The Camel Club Part 42

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"WHAT THE h.e.l.l ARE YOU DOING here, Jackie?" Alex demanded. here, Jackie?" Alex demanded.

She glared at him. "I've been calling your house to see how you were doing, but you never called me back. So I came by tonight to see you, and I seem to have stumbled upon a conspiracy. What's going on, Alex?"

Stone had not taken his gaze off Simpson. "We're actually trying to figure out what's going on at NIC."

"I know, I heard that part. And that Reinke and Peters broke into someone's house." Simpson looked at Alex. "If you know something about the president being kidnapped, you have to take it to the Service. Alex, you could get into a lot of trouble for withholding that sort of information."

Stone cut in. "I don't believe that's a good idea."

Simpson stared at him contemptuously. "Who the h.e.l.l are you?"

He held out his hand. "Oliver Stone."

"Pardon me?" she said incredulously.

"His name's Oliver Stone," Alex interjected. "And these are his friends, Reuben, Milton and Caleb. You've already met Kate Adams."

Stone said, "And you are Jackie Simpson, the only child of Senator Roger Simpson of Alabama, and the G.o.ddaughter of Carter Gray, the secretary of intelligence."

"Is that a problem?" she asked coolly.

"Not at all. But going to the authorities at this stage would would be a huge mistake, Agent Simpson" be a huge mistake, Agent Simpson"

"Listen, Oliver Stone Oliver Stone or whatever your real name is, I can do anything I d.a.m.n well please. I'm a cop, okay, and-" or whatever your real name is, I can do anything I d.a.m.n well please. I'm a cop, okay, and-"

"And you're a very intelligent cop," Stone broke in, gazing at her. "And because you are, I'm sure that you've already considered the obvious."

Simpson rolled her eyes, but Stone continued to stare at her until she said, "And what might that be?"

"If we're right and NIC's files have been corrupted, the unfortunate result was that an army of terrorists was allowed to go to Brennan, Pennsylvania, and successfully kidnap the president. That does not bode well either for your G.o.dfather, who heads that agency, or your father, who oversees its operations as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. I'm quite sure that you would not want to do anything to hurt them professionally. If you go to the authorities now, you could very well destroy both of their careers."

All eyes were on Jackie Simpson as she and Stone engaged in a protracted stare-down. Finally, Simpson broke off and looked at Alex for help.

"Alex, what the h.e.l.l is going on? What am I supposed to do here?"

"We're trying to figure this all out, Jackie. Until we do, we can't say anything, to anybody."

Caleb looked at his watch. "We now have exactly seven hours and forty-one minutes to find Brennan and prevent a possible Armageddon."

"Well, everybody ought to cross their fingers and toes, then," Reuben said.

"OmiG.o.d!" Alex a.s.serted. "Fingers!"

"What?" Kate exclaimed.

Alex s.n.a.t.c.hed Milton's computer and replayed the DVD. "There," he said, pointing. "Right there, do you see that?"

They all looked confused because he wasn't pointing at Reinke or Peters. He was pointing at the man in the mask who'd knocked out the security guard.

Stone looked at him puzzled. "All I see is a man in a mask, Alex. What else is there to see?"

He froze the screen and pointed with his finger. "This."

They all squinted at the screen. Simpson said, "The security guard's neck?"

Alex said, "No, the right hand hand on that neck. He took his glove off to check the guard's pulse." on that neck. He took his glove off to check the guard's pulse."

Reuben shrugged. "Right. So what?"

Alex looked exasperated. "Look at that hand. Tell me you don't recognize it."

Kate said, "Recognize a hand hand? Are you serious?"

"Like I told you before, Kate, hands are my specialty. And I recognize that that hand. It's very distinctive with bolt-size knuckles, and fingers thicker than I've ever seen." He hit another b.u.t.ton, and the picture zoomed in on the hand. "And the thumbnail has a black spot the shape of a triangle in the upper left-hand corner. When I saw that earlier, I thought it was some weird tattoo." hand. It's very distinctive with bolt-size knuckles, and fingers thicker than I've ever seen." He hit another b.u.t.ton, and the picture zoomed in on the hand. "And the thumbnail has a black spot the shape of a triangle in the upper left-hand corner. When I saw that earlier, I thought it was some weird tattoo."

"Saw it earlier? What are you talking about? When did you see it earlier?"

"In the bar that night. When you introduced me to Tom Hemingway. And I saw it again when he met us at NIC."

Kate stared at him openmouthed and then glanced at the screen. "You're saying that's Tom Hemingway's hand?"

"There's no doubt about it. To me hands are as good as fingerprints, Kate."

