Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate Part 5

Mating Heat: His Purfect Mate -

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"I told you, mating heat is approaching. I have no plans to take a mate and if I were to get a female pregnant, I'd be expected to commit to her. I'd rather have too many than not enough. I actually have more boxes of them stashed inside the bedside table." Shannon knew her mouth dropped open as she gaped at him.

Anton chuckled. "What?"

"Those are some big boxes and that drawer is packed with them." He took a step toward her. "And?"

"Do you really need that many?" The idea of having enough s.e.x to use them all had her belly quivering and his s.h.i.+rt suddenly seemed way too small.

"Mating heat is exactly the way it sounds." He took another step, closing the distance between them. "Think of it as going into a complete frenzy for s.e.x."

"Oh." She wasn't sure how to respond to that.

Anton inched closer until he stood before her and she had to tip her head back to keep contact with his heated gaze. His hands unclenched and he reached for her. Shannon took a quick step back to avoid his touch but forgot the open drawer. The edge of it b.u.mped against the back of her knee. She gasped from the sharp pain and would have lost her balance if Anton hadn't suddenly lunged to grab her hips. He yanked her against his body.

"Where are you going?" His voice deepened and he pulled her tightly against his larger frame.

"You look as nervous as a kitten trapped inside a doghouse." He grinned at his joke.

"That's not funny." She gripped his bare arms under his elbows and the second her fingers touched him she gasped as a jolt of electric current seemed to spark.

"You look good wearing my s.h.i.+rt."

"Thank you." Shannon leaned back until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s weren't smashed against his chest, unsure of why he kept hold of her. "Do you want to let me go?"

"No." He paused. "You'd look better without it."

Her mind blanked, distracted by his touch and how close he stood to her. "Without what?"

"My s.h.i.+rt." His fingers tightened on her hips. "Why don't you take it off?"

"That's not going to happen."

"Why not?" Amus.e.m.e.nt flashed in his s.e.xy eyes. He appeared flat-out, heart-stopping handsome when his generous lips arched upward to create a naughty-looking grin. "I know I'd enjoy the view."

"I don't even know you and I don't have s.e.x with strangers." That drew a chuckle from him. "Who said anything about s.e.x? Is that what you're thinking about?"

Shannon frowned in response. "You expect me to believe you wouldn't want s.e.x if I were totally naked?"

"I'm a werewolf. We're comfortable with bare skin. If you'd been raised around s.h.i.+fters you wouldn't think twice about nudity around others. I admit, I'm very curious to see every inch of you." He adjusted his hold on her hips to slide his hands up to her waist where he gently squeezed. "You're soft here."

Her frown deepened. "Thanks for pointing out that I need to join a gym to lose the extra weight I've put on. I'm starting to see why you're still single. Here's a tip. It's not cool to point out belly fat or love handles on a woman."

"Most of us burn off calories faster than we can swallow them. Show me your body. I want to see this." He squeezed her again, fondling the soft contours of her hips and lower stomach. "Take the s.h.i.+rt off."

"I'm mostly human, remember? I'm not comfortable with being naked and I'm not stripping down to reveal the parts of me I normally wear baggy clothes to hide." She tried to step back again but Anton held her firmly in place.

He suddenly released her and took a step back. Shannon relaxed, believing he'd leave her alone.

Her mind dismissed that a.s.sumption when she watched in stunned silence as Anton gripped his s.h.i.+rt, tugged it from the waistband of his jeans, and peeled it up his body.

The sight of his muscled, taut stomach and wide, impressive chest had her frozen where she stood just watching as he tossed the discarded material to the floor. His grin widened and then he lifted one of his legs slightly, hooking the back of his boot heel with the front of the other one. He toed off both.

"What are you doing?" She found her voice and the ability to think again when his fingers gripped the front of his belt. She took a step back.

"What does it look like?" He worked the belt open and the sound of the zipper being lowered seemed unusually loud.

