Bayou Rouges: Dirty Part 22

Bayou Rouges: Dirty -

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"Do you want to marry her?"

He wanted many things where she was concerned...marriage was his dream. "It's not as easy as wanting, you have to be able to back it up. I can barely provide for the three of us. She's not for me." He couldn't afford her. He could bust his back for ten years and still not be able to afford a ring worthy of gracing her finger.

"That may be true about money to buy things, but when it comes to providing love and comfort, we're rich-like Ironman rich." She raised her brows at him. "What? It's true, and I know Courtney cares more about love than money. Besides, she has a job and she has money, so why are you letting that hold you back?"

That was the question wasn't it? They'd both spoken of their desire to be together-the four of them together. Late at night they'd talk for hours on the phone about how their lives had been on a track to ultimately bring them together. Truth told he believed in her-in them. He was just more scared than he'd ever been in his life because he'd never loved something as much as he loved Courtney, and he was deathly afraid something was going to take her away from him. If he loved her this much now, he couldn't imagine how much stronger the ties would be given a year.

"Earth to Sawyer."

Jess was leaning into his side, teasing him. "Just ask her to marry you. She's over here every night. Make her part of the family, or at least give her the promise of that."

She was so right...he should give her the promise of something more. Courtney deserved to know where she stood, which as it turns out was right over his heart.

Courtney wasn't a big crier. In fact she rarely cried, but she'd shed so many tears tonight after Sawyer stormed out that had she collected them she could have drowned a small rat.

She reread their texts: I'm sorry about the things I said. Can you bring Riley to the house in the a.m.?


You have every right to be mad. Please let me start to make it up to you. I've planned a nice breakfast. Will you stay?


I love you.

She knew he loved her. He didn't say it as much as she did, but he showed her. Her concern was his need to bottle up anything negative and keep it from her. They should tackle problems together if they were truly going to build a life together.

I love you too but it hurts when you exclude me from certain parts of your life.

I know. I'm sorry.

It's okay. I understand.

I don't deserve you.

You do, and so much more.

Shut up, Court.

She smiled, wis.h.i.+ng he was next to her in bed so that she could curl up next to his warmth.

If you were here, I'd make you feel better. :) Banging my head against the wall for leaving. What was I thinking?

Until tomorrow. xo<3xo xxoo="" the="" next="" morning="" courtney="" woke="" with="" a="" spring="" in="" her="" step,="" anxious="" to="" be="" near="" him.="" he="" alone="" made="" her="" heart="" beat.="" without="" him="" she="" wasn't="" complete.="" she="" walked="" toward="" the="" mint="" green="" room="" where="" she'd="" put="" riley.="" opening="" the="" door="" she="" was="" glad="" to="" find="" riley="" awake="" and="" bright="">

"Good morning! I'm glad you're up. We've got to hit the road in a bit. Sawyer's planned breakfast for us."

Riley beamed at her...and kept beaming. "What's with you?"


Courtney shook her head. "I'm going to get ready. We'll leave in about twenty minutes."

The child was still smiling like a guilty cat.

In her closet Courtney pondered. She wanted to wear something Sawyer would appreciate...something that would drive him a little crazy. Since it was breakfast and not dinner, she settled on a sleeveless, cream-colored silk peplum top that plunged to a deep V in the back. With most of the skin on her back exposed, she was unable to wear a bra. She smiled as she thought of how Sawyer would react. She paired the top with slim black trousers and on her feet she wore ridiculously high black patent leather pumps. She put her hair in a high bun, but immediately several pieces escaped to curl at her nape. It was the story of her life. Whenever she put her hair up, half of it wanted to be down. She shrugged, enjoying the feel of running her fingers through the curly tendrils.

When she arrived at the Murphy home, Jess exited a waiting car.

"Hey, what's going on?" Courtney asked, curious.

Jess leaned in and landed a sloppy wet kiss on Courtney's cheek. "What's going on is Riley is coming with me." Levi whined from the waiting car, his nose s...o...b..ring up the window.

"Where are you going?"

"We are going to brunch at Mrs. Garner's. We'll be back later...much later." Both Jess and Riley giggled like idiots...well, she was the idiot, apparently the b.u.t.t of some inside joke.

Placing her hand on her hip she frowned, "I feel as if there is a plot afoot and I'm on the outside of it."

Jess shook her head, "Trust me, you're in the middle of it." She shooed Courtney with her hands, "Go on inside."

Courtney turned and walked toward the porch. Cautiously, she opened the door and peeked inside. "h.e.l.lo?" Candles were lit and icicle lights hung from the ceiling rafters. She stepped inside and closed the door. A fire had been lit, despite the fact that there was no need for it. The environment was cozy and toasty and felt good around her. She smiled, letting the goodness wash over her.

When her eyes landed on the dining table she gasped. Champagne was chilling in a bucket-an actual five-gallon plastic bucket that had also been dressed in twinkly lights. On the table were flutes and a pitcher of orange juice.

