The Camel Club Part 12

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"Carter, if the FBI is coming in, you have to give them a free hand. Nothing swept under the rug."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. However, at this point it does not appear that the case goes any further. That is to say, if Johnson was selling drugs, it was separate from his work at NIC."

The president was shaking his head. "That's not an a.s.sumption we can make yet. What exactly did he do for you?"

"He oversaw our electronic intelligence files containing background information on terror suspects and other targeted individuals and organizations, both outstanding and those that had been apprehended or killed. Johnson actually helped to design the system."

"Worth selling?"

"It's hard to see how. It was basic info. A lot of it is contained on our public Web site. Then there's the confidential information such as fingerprints, DNA info, if applicable, that sort of thing. However, the files Johnson managed did not contain, for example, any specific intelligence that we'd uncovered to aid us in capturing the targets."

The president nodded, sat back and rubbed a kink out of his neck. At his desk since seven a.m., he had already crammed fourteen hours' worth of work into eight, and he had a full afternoon ahead of him with a state dinner to follow. And then it was off the next day to the Midwest to campaign for an election that he had in the bag but was far too paranoid to let his guard down about. "To put it bluntly, Carter, I'm not happy about this at all. The last thing I need right now is some d.a.m.n scandal."

"I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening, sir."

"Well, vetting your employees a little better would've been good," the president admonished.

"I absolutely agree with that." Gray paused and then added, "Sir, obviously, we cannot allow this development to interfere with our main work."

Brennan looked puzzled. "Come again?"

"As you know, the media has a way of creating something out of nothing. It's a terrific way to sell newspapers, but not necessarily good for national security."

Brennan shrugged. "That's First Amendment territory, Carter. That's sacrosanct."

Gray leaned forward. "I'm not saying otherwise. But we can can do something about leaks, and also the content and timing of the information flow. Right now the media knows about as much as we do. They'll report it, and NIC will be giving an official statement regarding the matter. I think at this stage all that is fine, but it's certainly not in our best interests to see NIC's mission derailed for something like this." do something about leaks, and also the content and timing of the information flow. Right now the media knows about as much as we do. They'll report it, and NIC will be giving an official statement regarding the matter. I think at this stage all that is fine, but it's certainly not in our best interests to see NIC's mission derailed for something like this."

He paused again and then delivered the lines he had practiced on the chopper ride over. "There are only a few ways you are politically vulnerable, sir. And your opponents are so desperate now they'll seize on anything to hit you with. In that desperation they may see this as such an opportunity. Historically, such a strategy has a certain precedent of success. To put it bluntly, bluntly, we cannot let them use this to defeat you in November. Whatever the truth is, it's not important enough to prevent you from winning a second term." we cannot let them use this to defeat you in November. Whatever the truth is, it's not important enough to prevent you from winning a second term."

Brennan thought about this for some time. Finally, he said, "Okay, together we'll keep a tight leash on the media. I mean this is national security, after all. And if you run into any flack from the Bureau or others, you let me know about it." He paused and then said, in his best politician's baritone, "You're right, this nation's security will not be sidetracked by some guy selling drugs on the side."

Gray smiled. "Absolutely." Thank G.o.d it's an election year. Thank G.o.d it's an election year.

Brennan went to his desk and pressed the intercom b.u.t.ton. "Tell Secretary Decker to come in."

Gray looked surprised at this. "Decker?"

Brennan nodded. "We need to talk about Iraq."

Decker walked in a minute later. He was in his fifties with close-cropped gray hair, handsome features and lean body from running five miles every day wherever he happened to be in the world. A widower, Decker was deemed one of the city's most eligible bachelors. Although he'd never served in the military, he'd begun in the defense industry, working his way up and earning a sizable fortune before jumping to the public arena. His rise there had been equally swift and included stints as secretary of the navy and deputy defense secretary. He was the total D.C. package-smart, articulate, ruthless, ambitious and well respected-and Gray loathed him. As defense secretary, Decker headed up the Pentagon, the sector that used the vast bulk of all intelligence dollars, a purse that Gray technically controlled. Thus, while Decker was cooperative with Gray and said all the right things in public, Gray was well aware that behind the scenes Decker tried to circ.u.mvent and backstab him at every opportunity. He was also Gray's major rival for the president's ear.