Simpson said, "I think Alex is right. I believe that is is Hemingway's hand." Hemingway's hand."

Stone ventured, "So this Hemingway may have kidnapped the president? Why?"

"Who the h.e.l.l knows!" Alex exclaimed. "But I think we might be able to figure out where where they're holding him. And Kate might have the answer." they're holding him. And Kate might have the answer."

"Me!" Kate exclaimed. "How?"

"You mentioned that you and Hemingway were working on a project together."

"That's right."

"If I recall correctly, you said it involved an old building."

She said slowly, "Right, near Was.h.i.+ngton, Virginia. I think it used to be a CIA a.s.set, but it's been abandoned a long time. NIC wanted to use it as an interrogation facility for foreign detainees, but with all the problems at Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and the Salt Pit, DOJ is nixing it. Why?"

"Because I think that's where they may be holding President Brennan. Tell me everything you recall about it."

"That won't be necessary," Stone said They all looked at him. "Why not?" Alex asked.

"Because I know that building very very well." well."

"Who is is this guy!" Simpson exclaimed. this guy!" Simpson exclaimed.

"Shut up, Jackie," Alex snapped. "Oliver, you really know where this place is?"

"There's only one old CIA building in that part of Virginia."

"Alex," Simpson protested, "you're not actually buying any of this, are you?"

Alex ignored her. "Can you get me there, Oliver?"

"Yes. But are you sure you want to go?"

"The president was kidnapped on my watch, so I have to do everything I can to get him back safely."

"It won't be easy. Not only is it well hidden, it's designed such that a very small force inside can hold back a very large force outside indefinitely."

"What the h.e.l.l kind of place is it?" Reuben asked.

"It was a CIA training facility for very . . . special operatives."

Alex checked his watch. "Was.h.i.+ngton, Virginia. If we start now, we can be there in about two hours."

"Longer than that actually," Stone said. "The facility is a bit off the beaten path."

"Why can't we call in the FBI?" Milton asked.

Stone shook his head. "We have no idea how high the corruption goes. This fellow Hemingway may have spies everywhere who could tip him off."

"And we have no idea if the president is even there," Alex added. "It's just a hunch. We can't waste their time leading them on what might be a wild-goose chase. We're on a nuke missile countdown, for G.o.d's sake."

Kate said, "Well, I have a van. We can all go in that."

Alex looked at her. "Forget it. You're not coming, Kate!"

"Then you're not going," she snapped.

Stone interjected, "You can't go, Kate, and neither can Caleb and Milton." They all looked at him and started to erupt in protest all over again, but he held up his hand. "This facility's unofficial name was Murder Mountain, and it's an apt t.i.tle." He paused. "I'll take Alex and Reuben there, but no one else."

Alex added, "And three people might be able to get up there unnoticed."

"Four," Simpson said. They all turned to look at her. "Make that four four people." She stared defiantly at Alex. "I'm a Secret Service agent too." people." She stared defiantly at Alex. "I'm a Secret Service agent too."


THE NUCLEAR-POWERED SUBMARINE Tennessee Tennessee had been given the unenviable task of launching the missile strike against Damascus. The 560-foot-long, nearly 17,000-ton Ohio-cla.s.s nuclear submarine was based in Kings Bay, Georgia, along with the rest of the Atlantic ballistic missile sub fleet. Ohio-cla.s.s nuclear submarines were the most powerful weapons in the United States military. Using its full complement of multiple warhead missiles, just one sub could obliterate any had been given the unenviable task of launching the missile strike against Damascus. The 560-foot-long, nearly 17,000-ton Ohio-cla.s.s nuclear submarine was based in Kings Bay, Georgia, along with the rest of the Atlantic ballistic missile sub fleet. Ohio-cla.s.s nuclear submarines were the most powerful weapons in the United States military. Using its full complement of multiple warhead missiles, just one sub could obliterate any nation nation on the face of the earth with a single strike. on the face of the earth with a single strike.

The Tennessee Tennessee was currently parked in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean hundreds of feet down, although it could have hit Damascus with one of its latest-generation Trident II D-5 missiles while sitting in its East Coast home port. Each D-5 cost nearly $30 million, stood forty-four feet long, weighed over sixty tons and had a maximum range of twelve thousand kilometers with a reduced payload. Capable of Mach 20, the D-5 was ten times faster than the Concorde, and no military jet in the world could come anywhere close to matching its speed. was currently parked in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean hundreds of feet down, although it could have hit Damascus with one of its latest-generation Trident II D-5 missiles while sitting in its East Coast home port. Each D-5 cost nearly $30 million, stood forty-four feet long, weighed over sixty tons and had a maximum range of twelve thousand kilometers with a reduced payload. Capable of Mach 20, the D-5 was ten times faster than the Concorde, and no military jet in the world could come anywhere close to matching its speed.