Shuffling from the hallway stole her attention from the table. Sawyer emerged, standing frozen in the archway as they took in one another. Her immediate reaction was to gasp, but then her veins sizzled with desire. He'd dressed in a black suit with a black s.h.i.+rt and electric blue tie. The effect was mesmerizing as his bulging muscles filled out the suit perfectly and his eyes simmered in their sockets. "You're beautiful."

He cracked a grin. "I believe that's my line."

She twirled a finger in the air, "What's all this?"

"This is me, loving you." He pressed his open palm into his chest and turned his eyes down. He looked so young and vulnerable that her heart fluttered wildly, and for a moment she lost her breath. "I wish I could take sole credit, but Jess helped quite a bit."

Stepping forward he took her hand and led her to the table. He pulled out a chair and she delicately sat with her weight on her heels while he pushed the chair beneath her. "May I pour you a mimosa?"

"Please." As he mixed the drink tableside, her body was no longer with her spirit, which floated somewhere above the table.

"I'm sorry for the things I said yesterday. Your interference with the girls caught me off guard. h.e.l.l, your interference in my whole life caught me unaware. But you never gave up. You're like a battering ram, demanding to be let in at all costs because you know it's where you belong. In this moment I couldn't be more thankful for your inquisitiveness, your tenacity, your unwavering spirit, because they've brought us here. This is the end, Courtney."

"It is?" She eyed him clearly, blinking.

He squatted beside her chair. "Yes, it's the end of the chapter where we live without one another...or at least I hope it is." His breath on her cheek was sweet.

His words sounded positive, but even more compelling was his confidence. His calm faade and drilling brown gaze were steadfast. "I have many problems that have no solution, but I have one problem that has a definitive answer. My love for you is absolute. I want you next to me starting right now and for the rest of ever."

Wow. Who would have ever thought he could be so romantic? His image before her blurred as a tear escaped her eye. "I want that too-forever."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Kleenex. He wrestled with the tissue, dropping the Kleenex, revealing what was left behind.

"I want to marry you. I want to build a life together, but I don't have money for a wedding, a ring, a honeymoon." He sighed and stared at the ring in his hand. "It's very hard for me to relinquish my desire to be your provider. I want to clothe, feed, and dress you. I want to give you shelter. And I can, but not the way you are accustomed to. I don't even have room enough in my house for four. The only thing I know for certain is that I have to be with you. I don't expect you to be as crazy as me, but"-he chuckled nervously, his crooked smile melting her hurt and heart-"if you want to try to make something lasting with me, I'd love you for as long as you'd let me."

She closed her hand over his as they clasped the ring. Reaching her lips to his she said, "I love you." She pressed her mouth to his, kissing him gently. She straightened and found his eyes, "I won't try to make something with you, I will. Will you do something for me?"

"I would do anything for you, you know that."

She nodded. "I'm glad to hear you say that because I want you to speak with your dad." She was prepared to convince him to fulfill her request.

"I will. I already spoke to Jess about her father, and I'll do the same when I next see Riley."

She felt a sliver of relief take hold. "You spoke to Jess already?"

"I did. She deserved to know, and she reacted exactly as you predicted." Still in a squatting position he leaned in and kissed her temple. "Is this how our relations.h.i.+p is going to're always right and I'm left wors.h.i.+pping you?"

"Mmm, I hope so," she whispered as he pressed his lips to hers.

"Me too." He nuzzled her bare shoulder, his left hand ma.s.saging the bare skin of her back. He was lost in her, but she wanted to hear him ask her the question.

She looked down at the ring in his hand. "Did you have something you wanted to ask me?"

He smiled dreamily, lost in their glow. "Hmm...oh! You distracted me."

"I did no such thing."

"Okay...your lack of clothing distracted me." s.h.i.+fting to bended knee he pinched the ring in his fingers. "Courtney Marie David, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Sawyer. I would love to be your wife." He slid the ring on her finger. "Courtney Marie Murphy has a nice ring to it." He kissed her finger where he placed the ring. "It's the same color as your eyes. It belonged to my grandmother."

An antique silver ring was placed on her finger. The setting was round and held a large deep-blue sapphire "I love this ring." A traditional engagement ring it was not, but the meaning behind it was greater than any expensive diamond ring he could have bought. "It's beautiful."

"I'll get you something traditional to go with it, I promise."

She grasped his hands. Looking into his eyes she said, "Please don't. I love this ring. I would rather have something meaningful than a new, costly diamond ring that's unloved and meaningless." She held her left hand in the air before her and admired her ring. Her ring had substance, it had heart.

"It's not traditional."

"We're not traditional."

"I love you."

She turned at the waist and into his hold, sliding from the chair and into his arms. Strong, he stood and carried her through the living room, down the hall, and into the bedroom.

