Memoirs Of Love Chapter 3

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Hi, guys! This novel had quite long chapters and full of quite complicated sentences. So it will take me longer to translate each chapters. I will try my best to translate it in weekly basis! Sorry for the long wait for chapter 3!

Chapter 3 Those Young and Frivolous

Xin Di and A Ken held hands together and went up to the T-stage, walked through the middle of the of two lined models, to follow after was Suo Mei's design team. The spotlight was set on Xin Di's body, like her other colleagues, she softly clapped. That time she suddenly remembered the moment of her life when she was standing on the stage for the first time for receiving an award from whole nation fas.h.i.+on compet.i.tion.

That year Xin Di just reached 21 years old, she received a notification from organizing committee of that nation wide compet.i.tion. She took a train to rush to Nan Jing, during that trip, she was so excited that she could not sit still. Listening to the news that her adored national famous designer will be the honored guest to present the award. When he read her name, the audiences were clapping like sound of thunder, it made her the blood inside her whole body rapidly boiled.

Looking back at the set of clothes that hanged inside her wardrobe of her bedroom, she admitted, in her eyes, that there were parts of her designs unripe, but afterwards, she presented more presentable design. Maybe from that she began gain her reputation, and had the theme for her future designs: "Relating to bold and unrestrained youth dream".

Xin Di's growth process was really common, her parents after being graduated from university, became office worker. They worked really seriously so they were having Xin Di at quiet old age, in advance, only after they were doing early examination of folic acid and vaccination, they wanted a baby. They followed the manual of raising kids to give direction to cope with every problem. In the process of educating her, they seriously consult to the expert's opinions, to explore her interests and potentials. They was strict to her, hardly let her to be arrogant because their family economic status.

From an early age, she displayed an excellent art talent, her parent knew about this. They prepared her to receive professional and standardized training, earnestly hoped that when she is a grown-up, she can accepted to art school, and become a painter.

However at junior high school, she was enchanted with fas.h.i.+on design. When applying for the college, she didn't care of her parent's objection and just entered her self to an entrance test for the major she liked. Through intense argument, in the end her parent could only simply accept her choice.

Only Xin Di, herself that knew the beginning of her hobby and dream. It exactly originate from her cousin, Xin Chen. Her decision to take her hobby and transformed it to her job, was not related to Xin Chen's influence. Yet in her design style, the trace of Xin Chen's influence was really clear.

Her cousin, Xin Chen, from her birth until being a grown-up woman, she didn't have any future plan, and it was entirely different with her.

Xin Chen was an illegitimate child, on household registration, her mother's column was left blank. When she was born, her father, Xin Kai Yu just 19 years old, mother only 18 years old. When they about to enter college, these two half-mature child was falling in love at the first sight, and secretly ate the forbidden fruit. The ignorant girl to one's surprise just realized she was pregnant after four months, and she tried to cover it fo another two months. she tried to wear loose clothes but it couldn't cover her swelling belly.

That was 20 century 80 era, the society was still very conservative, they were both expelled from the school, and became the humiliation of the family. The female's parent hurriedly came from outside of the town. Their both parents sat down together seriously talked things over. Then, the both families were having both hopes and plans, it was all ruined.

The family was having disputes, but the baby was already not able to be aborted, and they hadn't reached an eligible age for marriage. Xin Chen just born at that time without anyone expectation of her, then she was raised by grandma and grandfather. Her little mother was forced to leave thousand miles abroad and continued her studies in third-rate college. After her graduation, she applied to be an permanent resident, and never visited her daughter; Xin Kai Yu stayed in town, in a little while one company to work. In the Xin's family, Xin Chen's mother became a taboo topic of conversation, no one will discuss this matter openly.

Grandfather Xin and Grandmother Xin's eldest was Xin Kai Ming. Even from the time he started school, worked, married until gave birth to children, didn't give any troubles for them. They always doted on their eldest son and daughter-in-law as they were a meticulous couple that they started to wish to have a child in middle aged, and asked them to also help with Xin Chen.

