Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate Part 7

Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate -

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Anton surged forward. She hissed when he grabbed hold of her ankle. He jerked hard and she tumbled off the counter. She landed inside the cradle of his strong arms when he caught her. She turned against his chest and clawed at him. He groaned but then pressed her against the wall.

"Easy," he crooned. "I've got you. Hold on to me."

She panted, fought her instincts, and realized what her fingernails were doing. She jerked them away from his skin. The smell of blood filled her nose and she saw she'd drawn it from him. She'd marked his flesh, her nails had pierced him. She wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him tightly.

Hot tears spilled from her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"I'll heal. It's nothing. It won't even leave a scar." He nuzzled the side of her face. "I'm just happy you don't have claws."

His hold on her changed enough that she could wrap her legs around his hips. It made her feel better to totally press against him. "I'm sorry," she sniffed again. "I didn't mean to do that."

"Shush. It's okay." He turned his head. "Get that b.i.t.c.h out of here, Rave. Now. Handle it."

"I won't leave." Deana's voice still sounded masculine. "She will. If you insult my pack this way I'll make sure my father demands retribution."

Anton turned, holding Shannon. "I don't want you. Would you prefer to be with a guy who will think of it as something distasteful? It's not personal. You're beautiful, Deana. Is that your name? Any male who wasn't involved with a woman would be lucky to be given the opportunity to test a mating with you but as you can see, I already have someone."

"She's a cat s.h.i.+fter," Deana spat the words as if it were a great insult. "That's sick."

"She's mostly human. That's why the scent of her is so faint that you didn't detect it immediately. She can't s.h.i.+ft. She's not an enemy of mine." He paused. "She matters a lot to me. I'm sorry that you aren't happy with being offered my younger brother but I did you a favor by not sending my brother Von to meet you. You'd have no chance at finding a future with him. He lost his true mate a long time ago and never allows himself to feel anything toward other women. Rave there isn't attached to anyone. He's a strong male, a prime mate candidate, and he's the main enforcer of our pack. You won't find a better fighter. He may appear mellow but you've never seen him enraged." Shannon felt safe enough to turn her head to watch the terrifying female werewolf. Deana's features had s.h.i.+fted back but her fangs still dented her human-looking mouth.

"You're the future alpha of this pack. I'm the strongest daughter of the Mortell Pack. We would be a good match. I could be your alpha b.i.t.c.h and help you hold your pack when you take control." She shot a hateful sneer at Shannon. "That is dinner."

Shannon trembled from fear. She wondered if the woman meant that literally. Do s.h.i.+fters eat each other if they are from different races? Anton's arms tightened around her and he nuzzled her cheek with his jaw to comfort her.

"She's under my protection and you will not insult her. This is my home. I've offered you the best candidate our pack has to offer who is available to test a mating with you. Deal with that. I'm taken."

"s.h.i.+t," Rave rasped. "Does Mom know? Dad?"

"Shut up," Anton demanded.

"d.a.m.n. Okay. That's what I figured." Rave met Shannon's gaze and gave her a tense smile. "Nice to meet you."

Her mouth parted but no words came out.

Anton sighed. "She's terrified. She can't s.h.i.+ft but her instincts are present. Obviously. You saw how fast she can move when fear grips her. Terror makes her climb and try to get away from whatever scared her."

"That's why she's wrapped around you as if she's a second skin." Rave laughed. "I guess dating her means you're going to get laid a lot. You terrify everyone, and with her constantly wrapped around your waist, it means she won't be able to get away from you every time you raise your voice. That's really convenient."

"d.a.m.n it, Rave. Stop with the jokes. Does this seem the time for them?"

"Probably not, but d.a.m.n, Bro, you've got to admit that this is priceless." He chuckled. "She's really cute. Her hair is beautiful and her eyes are amazing."

"I won't be insulted this way," Deana huffed. "I'm calling my father." She spun and stormed out of the apartment. Her high-heeled boots struck loudly on the stairs as she retreated.

"f.u.c.k," Rave sighed, all traces of humor gone. "You know what that means. She's going to call her daddy who will in turn call to chew out our dad's a.s.s. If our parents didn't know about your s.e.xy little cat before, they will real soon. I wouldn't want to be you." Anton growled. "Great. It's Mom I'm worried about."

"Oh man." Rave s.h.i.+vered. "She will come here to verify if it's true." He reached back and jerked a key ring off his belt. "Take her to my cabin if you need a place to hide out." He removed a key and tossed it.

Anton released Shannon with one arm to catch the key. His arm wrapped back around her with it fisted inside his palm. "Thanks, but I won't need it. This is my home."

"It may be but sometimes it's better to run than fight. Our parents aren't aware of the cabin as far as I know. Braden was there last so I'm not sure what condition he left it in but I'd take food. That kid can eat."

"I refuse to hide out as if I've done something wrong that I'll be grounded over. I'm an adult. I'll deal with our parents."

