Night Whispers Part 18

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She pushed him off her until he slid to the floor in front of the couch. Luckily, he landed on his knees.

"No, big guy, it wasn't. I am not going to make all all the first moves in this relations.h.i.+p!" the first moves in this relations.h.i.+p!"

"You're not? There's a change," Mitch said with a grin.

She glared at him, but he took her by the hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. "I love you, Kelsey. And I don't just want want you to marry me, I am begging you to. After all, who else is going to give me a kick off the straight and narrow when I need it?" you to marry me, I am begging you to. After all, who else is going to give me a kick off the straight and narrow when I need it?"

Sliding to the floor in front of him, Kelsey pressed against his body, knees to shoulders, and looked up into his eyes with every ounce of the love she felt for him.

"Sounds like the perfect job for me," she murmured.

He grinned.

"And Lady Love."


"GOOD EVENING, BALTIMORE, and welcome to a special edition of Night Whispers Night Whispers.

"This is Brian filling in for Lady Love tonight. Our Night Whispers Night Whispers hostess is celebrating a very special event. This afternoon, Lady Love married the man of her dreams and yours truly was in attendance. Ready for the dish? hostess is celebrating a very special event. This afternoon, Lady Love married the man of her dreams and yours truly was in attendance. Ready for the dish?

"First of all, the bride wore white. Now, skeptics among you, stop your t.i.ttering. She was utterly gorgeous, a picture of elegance in a floor-length Belgian-lace dress. For those among you who can only see s.e.xiness in red or black lingerie, stretch your brains and visualize the power of purity. High collar, long sleeves, perfectly fitted to her figure, with pearl b.u.t.tons running from her neck all the way down her back. Imagine the antic.i.p.ation of a groom slowly slipping each b.u.t.ton free and I'm sure you'll understand the appeal.

"Speaking of the groom, if there was ever a man born to wear a formal black tux, it's him. Ladies, he looked like a fantasy man, tall, lean and powerful. And the look of adoration on his face when he saw our lady walking down the aisle was something no one in that church will ever forget.

"The ceremony was traditional, and everything went smooth as clockwork, though the mother of the bride cried enough to leave black streaks down her cheeks. Always remember, please, waterproof mascara for these occasions.

"During the vows, steam came out of the bride's ears when the minister said the word 'obey.' The groom and the best man, the bride's brother, laughed loud enough to be heard in the back of the church. Lady Love didn't realize they'd put the minister up to it until he winked at them. The groom got a sharp-knuckled little punch in the upper arm before he swept his bride into his arms for an oh-so-pa.s.sionate kiss.

"The reception was held at a hotel near the Inner Harbor. In keeping with Valentine's Day tradition, red velvet bows decorated every table and the hall was packed with well-wishers.

"There was not a dry eye in the place when Lady Love stepped out onto the dance floor with her father, and they were joined by the groom and the bride's mother. The two couples shared the moment, eventually changing partners and then coming together for a group hug at the end. Another Kodak moment.

"Of course, the real fun started after the bride and groom departed for their honeymoon to the Caribbean. One of the ushers, an old college buddy of the groom, had too much to drink and got a little too friendly with the maid of honor. Her boyfriend, one of the other ushers, decked the guy, knocking him into the champagne fountain. The best man, who'd been fending off every unattached woman in attendance, broke up the fracas and was last seen disappearing into the elevator with a lovely redhead.

"We have to pause now, for a commercial break. I've got lots more juicy details on Lady Love's wedding day, so be sure to come back for more Night Whispers Night Whispers."

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