeable? No. Unthinkable." Nick inhaled sharply, struggling to temper his reaction. "I realize I've got a lot of nerve speaking to you this way, given all you've done for us. As I said earlier, I'm grateful as h.e.l.l for your a.s.sistance and your protection. Further, I have no grounds for questioning your motives. Not according to Nickie, who swears you've been not only kind but a perfect gentleman. I'm also aware I'm blatantly overstepping my bounds, given who you are and who I am. My only excuse is that Nickie is the most important part of my life."

"You're Nicole's father. Which, in this case, far outweighs any meaningless t.i.tle or rank. Now speak your mind."

"Very well. Nickie's grown up in the stables among men who treat her with all the teasing affection of fathers to then-child. Consequently, she's had no cause to view herself through the eyes of a suitor. The fact is, she doesn't even realize that over the past few years she's grown to be an extraordinarily beautiful young woman-the image of her mother. I myself didn't perceive the transformation until several days ago when she actually donned a gown. 'Twas the night she located your ad in the personals. You recall the evening you and she met."

"I recall."

"I'm certain you do," Nick returned dryly. "Which is precisely why I'm a bit uneasy."

"Because I met Nicole as herself prior to meeting her as Stoddard?"

"No, because of your quick and avid interest in her. Because Nicole is b.l.o.o.d.y beautiful and innocent, and your reputation is as black as Satan himself."

Dustin found himself chuckling. "I begin to see where Nicole inherited her forthrightness."

"And are you equally forthright?"

"Apparently, I'm destined to be-at least when it comes to the Aldridges. So, yes. I intend to be uncharacteristically frank, but not only for your sake, for mine as well." Dustin paused. "And for Nicole's." With staunch determination, he leaned forward, muscles taut. "I don't customarily discuss my private life. This is an exception. Partly because you're indirectly involved and partly because I need your help."

"My help?"

A nod. "First, let me a.s.sure you-as I seem to be perpetually a.s.suring your daughter-the issue we're about to broach is separate and apart from both Nicole's entry in the Derby and from my proffered a.s.sistance in your dilemma. I'm committed to your safety and Nicole's victory, regardless of the outcome yielded by this morning's talk."

"You've discussed this matter with Nickie then?"

"Several times."

"I see. Very well, I'll accept your statement as sincere."

"Good. Now on to the subject at hand-Nicole. To be blunt, I've never known anyone quite like your daughter. From the moment we met, my feelings have been ... intense is the only word I can muster. And, believe me, that in itself is telling. Because, while I cannot muster emotions at will, I can always muster words. It's an art I've perfected over more years than I care to recall."

"With women, I presume you're implying."

"With nearly everyone. But, yes, with women."

"Don't bother elaborating. I've heard how accomplished you are at your various liaisons."

"Accomplished?" Dustin repeated with a bemused shake of his head. "That's an ironic choice of words. Because with Nicole, I feel anything but accomplished. To the contrary, I find myself unsure in ways I never imagined. I wonder how to proceed so as not to hurt her; how to avoid frightening her away; how to convince her that what I'm feeling is entirely real and entirely new-rooted in something far deeper than attraction.

"I'm aware of my reputation. Unfortunately, I can't prevent the spreading of gossip. But I can attest to the fact that my past has nothing to do with Nicole nor with my sentiments where she's concerned. Which leads me to my request. If I give you my word that I won't compromise Nicole's values or ask anything of her that would threaten her happiness, will you give me permission to call on her? Here. With you as a chaperone, if need be."

"Why would you ask my permission?" Nick countered, having watched Dustin intently as he spoke. "In fact, knowing that I'm privy to your notorious reputation, why not avoid dealing with me altogether? Surely you'll have ample opportunity to see Nicole during her next few weeks of training."

"No, I'll have ample opportunity to see Alden Stoddard," Dustin corrected. "And, given that I've promised Nicole to treat Stoddard as the young man he allegedly is, I'll have no chance to get to know Nicole Aldridge. Unless I find a way to visit her in a place other than the stables, somewhere entirely separate from her life as Stoddard and where she needn't fear discovery."

"I see." Nick's eyes narrowed. "You said you've spoken to Nickie. Well, she's not mentioned a word of it to me. Given that fact, I'm curious. What are her feelings on this matter?"

"The ones she's aware of or the ones she isn't?"

Nick didn't pretend to misunderstand. "Both. Although I have my doubts about adopting the latter as truth, being that it's coming from you. Frankly, you haven't known Nickie long enough, or well enough, to perceive her feelings before she does."

"I disagree. Nevertheless, here's your answer. Nicole is confused. She trusts me, and she's drawn to me, and she's intimidated as h.e.l.l by both. In my opinion, this pull between us is more than she's ready to handle yet. In fact, unless I convince her otherwise, I fully expect her to bolt the instant your circ.u.mstances alter." A corner of Dustin's mouth lifted. "Unless, of course, that change in circ.u.mstances should occur before she's won the Derby. In which case she'll delay her departure until after she's pa.s.sed the winning post."