Decker opened the conversation in his usual brisk manner. "The Iraqi leaders.h.i.+p has made it clear that they want us gone very soon. However, there are enormous problems there, even more than the Kurds forming their own republic. The Iraqi army and the security forces are simply not ready. In some critical ways they may never be ready. But the country is growing weary of our presence. And now the Iraqis have publicly taken the position that Israel must be exterminated, following the hard line of their new ally, Syria. It's an untenable situation but hard for us to reject since it's a democratically-elected government saying it."

"We know all this, Joe," Gray said impatiently. "And the Baathists are negotiating with the leaders.h.i.+p to come back to power in exchange for stopping the violence," he added, looking directly at the president.

Brennan nodded. "But how can we leave Iraq in that way? The last thing we want is Syria and Iraq teaming up, with Hussein's cronies in control again. With the Sharia Group and Hezbollah headquartered in Syria, we could soon have their presence in Iraq and beyond," Brennan added, referring to the two anti-Israeli terrorist organizations. "And France sliced off the coastline of Syria and formed Lebanon in the 1920s. Syria has always wanted it back and may unite with Iraq to do so. And then they might go after the Golan Heights, sparking a war with Israel. That could destabilize the entire region more than it already is."

Gray said, "Well, if another country came here and lopped off New England and unilaterally formed another country with it, we'd be upset too, wouldn't we, Mr. President?"

Decker cut in. "Besides the Baathists, there are extremist Islamic factions in the Iraqi legislature that are growing in power. If they take over, they'll be far more dangerous to the U.S. than Saddam Hussein ever was. But we also promised the Iraqi people that we would leave when they had adequate security forces in place and officially asked us to withdraw. That moment is almost upon us."

"So get to your point, Joe!" Gray snapped.

Decker glanced at Brennan. "I haven't discussed this fully with the president yet." He cleared his throat. "By taking out some of these extremist factions in the legislature, we can tip the power in favor of the government in Iraq that's best for the U.S. U.S. and keep the Baathists from coming back to power. And there is all that oil to consider, sir. Gas is approaching three dollars a gallon now. We need the leverage of the Iraqi reserves." and keep the Baathists from coming back to power. And there is all that oil to consider, sir. Gas is approaching three dollars a gallon now. We need the leverage of the Iraqi reserves."

"Take out? As in, what,!" Brennan said, scowling. "We don't do that anymore. It's illegal."

"It's illegal to a head of state or government, Mr. President," Gray corrected.

"Exactly," Decker agreed. "These people are not in that category. To me it's no different than putting a price on bin Laden's head."

"But the targets you're talking about are duly appointed members of the Iraqi legislature," Brennan protested.

"The insurgents are murdering moderate moderate legislators with impunity over there right now. This is simply evening the playing field, sir," Decker rejoined. "If we don't do something, there won't be any moderates legislators with impunity over there right now. This is simply evening the playing field, sir," Decker rejoined. "If we don't do something, there won't be any moderates left left."

"But, Joe," Gray said, "if we go in and do that, it'll ignite a civil war."

"We'll make it look like the Iraqi moderates did it in retaliation so there's no heat on us. I've been promised full cooperation from them."

"But the resulting civil war . . . ," Brennan said.

"Will give us a perfectly legitimate reason to keep our military presence in Iraq for the foreseeable future," Decker responded quickly, obviously pleased with himself. "However, if we allow the Baathists back in, they'll crush all opposition, and Iraq will return to a Hussein-style dictators.h.i.+p. We can't let that happen. All the money spent and lives lost will have meant nothing. And if that happens in Iraq there's no reason to think the Taliban can't reemerge in Afghanistan."