"Stop undressing!" Her gaze darted to the still-open doorway. "Anyone can walk in here."

"Is that the only reason you want me to stop?" He'd unsnapped the top of his jeans, allowing them to part into a vee shape that revealed he wore black underwear with a white elastic band adorned with a well-known designer name. "I thought you'd be more comfortable taking that s.h.i.+rt off you if we are on even ground."

There was no way she could ignore how in shape or appealing the big werewolf looked. Hands down, he had the best body she'd ever seen. Muscles gave him the sculpted appearance of a tanned, long-haired, breathing G.o.d. A dangerous one. A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed hard. Stop gawking, her mind ordered but she couldn't tear her gaze away from his biceps when he rolled his shoulders as if he needed to stretch them a little.

"Is something wrong?"

"Um..." She finally regained control of her fascination with watching as his muscles ripple and glared up at him. "No. Stop grinning at me. You're really enjoying making me uncomfortable, aren't you?"

His smile faded quickly and the amus.e.m.e.nt snuffed out of his dark eyes. "Is that what you are?" She ignored his question, not sure of the answer. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get to know you."

"By stripping?"

Anton flashed a grin again. "Can you think of a better way?"

"We could talk instead of showing off body parts."

Her gaze lowered to his chest and the urge to touch him suddenly arose. Instead, Shannon put more s.p.a.ce between them, uncertain of why she longed to get closer to him. She took a deep breath and his scent slammed all of her senses. The wonderful masculine aroma coming from him drew a strange sound from deep within the back of her throat. Her nipples hardened and a rush of heat originated inside her stomach and quickly spread lower to create a definite throbbing ache at the core of her s.e.x. The immediate and intense response stunned her.

"You're purring again." Anton's voice turned husky. "Aren't you curious to know what will happen if we get acquainted with each other a lot better, kitten?" That question made her stop ogling his chest to shoot him a dirty look. "Curiosity killed the cat and stop calling me that."

Anton's nose flared as he inhaled her scent. She couldn't miss the way his entire face tensed and a low growl emitted from him before he lunged for her. Shannon gasped as hands grabbed her hips again and his hot chest pressed tightly against hers. The way he smelled totally overwhelmed her when she sucked in a breath. She wanted to push him away but instead her nails bit into his skin where she clutched him, holding him there.

"d.a.m.n." He nuzzled the top of her head with his chin, forcing her face to push against him. "You smell incredible."

"I'm wet." She forced her hands to relax and then used her palms to push on his abs. "Let me go."

Anton's body pressed against her tighter instead of allowing her to put s.p.a.ce between their bodies. "I can smell how aroused you are."

"I meant that I'm wet from the shower." Her heart raced and she trembled. "You"

"You want me," he cut her off, slid his hands from her hips, his palms brus.h.i.+ng the curve of her back before his fingers curled to firmly cup her a.s.s. "As much as I want you." Shannon gasped and pushed harder but she couldn't budge the wall of flesh trapping her tightly inside the cage of his arms. Her eyes squeezed closed while she fought back the moan that threatened to rise when he lowered his face to bury his nose against her throat. Hot breath tickled her and then his lips brushed the supersensitive skin under her ear. His lips were soft at first, teasing, and then he nipped her suddenly, growling at her.

White-hot need flashed straight into her brain, making it impossible to think when her body burned for Anton. Her knees buckled but the man holding her didn't allow her to slide down his body.

He kept her locked into place to nip her again, a little lower down the column of her throat, and the near pain of his teeth had her crying out.

"Anton?" the loud male voice interrupted. "Dinner is here." The teeth gripping her skin eased and Anton released her with his mouth. "You have the worst timing, Yon." He set her on her feet and spun around, stepping between her and the door.

"Sorry, man." The guy sounded more amused than contrite.

Shannon reeled from the physical interaction they'd just shared and her hand reached up to rub the wet spot on her neck. She stared at Anton's naked back since he seemed to want to block her from whoever had brought their dinner. She lifted her gaze and saw red marks on the tops of his shoulders.

