Memoirs Of Love Interlude

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Xin Di didn't expect, a thirty old man heard her confession that she is a 28 years old virgin, will be scared off and run.

Just few minutes ago, they even closely hugged each other, with carrying a little drunk feeling from Lan Gui Bar they went back to the hotel. The clothes are half took off, he's tall and big posture, a brown color skin; she is pet.i.te and delicate skin, it's so contrast with his wonderful body shape.

This night, she decided to take advantage of the being drunk, to end her endless somewhat unthinkable status as a virgin woman. While they are kissing pa.s.sionately, his hand gently stroked her skin, next to ear he lapped softly, her mind became rippled, there is no feeling of dislike, ok, just him then. With a gentle pant, she said: "This is my first time, please be a little gentle."

The next scene is a little bit theatrical, he stopped and with looked at her, then said: "I…. I think I'm not ready, sorry."

Similarly she glanced at his handsome face with inexpressible feeling, just to see his flushed face, one side straighten out his clothes, the other side forced his way out the door.

Xin Di fastened her blouse b.u.t.ton, went to to the front of the window, idly looked out to the twinkling neon light, at last the burning hot face gradually calmed down. This time in Hong Kong, She was on the business trip to attend a fas.h.i.+on show, she didn't spend any extravagant cost, she stayed in hotel located in Tai Shan, the room is small, outside the window was can see it is a sleepless and noisy area, it may be said there is no scenery here. She decided to take a bath, sleep, regardless of lack of sleepiness.

Her phone was ringing, she took her phone.

"I'm sorry, Xin Di, a moment ago, it's my fault, I respond excessively, I…"
" Just go to h.e.l.l, Dai Wei Fan."
She hanged up, and conveniently turn off the phone.

Xin Di went to Hong Kong fas.h.i.+on show, as a fas.h.i.+on designer, every year, she will come to Hong Kong at least twice, in January to mind summer and spring fas.h.i.+on show, in July to consider autumn and winter fas.h.i.+on show, these disorder and preposterous season, she already used to.

Hong Kong exhibition center is not as lively and crowded as Beijing world exhibition , but it is evident that professional level are a little bit higher, if wanted to looked completely, it required not just a little time and strength. Besides, if still wanted to rush and see different categories for shows, we need to stroll around to nine port's large and small worthy shops, go to Kowloon fabric market to look at fresh on the market fabric.

After finished look at Hong Kong fas.h.i.+on week, she directly needed to go to Shen Zhen, there was another awaiting exhibition. The fas.h.i.+on industry is one field that never slow down and ending opera, many pract.i.tioners will feel some exhaustion. Especially the local designers who live in Han Jian city which far away from fas.h.i.+on center, fas.h.i.+on has became one authentic industry item and not a word that bring an allure charm, furthermore there is not somewhat romantic color can be said.

Working for 6 years, Xin Di has a quite reputation in fas.h.i.+on industry, become a chief designer in domestic big fas.h.i.+on business, she has a promising future, but at the same time, she felt somewhat sluggish and this feeling has become more and more serious, she didn't know if it is related to her job or life.

She clearly know, this kind of feeling emerged in somewhat absurd way. Reaching the age of 28, she still a virgin, actually, this was not a frustration for her, as for how could be mixed up with Dai Wei Fan in Hong Kong, she completely dumb-founded, because they have been known each other for 10 years, from the start she met him, she precisely dislike him.

They were schoolmates of school of fine art, Dai Wei Fan, who is handsome and taller than her, studied architecture (to be precise landscaping), only a few moment after getting into the university, he dragged into joining modeling team, and settle an irrevocable commitment fas.h.i.+on designers to help them modeled. Dai Wei Fan had a good outward appearance and bold and uninhibited temperament, he is extremely popular, but Xin Di consistently cold toward him, occasionally when they chatted, she will talk with him sarcastically.

Xin Di's close friend, Ye Zhi Qiu, the one who studied the same field, asked her for the reason of disliking Dai Wei Fan, Xin Di simply said: "I just annoyed of his demeanor and appearance, he looks like a peac.o.c.k, rely on his good looks to swaggering and seeking for publicity."

Ye Zhi Qiu could only laugh astonis.h.i.+ngly. It is obvious it is an insufficient reason, their profession from the start decided that they need to dealing with all style of handsome men and beautiful women, and also she could not see Xin Di expressed her somewhat dislike toward other narcissistic men.