Brennan looked at Gray. "What do you think?"

Actually, Gray was chagrined he hadn't thought of it first. Decker had clearly outflanked him on this. The little son of a b.i.t.c.h. The little son of a b.i.t.c.h. "You wouldn't be the first U.S. president to authorize something like that, sir," he grudgingly admitted. "You wouldn't be the first U.S. president to authorize something like that, sir," he grudgingly admitted.

Brennan didn't look convinced. "I need to think it over."

"Absolutely, Mr. President," Decker replied. "But it is on a tight time frame. And as you well know should Iraq and Afghanistan fall back under the control of governments hostile to us, the American public will raise holy h.e.l.l." He paused and added, "That is not a legacy you want or deserve, sir."

For all his hatred of the man Gray had to admit, from the concerned expression on Brennan's face, Decker had played it perfectly.

After Decker had left, Brennan sat back and took off his reading "Before we start the briefing, I want to run something by you, Carter. I'm heading up to New York on September 11 to give a speech at the memorial site." Gray knew where this was going but stayed silent. "I wanted to know if you'd like to accompany me. After all, you've done more than almost anyone to ensure something like that never happens again."

It was unheard-of to decline an invitation by a United States president to travel to an event. However, Gray really didn't care about protocol or tradition with this particular subject.

"That is a kind offer, sir, but I'll be attending a private service here."

"I know it's painful for you, Carter, but I just thought I'd ask. You're sure?"

"Very sure, Mr. President. Thank you."

"All right." Brennan paused. "You know about my hometown renaming itself after me?"

"Yes, sir. Congratulations."

Brennan smiled. "It's one of those things that come along that's both flattering and embarra.s.sing at the same time. My ego's not so large that I can't see that the town's hope in profiting by the change is at least equal to their wanting to pay homage to a local boy made good. I'm going up to give a speech at the dedication and shake some hands. Why don't you join me?"

If the most important rule was you never declined a president's invitation, the second most important rule was you never turned the man down twice.

"Thank you, I'd like that very much."

The president tapped his against his briefing book. "It's likely that I'll be here for another four years."

"I'd say it's more than likely, sir."

"I want you to speak frankly, Carter. This will stay between you and me." Gray nodded. "Despite your successes in protecting this country, do you believe that the world is safer today than it was when I took office?"

Gray carefully considered this question, trying to ascertain the answer his chief wanted. However, Brennan remained inscrutable, so Gray decided to tell him the truth. "No, it's not. In fact, it's far more volatile."

"My people tell me that at its present consumption the planet could run out of fossil fuel in fifty years. No more plane travel, a few electric cars, cities shutting down for lack of energy. How we communicate, work, travel, get our food, all radically transformed. And And this country won't have the means to adequately maintain its nuclear weapons and other military resources." this country won't have the means to adequately maintain its nuclear weapons and other military resources."

"That's all certainly possible."

"Yes, but without our military, how do we remain safe, Carter?"

Gray hesitated and then said, "I'm afraid I don't have the answer for you, sir."

Brennan said quietly, "I believe the difference between a mediocre president and a great one is opportunity opportunity."

"You've done a good job, Mr. President. You should be proud." Actually, in Gray's opinion, the man hadn't done anything special, yet he was not about to tell his boss that that.

As Gray walked out of the West Wing an hour later, his mind, for once, wasn't on stopping America's enemies or pleasing his commander in chief. As he climbed aboard the chopper, Gray was thinking about purple. That was his daughter's favorite color until she was six. And then orange became her favorite. When he asked her why the change, she informed him with hands on little hips and her stubborn chin angled up that orange was a more grown-up color. Even to this day that memory never failed to make him smile.

Warren Peters finally found the boat where the Camel Club had hidden it. He immediately called Tyler Reinke and the man joined him quickly.