Only a single D-5 would be launched at Damascus, yet that was misleading as to the actual firepower being unleashed. The long-range D-5 configuration contained six six MK 5 independent reentry vehicles, each one carrying a W-88 475-kiloton thermonuclear warhead. By comparison a MK 5 independent reentry vehicles, each one carrying a W-88 475-kiloton thermonuclear warhead. By comparison a single single W-88 warhead far exceeded the W-88 warhead far exceeded the combined combined explosive power of every bomb used in every war in history, including the two atomic bombs dropped on j.a.pan in World War II. explosive power of every bomb used in every war in history, including the two atomic bombs dropped on j.a.pan in World War II.

While the 155 sailors on board the Tennessee Tennessee had been at sea for four weeks, the crew was well aware of current events. The sailors knew what they had been ordered to do, and every one of them intended to carry out that order to the letter, even if most of them harbored secret fears about what path this would lead the world down. They stared at their computer screens and went over again and again the launch procedures that might very well send the world into a t.i.tanic war. It was quite heady stuff for a group whose average age was twenty-two. had been at sea for four weeks, the crew was well aware of current events. The sailors knew what they had been ordered to do, and every one of them intended to carry out that order to the letter, even if most of them harbored secret fears about what path this would lead the world down. They stared at their computer screens and went over again and again the launch procedures that might very well send the world into a t.i.tanic war. It was quite heady stuff for a group whose average age was twenty-two.

Meanwhile, in the first hour since Hamilton had appeared on TV, the Arab world had united fully behind its sister nation. Diplomats from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Pakistan were desperately trying to convince America to change its mind. While the city of Damascus was being evacuated, military commanders and political leaders of other Muslim countries were conferencing on how best to respond if an American missile struck Syria. Middle Eastern terrorist organizations everywhere had called for an all-out jihad against the United States if Damascus was. .h.i.t. Across much of the Middle East the leaders of these groups began planning their retaliations.

If a missile did strike Syria, the devastation would be far beyond anything the world had ever experienced before. Damascus was one of the most densely populated cities on the planet with over 6 million residents. It would only be possible for a minuscule percentage of its citizens to escape to safety in the allotted time. All others would simply disappear in the nuclear flashpoint as a mushroom cloud of radiation rose into the air before descending onto the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.

Syria and the Sharia Group had immediately and vigorously disclaimed responsibility for the kidnapping. However, this explanation was not widely believed in Western circles. The Sharia Group had become far more active in terrorism over the last year. And the person making the call to Al Jazeera had used the complex pa.s.sword a.s.signed to Sharia by the Arab network for authentication purposes. This pa.s.sword was constantly changed and was known only to a few highly placed leaders of the terrorist organization. Statements from the Sharia Group that one of its leaders who knew the current pa.s.sword had been missing for two weeks largely fell on deaf ears.

The United Nations had called on America to step down from its intention of launching a nuclear missile, and all other members of the U.N. Security Council had reiterated this demand through emergency diplomatic channels.

To all these pleas the United States' reply was the same: It was all up to the kidnappers. All they had to do was return James Brennan unharmed, which was what they said they were going to do anyway, and the Syrians could live. The only difference was the U.S. was now dictating the timetable of the return of the president.

Israel was on the highest alert. Its leaders well knew that the country would be one of the first targets of an Islamic counterattack. And Syria was close enough to Israel that the issue of nuclear fallout caused the Israeli prime minister to contact Acting President Hamilton for clarification on the matter. Its vital Golan Heights water sources weren't that far from the target zone. The government in Beirut also contacted Was.h.i.+ngton, since Damascus was close to Lebanon's border. Was.h.i.+ngton's terse reply was the same to both countries: "Take all precautions you deem necessary."

Back at the White House, Acting President Hamilton sat in the Oval Office with Defense Secretary Decker, his military commanders, the National Security Council, Secretary of State Mayes and a few other members of his cabinet. Carter Gray was conspicuously absent from the group.

The momentous decision to launch nuclear weapons was clearly weighing on Hamilton; his skin pale and his face drawn, the man looked terminally ill. He sipped on bottled water to alleviate the acid burning through his stomach, while his generals and admirals conversed with each other in low voices.

Decker left one of these groups and walked over to Hamilton. "Sir, I understand the enormity of your decision, but I want you to know that we have more than enough capability to do this."

