Rejar Part 32

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"Time to have the baby!" A dull pain gripped her lower back. "Please hurry, Lorgin!"

Lorgin came instantly awake, all peripheries working. He leapt out of bed. "You are sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure-now go!"

"Let me see." He ran his large palm gently over the swell of her stomach. He looked at her. "You are right, Adeeann. The babe is ready to come."

She knew that... but how did he know that? Chocking it up to another Aviaran oddity-and they were legion-she motioned for him to leave. He grinned. "You do not need a healer, Adeeann."

"Are you nuts? And who's going to deliver the baby? You?"


Deana's mouth gaped. "Stop trying to make me laugh-this is serious, Lorgin."

"Very serious," he agreed.

A sweat broke out across her brow. When Lorgin had that look, he usually meant what he said. Oh no. "Don't do this to me now, Lorgin. Go get the healer."

Lorgin sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand in his. "There is no need to be concerned, zira. It is a time-honored tradition. Aviaran fathers teach their sons how to birth their children into the world. I will bring forth the babe."

Deana stared at him, stunned.

"Does this not make you happy?" he asked sweetly.

She started screaming her head off like a woman possessed.

"I want a doctor, do you hear me! I want a hospital! I want people wearing scrub suits around me with masks!" A particularly sharp pain gripped her lower belly. "I want morphine!"

Lorgin's eyes widened; he backed off from the bed-carefully.

"But, zira-"

Deana would later swear that her head turned one hundred and eighty degrees just like the kid in The Exorcist. Surely that deep, inhuman voice which came from her mouth was not her own. "GET THAT HEALER!" said the voice from h.e.l.l.

Lorgin stood transfixed in the middle of the bedroom, gaping at the changeling that was once his lovable wife. He swallowed, trying to figure out how to deal with this zealous creature. It. would not do to provoke it.

"Are you having some difficulty, Lorgin ta'al Krue?" The amused question came from the bedroom doorway.

Lorgin gratefully greeted the visitor. "Yaniff! Why does she act this way? Our custom is one in which wives find much joy. Surely she misunderstood me?"

Yaniff chuckled. "I think not, Lorgin. Things are much different in her world." His sights went to the corner of the room where their tree had already grown a small connecting room for the babe. Over time, Yaniff knew, many rooms would be added to this house and they would all be filled with happiness.

A loud wail came from the bed, followed by a scary roar of outrage.

Lorgin paled.

"I will speak to her. Perhaps I can ease your path."

"Thank you, Yaniff." Lorgin ran his damp palms down his thighs. He was so concerned, he had not even realized he was standing in the middle of the room stark naked.

Yaniff found this extremely humorous. Lorgin was their finest warrior; in the past he had faced down countless enemies, not to mention dangerous beasts of all kinds. Yet, here he stood like a youth in his first battle. Truly, he loved his wife.

"You may wish to put on some tracas while I speak to her. She may feel more comfortable giving birth into the hands of a man who at least has on some tracas." Yaniffs eyes twinkled.

Lorgin looked down, surprised to see he was completely unclothed. He stormed over to a cabinet and, pulling out a pair of black leather pants, slipped them on.

Yaniff approached the bed. "Adeeann."

"Yaniff!" She grabbed the old wizard's hand. "Help me! You said you would send me back when ever I wished well, I want to go now! You may deliver me to a place called Ma.s.s General. The front door will be fine."

Lorgin came up to the bed. He had overheard her words and he was blazing with anger. "Yaniff, what does she mean when she says you will send her back whenever she wishes? Think you I would allow such a thing? I forbid-" Yaniff motioned him behind his back to be silent.

Due to his zira's condition, he stood down; but he fully intended to straighten Yaniff out about that ridiculous idea of his wife's.

"Adeeann," Yaniff began calmly, "what is all this commotion about?" He sat on the edge of the bed.

Deana started to cry. "I'm so scared, Yaniff. I really do think I need a hospital-with lots of professional people and tons of medicine."

"There, there." The old man patted her hand. "I can a.s.sure you Lorgin will do fine; Krue has trained him. He knows what to do to help you. Think of the beautiful experience it will be for the two of you to share such a momentous event together. The life you have both created will take its first breath surrounded only by the love of its parents. It is the Aviaran way."

"But I'm not Aviaran." Her lower lip quivered.

"Nonsense. You became Aviaran the instant you accepted Lorgin's troth." He leaned over, speaking quietly near her ear. "Would I leave you in less than the best of hands?"

Knowing Yaniff as she did, she had to acknowledge his words. "No, I know you wouldn't."

He squeezed her hand. "You see? Everything will be fine. You have my word on it."

Deana instantly relaxed. If Yaniff said it, then it would be so.

"Do you trust Lorgin?" he wisely asked her.

"More than anyone in my life," she whispered.

"Than you have spoken for yourself. I will leave the two of you now." He kissed her forehead, then nodded to Lorgin, who was standing by the door. "Walk with me, Lorgin. I believe your zira is inclined to the Aviaran way now."

Before Lorgin walked the old mystic down the stairs to the living level, he paused, turning back to Deana. He met her wide-eyed, frightened look with a level one of his own. "I will be right back, zira."

Deana nodded nervously.

Downstairs, Lorgin said what was on his mind.

"What is this nonsense of you returning Adeeann to her world should she desire it?"

Yaniff smiled. "Do you see her desire it?"

"That is not the point and well you know it. You can not interfere with an oath couple! What were you thinking to promise her such a thing?"

