The Bond That Consumes Us Part 3

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"Could you guess how long the body was in here before you discovered it?"

Taber's gaze was locked on to hers, and she got the impression he was testing her reactions, looking to see if she was in fact the one who'd killed Nate. The intensity in those eyes told her trust did not come easily to him. The tilt of his head and the set of his jaw practically screamed he considered her a suspect. She may be a lot of things, but a killer wasn't one of them.

Fallon turned to face him dead on and straightened to her full five feet, ten inches and prayed it was enough to look confident, even if it was the last thing she felt. With 18 her hands on her hips, she narrowed her gaze, refusing to look away or be intimidated by him.

"I last saw Nate when he did his early evening rounds. He always stops by around twenty-one hundred. He chatted with both myself, Lance and a few of the regulars before leaving out the front door. I didn't see him return at all. The next time I laid eyes on him, he was in my storage room, dead. That was just before twenty-three hundred."

Taber didn't move, but he somehow swallowed the small s.p.a.ce between their bodies. Fallon's heart raced and her nipples tightened beneath her s.h.i.+rt when Taber's eyes darted, for barely a second down the length of her body.

"I believe you, Ms. Reist."

His voice was like a caress of silk against bare skin. She managed to suppress another s.h.i.+ver before swallowing hard so she could speak. "I told you, please call me Fallon."

"Very well," he said with a slow nod, his gaze not leaving hers.

They stayed that way for several more seconds until she heard Lance clear his throat. She looked to see him examining something in the far corner of the room. But the other man, Donaldson, was openly staring at them, his eyes flicked from her to Taber. For a moment she could have sworn he'd muttered, great.

"What's the next step in your investigation?" She turned away from Taber, suddenly needing the air, and carefully walked around the holo toward Donaldson.

"To ask you a few more questions, see the body and talk to the suspect in custody,"

Taber said from behind her.

"I still can't believe you think Commander Bruce did this, Tony," Lance said.

"Bruce is too much of a cowardly a.s.s to actually commit a murder."

Tony simply shrugged. "We have to follow every lead. You know that."

"I think this will go faster if we split up," Donaldson said. He looked at Fallon for only a moment before turning to Tony. "Would you be able to take me to your med bay? I'd like to talk to the doctor before it gets too late. Taber, I'll leave the questioning of the people here to you."

"Hey do you think I could come too?" Lance piped up. "I've been fighting a killer headache for the past hour and could use some meds from Doc."

"I don't think self-inflicted pain counts as an emergency, Lance," Fallon said, shaking her head.

Not that anyone else seemed to mind. Donaldson shrugged. "I'll question you in med bay then."

And before she had a chance to think about what was happening, Donaldson followed Tony and Lance out the door leaving her alone with Taber.

Just great. Could this night get any worse?

Not wanting to look at him, Fallon found her gaze flick down to the holo of Nate.

The laser blast had cauterized the wound, so the blood was mostly beneath his body. A 19 small pool of it was still on the floor, the crimson s.h.i.+mmering because the light of the holo. Nate had been friendly to her. If it weren't for the s.h.i.+p's strict policy against dating co-workers, there may have been a chance something would have developed between them when she'd first come on board, but not in recent months.

"Were you close?"

Taber's voice had changed. It was softer than when he was questioning her earlier, as if he recognized her discomfort. She shrugged before nodding.

"He was very kind to me. Showed me the ropes when I first came on board s.h.i.+p."

"I'm very sorry for your loss."

Looking up, Fallon wrapped her arms around her upper body. "Thanks. Could we do this somewhere else? This thing creeps me out."

"Of course. One of the tables?"


Leading the way, she skirted the tables that held the regulars, ignoring their questioning looks, and stopped at the far booth. Sliding along the cool seat cover, she waited for Taber to join her. When he stood at the side of the table rather than sit, she frowned.

"Aren't you going to sit with me?"

"It's not the custom of my people to do so."

His hands were clasped behind his back and his legs were spread slightly as he stood. The posture seemed so natural she doubted he even thought about it, his body falling into the stance like a habit.

"I'm sorry, you're probably going to think I'm stupid or living under a rock or something, but who are your people? You're certainly not human."

"My people are known as the Briel. There is a large group of us who have built the Eurus colony with the humans in this sector."

Briel. Nate and Captain Zane had told her about the Briel one night when they were off duty and they'd asked her to mix drinks at an officer's party. They were an odd race, fewer women than men if she remembered right, and only got turned on by their one and only mate. She'd always thought there was something sweet about that even when the men had laughed at the idea. A whole race who searched for their soul mates.

Unfortunately for her, it pretty much nixed her chances of getting him into bed.


"Well, why is it not your custom? Can we do something so it is acceptable for you to sit?"

"I can arrest you."

When her mouth opened to protest, she noticed his lips twitch into a small smile.

"Someone should have warned me Briel had a sense of humor."


Sitting so close to him, Fallon caught a hint of his scent. A light musk and something that could have been soap made her skin tingle. She couldn't place the spice it reminded her of, but it was something she could become addicted to if she spent enough time with him.

"Did Mr. Keaton have any enemies?"