Xin Chen was really a beautiful kid, though grandma and grandpa was firstly disappointed and angry, but they always completely thoughtful and caring toward her. And her father, apart from not being responsible, a lot of unhappy love affairs, actually could be counted as loving and carefree father. As long as it was not affected his time to hang out with his girlfriends, he will accompany his daughter.

From little, Xin Chen was dressed up looking like a barbie by grandma and grandpa, her clothes often was an innovations in pattern or design, white lace princess skirt, pink sweater, flower-embroidered jeans, light pink ribbon shoes, plus pretty face. She was the focus of attention when she started to attend Xin Di's school.

When Xin Chen was three years old, Xin Di's face was not really an eye-catching face, her very small tip of nose always bring childish look. Toward her own appearance, she was not really resented it, but she just dislike her mother's choice of conservative clothes. Looking at her cousin, and looked again her own cotton fabric sport suit, Xin Di couldn't help complaining. She went home to complain to her mom, her mother raised he brow to show her astonishment, "You just an elementary student but already pay attention to your appearance and clothes? It is better to wear this kind of clothes as all along students need to wear what is suitable to your student's status."

Consequently all the way, Xin Di was forced that kind of clothes, loose cotton cloth pants, knee-length flower skirt, cotton s.h.i.+rt without any waistline, a unis.e.x outer jacket, sneakers, even her sandal was black leather tied shoes.

The most joyous moment in her elementary school was when uncle brought Xin Di to buy clothes, at the same time, he will also take her out. She declined uncle's intention to buy her the clothes that she liked as she knew even uncle buys it, her mom will not allow her to wear it. She just enjoyed and never tire out to look at Xin Chen to try every pair of clothes. Furthermore she also gave some opinions and suggestions, she looked at Xin Chen tried out the clothes she chose. That experience made her really happy as if it was her that wore that new clothes.

It was completely different from Xin Di who received strict discipline, Xin Chen was pampered by her paternal grandparents and father, practically she was raised without any restriction. When Xin Chen was in elementary school, her father's work was more leisured so when he was free, he would pick her up, and incidentally brought Xin Di home too. Many times Xin Di was envy, little uncle will put his hand on Xin Chen's shoulder and chatted beside her. Both of their face was radiant with delight.

Their topic of conversations were wide-ranging, they will discuss the topic that Xin Di's parent will not mention.

Xin Chen complained about a boy who was sitting beside her and pulled her braid, her dad laughed and said: "Just ignore him, he just liked you and afraid to say it. He only use that method to get your attention. The next time he pulls your braid again, just kick his foot. I guarantee he will be good."

This answer was completely different from what Xin Di's mother standardized answer.

No matter what was Xin Chen's test result, Xin Kai Yu will always stroke her hair, "Not bad." When Xin Chen said that teacher criticized her pinyin p.r.o.nunciation of "n" and "l" was not clear enough, he just shrugged his shoulder, "Overwhelming majority of this town's people are also cannot really differentiate it, is not really that important."

This of course was really different to Xin Di's parent high expectation toward her.

When Xin Chen said today's weather is really good, Xin Kai Yu will said: "Tomorrow I will have a day off, I will bring you to the outskirt to play so I will write a permission letter for your teacher."

Xin Di was not even brave enough to think that kind of reason to skip school.

Growing up in that kind of situation, Xin Chen was bright and carefree, as if her lack of motherly figure in her life didn't affect her.

When boys wanted to strike up conversation with her, her att.i.tude was very calm; toward everyone she was natural and unrestrained, there was no uncomfortable feeling; wore a light and beautiful clothes, only will made her looked cuter; when she laughed free and unconstrained, on her left cheek will appear the happy dimple.

