Bayou Rouges: Dirty Part 7

Bayou Rouges: Dirty -

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Chapter 5.

Courtney lounged on her bed, catching up on the stack of books on her nightstand. She'd only made it to Friday afternoon before becoming bored out of her skin. After Sawyer dropped her off at her car early Thursday morning, she hadn't seen or heard from him again. Why would she? Still, she'd hoped on his lunch hour he'd text, or maybe even call to see how she was doing.

He'd been distant and back to his coffee-shop self when they'd said their goodbyes. She chalked it up to him not being a morning person, but she had her doubts. Doubts that they would ever share again the intimacy they'd shared the night she'd slept in his bed.

When her stomach grumbled she crawled from her bed and padded to the hallway. Was anyone even home? For some reason, she wanted to be surrounded by her family. Sighing, she slid her hand down the banister and descended the staircase. Pa.s.sing the study she saw the silhouette of her father and sprinted into the room. Seated in his oversized office chair, she wrapped her arms around his waist.


His laughter started low in his chest, vibrating through him and into her. His spicy musk was the familiarity she'd longed for.

"What's all this?" He stroked his palm over her hair.

"I've missed you."

"Well, I've missed you too, baby."

She held him for several minutes in her awkward stooped position, but it was worth it. She loved her mother something fierce, but she'd always been a daddy's girl. When her back started to throb she stood up. He held her hands in his large ones. "Everything okay?"

She nodded. If she spoke she'd cry.

"You sure?"

If she told him about the attack he'd never let her out of his sight again. Oh, but she'd have to tell him. Later. "I thought you'd be gone longer."

"Your mother needed to get back to organize the book drive, and I need to go take a look at how the restaurant is coming along." His hair was brown, but not as brown as Sawyer's. He'd started to get a little salt and pepper action around his temples that only made him look more handsome and distinguished. Like two of her brothers, he had the greenest eyes she'd ever seen. They seemed to smile eternally.

"Do you know a guy named Sawyer Murphy?"

"Went to school with a Murphy. Lost touch after high school though. I think she moved from the area."

"Sawyer Murphy is my age. He works at the restaurant site."

"Can't say I've ever met him. Why?"

She shrugged and shook her head. "No reason."

"Oh?" He smiled. "It's been my experience that when a woman asks about a man there's plenty of reason."

She felt her lips curling into a smile of her own. "He works at Clara's Cheese Shop part time. He also hunts boars and gators and such for extra money. He's a hard worker. I really like him."

"Do you now?" Her father grinned knowingly.

She took the chair next to his. "He works a lot and doesn't really have any free time. He admitted we have a connection, but he said his life wasn't his own. Do you know what that means?"

"Hmm. I suppose if he's working so much he has needs. Expenses-maybe family to look after. He may be in debt."

"I don't know."

"When I met your mother I worked more than I didn't. Upwards of ninety hours per week. It didn't stop me from courting her. There was nothing that could keep me away. Still isn't. My schedule was tight, but we still found stolen moments and it made them that much more special. She'd bring lunch to me out in the oil field and we'd spread a blanket out picnic style and take our hour. When I look back at my life, those are some of the best memories."

Courtney swiped a tear from her cheek. She wanted that-someone to wors.h.i.+p her and whom she could wors.h.i.+p in return.

"What's this on the side of your face?" His palm gently rested on the bruised skin.

"I think I'm a little allergic to my new moisturizer." She leaned in and kissed her father's cheek. "I'm glad you're back."

"How about lunch? Just you and me."

"Sounds great."

Friday evening Courtney was glad Clara had invited her to the game night. Her bruises had faded enough that she could cover them with foundation and powder. She'd searched twice through her closet for her navy blue romper. Sucking on the pad of her thumb a thought crossed her mind. Dammit, Ari! She padded with purpose toward her sister's room, throwing the door open in her irritation.

The vision before her had her sucking in huge amounts of air and coughing. "Ari!" She closed the door and clasped her hand over her mouth. "Oh my G.o.d," she whispered.

The door opened and Ari emerged wearing her LSU shorts and tank top, her hair sinking from its elastic band. "Hey, Court!" Her voice was overly high in pitch.

"Oh my G.o.d, Ari. What the h.e.l.l?"


"What? Seriously? were riding a black man in your bed."

The door opened again and revealed the man who Courtney, upon getting a better look, recognized as Ezekiel Donovan, LSU quarterback. "Hey, Courtney." At least he had the decency to cast his eyes down in shame.

"You're having s.e.x in your room now?"

Ezekiel and Ari shared a gaze, and then a smile.

"Why are you smirking at one another? This is far from funny."

"It's kind of funny," Ari shrugged.

"You're my little sister"-Courtney pointed to Ezekiel-"and Ezekiel, shame on you. Can't you stick to s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g your fan girls and leave my sister alone?"

"Hey!" Ari yelled. "You better not screw any fan girls."

His arm slid around Ari's waist, pulling her into his large body. "Never." Courtney watched as his lips kissed her nose in the sweetest display of emotion she'd ever seen.

Pointing between them she asked, "You guys are like together, together?"

Ari looked at her quizzically. "Yeah, but we haven't told anybody."

"Why not?"

"Because...look how you reacted. We're taking it slow."

"It didn't look slow."

Ari and Ezekiel giggled.

Courtney frowned at Ezekiel. "I went to LSU too you know. I remember how it went down after game night and I remember some really raunchy club scenes and front and center was you, Zeke. Are you trying to get me to believe you're exclusive with Ari?"

"I don't care what you believe, but yes...I'm exclusively with Ari."

"How long have you been exclusive?"

"Courtney! Stop."

"Don't tell me to stop. I have a right to question the man I found you having s.e.x with in your room."

"No you don't...I'm twenty-one now."

"That means nothing. Wait until I tell Dad!"

Ari grasped her hands. "Please don't."


Ari looked at Ezekiel. "We're not ready." He softly answered.

"You've flaunted all your other beaus"- "This is different," Ari said with urgency. "Please."

Courtney's lips tightened as she regarded the couple. "I won't tell...for now, but don't have s.e.x in your childhood bedroom."

"Oh?" Her eyebrows. .h.i.t her hairline. "Like you've never had s.e.x in your room."

"No. I never have."

Ezekiel shot her a puzzled look. "I mean I've not done it in my childhood bedroom." Her right foot pounded the ground. "Anyway, this is about the two of you."

Ari's lips pursed tightly shut. "Just don't tell Dad."

"Fine. But you better not get caught. If he asks me...I won't lie to him."

"We won't get caught."

Courtney was skeptical. "Hmm...whatever, I need my navy blue romper." Courtney waited at the threshold while Ari went to retrieve the item in question.

She folded her arms across her chest and scowled at Zeke. And he scowled right back at her. "You dated my friend."


"Stephanie Peterson."

His eyes went wide. "s.h.i.+t."


"I was a freshman," he added as an excuse for his deplorable behavior.

"So?" Courtney huffed.

"So I'm pretty far from that man today."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is." He rubbed his upper lip with his index finger.

Courtney put her hands on her hips and leaned in to him, "If you f.u.c.k around on my sister, it's on." To his credit he looked anxious.

"I care for her a great deal. You have no reason to believe me, but I've changed. I won't be f.u.c.king around on her."

"I believe you." She didn't, but she could see he was at least sincere.

"I'm glad. Contrary to what I said earlier, I want to be accepted by Ari's family."

"Here you go." Ari flipped the blue material at Courtney.

"You two watch yourselves." Courtney left the couple in the hallway and turned to make her way to her room to ready for the evening.

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