"Better to have a backup plan in case you need one. That's my life motto. I can't say I'm upset that b.i.t.c.h just rejected me. Did you see that leather outfit?" He shuddered. "I wouldn't be surprised if she owns whips and chains, her idea of a fun, s.e.xy time being to draw blood and attempt to restrain me to a bed. Not my thing. The only one getting tied down in my book is women who like to wiggle around too much while I'm eating them."

Shock widened Shannon's gaze as she stared at Anton's brother. He glanced at her and grinned.

"I'm talking oral s.e.x, kitten." He chuckled. "That's a cute name for her. Appropriate."

"Don't call her that. She doesn't like it."

"You called her that."

Anton softly growled. "Rave, it's time for you to leave."

"Do you want me to hold her for you while you go try to talk that b.i.t.c.h out of calling to tell her daddy about you? It may be a good idea. You could avoid a lot of h.e.l.l if our parents don't find out you're harboring someone they'll consider an enemy."

"No." Anton took a step back. "You aren't touching Shannon."

"I wouldn't hurt her. I seriously mean it." Rave's features hardened, all humor disappearing. "I won't hit on her either. My tongue will stay inside my mouth and my zipper will remain up. You might consider going after that b.i.t.c.h to stop her. Our parents aren't going to be happy that you've got her here. I don't know what will be worse-that she's part puma or that she's mostly human. You're the future alpha of the pack and they are going to pitch a fit, worried that you'll decide to keep her past mating heat. That's a serious commitment to make since you're going to have her in your bed over the next few weeks. It's one thing to experiment with a one-night stand but you've obviously chosen her to share the heat with."

"I haven't," Anton denied. "A few of our pups discovered her and stole her to hunt in the woods.

I drove her home after I saved her from them. I thought she'd be safe but they visited her apartment and tore it up. I brought her here to protect her until I can rid her of the threat."

"It's too close to mating heat." Rave crossed his arms over his chest. "If it hits with her here you're going to take her and once it starts you know how it is. She's in your home. This isn't running into the woods to nail any female offering it up for a free-for-all. You're attaching her scent to you too strongly for your wolf to want any other b.i.t.c.h or I guess I should say she-cat, in her case. You won't be able to get enough of her and if you try to fight the urge, it could turn ugly. Denying what your animal demands in mating heat tends to cause accidental true mating. Ask Grady about that. He tried to deny his wolf with Mika and he lost control until he claimed her permanently. It worked out for them but he pa.s.sed on being alpha. You don't have that option."

"Don't worry about it."

"They'd never allow her to hold the position of alpha b.i.t.c.h, Anton. She's part puma. Mom would go insane and I can't see our father taking it well either. Then there's the reaction from our entire pack to consider."

"d.a.m.n it," Anton snarled. "Just go. I'm protecting her, not anything more." Rave sniffed. "Is that what I smell? Your version of guarding her body? The l.u.s.t is strong in here."

"Just leave." Anton spun around, moved toward the kitchen, and sighed. "Please close the door on your way out."

"Use the cabin if the s.h.i.+t hits the fan. Good luck, Bro. You know I love you and support you regardless of pack politics. I always have your back."

Anton halted but he didn't glance at this brother. "Thanks. I love you too."

"You make a cute couple." The door slammed closed.

Shannon peered up at Anton. He looked angry when he met her gaze. "It will be fine. There's nothing my parents can do to you. You're totally safe."

She really doubted it. "You should just let me go stay with my mom." He shook his head. "It's not happening."

Chapter Seven.

"Who was that woman?" Shannon allowed Anton to set her on top of the counter.

He released her, stepped back, and frowned. "Mating heat is about to start. Other packs wish to unite with ours. Different ones send a woman here to see if I'll hit it off with her." Shannon silently gawked at him. She finally found her voice. "As in you take her to dinner and get to know her? She wasn't exactly dressed, well, to go out anywhere unless it's to a strip bar. That outfit left little to the imagination. I can't believe she goes out in public." His dark head turned away and she would have sworn she saw him blush. "Not exactly." He glanced back at her and crossed his arms over his chest.

It sank in slowly. "Oh my. You're supposed to have s.e.x with them?"


Emotions flooded forth, mostly jealousy. The idea of Anton with other women just didn't sit well with her. The scary beauty queen the other pack had sent made her feel worse. That woman was p.o.r.n-star hot in her skintight leather jumpsuit. She'd been about as different in appearance from Shannon as she could get. It also became clear that the guy probably had slept with a lot of women in his lifetime.

"Every year you have to sleep with one woman to see if she's a possible mate?" He glanced away again. "Not just one."

She knew the color drained from her face. "How many women are you supposed to sleep with during this heat thing?"

"There are a lot of packs out there who would love it if their daughter mated with the future alpha of our pack. We are stronger than most and have prime territory. I get sent one every day from the different packs during mating heat. They schedule the days with my father."

"How long did you say this thing lasts?"

"Anywhere from ten to fifteen days. It depends on the year. It's difficult to predict. s.e.x is an effective way to test if we're mates."

Her shock turned to a sick twist of her stomach. "I'm leaving." She shoved off the counter, landed on her feet, and walked for the door.