Xin Di didn't feel any jealousy toward her, she liked to dress up her pretty cousin. Apparently if she had any choice, she will willingly to keep on to s.h.i.+ne Xin Chen's appearance until she grows up, properly enjoying her era as a young lady.

Entering the fine art school as fas.h.i.+on design major, from her first design, Xin Di's dream model was Xin Chen, the 14-18 years old Xin Chen. Each of her designs, was carried breath of youth that she fancied.

Yet after being in this profession for 6 years, and held the position as chief of designer, her fas.h.i.+on designs were focused on city businesswoman. Her fas.h.i.+on style was change unpredictably, occasionally dignified and carefully selected for quality, occasionally gave attractive and witty feeling, sometime brought a gentle and lovely emotion, occasionally brought neutral taste. Xin Di's a.s.signment was to guide design team to strive to grasp the trend, as well as what is part of people's preference.Yet cannot avoid to repeatedly gave up to reach terms. Her most beginning excitement and sense of achievement was changing.

The clients and agents off the stage, department stores' managers were all standing up and give applause, every Suo Mei's fas.h.i.+on show was built enthusiastically and bewitchingly ability. When the whole design team was on the stage to attend the closing ceremony, it was a climax. This perfect show displayed Suo Mei's powerful design skill and style. Let the clients' sense of belonging and sense of honor further onwards increase, to reach the result that Boss Cheng's wanted.

Xin Di was practically followed everyone to clap.

Dai Wei Fan unable to control his eye to look at Xin Di, who was on the stage. She wore a short style cheongsam, which contrasted with her baby face. It showed a bit flirtatious expression, it seemed she didn't really excited. Her slightly smile almost brought a reserved feeling same as the Hong Kong person, A Ken. He didn't really her expression.

In his imagination, Xin Di always hardly covered her mood, when she laughed loudly and happy, it looked as if an overflow water, and could infected other people; the time she was mad and pouted her lips, she will blurt out sarcastic remarks, even it happened no one can seriously be mad at her. Yet at this moment on the stage, Xin Di, who slightly bow with some manner, looked very strange.

After the fas.h.i.+on show usually there will be a banquet, Dai Wei Fan paid attention to Xin Di, who sat on the other table while drank wine without any appet.i.te. Just stayed for the half of banquet, she went out, and for a long time didn't get back inside.

Dai Wei Fan knew the opposite of banquet hall was a small outdoor coffee shop, he went over, as expected Xin Di was leaned on the balcony railing seat, under the soft light, she turned to look at him, laughed, " Dai Wei Fan, you believe or not, this moment I really just think about you."

Dai Wei Fan's heart unexpectedly beat wildly, but Xin Di immediately said something again: "I suddenly realized you are quite similar to my little uncle."
This time Xin Di truly didn't have any intention to attack Dai Wei Fan, she really just remembered about her little uncle, Xin Kai Yu. Almost everyone has been change throughout the course of life, but it seemed only this little uncle always persisted on his own's way and disregarded other's advice.

Xin Kai Yu was 44 years old this year, up to now he as before was elegant and unrestrained middle aged man. Having a 25 years old daughter, seemingly it was only a little trouble of his life.

Xin Di always remembered the time her handsome little uncle attended the parents' meeting had aroused a sensation.

Xin Chen was arranged by uncle to attend the same school as Xin Di which was full of government workers' sons and daughters. Therefore all the parents were looked like Xin Di's parents: Most of them were middle aged parents with serious expression and wore a conservative clothes.

Yet that time Xin Kai Yu not yet reached 25 years old, wore an jacket s.h.i.+rt, white jeans, was dressed up according to his young age, and was really handsome. He held her daughter's hand with glowing pride and happiness, he didn't really look like a father.

