Rejar Part 40

Rejar -

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Not stopping to think through her plan, she grabbed her shawl. She would go now while Nickolai was bathing.

Lilac hesitated, biting her lip.

Nickolai had told her he did not want her to leave the house without first informing him.

Well, she would be back before he finished with his bath. She wouldn't even call for a carriage; Jackie might decide to confer with "his Princes.h.i.+p" on the matter. Leona's house was only a few blocks away; it would be better to walk than risking discovery.

Too bad her bonnet was upstairs.

It really was raining very hard.

Still sitting in the parlor over the board game wondering how Rejar had managed that last move, Traed caught sight of Lilac leaving the house through the reflection in the foyer mirror.

He raised his eyebrows pensively.

"Lilac!" Leona held out her arms to the younger woman.

Lady Harcorte had elected to see the girl in her boudoir, thereby giving the appearance of close friends.h.i.+p. She was not ready to give up on her quest with the das.h.i.+ng prince; she had a reputation to maintain.

Still, the brother had proven incredibly satisfying. Albeit a tad domineering. Nonsense and stuff! Who was she kidding? He had been the best she had ever had; and she'd had oh-so-many. Just the memory of the incredible night was enough to- She tried to compose herself.

"To what do I owe this charming, impromptu visit?"

"Oh, Leona!" Lilac ran into the older woman's embrace. "You must help me! You must!"

"Why, my dear, whatever is the matter?" Leona stood back while clasping Lilac's hands. A properly concerned expression displayed itself on her face.

The girl's eyes were red-rimmed as if she had been crying; her dress was damp; and her hair was covered with water-droplets.

There was only one thing that could get a young woman this upset. Lilac was having husband trouble. Leona tried not to let her excitement show.

"You're soaking wet; come sit by the fire. Did you walk all the way over here?"

"Yes." She nodded, s.h.i.+vering slightly. "I didn't want Nickolai to know I had come. He-" she bit her lip.

"He what?"

"He doesn't seem to delight in our friends.h.i.+p, Leona."

Smart man. "Nonsense! Nickolai adores me! Ask him yourself if you don't believe me." She slyly goaded her.

Lilac shook her head. "No, that wouldn't do, I'm afraid. Anyway, I don't care what Nickolai thinks of our friends.h.i.+p! I like you, Leona, and that's all that matters."

Leona Harcorte stamped out the foreign rush of affection she surprisingly felt for the girl. She hadn't gotten where she was by allowing herself to care about the feelings of anyone but herself! After all, who, except her father, had ever cared about her?

"That's very sweet of you dear." She patted Lilac's hand. "Tell me what troubles you."

"It's Nickolai!" she sobbed. "I believe he has lost interest in me! He turns from me at night... and he does not seem to want me anymore." She gazed up at Leona, large green eyes all br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears and trust.

Here was her chance. Leona gloated on the forthcoming victory.

With her next words she could drive a wedge between Lilac and her husband so deep they would never be able to recover from it. The Prince would soon be hers.

What should it be? She tapped her delicate chin. She could say she had seen Nickolai with another woman-that always worked. Or ...

She could hint that he had made overtures to her, but because of her dear friends.h.i.+p with Lilac she had naturally refused him-a personal favorite of hers. Or...

She could casually impart that he had been seen in the company of several of the lowest doxies from Covent Garden. The threat of disease worked wonders to dampen the ardor!

There were still worse insinuations she could come up with... This was so much fun! What should it be? Leona glanced at the innocent, trusting little face next to her. Something she had though long dead in her rose to the surface.

She couldn't do it.

In that brief glimpse it was as if time had overlaid itself and she had seen herself fifteen years before, young and trusting, and so completely vulnerable. A time before that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Harcorte had forever destroyed something in her. A time when she was a woman who still believed there was hope and a thing called love in the world. An idealistic little fool.

The unfamiliar feeling of compa.s.sion wedged itself in Leona's throat.

Agitated, she stood, placing herself before Lilac. If she was going to be n.o.ble, she'd best do it quickly before she made herself sick.

"Don't be a pudding-head. Lilac!" Her cross voice stymied the younger woman. Lilac blinked back her tears, gaping at her.

"Wh-what do you mean, Leona?"

"Men do the most incomprehensible things at times; it is not for us-logical beings that we are-to waste our time trying to figure out their odd behavior. Nickolai adores you."

"How do you know?" Lilac wasn't sure she believed that.

Leona slashed her hand impatiently through the air. "If there is one thing I know in this world, it's men. Believe me. Lilac; if there is a problem between the two of you-and I don't think there is-it's temporary."

"But"-her lower lip quivered-"he doesn't..."

"For heaven's sake. Lilac! Use the brains you were born with! The man is probably waiting for a gesture from you. Men can be the oddest creatures-tell him what you want."

"You think?" A light of hope lit up her pretty face.

Leona put her hands on her hips. "Yes! Go back to him right away and stop this nonsense."