Yesterday at Hong Kong exhibition centre, Dai Wei Fan came and went, as before there's somewhat swaggering. In fact this cannot be his fault, in his study, he already pa.s.s a secondary level of athlete qualification, and have maintained a good sport record, his way of walking is completely his habit, and not a show off. He and his friends opened up an advertis.e.m.e.nt company, also take part in planning clothing business in construction of their corporate images, sometimes he will also come to professional exhibition to look for inspiration and popular element.

Before, Xin Di generally turned a blind eye to Dai Wei Fan, but the third month of this year in Beijing clothing exhibition, Dai Wei Fan accepted Ye Zhi Qiu's request to appear on stage to present a bouquet to Xin Di in her final part of her fas.h.i.+on show.

Because of that encounter, he come and go to meet her. It was sunny day, the sun pa.s.sed through the gla.s.s window, and made his whole body looked like glowing, happily he greeted her, she surely cannot give him a cold face anymore, at the same time her heart admitted: this man's s.e.xual appeal, still really good. That tall and straight figure wore a T-s.h.i.+rt and trousers obviously give people an image of full of heroic man, involuntary made the people around him to admire him.

These two people chatted a few sentences, talked about next arrangement, agree without prior consultation, thereupon together go to Hong Kong, Dai Wei Fan attended billboard decoration and business design, Xin Di attended a new fas.h.i.+on shop, casually they ate little food, almost finished strolling, Dai Wei Fan suggested to go to Lan Gui bar, she readily agreed.

Under alcohol influence? Xin Di didn't recall it, they both just drink beer, at most only a little tipsy feeling. She didn't remember clearly the how can their body touch for the first time, but the moment their body touched, she recalled a memory.

It is her last Beijing clothing show, she showed up on stage to close the show, Dai Wei Fan brought a large bouquet of lily, his large leg kneeled down on the stage, delivered the flower for her, then conveniently hugged her, this hug came out short and polite, to one's surprise let her whole body suddenly s.h.i.+vered. That time, she only concluded it just an accident, not really think much of it.

But from that moment, once touched him, her whole body will experience that kind of s.h.i.+ver, her awareness of this, surprised her and made her want to literary bite her own finger. She just be in a few romantic relations.h.i.+p that is go part peacefully, s.e.xual pa.s.sion for her, is really unfamiliar for her. She hesitatingly judged this handsome man, just right he turned his head, when two glances connected, the warmth atmosphere combined with strange relax feeling, and the things happened before, let Xin Di felt a bit disappointment, wis.h.i.+ng she never met him.

Going back to Shen Chen, Xin Di and Ye Zhi Qiu met up at the hotel. Each of them finished their both works, at night looked her being alone in the hotel room, after taking bath and wearing a sleeping gown, each of them laid on the bed and chatted, and Xin Di confessed to her.

"You…" Ye Zhi Qiu was surprised that she cannot speak anything, she and Xin Di are cla.s.smate, but after graduation she became clothing sales, before also searched for art job. For Xin Di, Ye Zhi Qiu is a person who needs to think over time before deciding something, the one who is calm and rational.

"That is not wake up to danger at the last moment? I didn't succeed." Xin Di grinned cheekily.

"Not bad, not bad. But it's only a business trip, you have excessive courage, actually dare to bring a man who you meet by chance back to hotel."

Xin Di would rather brought a stranger man, at least after finished they will go on their separate ways, there will no other connection, she is confident in her heartless ability to forget. But to think over again, she had to admit, she indeed doesn't have that big courage to provoke stranger.

"E, just now didn't say the focus point, it's not stranger meets by change, actually that also the man you know, Dai Wei Fan."

"He…" once again Ye Zhi Qiu was unable to speak, of course she know senior Dai Wei Fan, in reality, they both are quiet good friend, as sometimes they both come in contact because of work. But she know that Xin Di is dislike Dai Wei Fan, no matter how she thinks she cannot understand it, why did finally Xin Di choose Dai Wei Fan to end her status as virgin.

"He coincidently there."

Ye Zhi Qiu propped her body, raised up her eyebrow and glance at Xin Di, clearly think that is not count as a reason. Xin Di blushed, coughed, "Qiu Qiu, can you not scrutinize me? Okay, I confess completely. I think he is quite handsome, and he is professional, it is certain that… his skill should be okay. Since I am purely don't want to be a virgin until 29 years old, and doesn't want to look for marriage, be with him… it should be no future problem?"

Ye Zhi Qiu said, "Xiao Di, you way of thinking is very strange."

Xin Di laughed loudly, "Let it be, don't mention this thing again, it also a good thing that he ran, if not how can I decide if I will regret or not. The one thing that I'm puzzled is how can a 28 years old virgin woman scared a man and made him ran away?"