"I'm not worried about your hitting the d.a.m.n city, Joe. I'm worried about what happens after after that." that."

"Syria has been aiding terrorists for a long time. Damascus is full of former Baathist heavyweights just biding their time before attempting a coup in Iraq. It's well known that mosques in Damascus are recruiting stations for mujahideen. And Syrian militia are all over the Sunni Triangle in Iraq. It's time we drew a And Syrian militia are all over the Sunni Triangle in Iraq. It's time we drew a hard hard line in the sand with them. It's the same domino theory as spreading democracy in the Middle East by starting with Iraq. We make an example of the Syrians, then everyone else follows suit." line in the sand with them. It's the same domino theory as spreading democracy in the Middle East by starting with Iraq. We make an example of the Syrians, then everyone else follows suit."

"Yes, but what about the radiation fallout?" Hamilton asked.

"There will be some certainly. But where Damascus is situated, we believe that it will be somewhat contained."

Hamilton finished his water and threw the bottle in the wastebasket. "Fallout somewhat contained. I'm glad you you believe that, Joe." believe that, Joe."

"Mr. President, you made the right decision. We could not allow this to happen without retaliation. That would empower these people to do even more. It has to stop. And deploying more troops would only stretch our military beyond the breaking point and allow the Syrians to successfully fight us guerrilla-style just like the Iraqis are doing. Besides, when they realize we're not bluffing, they'll release the president. We won't have to launch."

"I hope you're right." Hamilton stood and stared out the window. "How much time left?"

Decker instantly looked at his military aide.

"Six hours eleven minutes thirty-six seconds," the aide promptly replied as he studied the laptop in front of him.

"Any more word from the Sharia Group?" Hamilton asked.

"Only that they don't have the president," Andrea Mayes said. The secretary of state came over and stood next to her boss. "And what if they're telling the truth, Mr. President? What if they don't don't have him? Maybe someone is trying to lay the blame on Syria in hopes that we'd do exactly as we are doing." have him? Maybe someone is trying to lay the blame on Syria in hopes that we'd do exactly as we are doing."

Decker interjected, "I'll grant you that even though authentication pa.s.swords are changed by Al Jazeera regularly, there is the possibility that someone else might have gotten access to it. But the person calling in the information had intimate details of the kidnapping that only the perpetrators would've known. Any terrorist organization that pulled off something like this would want the world to know. Historically, their strategy has never been to lay the responsibility off on another group. The only difference is the Sharia Group never expected us to use the nuclear card. That's why they're backtracking now and disclaiming culpability. The b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have him, all right!"

Hamilton stared at Decker. "But if they don't, and we level Damascus?" Hamilton shook his head, turned back around and stared into the darkness of an otherwise beautiful late summer night in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. From the streets of the city thousands of voices screamed back at him in protest. The chants of "No nukes" managed to pierce even the thick walls of the White House, as the citizens of the U.S. made their opinion very clear to their leaders.h.i.+p. Yet once the nuclear threat had been made, it could not be withdrawn, Hamilton understood. Otherwise America's trillion-dollar nuclear a.r.s.enal would instantly become worthless.

Instead of going to the White House and partic.i.p.ating in what he considered a useless "death watch" for 6 million Syrians who were on the precipice of extinction, Carter Gray had remained at NIC headquarters. He stopped at Patrick Johnson's empty cubicle and stared at the blank computer screen. Glitches and computer crashes. Glitches and computer crashes. And presto, living, breathing terrorists were placed neatly into their digital graves. He sat in Johnson's chair and surveyed the room. The picture of his fiancee, Anne Jeffries, was still on the desk. He picked it up and studied it. A nice-looking woman, Gray thought. She would find someone else to spend her life with. Johnson, from what he'd determined, was highly competent at his job but possessed the personality of a slug. He had certainly not concocted this scheme. It truly was an unbelievable thought, Gray mused. Someone at America's premier intelligence agency had orchestrated the use of a group of supposedly dead Muslims to kidnap the president of the United States. And now the world was on the brink of global jihad. And presto, living, breathing terrorists were placed neatly into their digital graves. He sat in Johnson's chair and surveyed the room. The picture of his fiancee, Anne Jeffries, was still on the desk. He picked it up and studied it. A nice-looking woman, Gray thought. She would find someone else to spend her life with. Johnson, from what he'd determined, was highly competent at his job but possessed the personality of a slug. He had certainly not concocted this scheme. It truly was an unbelievable thought, Gray mused. Someone at America's premier intelligence agency had orchestrated the use of a group of supposedly dead Muslims to kidnap the president of the United States. And now the world was on the brink of global jihad.

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