She'd left them when she'd been holding on to him. Those half-moon shapes were from her fingernails digging in. He wasn't bleeding but they were definitely noticeable.

"Leave the tray by the door and go downstairs." Anton stayed close to her.

"So it's true that she's a cat-breed s.h.i.+fter." Something metal and heavy b.u.mped with gla.s.s.

"Misty has been spreading it around about how you're testing out one. I didn't believe it."

"Misty has a big mouth. You need to remind her stop wagging her tongue or I will." The silence inside the room became absolute. Shannon leaned to the right and peered at a bodybuilder-sized blond guy standing just inside the apartment. He wore jeans and a red sweats.h.i.+rt. He had his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes fixed on the floor, and his head dipped enough that his chin touched his chest.

"Understood," he said softly. "I'm sorry. She's my sister but she's young."

"I allowed you to give her a job here but I don't need my private life spread through the pack.

d.a.m.n it." Anton lifted a hand, finger-combing his black tresses. "If I catch h.e.l.l for this I'm going to be p.i.s.sed."

"I'm sorry," the blond muttered and then glanced up to reveal soft brown eyes. "I'll try to do damage control. I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"Have you met my parents?" Anton's hand dropped to his side. "I still have to answer to them."

"Your dad"

"He's not the one I dread finding out." Anton glanced over his shoulder, met Shannon's gaze, and loudly sighed. "Trust me when I say we don't want my mother showing up to ask why you're here."

"You're afraid of your mommy?" Shannon couldn't help it. She grinned, finding it funny that someone his size and age feared his mother would disapprove of something he did. "Will you get grounded for hanging out with me?"

"I'm out of here." The blond laughed. "Oh man, good luck with that one. I'll take care of Misty." The door slammed closed, leaving them alone again. Anton's eyes narrowed dangerously and Shannon's grin faded. Obviously she had been the only one to appreciate her sense of humor. When he turned to face her, she backed up to put s.p.a.ce between them.

"My mother is a b.i.t.c.h." He paused. "In every sense of the word. She's the alpha female and in charge of all the female members of the pack."

Shannon allowed his words to sink in and with them came fear. "What would she do to me if she did come here?"

That drew a frown from him. "Nothing."

She didn't believe him. Something in his eyes belied what he said and she called him on it.

"Seriously, don't bulls.h.i.+t me, Anton. Am I in danger from your mother?" He hesitated just a moment too long. "My father wouldn't allow her to go after someone under my protection. I'll just have a talk with my dad if she discovers I'm harboring someone she considers our enemy."

"I really should go stay at my mom's place."

He closed the distance between them, his hands encircling her forearms. "No. I want you where I know you're safe."

"I'd be fine there." She didn't mention her stepfather or how she hated the way he looked at her as a s.e.x object. She also worried about him figuring out there was something slightly different about her. For some strange reason she couldn't fathom, her mother loved the jerk, and she'd hate to cause problems within their relations.h.i.+p. "I'll get my paycheck and move to a new place. Besides that, I have a job I can't afford to get fired from, and that's exactly what will happen if I don't show up at work tomorrow."

"You'll call in sick until this is over and I'm not letting you out of my den until I have a handle on my pack. I'll also find the males who are not members of my pack and deal with them. You may not understand this but they know about you now. They will have declared a hunt."

"What does that mean?"

"It means they won't stop looking for you until they find you or until I make sure they know I'll take out anyone who harms you."

Stunned, she gaped at him. "Take out?"

His eyes darkened to near black. "I'll kill them if they hurt you."

"You don't even know me. Why would you say something like that? I mean, you can't really"

"You think like a human." He pulled her against his body, staring down at her with a concentrated look on his handsome face. "Your human world exists one way and s.h.i.+fter world is a whole other lifestyle. If you're under my protection and someone harms or kills you, it's not only my right but my duty to avenge you. Whoever dares violate my claim knows I'll come after them." His tongue darted out to wet his lips. "Is it so foreign to understand that I'd do whatever it takes to protect you?" Shannon lifted her hands slowly, opening them up on his chest. Her gaze lowered to stare at the hot skin under her palms. "Yes."