Anton moved faster than she could, his body blocked the only exit, and he frowned down at her when she halted. "It's not safe for you to go."

Embarra.s.sment and humiliation battled her emotions. She refused to look into his eyes, instead focused on the mouth that had been on her body recently. She'd thought they might have had something special, perhaps the beginning of something real, but instead he just had s.e.x with a lot of women. He had to be one serious player to take s.e.x that casually. She'd almost allowed him to f.u.c.k her.

She would have if he hadn't halted it.

"Get out of my way, Anton. I'm out of here. No wonder you have so many condoms stashed." He sniffed and softly cursed. "d.a.m.n."

"I'm not turned-on." She backed up to put s.p.a.ce between them, spun around, and her gaze lifted to the window she'd contemplated leaping through earlier. It looked tempting again. She just needed to get away from him. She'd totally made a fool of herself by allowing him to touch her. "I just need to leave before the next one arrives."

"I know exactly what you're feeling. You're hurt. I can smell it." She refused to look at him. "No, I'm not," she lied, unwilling to allow him to know she'd started to grow too attached to him. "Get your nose checked. I just don't want to be here when another werewolf woman arrives to threaten to make me her dinner." She tried to nonchalantly inch closer to the window. "You're too busy with your schedule to babysit me."

"d.a.m.n it, Shannon. Look at me." He growled the order.

She turned her head. "What?" Her gaze met his and regret simmered in his brown eyes.

"It's not what you think."

"What am I thinking?"

"h.e.l.l." He blew out air. "I don't invite them."

"But you've sure slept with a bunch of them. Wow. You poor baby. You've got such a sad life. All those werewolf women showing up every day to have s.e.x with you must be traumatic. You said your father schedules them to see you, right? That implies he has your permission to do that. Is there a sympathy card I can send you for that?"

"This isn't- s.h.i.+t, I don't even know what to say." He lifted a hand to run his fingers through his hair. He tore out the ponytail holder and tossed it aside, shook out his long tresses until they fell around his shoulders, and grimly studied her. "I know it sounds bad but I wish you'd at least let me explain."

"What's to explain? I was here and no one else was so you thought you'd amuse yourself with me regardless of the fact that you had to realize I don't just mess around with guys for fun. You knew I wasn't that type." She put a few more feet between them. "Maybe I'm a novelty to you. Ever done a part-puma s.h.i.+fter before?" She jerked her head toward his bed. "Are there hidden notches somewhere over there that I missed seeing? I am short. Maybe you keep them high on the posts." He snarled. "You're making it sound..." He closed his mouth and shot her a glare.

"Dirty? I guess that's exactly what it was. I've never been so happy not to have gone all the way with a guy. Are you going to let me out of here?"

"No. You're not safe out there alone."

"Nothing I say will change your mind about allowing me to leave?"

"h.e.l.l no. Not until I know no one poses a danger to you."

"That's what I thought." Her body tensed as she took a deep breath. "I'd rather take my chances out there than be used by you. At least whoever comes after me will be honest about wanting to cause me harm."

She allowed her instincts to take over, encouraged them, and suddenly sprinted toward the window. The rumor that cats really did land on their feet gave her the hope that she wouldn't get hurt.

She jumped, her arms lifted to protect her face and throat, but she never hit the gla.s.s. Two strong arms grabbed her instead and they slammed into the wall inches from it.

"Are you insane?" Anton raged.

She would have told him no but she couldn't breathe. He'd nearly crushed her when they hit.

His large body pinned hers in place and then he leaned back. She drew in a deep breath and started to struggle.

"Let me go."

He refused, instead held her tighter, and walked toward the bed. He tossed her so she landed in the middle of it. She scrambled to sit up and then rolled off the other side to keep the large mattress between them.

"I want to leave." She glared at him. "If you won't allow me to walk out the door, I'm willing to test a theory by going out the window. The only danger I'm in comes from the next woman who gets mad that you've sent your brother to meet her in your place." Anton snarled, his eyes darkening to black. "You're taking this all wrong."

"What have I misunderstood? You have s.e.x with a lot of different women, it doesn't mean anything to you, and I am not like them!"

"I didn't say you were. You have no idea what my life has been like. Since I could walk, my father has been grooming me to take over the pack one day. I have a s.h.i.+tload of responsibilities and taking a mate is one of them. There are pack rules to follow and obligations to be met."

"Then I've never been happier in my life to have avoided all s.h.i.+fters and be on my own."

"I didn't touch you because of boredom. I'm genuinely attracted to you, Shannon."

"Excuse me for not finding that anything noteworthy. It sounds as if my having a pulse is all it takes for you to feel drawn to me."

"You're purposely trying to anger and insult me."

"That would imply it's possible to do that. Obviously you don't have many standards if you allow your father to rule your s.e.x life. Have I said anything that isn't true?" He growled, flashed his fangs at her, and took a threatening step forward. She hissed at him. She hadn't meant to but the sound still pushed past her parted lips. She lifted her hands, fingers curved, implying she'd scratch him if he tried to touch her. He paused.

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