"You're sure this is it?" Reinke asked as he gazed at the boat.

Peters nodded. "There's blood on the gunwale. So I was right. I hit one of them."

"If they took the boat and brought it back, someone might have seen them."

Peters nodded and then stared out at the water. "But there might be an easier way to track them down. Johnson had ID in his pocket."

"Right, so?"

"So what if our witnesses saw where he lived, and get curious?"

"It might save us a lot of legwork," Reinke agreed. "We'll go there tonight."


CHOOSING HIS WORDS WITH CARE and hedging as much as he possibly could without drawing the ire of his superiors, Alex wrote up his report and e-mailed it to Jerry Sykes. He finished up some other paperwork and decided to call it a day before someone grabbed him for post duty. Alex had no desire to spend another evening watching a king or prime minister stuff his face with crab dip. and hedging as much as he possibly could without drawing the ire of his superiors, Alex wrote up his report and e-mailed it to Jerry Sykes. He finished up some other paperwork and decided to call it a day before someone grabbed him for post duty. Alex had no desire to spend another evening watching a king or prime minister stuff his face with crab dip.

He pa.s.sed an agent who was stas.h.i.+ng his pistol in a wall locker before going in to interrogate a suspect.

"Hey, Alex, bust any more ATM bandits?" the agent asked. The story had made its way through WFO with the swiftness only a water cooler broadcast network could inspire.

"Nope. Couldn't find anybody else that stupid."

"Hear you and Simpson make a nice team," the man commented, barely suppressing a grin.

"We have our moments."

"Heard of J-Lo?"

"Who hasn't?" Alex replied.

"Well, Simpson is J-Glo. Didn't you know you were partnering with a celeb?"

"J-Glo? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, Alex, she's got a halo over her. The light is s.h.i.+ning from heaven above on that little southern pistol. They say it's blinding from at least five hundred yards. I'm surprised you can still see."

The agent walked off, laughing.

As luck would have it, Alex ran into his partner on the way out of the building.

"Going home?" he asked.

"No, I'm going to see if I can find any friends. I can't seem to dig up any here. "

She started to walk off, but Alex put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, what I said was meant as constructive criticism, nothing else. I would've paid good money for tips like that when I was just starting out and didn't know squat."

For an instant Simpson actually looked like she wanted to take a swing at him, but with what seemed immense self-control she regained her composure.

"I appreciate your interest but it's different for a woman. The Service is still very much a man's world."

"I'm not denying that, Jackie. But the fact is you're not doing your career any favors by letting yourself be treated differently from everybody else."

Simpson's face flushed. "I can't help it if people are treating me with kid gloves."

Alex shook his head. "Wrong answer. You can can help it. In fact, you better make d.a.m.n sure it stops." He paused and then asked, "Who help it. In fact, you better make d.a.m.n sure it stops." He paused and then asked, "Who is is your guardian angel?" Simpson didn't appear to want to answer. "Look, just spill it. It's not like I can't find out." your guardian angel?" Simpson didn't appear to want to answer. "Look, just spill it. It's not like I can't find out."

She snapped, "Fine! My father is Senator Roger Simpson."

Alex nodded, impressed. "Chairman of the Intelligence Oversight Committee. That's a pretty big angel."

In a flash Simpson was right in Alex's face, almost stepping on his size 13 loafers as she attacked. "My father would never never use his influence to help me. And for your information, being his only child didn't make my life easier. I had to fight for every d.a.m.n thing I got. I've got the bruises and thick skin to show for it." use his influence to help me. And for your information, being his only child didn't make my life easier. I had to fight for every d.a.m.n thing I got. I've got the bruises and thick skin to show for it."

Alex backed up a step and put out a hand to keep her at bay. "This town isn't built on fact, it's based on perception. And the perception is that you get out of the c.r.a.p work more than you should. And that's not all. "

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