Rejar Part 44

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"Oldefather," he whispered affectionately.

"Rest for a moment, Rejar." The wizard pa.s.sed his hand over the Familiar's face, and Rejar closed his eyes.

"Why does he call you that, Yaniff?" Traed had overheard Rejar's remark.

Yaniff straightened and turned to face his adoptive son. "It is the weakness; he knows not what he says."

"Or his Familiar senses tell him something."

The two men stared at each other. Neither spoke. It did not appear Traed's arc had particularly surprised this old master. He knew, Traed realized. He had known all along.

"Will he be all right, Mr. Yaniff?" Lilac asked hesitantly. This old man with the long white hair, crimson robes, and an odd animal perched on his shoulder evoked an air of instant respect.

"Yes; he arises now." Lilac looked over to the bed, surprised to see her husband struggling to sit up. She ran over to him.

"Rejar! Stop! You are still weak!" She tried to fix the pillows behind his back as he leaned against the headboard.

Lilac. She was recovered and he was still alive! A surge of joy rushed through him, giving him a burst of strength.

Rejar grabbed his mate about the waist and pulled her onto the bed next to him. "Not so spiritless, souk-souk, that I do not remember what you have said to me!" He kissed her soundly on the lips. "Make everyone leave," he whispered mischievously to her. "I want to talk to you."

"You must be better-you're back to your usual naughty self." She playfully punched his shoulder, then hugged him tightly to her.

Rejar embraced her as well, clasping her to him as though he would never let her go.

"She is right; you need rest, Rejar. You both do." Yaniff walked over to the bed, his warning reminding them what they had both been through recently. Rejar reluctantly released her.

Lilac took the opportunity to scoot off the bed; she needed to speak with Auntie Whumples. The poor dear had been standing frozen in the same spot with her mouth gaping open for much too long.

Rejar watched her comfort her aunt. "She has accepted me. Things will change between us now."

"Perhaps." Yaniff pulled up a chair, sitting by the bed.

"Thank you, Yaniff, for giving my life back to me."

Yaniff waved his hand as if returning life to someone were a small deed. "You realise you could have brought the forces to yourself had you been of the Charl?"

Rejar sighed in good humor. "Ah! Do not waste the opportunity, old man! I do not know why you have always wished me to join the Charl; I do not have these abilities, Yaniff."

"You have them and more. Would you yet risk the life of your wife and yourself again because you have abilities that you do not know how to use?" he slyly asked.

Rejar gave him a patented look out of the corner of his eye. "Very well. You have your wish; I will join you."

Yaniff beamed; he clapped Rejar heartily on the back. "Finally! I vow, you have been a trial to me, Rejar. For a Familiar, you are an extremely stubborn man."

At Rejar's narrowed look, he quickly added, "However, this can be a good trait. I, myself, will guide you on your journey to find the knight within. Together we shall bring him forth." His gaze went to Traed. "For both of you." he murmured.

Rejar sat up straighter, astonishment showing on his face. "It is gone!"

"What is gone, Rejar?"

"The restlessness-it has completely left me. What was it, Yaniff?"

The wizard gazed at him speculatively. "Give me your hands."

Rejar did. Yaniff clasped his hands, closing his eyes. When he opened them he was smiling.

"Yes ... I believe it does make sense."

"What, Yaniff? Tell me."

"Know you not that the restlessness was you, Rejar?"

"I do not understand."

"The Charl part of you that you have always tried to suppress-it spoke to you and would not be silent until you recognized it."

"I still do not understand, Yaniff."

"You will in time." "

Rejar furrowed his brow. "There is not much of my father's line of power in me. I have no Charl abilities."

"You think not?" The wizard smiled mysteriously. "Well, together we will seek this hidden side that speaks to you and see what we will find."

"As you wish, Yaniff, but you waste your time."

"A wizard never wastes his time. That is your first lesson, Rejar."

The Familiar leaned back against the pillows, smiling. "Perhaps I shall be the exception," he joked.

Yaniff seemed to find his own humor in Rejar's words. He chuckled, his fingers going up to stroke his winged companion on his shoulder. "Your life will be one of many changes, my young friend. As you have the ability to transform yourself, so too, will the path of your life alter and change."

"Can you see my future then, Yaniff?"


"What do you see?"

"I will only tell you this-you will become a man of legendary power both within and without. You will be a great leader of men. However, your revelation of power will cost you dearly."

Rejar snorted. "You see wrong. I have no desire for power or greatness. I desire only to be with my wife and lead a quiet life-in love."

"Such is not your destiny, Rejar. You have already learned that you cannot deny who you are. There is greatness in you; you will become a legend among our people." He specifically gazed across the room at Traed when he said, "The time for avoidance is over. This is my prophecy."

"It is not me you speak of! I am a man whose interests lie in other directions."

Yaniff said nothing.

"Perhaps I should not return with you to Aviara after all."

