Across Time Part 40

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For a long time, both women quietly cried, until finally they stopped long enough to take one last look inside the box. There was one more item. Someone had written a letter on a piece of vellum and wrapped it carefully in leather. Jessie's hands trembled as she carefully untied the leather strap and opened the leather piece to reveal the vellum.

"She wrote a letter." Jessie stared down at the parchment. "But the language is unfamiliar to me."

Ceara adjusted her as she stared at the letter. "Not to me."

She smiled softly. "It's written in my native tongue." Looking over Jessie's shoulder, Ceara inhaled deeply and read the letter aloud.

Jessie and Ceara- We all made it off Mona, thanks to Boudicca's precious sacrifice. We are traveling to Eire where it will be somewhat safer to live out our lives as who we are. There are not words enough to thank you for all you have done *


for our people and us. Yes, Lachlan knows, and has included his own note.

Know that you are always in our thoughts, and Jessie, I am a better person for having known you. You will not hear from me again, so please do not seek me out. You must live in your time and I must live in mine, but no matter where we are or what we do, we shall forever be one. Blessed be.

Cate My dearest mother- Ceara had to stop reading. The address was simply more than she could bear. "My son," she said to Jessie as she wiped her eyes. "He- called me mother. You have no idea how I longed to hear from him just one more time." Wiping her eyes, Ceara read on.

Remember this? You gave it to me with these words: "Grow up with the intention of changing the world. Everyone has within them the power to make a difference. Go, and make a difference in the world." I shall, mother, as you will see from where you now live. I can be happy now, knowing you still live, and always will inside my heart. I will do you proud.

Your loving son, Lachlan Jessie put her arm around Ceara and hugged her. "What a wonderful gift."

"Indeed. It fills my heart more than I ever thought this old heart could take. But there's one more note, my dear. To you."

Jessie- Remember . . . I am still out there, looking for you, as I have since the dawn of humankind. Close no doors, for you shall never know which one I may be behind. Ours is a love time cannot conquer . . . You will know the moment you see me. Trust that. Trust yourself.

I am now, and shall always be yours.

Maeve Ceara stepped away from Jessie, who was smiling through tear-filled eyes. "Oh, my dear, there could be nothing more precious than the gifts in this box."

Taking Ceara's hand, Jessie held it long into the dark of night as they sat together recalling a love so strong it had traveled across time to touch their hearts and change their lives forever.


Afterward Although the historical events in this book actually did take place, I have taken some creative liberties along the way for the sake of the story. Any potential mistakes whether intentional or accidental, in regard to timelines or place are solely my own.

According to Tacitus, the Druids were attacked on the Isle of Mona and their groves burnt down. Did any of them escape? I like to think so. Did Boudicca really turn her chariot around for no apparent reason?

I believe great leaders always have a reason. Are past lives possible?

You tell me.

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it (Santayana). When a certain group of people have their rights violated, for whatever reason, it is up to the rest of us to stop it and demand justice. There are oak groves burning all over the world...groups like the Druids targeted every day. People who are "different" from the majority.


Let's not be doomed.

Let's remember.


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