From the start, Xin Kai Yu was not throughly adapting to his new role as a father. Toward his daughter, he more or less always granted whatever Xin Chen wanted. When he worked the state-own enterprise, his wage just ordinary. However whenever his hand was full of the money that he earned hardly, he will bring Xin Di to buy an expensive clothes and shoes. He didn't really care about the price. He continuously be in the relations.h.i.+p with girls, but he never denied of having a daughter, sometimes he will bring his daughter along to watch movie or eat dinner together with his girlfriends.

Xin Kai Yu called his niece Di Zi, called his daughter Chen Zi, afterwards, these nickname continuously used by both of these girls. He would go to the small shop on the road side and bought their favorite stickers, small jewelry, and sometimes took them to eat barbecue. Yet, these was all prohibited by Xin Di's mother: "Barbecue were not really hygiene; that stickers was boring and not really educative."

But little girls' happiness always come easy and simple, these cheap and meaningless things were enough to let these two girls felt happy and triumph.

That time Xin Di's father was town deputy major and was secretary of Lu Fei's father, Lu Jing Zhong; his att.i.tude was really strict. Her mother was Public Health Bureau worker. Of course they both really loved their only daughter, yet it was impossible for them to accommodate to Xin Di's wanted happiness.

The beautiful Xin Chen started to grow up, very fast she was taller than Xin Di. She received a letter for a boy, and gave it to her father. Her father laughed loudly, shook his head and said: "It was very childish, but you look this cute, it is normal for a boy to like you. If you don't like him just throw it. Don't give it to your teachers, and don't make fun of him."

When Xin Chen said that some boys asked her to go to zoo, play or watched movie, Xin Kai Yu muttered something to himself for a while then said, " All is okay, but don't you take any gift from other people, don't to be intimate with them, moreover don't be contented with his vanity and admit that you are his girlfriend."

Xin Di had to take a pity to her boring life, obviously she never got any kind of love letter or invitation. Of course even if she got it, she would not dare to talk to her parents. She can imagine their handling way: First, they will seriously chatted with her that her present attention should be put on her study, then discussed about life dream and choices, then gave a call to homeroom teacher to communicate this condition.

Xin Kai Ming looked at his brother, the one who had a daughter without marriage, until now was not really wanted to marry to settle down, always expressed an anxious feeling and longing for him to improve himself; Li Xin looked at Xin Kai Yu always feel troublesome, yet no a little bit of regretful of little uncle, naturally felt unhappy.

Only Xin Di sincerely loved her carefree uncle, she directly express her envy for having that kind of father toward Xin Chen, Xin Chen just laughed, but one time, she was silent, seriously asked her: "Di Zi, are you willing to be at home alone for a whole night, then when you heard thunder, you just can only use blanket to cover your ears? Are you willing that when you need a signature from your parents and yet no matter how you cannot find your parent, and only can imitate his signature? Are you willingly to see your father changed his girlfriend as fast as he changed his clothes?"

Xin Di was shocked, no, that time she didn't really think that deep. When she entered high school, her mother as before will get inside her room every night to fix her blanket. Her father always stayed at home if he didn't work.

When Xin Di grew up, she knew quite a lot of Xin Chen's status and problems, she understood that little uncle maybe charming man, but probably could not be said as a best father of the year. Even though he could be counted as idol among the woman, but couldn't be said as a good lover.

Yet he and the man in front of her, was a little bit similar, thought about this, Xin Di couldn't control herself to laugh.

Dai Wei Fan realized, since the unlucky night in Hong Kong, he had somewhat obsession. Xin Di's naughty smile, let him absent- minded for a while. That was the first time in his life, to be resembled as elders by the woman closed to his age, listening to this made him a bit upset, he could only laugh bitterly: " I looked like your uncle?"

Xin Di seriously looked at him from top to bottom, considered and contrasted, Dai Wei Fan a little bit awkward to received her scrutinized glance, felt it somewhat similar to his past experience while applied to walk on the catwalk. In good times, Xin Di concluded: "You are taller than him, your appearance cannot be counted similar. My uncle was highly experienced handsome man. When you looked at Xin Di, you can directly imagine him. Their silhouette was really alike, was more refined and elegant kind."