Taber's low voice sent a s.h.i.+ver through her. She could picture him talking like that to her in bed after s.e.x, his low rumbling ba.s.s vibrating through her body. Fallon let out a sigh and pushed herself a bit farther away from him.

"He was the head of security on the s.h.i.+p. Of course there were people who were p.i.s.sed off at him, but I don't think there was anyone who'd want to kill him. The most he ever did was throw someone in the brig if they had a bit too much to drink."

"How often would that happen?"

Without meaning to do so, Fallon let her gaze traveled up his body once more. With Taber so close, his size was far more impressive. She had a hard time taking her eyes off his ma.s.sive legs, and she couldn't help but wish she'd been able to see his a.s.s, wanting to catch another glimpse at its perfection.

"Ms. Reist?"

Her face heated again as her gaze snapped to his eyes. "Sorry. Umm, usually it would happen a couple of times a week. Lance and I had a pretty good handle on the people coming in, but there are always strangers showing up from pa.s.sing cargo s.h.i.+ps and we'd have a few issues."

Tilting his head to the side, Taber kept his gaze fixed on her face, but she could tell he was curious about something. Her hair? Without thinking, she reached up and began to play with the end of her ponytail.

"Are there any of these strangers in the bar tonight? Any who were in earlier?"

"No. This crew is most of our regulars. They stop by every few weeks to spend all the money they earned. I can tell you most of their drink orders if you'd like."

"Not necessary. Do you have a mate?"

Fallon straightened immediately, her mouth hanging open until she made a conscious effort to snap it shut.

"Excuse me?" her voice sounded like a twelve-year-old boy's as it cracked.

"If Nate paid more attention to you than he should have, an angry mate might not appreciate it. Take action against him."

"Why would you a.s.sume he was killed because of me?"

This time Taber's gaze moved down her face lingering on her neck and b.r.e.a.s.t.s for a moment before returning back to her eyes. He made no effort to hide the fact he'd just checked her out, but for the life of her, Fallon couldn't tell if he liked what he saw.

"You're an attractive woman. It's been my experience with humans that attractive women are not alone and typically have a mate. Human males can be possessive of their females. If yours perceived a threat, he may have acted upon it."


"I'm..." What the h.e.l.l to say to that? "I'm single. I mean I don't have a...a mate."

"I find that unusual."

Was he flirting with her? Fallon bit the inside of her lower lip, needing the pain to yank her out of her l.u.s.t-induced insanity. Maybe Zane and Nate were wrong about the Briel. Or maybe she was simply pathetic and seeing s.e.xual attraction when there was nothing but a man doing his job. She really needed to get laid.

"Well, I haven't had much of a chance to date. Crew members are limited in the contact we can have. Dating co-workers is strictly off limits and the types of customers we get in here aren't really my type."

For a moment, she thought he was going to say something else. With him standing in front of her, blocking out the view of the rest of the bar, she almost believed they were alone. Her curiosity tickled her insides and plucked up her courage.

You only live once, right?

"So do you have someone back on Eurus? A mate, I mean?"

She wouldn't have thought she'd caught him off guard with her question if it wasn't for the slight widening of his eyes. The rest of his body stood completely still until he straightened, bringing his large hands to the front to clasp them there.

"Ms. Reist-"

"Fallon. Please call me Fallon." Oh please say my name.

"My status as a mate is not relevant to the case."

"But it's relevant to me."

The words were out before she had time to consider what their impact might be.

Not that she could take them back now. What she didn't expect was for Taber to lean forward, bracing one hand on the table and the other on the back of the booth. His body was opened wide to her, the ma.s.sive expanse of his chest spread before her, begging for her to reach out and caress it. Fallon shoved her hands under her thighs to stop her from doing anything stupid.

Taber leaned forward until his face was close to hers. She could see faint lines beginning to deepen around the corners of his eyes and others framing his mouth.

Having him this close was almost more than she could handle, her body reacting with a wave of desire stoking her from the inside out.

"What do you know of my people?" His voice was a low whisper, meant for her ears only.

"You only have one mate and that it's biology or something. I'd never seen a Briel before today."

His steady, deep breathing tickled her face but told her he wasn't affected by her the same way she was by him.

"I have no mate."


Something in the way he said the word mate told her all she needed to know. He wasn't in the market and sounded like he had no interest in being there. Fallon pushed away the disappointment that threatened to overwhelm her and instead put on her well-practiced smile.

"No problem. I do know that your people don't screw around with anyone other than your mate. I've just been on s.h.i.+p too long." Lord, she needed some s.p.a.ce. "If you want to interview the patrons, I can send them over here one at a time for you."

She should have asked if she could just go back to her quarters so she could rest.

She was tired enough from working a double s.h.i.+ft. But a part of her wanted to stay and watch, see how Taber interrogated the others.

h.e.l.l, she just wanted an opportunity to watch him some more, even if she didn't stand a hope in h.e.l.l of f.u.c.king him.

Taber only hesitated for a moment before pulling back, straightening to his full height. Fallon instantly missed the heat from his body and couldn't prevent a sudden chill from going through her.

"Thank you."

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