Tenderness flashed in Nick's eyes, followed by a faraway look and a weighted sigh. "I can't pretend to fathom the way you t.i.tled people live, Tyreham. I met my wife when I was in my teens, fell deeply in love, and married her as soon as I'd saved enough money for us to get by. She meant- everything to me. Oh, I thrive on racing, I always have. It's in my soul, the spark that drives me. No one understood that better than Alicia." Nick's voice quavered. "But although riding was my spirit, Alicia was my heart. When she died, a part of me died with her. Nicole is all I have left, the miracle Alicia blessed me with." A faint smile. "I see so much of Alicia in Nickie-the dreamer, the romantic, the eternal light of joy. I know Nickie thinks she's just like me, but she's not. Not outside the stables. Her heart is like her mother's-fragile. And I won't allow you, or anyone else, to shatter it."

"I don't intend to shatter it. I intend to win it."


"Give me time to consider all you've said," Nick stated at last.

"All right. But, in the interim, Nicole's invited me to tea. Today. At four o'clock." Despite the intensity of the moment, Dustin found himself grinning. "Accompanied by inedible scones. I accepted her invitation. Is that permissible?"

"I suppose if Nickie's already asked you to come ..."

"She has. With stipulations, of course." Dustin counted off on his fingers. "First, I had to reiterate my vow that she would race Dagger whether or not she agreed to my visits, which I did. Second, I had to promise to eat beforehand, so I shan't perish from the ponderous weight of her scones. And last, I had to accept her decision to greet me in her customary attire of breeches and s.h.i.+rt, rather than gown and slippers."

This time Nick chuckled. "That sounds like Nickie. Evidently, she enjoys your company. Very well, Tyreham, four o'clock it is. After which, perhaps I'll be in a better position to address your request."

"Fair enough." Having accomplished his goal-or, at least, a portion thereof-Dustin s.h.i.+fted to the next crucial topic. "Now let's get to your quandary."

"Agreed. I take it you have questions. What can I tell you that Nickie hasn't already relayed?"

"The men who blackmailed you, what did they look like?"

Nick frowned, recalling every detail he could. "I only saw them twice-both times at the stables, both times for no more than two minutes. They were foul-looking and stinking of ale. The shorter one was more muscular. He was heavyset and flushed, with pale eyes. The other one was taller, not by a lot, and less brawny. His hair and eyes were black."

"The same two men who paid a little visit to Tyreham." Dustin stood and began prowling the room. "They were exceedingly anxious to find out if you were working for me. In fact, my gut tells me they didn't just want you off the turf. They wanted you. Badly enough to risk exposure by coming to see me. Badly enough to take the time to unearth my one weakness in order to scare me into producing you if the rumors were false and you were employed at my stables." Seeing Nick's questioning look, Dustin added, "My nephew Alexander, my brother's infant son. They threatened to harm him if I hired you."

"Dear G.o.d." Nick dragged a forearm across his brow. "I had no idea ..."

"They're serious, Aldridge. They intend to find you. The question is, why?"

"I've racked my brains for that answer, but to no avail. However, I agree with your a.s.sessment. They mean to do much more than blacklist me. They mean to kill me. That's why I got away as fast as I could."

"Then why do you a.s.sume they'll eventually give up?"

"Because the only time they've ever killed was when one of the jockeys involved vowed to retaliate. Openly. Stupidly. As a result, he was silenced."

"Who was that?"

Nick hesitated.

"Whatever you tell me will stay in this room," Dustin a.s.sured him.

A terse nod. "Redley. After the St. Leger Trial last fall. Although nothing was ever proven."

"d.a.m.n." Dustin's hands balled into fists. "I remember. Redley was killed at home, allegedly during a robbery. He worked for those animals?"

"Initially, yes. But I was there along with a dozen other men when he announced his intentions to beat the blackmailers at their own game. Three days later he was dead."

"And, knowing this, you still think they'll lose interest in you and disappear?"

Nick averted his gaze. "My situation is entirely different from Redley's. I'm not a fool. I have no intention of seeking vengeance. What's more, I don't possess a shred of information that might intimidate them or make them fear exposure."

"What makes you think Redley did?"

"The way he spoke. Why else would he have been so, boasting that he'd thrown the race for his own purposes and that he now had the ammunition to get even?"

"You said it yourself-he was stupid. That doesn't mean he had anything other than greed to back it up."

"Nevertheless, he conspired with those criminals. I didn't. Sooner or later, they'll realize I'm no threat. At which point they'll forget me."

Dustin absorbed Nick's words, his rigid profile. "You don't believe that any more than I do."