Dai Wei Fan laughed; "Can I ask you a bit, what part of me that can make you a.s.sociate me with your uncle?"

"Your character and eyes' expression was really similar, you both have an entice to lure people. This year my uncle is 44 years old, he is not somewhat rich, but he still little misses who admired him," Xin Di laughed, "There was a time, I advised him to write a book about ways for men to chase women, or a book that told women how to prevent themselves to be played by men."

Hearing this, Dai Wei Fan was uncomfortable, "Wei, was it because of your perception about your uncle that you dislike me these few years?"

Xin Di loosened her grip, "I really like my uncle, I don't really have any complain. I truly believed as long as he willing and made no harm, he can life like that all along. He always honest, never lie to girls. So the women, who fell for him, should have mental preparation."

Dai Wei Fan was confused wether to laugh or cry, he didn't antic.i.p.ate that Xin Di had this kind of wise opinion toward men, "Perhaps when the man played enough then he will settle down."

"A lot of tasteless men use this reason to hoist women's wishful thinking, and women biggest misconception is thinking that this man will change for her."

"It seem that you are full of experiences and have been through the hards.h.i.+ps of life."

Xin Di naturally could hear Dai Wei Fan's mockery tone, thought that the woman in front of him was also a virgin, she couldn't help to be angry, but didn't really explode, just coldly said, "Those who never eat pig, always can look a pig is coming, especially hoa.r.s.e pig mode, in reality was too many."

Unexpectedly, Dai Wei Fan laughed, "Hardly can hear your ten years of perception in one day."
Seeing Xin Di's shocking expression, He reminded her: "The first time we met, you just said this to me, hoa.r.s.e pig. It was pathetic of me to be too modest. Unexpectedly, I was still innocent that I asked others the meaning of hoa.r.s.e pig."

Once more Xin Di couldn't control her emotion, laughed loudly.

Through Dai Wei Fan's sentence, Xin Di recalled her first meeting with Dai Wei Fan was indeed has pa.s.sed 10 years.

That year she just 18 years old, with unexceptional skills and achievement entered the fine art school. Unhesitatingly disobeyed her parent's objection to apply for fas.h.i.+on design major, and her parents objected her wish to apply to local college. But at the end, they reached to mutually compromise.

That time was the first time she lived without the protection of her parents. From entering the college, she throughly dressed up herself esthetically, and let her mother didn't use to it, but couldn't do anything. She really enjoyed her freedom, felt really happy.

Xin Di who just entered the school and displayed a good character was chosen by senior to help arrange a fas.h.i.+on show, previously she only just stayed at home and used her imagination to hold her own fas.h.i.+on show. The first time contacted with the fas.h.i.+on design process, she couldn't help but to be full of excitement. Then, she started to mingle with male and female model. When she looked at the models who that time only wear their underwear and were waiting for make up process, she was shocked.

Her friend, Lu Fei, was known as a person that is beautiful inside and out, her cousin from her young age was a beautiful girl. At first, the models' s.e.x appeal didn't really affect her, but because she always being taught conservatively, she never went to public baths. Therefore when she suddenly faced with the quite naked model with same age as her, she couldn't help but to blushed, not really knowing where should she placed her eyes.

When the most handsome and tall man, who wore skintight white tank top, stood up in front of her and asked the order of the fas.h.i.+on show, she just responded vaguely.

Beside him was a tall woman caught up with him and argued with him in the low and then loud voice, it could regarded helped her out of situation.

That man was Dai Wei Fan, and that women was some of his girlfriend. His girlfriend said that he didn't value her enough, and he answered back sarcastically that she was too controlling. Then, the woman mentioned several examples of his past action, he looked like he didn't want to pay attention. After a while with his impatient face, he said: "Since you have so many complaints about me, then let's just break up."