Regarding this problem, her best friend also didn't have any answer. She thinks, just let him go, be a virgin woman until 29 years old, it's not really a big deal. She just hopes that man will not appear in front of her eyes as she already cursed him on the phone.

However, the more you hope to not meet that person, the chance you will meet up that person will be higher. Xin Di didn't know is this counted as Murphy's law.

Next at Shen Zhen exhibition center, at Ye Zhi Qiu's friends' dinner party, at the airport, Xin Di continuously ran into Dai Wei Fan. She felt a bit dread. Even though they are living in same city, seemingly there will no high chance of run into each other.

Besides, if one think to ignore a man with 183 meter and handsome looking appearance, in reality it is an uneasy thing to do.

Got off the plan, Xin Di went to claim her baggage, not waiting until she put down her bag on her hand to take the baggage, a solid and thin arm from the back of her body stretched out, and help her take and put it next to her. Her baggage size compared to her is really big.

She turned her head, "Ai, we just go our separate way okay, if you go to west, I will just go to east."
"That's impossible." He frankly spoke, "there is only one way from airport to go to city, that is to go from south."

"Dai Wei Fan, what do you want to do?"Xin Di rudely asked him, " These days you have been non-stopping appeared in front of me, if you want to disgust me, then you've been successful, you may vanish then."

Dai Wei Fan laughed, revealed his snowy-white teeth, " Give me a chance, Xin Di, I want to pursue you."

Xin Di felt surprised and laughed loudly, happily can use the same phrase as him: "I'm sorry, I think I'm not ready."

Dai Wei Fan remained calmed, " That day is my fault, we can try to start from the beginning."

Mentioning that day, she raised her eyebrow, just about to be mad, a low and deep voice from her back called her: "Xiao Di."

She turned and glanced, a tall and thin man wore a white s.h.i.+rt stood not far from her, he held a dark brown suitcase and a notebook bag, with a trim short black hair, handsome face, a pair of of calm and s.h.i.+nning eyes, a man that is as good as Dai Wei Fan.

Happily she went to him half-jokingly screamed, "Lu Fei, is it really you? Why didn't you call before you came back?"

Lu Fei put his suitcase down, caught her hand, laughed. He is a cold temperament young man, at this moment slightly smiling, his gaze brought some gentleness, " Regard this as a pleasant surprise, Xiao Di."

This reunion made Dai Wei Fan stared blankly.

Xin Di's phone rang, she took out and looked at the screen, it's her cousin Xin Chen, "Xin Chen, what happened?"

Hearing this name, Lu Fei clutched down his ringing phone, quietly standing beside her.

"Di Xi, are you back? Remember help me to water the flower, today I need to go, if there's no rain, come once everyday, use the water vat on balcony to water it, be sure to not forget." Said Xin Chen.

Xin Di groaned, " Why did you need to torture me this way? This hot days, those who you are casually request to complete this task, certainly will run hurriedly."

Xin Chen simply laughed, " how can we let the suitor causally enter room, in vain people reverie, not to trouble yourself?"

Xin Di gloomily looked at Dai Wei Fan, the one who stood not far and had no intention to go away, admitted to one self that this is a big trouble.

"How long will you be away?"

"Around 18 days, this time the car already pa.s.s En s.h.i.+."

"18 days, oh my G.o.d, remember to apply suncream, don't sunbathing too much that when you go home you will become black like a charcoal."

"Will not, most of the time I will be in the car."

"Do you know who I meet at the airport?"

At the same time, she wanted to give the phone to Lu Fei, but just saw him lightly and swiftly shook his head, she unavoidably felt astonished, but obeyed his intention, " Forget it, just wait until you go back and we will talk then."

Xin Chen also didn't ask too much, " please take care my flower, I will bring home Tang Ka for you, bye."

Xin Di put away her phone to her bag, asked Lu Fei: " At first want to ask you to talk with Chen Zi, why did you shake your head?"

"Where does she go?"

"Tibet, with her friends. They drove themselves in cross-country vehicle." All along Xin Di just wandered around the city, liked to enjoy the life of city, no feeling to explore far away places, in fact, she doesn't understand why her cousin every now and then from north to south explore, every year at least once want to go the place that she doesn't even heard about it.

"Tibet." Lu Fei expression looked slightly absent-minded, softly repeated this distant place, "Xiao Di, if she call you again, don't tell her that I'm back."

Xin Di raised her brow, "also want to give her surprise ?"

He showed a melancholy laughed, " She probably feel surprise, but I can't determined if she will be happy."

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