The Far Side Of Forever Part 61

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U.'pd forgotten about the lie I'd told InThig, forgotten I ..Si-^ljtto't told it the truth the way I'd meant to, and now Rik

''^1'as gone. It had been him, I suddenly realized, who had

^Illled my life at the very end, keeping that man with the '.'^SSlSSe from killing me while I held my spell. And he might

; ISWB have been wounded when he did it! For the second :.^ifiBle he'd saved my life and then he had simply left, to get

^H^Melf away from a place he knew he wasn't wanted.

> 6Bew it because I'd told him so.

) > "< p="">

"*Dranna's voice came through, bringing me the realization

^ffiat tee four had left their table to stand around me,

-^Jiolding or patting me in an attempt to give comfort, "I

-^thought every now and again that you might be feeling .^(ittracted to him, but you don't really want someone like

-Aim. He becomes an animal, Laciel, and no matter how

- luce he is when he isn't one, you still can't trust that kind.

Jiff you ever tried to-get to know him better, you'd almost Certainly find yourself savaged. No woman needs some-

- tiling like dial."

; Her pretty face was looking realty compa.s.sionate, and it came to me that she wasn't tryiag to be nasty and spiteful, oftly helpful. Most people aren't responsible for the preju- dices they have, no matter how hurtful those prejudices are to the innocent; if / didn't know that, no one di3. It also came to me that Rik hadn't said anything when I'd told him Dranna liked him; by then he must have known how she rcaUy felt, or he wouldn't have been so upset when she begfi) kissing him when she didn't know what she was doing. He considered Zail a rival he'd lost to, Dranna someone who was disgusted by him, Kadrim and Su ca- ' sual acquaintances, and me someone who didn't want him Bear her. The wonder wasn't that he'd left, but that he'd stayed as long as he had.

**ff yea want to find him first before we visit the Wolf Hibe; I'll go with you," Su said to me, strong disapproval

-* is her eyes for the opinions Dranna had voiced. "Shouldn't c tate tod long, and then there'll be four of us. Kadrim .:thinks he'll be staying with me for a while."

-^ "Indeed," Kadrim agreed with a grin when I immcdi- ;-?Wely brightened at the suggestion. "To return to my own

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world now would be to put my sons in an undeserved quandary. By now my holdings have surely been divided amongst them, and their concept of honor is such mat they would just as surely return all of it to me were / to return.

And even beyond that, it seems 1 have found a woman whose like has never before been known to me, one who had no difficulty in seeing the man beneath the boy. It has become my intention to prove myself worthy of her."

He and Su were looking at each other with something more than simple attraction, and I suddenly realized that Kadrim's face had been changed a little, to make him appear just a few years more mature. The two of them now looked to be about the same age, and me happiness that filled me was the first I'd felt in a very long time. They'd keep each other from being lonely and sad, I knew they would, and all I wanted to do was hug them very tight.

"Excuse me," Graythor's voice came, interrupting the flurry of most of us starting to speak at once. We all turned to see that he'd followed me to the salon, and no one's commenting on his real appearance showed they already knew all about it. "You're certainly free to go where you wish and with whom you wish, Laciel child,"

he said, walking toward us with his usual warm smile. "I would, however, like to ask you the favor of returning as soon as you may. The longer you wait to begin your studies, the more valuable time will be wasted.**

"Studies? What studies?" I asked, having no idea what he was talking about. "I've already been certified as a sorceress, and it will be years yet before I reach wizard strength. What is it you expect me to study?"

"My dear girl, surely you know by now," he said as he stopped, surprised-and possibly somewhat upset as well.

"It won't be that long at all before you reach wizard strength, and by men you really should be prepared to begin your life's work. I'm aware of the fact that most wizards spend a good deal longer getting into it, but most also take a good deal longer showing a talent for it. You, my dear.

don't show a talent but a gift, and it would be criminal to allow it to go to waste. It was the second reason you were chosen as magic user for the quest, the second reason


you gave me no opportunity to discuss with you


1^*1 don't understand," I said, still completely bewil- taftd. "Uncle Graythor, what is it I'm going to be

^*Wny, Laciel, how can you not know?" he asked, peaking very gently. "The speed and a.s.surance with jbsch you learned my spells, the way you kept adapting a^fiteic to your needs during the journey-and what you ,^ cd to win the confrontation. Child, Morgiana and I have ^s^Sg agreed: your place awaits you doing vital research, " Sivestigations which will benefit us all. The work you

*^are born for is unSeen magic."

'^^ UnSeeo magic. Black magic. Everyone around me ex- ^aimed in awed delight, congratulating me for being good enough to qualify for such an honor, and it really was an

-jfconor. Only the best ever got involved in working with thire ideas, but rather than feeling honored, all I felt was < p="">

;??olooking for Rik, find him and tell him I really didn't disHfce him after all-and then come back to work with soroeming that could kill me at any .time? Would that be

/..fair to him? Would that be fair to anyone I-didn't dislike?

It looked like it was a good thing he'd left after .all, the best thing for trim he could possibly have done.

- "Uncle Graythor," I said without looking at him, my arms wrapped around me against the chill I felt from Standing there, barefoot on the carpeting. "That woman < p="">

/.^*^SS* came to me without a name, of course, so until she decided on one for herself, I simply called her what she was to me," he answered, back to sounding the way I nbw.felt. "Beloved."

-* ' Yes, I thought with a sigh, still not looking up, and then began considering what I would do with the Wolf tribe.

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