Xin Di was a bit happy to look at this situation. In the past, she just saw how Lu Fei remained calm and collected when he rejected the confession of female cla.s.smates. How Xin Chen with her impatient and bad mood face sent away all the school boys. She didn't expected to see with her own eyes, the two college student will be senseless and childishly played their own drama publicly to entertain her.

The woman started to sob, her make up face immediately ruined. The friends around them tried to mediate them, and the leader of the models hurriedly stomped his feet, "You guys, hurry up it's almost time to start the show, why should you fight like this. It will ruined the show. The leader of school and leader of the department both was sitting on the audience. Dai Wei Fan, can't you just sweet-talked her?"
Dai Wei Fan already changed his clothes, he wore a white uniform which highlighted well his handsome and well-built body. That time he was 20 years old, his temperament and self-confidence was more before than now. He didn't follow the leader of the model's advice: "It's because I pampered her too much so she did something like this, just let her what she like."

All the students were unable to find solution, Xin Di, who that was helping the other girly to change, felt impatient, she said rudely: "Wei, sister, look you also a beautiful woman, why should you let this hoa.r.s.e pig made you sad. Break up just break up. Those man who said the word "break up" didn't really unworthy of your cry."

Everyone didn't expect this pet.i.te girl who was a new students, will have this big courage and insight. They all agreed by chance and laughed, someone agreed and said: "Right, right, right, what the junior say is true." "Hurry up wash up, and do your make up again, it almost time for our program."

Dai Wei Fan didn't feel angry at all, from all along his objective was a good man didn't fight with woman, naturally, he will not argue with that little girl. Furthermore, that time he didn't really mean know the meaning of hoa.r.s.e pig. When he met with his best friend, Zhang Xin, he asked him sincerely. Zhang Xin was laughing loudly, told him, it was meant "Male chauvinist pig", in the literal translation was big man chauvinism's pig, abbreviated to hoa.r.s.e pig. It was usually used women to scold other.

After this happened during their second meeting, Xin Di didn't look friendly in front of him.

Xin Di was very quickly become famous in the art school, she was stood as she revealed her outstanding talents, her art basic skills was strong, she could drew quite specialized gong bi (Chinese painting characterized by meticulous brush technique and detailed description) of flower and bird painting, even when her professor of Chinese department art looked, he compliment her. He sighed how can this good students enter somewhat worthless field such as fas.h.i.+on designer major. Moreover, Xin Di's designed clothes were able to completed in rapid speed, and let the teacher very admired her work and ethic. All of them admitted she was their most talented and potential new students.

It was unavoidable for model and designed student to come in contact, Dai Wei Fan had no alternative, only can permitted to let her to mock and ridicule, fortunately Xin Di was not all interested to be mean. Most of the time, it was happened without her awareness, after that immediately ignored him.

Dai Wei Fan, who always got everyone admiration and attention, felt as long as it was not too overbearing just let it be, moreover he always be tolerant toward smart girl. Since Xin Di's talents was already admittedly publicly, he was more tolerant and concluded that talented girl should have a bit of strange hobby and privilege.

Speaking off this past thing, Xin Di laughed and it swept her gloominess, "Yesterday, I still discussed with Lu Fei, is there because of the time that pa.s.s, that people make people change, finally I was discovered a person that didn't change in this 10 years."

"It was good that you are happy, but there will be no one who will not change after 10 years, especially, after that time, I never break up with anybody without thinking."

Dai Wei Fan showed somewhat unusual serious expression, Xin Di just shrugged her shoulder: "I don't think that I have this capability. It just a casual sentence, but it can influence the life of a playboy."

"It was not actually completely because of your sentence, no one can be frivolous all the way done, even if it is your uncle."

Xin Di could only admitted that his word was really reasonable, even if it was continuously happy little uncle, actually there was something different about him, "It's right too, Xin Chen told her father, man should be strived to earn more money to depend on himself, like Xu Jin Heng. He played until 50 years and called as Prince Xu, still could have Mich.e.l.le Monique Reis."