She felt the vibration of a soft growl. A flash of l.u.s.t gripped her. For whatever reason, when he made those sounds, it seemed to excite her body into wanting him desperately. Heat from his body penetrated the s.h.i.+rt she wore and she took a deep breath, pulling in that musky, masculine smell he carried. Her eyes closed and she leaned closer to brush her nose against his sternum. A soft noise came from her and it shocked her anew when she realized it sounded exactly like a purr. Her eyes flew open and she jerked away.

"What is happening to me?" She flashed a frightened look at Anton.

One of his hands released her arm and tangled with her hair, cupping the back of her head. His face descended and his mouth covered hers before she could think. He didn't kiss as much as brand her with his lips, opening hers. His tongue invaded, tasting.

The only thing that existed was his mouth and the burning need to kiss him back. His other hand released her arm and wrapped around her waist, yanking her tighter against his large frame. Shannon clung to him as he lifted her higher, her feet left the floor, and on instinct she wrapped her legs around Anton. His open jeans fell lower until her inner thighs hugged his bared hips above the band of his briefs.

The sensation of his tongue melding with hers, rubbing and exploring made thinking impossible for her until he dragged his mouth away. Both of them were breathing hard and as her eyes opened, she found herself nose to nose with him, staring into pa.s.sion-filled, black eyes. The shape of them appeared slightly different, narrower, and exotic.

"Don't fight it," he ordered, his voice deeper than she'd ever heard it.

He took a few steps and then bent, taking them both down onto his bed, pinning her under him.

He used his elbows to brace his weight. Shannon realized the s.h.i.+rt she wore had ridden up to her waist when he pulled his arm out from under her to free it, arched his stomach up, and his hand reached between them.

With her legs still wrapped around his waist her thighs were spread open to his seeking fingers, which zoomed to her s.e.x. She was soaking wet with need as he spread her l.a.b.i.a and rubbed her c.l.i.t.

Shannon threw her head back, crying out as pleasure swamped her.

"Just feel me."

Shannon bucked her hips when Anton ma.s.saged her faster, strumming her c.l.i.t. Her nails dug into his shoulders. Moans and purrs tore from her mouth as she struggled to get air. His hair tickled her neck and then his tongue licked her throat a second before he bit her on that spot. The sharp pain only rocketed the devastating ecstasy up another notch. Shannon gasped in one more lungful of air and then screamed out when her world blew apart from the violent climax. Her body bucked but Anton held her down, forcing her to ride through it until he stopped touching her c.l.i.t.

The sound of tearing material registered to Shannon but she had no idea what caused it. She also didn't care. Her walls shook and twitched from how hard she'd come. Each one made her gasp and the pleasure eased just slightly until something hard and thick brushed against the seam of her p.u.s.s.y.

Her eyes opened and she followed Anton's gaze down their bodies where he concentrated with a tense expression on his handsome face. The front of his underwear had been destroyed, ripped open, and his heavy, thick c.o.c.k nudged her p.u.s.s.y again, sliding in the slick heat of her release. A snarl came from Anton when he pressed against her again but instead of entering, the bulbous tip of his thick shaft glided higher to rub her c.l.i.t and ended up on her pelvic area.

"f.u.c.k," he roared and suddenly pushed off her, and tore away from her body completely. He stumbled away from the bed.

Shannon lay there with her legs still spread as Anton turned away from her to flash his rounded, amazing a.s.s. He roared out again, the sound piercing the room from the pure rage behind it. He bent, yanked his jeans and briefs from around his ankles, tossed them aside, and then spun to face her. Fear punched at her, from the raw fury showing on his features.

Chapter Six.

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