"The illusion serves her well. So long as she believes she has the power to return to her world, the more comfortable she feels in remaining."

"I do not like it."

"Come now, Lorgin, surely a warrior such as yourself can keep his woman happy enough so she would not want to return to her old home." Yaniff was being his usual sly self.

Lorgin was not to be misled. "I would have your oath, as well, Yaniff," he shrewdly demanded.

The ancient wizard watched him. "And what oath could I give you that would still honor my oath to her?"

"You can honor your oath to her, but only with my permission."

Yaniff snickered. "You have always been an excellent student, Lorgin."

He smiled. "So, you agree?"

"How can I not?"

"Good. I best return to Adeeann."

"She will be fine."

"I am relieved to hear you speak thus, Yaniff. It eases my mind."

Yaniff nodded. "This one will not give you any trouble."

Lorgin blinked. "This one? What mean you by that?"

Yaniffs eyes gleamed with amus.e.m.e.nt; he cuffed Lorgin soundly on the head. "And what mean you by asking your Charl master questions you know he will not answer?"

He laughed at the expression of sheepish chagrin on the younger man's face.

"Go back to your zira; I will visit with you on the morrow's eve after you have all rested. By then, there will be a new life for me to welcome-a most favorable addition to the line of Lodarres. A proud moment, indeed." Yaniff placed his hand on Lorgin's shoulder.

Before the wizard had reached the platform, Lorgin was already by his wife's side.

Throughout the long hours that followed, Lorgin showed her the true measure of a great Aviaran warrior. In constant control, despite his own inner trepidation, he was a tower of strength by her side.

His calm, coaxing presence was a balm to her fraying nerves. Through each phase of her labor, he patiently and lovingly guided her. And when the pain became severe, he took her hands in his own, sending her wave after wave of his power. The transferring of his strength to her somehow acted like aprophylactic, taking away her discomfort and renewing her vigor.

It was a long labor, draining them both. After several hours, when Lorgin took a moment to carefully clean the blade of his Cearix, Deana endeavored to joke, "I don't want to know why you're doing that."

He smiled faintly. "Good, then I will not tell you."

The birth of the child was imminent. A tremendous pressure seemed to grip her belly. "Lorgin!" She called out his name. He quickly returned to her side, giving her even more of his powerful strength.

He was starting to look quite wan himself, Deana realized. Dark circles ringed his amethyst eyes. His normally vibrant golden tan skin tone had a pallid, gaunt cast. He would give me his last shred of vital force if he felt he had to.... At that moment, Deana felt so much love for him that she thought she would burst of it.

"No more, Lorgin, it's enough," she managed to gasp, worried now for him.

"You are sure?" He watched her, a drawn look on his face.

"Yes, yes I'm sure." she tried to stifle a groan as a tremendous urgency seized her.

The crystal chimes outside all started to chime at once from a sudden breeze. What a beautiful melody, she thought amidst her exertions. "The babe comes, Adeeann!" Their child slipped into his waiting hands. Lorgin was silent for several moments. When he looked up, there were tears in his eyes. "A daughter, Adeeann. We have a beautiful daughter."

"A little girl?" Deana's face lit up with joy.

Speaking in a strong voice, Lorgin intoned the traditional Aviaran words of birthing with the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing.

"I give to you my power, my wife, And you return it to me- The most precious gift of generations."

He then cut the cord with the Cearix that had seen the birth of sixteen generations of his family.

"The line is cut And so begins anew; The line of Lodarres continues."

He reverently handed their child to her.

Deana looked down at the baby in her arms, her own eyes filling. "Look what we did, Lorgin-it's a miracle."

Moved, he kissed her softly on the lips.

Deana tasted one of his tears on her tongue. Yaniff was right; it was an incredible moment, one she was glad to share only with Lorgin. The Aviaran custom was a good one. Fathers must teach their sons well here.

"What is it?" Lorgin noticed the speculative look on her face.

"I was thinking about your custom and I suddenly realized that Theardar must have loved Traed; how couldn't he after experiencing the same thing you did?"

Lorgin looked away. "Theardar could not do it, Adeeann. You see, he knew that Marilan would die with the birth of his child. It was a terrible thing, unheard of, for an Aviaran father not to bring forth his own child. It was Krue who brought Traed into this world."

"And watched his own sister die?"


Deana gazed down at her own precious baby. Little bits of red hair fuzzed her head. Amethyst eyes stared adoringly up at her. Who could not love a baby? Remembering the beautiful tinkling of the chimes at the moment of her daughter's birth, she lovingly stroked the downy-soft cheek. "Melody," she said.

Although it was traditional for Aviaran father's to name their firstborn, Lorgin whispered to his wife that it was the perfect name for a child conceived in harmony with so much love.

London Lilac opened her eyes.

It was still night, the room dark, although a pale glow of moonlight filtered through the windows. Nickolai always left the drapes undrawn, favoring the room "open to the night" as he slept.

He seemed to like the first light of dawn awakening him as well-even if he often drifted back to sleep. Several times, she had been awakened to his pa.s.sionate lovemaking in the early hours of daybreak.

It suddenly occurred to her that Nickolai seemed particularly active at dawn and dusk. Just like a cat...

Lilac buried the awful thought immediately. It was a part of Nickolai she simply could not deal with. Already, she had half-convinced herself that she had imagined the bizarre transformation the morning after her wedding. The sorcerer's tricks.

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