Lilac stood. "I will," she said determinedly. A bright smile etched across her mouth. "Thank you, Leona!"

Impulsively, she hugged the older woman, whispering in her ear. "You know, you're not nearly as uncaring as you want people to think."

Leona watched her race down the stairs. "Yes, I am," she whispered sadly.

Behind her, the door to her bedchamber opened.

Leona looked over her shoulder. Prince Azov's brother strolled into the room, boot heels clicking insolently on her parquet flooring. His glittering green eyes betrayed nothing as he a.s.sessed her.

The hardened mask she wore to face the world was once more firmly in place. "How long have you been there?" she demanded furiously.

He ran a knuckle down the smooth skin of her cheek, a soft caress of speculation. "Long enough."

The fact that he had witnessed her appalling display of sentiment horrified her. She twisted away from him. "Don't ever mention it to me."

"If that is your wish." Strong hands on her shoulders turned her around to face him.

Shocked, she started to object.

His lips silenced her.

Rejar impatiently draped his red robe over his shoulders, tying the sash with a short tug.

He was not going to be able to withstand much more of this. And what did she mean by penetrating her finger slowly through that opening in the chair! Just thinking about it caused him to grind his teeth. Did the woman plan to torture him?

Picturing her arousing action again, he groaned.

The chilly bath water had been punishment enough on this damp day.

He was about to walk out of the dressing room when he spotted the dress Lilac had been wearing earlier. The one she had abruptly changed. It was lying pooled on the carpet next to a stool.

He must have knocked it off in his haste to immerse himself.

Bending over to pick it up, he was about to replace it when he hesitated, frowning. What was this? Her project seemed to be fastened to the front of the outfit. Curious, Rejar examined it closer.

A huge grin spread across his face.

So that is why the little souk-souk left the room in such a hurry! He chuckled. Only his Lilac.

Carefully returning the dress to the stool, he strolled into the bedroom.

Before he had gone a few feet, his wife entered the room, softly closing the door behind her. Not seeing him, she started to tiptoe across the room.

Rejar crossed his arms over his chest.

What was she hiding now? He examined her closely, noting the damp dress and water droplets veiling her hair. "Have you been out?" he scowled.

"Eek!" Startled, Lilac spun around, hand to her heart. "My G.o.d, Nickolai, don't scare me like that! You move as silently as a-" Her words faltered.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were still taking a bath."

"Oh, yes? Then why were you trying to sneak into the room?" His penetrating glance slid down her body. "Was there something you did not wish me to know, hmm?"

Lilac blushed guiltily.

"I hope you were only in the garden, Lilac; although I cannot imagine why you would wish to go outside on such a day."

"Nickolai, don't be angry. I had to do ... an errand." "Why did you not tell me? I would have escorted you or done whatever you required. There was no need for you to get soaked like this."

"Um ... you were bathing and I didn't want to disturb you."

He glowered at that foolishness.

"But I will next time." she quickly added.

Her concession seemed to appease him. "As long as Jackie was with you I suppose it was all right."

Uh-oh. I wonder if a man who looks like a fir tree can be bribed. Lilac plastered a rea.s.suring smile on her face, nodding in agreement.

"Next time, I prefer if you would let me know before you decide to leave; I am concerned about your welfare, Lilac. There are dangers in this world I believe you know nothing about. I would not see any harm come to you."

Moved, Lilac blinked back the sudden tears in her eyes. How was it that Nickolai could affect her this way? She should be incensed at his overbearing att.i.tude; yet here she was emotional because he was concerned about her. She thought about what Leona had said, wondering if the woman was right. Did he still want her?

And if he did, how was she to find out?

She suddenly realized that her husband was perfectly dressed for the job she had in mind. Her yearning gaze took in his muscular form covered in nothing but red silk. Inspiration struck! She used the opportunity to place her hand on his silk-clad forearm. "That's very sweet, Nickolai."

As experienced as he was, Rejar had no trouble deciphering the searing look his wife was giving him. So, Traed's advice had proven true. She wished his touch upon her once again.

He breathed a sigh of relief, his body already responding to her nearness.

Nonetheless, he wanted much more from her.

While Traed's advice was appropriate for the initial circ.u.mstances, Rejar decided he was going to follow through with his own instincts. He had an idea.

He reached over to clasp her waist with his hands.

Lifting her off the floor, he held her up to him at eye level. They gazed into each other's eyes for several tension-fraught moments.

Finally he spoke in a measured voice. "Do you desire me?"

Lilac's put her arms around his neck. "Yes, Nickolai," she whispered, admitting the truth.

"Good." His mouth brushed along her temple. "Do you want me to give you pleasure?"

"Yes," she breathed, drinking in his erotic scent, the evocation of the musky taste of him.

"Will you do something for me if I give you everything you desire?"

Lilac buried her face in the silky hair, nodding against the side of his face.

"Since I have come here you have read to me many stories, Lilac. Now I am going to tell you a story. It is a complicated one so it may take some time for me to tell it to you. Do you understand?"

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