A hard swallow. "I have to believe that. For Nickie's sake." Rising, Nick faced Dustin, a bleak look in his eyes. "Since I fled Newmarket a week ago I've felt nothing but rage. Anger clouded my reason, and it was only today during the quiet hours when Nickie's been at the stables that I've begun pondering the situation rationally. The truth is that if I ignore those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds' threats, go charging back to the turf like a self-righteous fool, I'll be jeopardizing Nickie's life. She's my heart, Tyreham. If they hurt her-" Nick's voice broke. "I couldn't endure it. And if they killed me, who would Nickie have left? Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that to be heroic is to be reckless. I've got to wait this thing out until they give up and divert their energies elsewhere. Time is my only hope."

"You're deluding yourself," Dustin countered. "What's more, you know it. And, by doing so, you're not protecting Nicole, you're exposing her to even greater danger." Adamantly, he shook his head. "As for tactics, I'd never suggest you pursue these men. That would be downright suicidal. But they're not going to give up, Aldridge. Not until they find you. So denial is not the solution. Discovery is."

"Discovery?" Nick repeated. "How do you suggest I unearth facts while in hiding?"

"I don't. But then, you're in hiding. I'm not."

Nick studied Dustin for a long, thoughtful minute. "Who are you doing this for, your nephew or Nickie?"

"Both. And for the whole b.l.o.o.d.y lot of us who refuse to allow sc.u.m to corrupt the turf." Dustin frowned in thought. "Clearly, this is no amateur scheme. It's too vast and too ruthless. Which means there are pieces missing. Such as, who do those two lowlifes you described work for? They're certainly not acting on their own. So who's issuing their instructions, aiming to make a fortune on fixed races evidently as far back as last September?"

"Not just aiming. Succeeding." Nick gave a resigned sigh. "You really believe this is the prudent course of action, don't you, Tyreham?" He waited only for Dustin's nod. "I hope to G.o.d you know what you're doing. But since you're determined to try to stop these men, you'll need all the help I can give you, prisoner though I am. I'm privy to more details than you are. For example, I know several jockeys who cooperated by throwing races. One, in fact, rode for you."



Dustin inhaled sharply. "So, it wasn't incompetence. My a.s.sessment of his riding abilities was right."

"Indeed, he's one h.e.l.l of a jockey. He's also a greedy scoundrel who collected a thousand pounds for forfeiting the fall races. And he's far from alone. I can give you names, racing events ... the incidents are widespread, involving a handful of riders and Lord knows who else."

"Has no one tried to stop them?"

"Last September a group of us jockeys speculated over ways to put an end to the situation. But then Redley was murdered, and our desire for justice was eclipsed by our desire to stay alive."

"A group of you ... I gather your friend Sullivan was part of that group."

Nick's brows rose. "Nickie discussed Sully with you?"

"Only to say that he's your closest friend and that he helped spirit you from the turf."

"He did. He also gave us every pound he had in order to keep us hidden."

"I'll replenish every cent-in person."

"You intend to see him?"

"With your permission, yes. He's the only one, other than Nicole and me, who knows your true whereabouts. Also, he's not only your trusted friend but a fellow jockey, someone who's far closer to the riders in question than I. Perhaps he can help, maybe add to the list you provide me."

Nick considered the request. "What if those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are watching you? They'll see you meet with Sully. I don't want them connecting him with my disappearance."

"Aldridge," Dustin replied soberly, "given your longstanding friends.h.i.+p with Sullivan, do you honestly believe they haven't already connected him with your disappearance?"

"You're right. I'm sure they have." Nick ma.s.saged his temples, wearily crossing over to a small desk from which he extracted paper and pen. "Sully's quarters are in Suffolk," he informed Dustin, scribbling down the address. "Here. At least you'll be able to tell him that Nickie and I are well. I don't dare communicate with him myself."

"No, you don't." Dustin slipped the paper into his pocket "I'll a.s.sure him you're both quite safe. In fact, I'll ride to Suffolk first thing tomorrow." A thoughtful pause. "On the return trip, I think I'll drop in on the Viscount Preighbrook, ask him a few questions about Redley."

Nick blinked. "I'd nearly forgotten. Redley rode Lord Preighbrook's filly Nightingale at the St. Leger Trial."

"Which was his last race," Dustin reflected aloud. "I remember how upset Preighbrook was by Nightingale's performance. In truth, we were all somewhat stunned, given that she was the overwhelming favorite. But then, no one expected Redley to fall behind on that last lap." Dustin nodded decisively. "Yes, I'll definitely pay a visit to Preighbrook on my way home. His estate is right here in Surrey."

"Is that wise? Inevitably, word will get out that you're dredging up the circ.u.mstances surrounding Redley's death."

"I hope so." A steely glint lit Dustin's eyes. "In fact, I'm counting on it. The sooner those two lowlifes realize I'm delving, the sooner they'll reappear on my doorstep. At which time I intend to unsettle them enough so they'll race off to whoever pays their wages-with me at their heels, alert and undetected. If I'm successful, we'll be one step closer to resolving the crimes and resuming our lives." Dustin's gaze drifted to the window, over the path that led to the stables. "Our lives and our futures."

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