"You will come; for you have already sensed you cannot remain here. You could never be your true self in this world."

Rejar inclined his head slightly, the truth of Yaniffs words evident.

"I must return now; word has been sent to me from the Familiar world that Gian Ren is missing."

Rejar was shocked. "Taz Gian is missing?"

"Yes. As you can imagine, there is much unrest on M'yan."

"I will not be long in coming, Yaniff. This news disturbs me."

"It disturbs us all; however, you"-Yaniff shook his finger at him-"will be involved in your studies."

Rejar frowned. He did not like this twist of events. "He is my blood relative, Yaniff."

"And you now belong to me. You have agreed to be my student; your allegiance is to the Charl. In time you will get used to listening to your teacher. As for Gian, the High Guild will do everything in its power to help the Familiar people; you know that."

Rejar exhaled slowly. He did not know if he was going to like this student business. He was used to making decisions solely on his own.

Yaniff approached Traed.

"Rejar has agreed to join the Charl; I have accepted his oath. You will bear witness to this. I am sure the Guild is waiting to speak with you as well."

The green eyes narrowed as they contemplated the wizard.

It suddenly occurred to Traed just how Yaniff had manipulated the situation.

The old wizard had cornered him well.

He had played his game and set his trap, garnering both Rejar and him at once. By using his power to help Rejar, Traed was forced to release the power inside him; while Rejar was made to see how dangerous it was for him not to open himself to his Charl side.

The old wizard had played each off the other, using one to bend the other. Traed had to admit it was clever of him. Clever and insidious.

"Think you I know not what you are about, Yaniff?" Traed said in a harsh tone.

Yaniff had expected this reaction from him. "It was out of love, Traed; I hope in time you realize that. You could not hide forever."

"No, I suppose not. It was a fantasy of mine, you see, which required true magic."

Yaniff nodded poignantly. He understood Traed's dilemma well. "I go now; stay with him. He will need you to open the Tunnel."

"Are you so sure I can?"

Yaniff raised one eyebrow. "Yes." He called forth the Tunnel.

The pulsating circle grew and grew until a maw large enough for him to enter opened in the room.

"My word!" Agatha stuttered.

Before he entered the Tunnel, Yaniff boldly eyed the elderly woman. Letting his gaze run the length of her, he winked saucily.

Then he was gone.

Agatha began fanning herself. Apparently Yaniffs brazen action was enough to snap her out of her stupor. "Did you see that? What impertinence!"

At least her aunt was speaking again. Lilac crawled back onto the bed feeling terribly downhearted. Sitting back on her haunches, her white lawn nightgown billowing around her, she suddenly looked very young.

"You are leaving us to go to your home in the pool, Rejar?" Her eyes filled with tears.

She still didn't quite understand, but she was trying. He smiled gently, thinking that she looked adorable. Especially since her lower lip couldn't decide whether to quiver or pout.

"Yes." His fingers brushed that delectable lip. "You and Agatha are coming with me."

Her mouth parted in surprise.

"Did you think I would leave you, souk-souk?"

"But-but I can't swim!"

Rejar roared with laughter. "You do not have to swim. Lilac. You will love Aviara! There are pretty gardens for you to enjoy, the weather is not damp or chilly like here, and everywhere it is green with many, many flowers. The air is sweet and clean. Moreover, there will not be the confines placed upon you that you have had to endure here in Ree Gen Cee Ing Land." His hand cradled her lovely face. "I think this Lilac will bloom there."

"It sounds lovely." She nuzzled against his caress.

"It is a beautiful place where you will never have to suffer something like this again." His thumb traced the dark circle under her eye, evidence of her recent illness. "Ah, and I have a special little pet for you. Her name is Sookah. She is very sweet and affectionate-or she will be once she gets over her jealously of you."

"What kind of pet is it?" she asked warily.

His eyes twinkled. "A souk-souk."

Lilac hit him with a pillow.

Rejar gave her The Smile, looking much like a cat with tail feathers around his mouth.

"Agatha, when I mated with Lilac I promised you I would take care of you both. Will it upset you to leave this home?"

"I should say not! I detest the strictures that I have been forced to live under my entire life. Just think of it... I shall be able to explore the mysterious unknown! It is my life's dream! I am quite excited by the prospect; why, I can hardly wait!"

Rejar's blue/gold eyes flashed with humor and a good dose of Aviaran male arrogance. "That is fortunate since you are going." He would never leave the old woman behind.

Agatha viewed him obliquely. "I shall have to work on you, young man. I can see by that rapscallion who was here before where it is you get your arrogance."

"We shall not be returning," he added gently, letting her know all that the voyage entailed.

Agatha placed her hands on her hips. "Good. I shall simply have to decide what to take with me." No matter what the circ.u.mstances, she would be with Lilac.

"Nothing," Rejar said softly. "We should take nothing."

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