Dai Wei Fan shook his head, laughed: "Not every man wanted a Mich.e.l.le Monique Reis, besides, please don't call me playboy anymore. If I was really a playboy, then in Hong Kong, that embarra.s.sed incident will not happen."

This moment he again mention that unlucky night, their vision crashed into each other, and awkwardly each of them s.h.i.+fted their gaze. Xin Di didn't have any intention to get angry, after all the person in front of her was easy going and tolerant, also could joke around, there were positive things about him. As for that night, she just once again shrugged her shoulder, and decided to just forget it, "All right, let's just forget that matter. I will get in first, or else they will come out to look for me. When design workers can be enchant favored, don't need to attend this kind of dinner.

She covered her yawn, rose up and went inside. That time Dai Wei Fan just realized, her clothes was shortie Qi Pao seemed to be simple, but the back side to the waist to his surprise was a stripe of bold lace design, faintly showed some white skin. He couldn't help to recall the time he touched that part. He started to calculate, in case he was serious in pursuing Xin Ding, there should be a bit of hope.

This time Dai Wei Fan realized this time, he was not certain this time.

The next few days, Dai Wei Fan went back to the company, and came across Xin Chen, who was delivering design draft.

Xin Chen frequently came here, she was familiar with all the employees here. She was with several secretary, was talking about the joke she discovered during the time at some wedding photography studio, "The photograph completed by that child was totally perfect, but no matter how they look it was something strange it, they asked to the people around what is the problem, but they also could not make it out. Then the company asked the female janitor to look at it, suddenly she said: "This lady looked like fairy, but why she didn't have a pupil?" So it turned out that part of her was thought as a scar so was erased by photoshop."

That several secretary was laughing, even Dai Wei Fan laughed: "Xin Chen, do you still take several project to handle portrait of that wedding photographer company?"

"For all the oppression of the life, anyway that kind of matter didn't exert any brain, just think it as a balance." Xin Chen laughed and gave him the design plan, "Chief Dai, please look over and give directions."

Dai Wei Fan and Zhang Zin's advertis.e.m.e.nt company scale was not really big, when they accepted the project sometimes will according to clients' request, so part of it required a quite high degree of skills or a quite challenging project will be outsourced from outside, and Xin Chen had been worked together with in a long period.

This time was working with a project of designing a logo for a new shop, Xin Chen had submitted two program plan, her designs were always made on time and concise, she never procrastinated, and always opened to criticism or evaluation.

Dai Wei Fan nodded his head, and acknowledged, "Xin Chen, there was one more picture alb.u.m to be revised, and it is more urgent, do you have time to do it?"

He took out the original picture alb.u.m for her to look, Xin Chen frowned, "It was this model again, I cannot stand her, she looks okay, but she really picky and a bit over. Every time she wanted to be photoshopped to be like barbie doll, so the proportion was completely distorted. She will be happy for it."

"This time she didn't have that right to demand, this picture alb.u.m was directly from factory owner final version. Their esthetic could be regarded as normal."

Xin Chen nodded, "Then it's okay."

Dai Wei Fan briefed in detail about their request, and she took note of it, used her mobile hard disk to copy the original picture, and put it inside her backpack, "If there is anything to revise for the logo design, please contact me, I will go first."

"Wait for a minute, Xin Chen."

Xin Chen looked at him questioningly, he felt a bit too embarra.s.sed to speak. He and Xin Chen has been known each other for quite a long time, but it only related toward work. This girl appeared easy-going, when she was joking and laughing, it looked like she was simple- minded. However she was outside hot and inside cold, her laughter only left at her face so it let people to sense some distance toward her. She was entirely different with her cousin, Xin Di, who was outside cold and inside hot temperament. He could only moved his hand, "Forget about it, there's no problem, this picture alb.u.m please rushed it

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