He set her gently on the bed and removed his jacket. He removed her heels, kissing the instep of each foot. He unhooked her black dress slacks and kissed below her navel. Pulling the material slowly down, he kissed the tops of her knees and her legs until he'd removed the trousers completely. She loved his slow, reverent pace. He was in fact wors.h.i.+pping her, but her hands and lips desired to do the same to him.

She sat on the edge of the bed as he now stood between her legs. Tugging his s.h.i.+rt free of his slacks, she started on the b.u.t.tons, treating each one with delicate devotion. He too was someone to be adored and she wanted him to feel loved. Once she had his s.h.i.+rt off she unb.u.t.toned his slacks. "Take off your shoes and socks." He smiled and complied while she moved to stand on her knees. She pulled her top off and now they both simmered at one another in nothing but their underwear.

He stood just out of her reach and she hooked her index finger and gestured for him to walk in close. She placed her palms flat on his chest, memorizing the dips and peaks. Then she rested her hand over his heart and concentrated on the strong thud of muscle that was his life force. "Sawyer, I love you." She leaned in and kissed where her palm had rested.

His hands held her cheeks as he leaned in and took her lips. The kiss sweetly lingered, both of their lips ma.s.saging...anxious but waiting for the promise of love to come. Slowly their kiss progressed from love into pa.s.sion as they deeply explored one another. When she lightly sucked on his tongue he sighed, his hands kneading at the swell of her hips. Anxious, he used his hands on her hips to guide her down onto her back while he rested over her. He giggled and his eyes lazily closed.

"What is it?"

His eyes opened and it was the first time she ever saw him truly vulnerable. "I made eggs benedict-from scratch-which was no easy task considering the single countertop burner and toaster oven in my kitchen." He nuzzled between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"It sounds wonderful."

"I was panicked earlier that it was going to be cold by the time you got here." He thrust between her legs, but even through the material of their underwear she could tell she was wet for him.

"Then I guess we better hurry up." She scooted from beneath him and slid her panties off. He rolled to his back and linked his fingers together, resting them casually beneath his head and watched with an amused look on his face. In his relaxed position she had the length of him displayed entirely before her. The outline of his large erection drew her attention and she pounced on top of him, desperate to rid him of the trunks he wore.

He sprang free and she straddled him, desperate to feel him in every part of her. She balanced with her hands on his trim, muscular torso as she rubbed her wetness against him. "I can't believe all of this is going to be mine forever-I'm such a lucky girl."

He rolled his eyes and, sensing he was about to disagree with her, she pressed her finger to his lips and he nipped at it. "You hush and let me adore you."

"You're adoring me?"

"Oh yes." Her voice was breathy as her hand ma.s.saged away at his shoulders and chest while his erection, wet from her arousal, slid between her thighs.

Sawyer groaned as she used her tongue to explore his tight nipples. "I think your mission is to kill me."

Courtney shook her head, "No, I'm going to love you with my body." On her knees, straddling him, she took him inside. She felt the slow slide of his tip breach her, and then the long glide of his impressive length as she worked to take him. It was a long way to the root of him and she felt time stand still as she held him within her core. She groaned and her body thrummed with the energy required to hold back, but she wanted this to be slow and sensual-love making.

He finally lost his reserve and his hands came down onto her hips, slamming and forcing himself into the deepest depths of her. He moaned loudly around her tight heat. "Hey, I want to establish one thing right now...when I'm on top, I'm in control."

"I know and I want you to be, but I think you really are trying to give me a stroke."

"Hands behind your head."

"Yes ma'am." He stretched his arms back behind his head, his upper body fanning out into a ma.s.sive Y of muscle. She hummed and smiled her adoration. His smoldering hot look meant he knew what his powers of persuasion were when it came to her. He swelled and pulsed sharply inside of her, something she knew he could control. She c.o.c.ked a brow at him. "What?"

"So innocent, Mr. Murphy." She gave a deep thrusting wave of her hips and rounded it out with a bounce that had her undulating over his thick c.o.c.k. His look quickly turned from to serious. She had him in her palm and concentrated on driving him to the brink. She sought leverage by placing her palms on his chest while her hips and thighs rode him slowly and methodically. With her eyes closed she focused on feeling him everywhere. She confused his senses by occasionally using her nails on his chest. It didn't take long-a few hypnotic hip rotations had him begging for mercy.

"f.u.c.k! Courtney...ah G.o.d...I need to come."

She leaned forward, kissed his lips, and then rode him hard. His roaring climax had his breath and spittle in her face and she loved that she could drive him this insane using her body. Together they floated as pleasure filled their senses beyond what was almost tolerable. Her body went limp and she rested her cheek to his chest. Sawyer's heart drummed loudly near her ear and she smiled.

When Courtney regained use of her muscles, she kissed him sweetly and he whispered, "You're so cruel."

She loved their usual fast paced and gritty s.e.x, but today was special and she'd wanted him to know just how special he was-a brother, a father, a provider, and a lover. He'd soon be a husband as well.


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