The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 35

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Hearts with the light of love illumined well, Whether in mosque or synagogue they dwell, Have _their_ names written in the book of love, Unvexed by hopes of heaven or fears of h.e.l.l.

63. C. L. N. A. I. J. Compare Hafiz, Ode 79: Wherever love is, there is the light of the Beloved's face.


One draught of wine outweighs the realm of Tus, Throne of Kobad and crown of Kai Kawus; Sweeter are sighs that lovers heave at morn, Than all the groanings zealot b.r.e.a.s.t.s produce.

64. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Kawus_ is the old spelling.


Though Moslems for my sins condemn and chide me, Like heathens to my idol I confide me; Yea, when I perish of a drunken bout, I'll call on wine, whatever doom betide me.

65. L. N.


In drinking thus it is not my design To riot, or transgress the law divine, No! to attain unconsciousness of self Is the sole cause I drink me drunk with wine.

66. C. L. N. A. I. J. Perhaps a hit at the orthodox Sufis.


Drunkards are doomed to h.e.l.l, so men declare, Believe it not, 'tis but a foolish scare; Heaven will be empty as this hand of mine, If none who love good drink find entrance there.

67. C. L. N. A. I. J. Line 4 is in metre 17.


'Tis wrong, according to the strict Koran, To drink in Rajah, likewise in Sha'ban, G.o.d and the Prophet claim those months as theirs; Was Ramazan then made for thirsty man?

68. C. L. N. A. I. J. The point, of course, is that Ramazan is the Mahammadan Lent.


Now Ramazan is come, no wine must flow, Our simple pastimes we must now forego, The wine we have in store we must not drink, Nor on our mistresses one kiss bestow.

69. L. N. Does _Sada_ mean the winter feast?


What is the world? A _caravanserai_, A pied pavilion of night and day; A feast whereat a thousand Jams.h.i.+ds sat, A couch whereon a thousand Bahrams lay.

70. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Wamanda_, leavings.


Now that your roses bloom with flowers of bliss, To grasp your goblets be not so remiss, Drink while you may! Time is a treacherous foe, You may not see another day like this.

71. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Bar bar_ blooming, on the branch, _i.e._, you are still young. Bl.


Here in this palace, where Bahram held sway, The wild roes drop their young, and tigers stray; And that great hunter king--ah! well-a-day!

Now to the hunter death is fallen a prey.

72. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Daro_: see Bl., Pros. 11.


Down fall the tears from skies enwrapt in gloom, Without this drink, the flowers could never bloom!

As now these flowerets yield delight to me, So shall my dust yield flowers,--G.o.d knows for whom.

73. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. In line 4 _ta_ is the _ta i tajahul_, meaning, I do not know whether, perhaps. Bl.


To-day is Friday, as the Moslem says, Drink then from bowls served up in quick relays; Suppose on common days you drink one bowl, To-day drink two, for 'tis the prince of days.

74. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. Friday is the day of a.s.sembly, or Sabbath.


The _very_ wine a myriad forms sustains, And to take shapes of plants and creatures deigns But deem not that its essence ever dies, Its forms may perish, but its self remains.

75. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. On this Bl. notes The Arabic form _hayawan_ is required by the metre. And _Suwar_ is the Arabic plural, used as a singular. Bl., Prosody 5. Wine means the divine _Noumenon_. _Gulshan i Raz_, 825.


'Tis naught but smoke this people's fire doth bear, For my well-being not a soul doth care; With hands fate makes me lift up in despair, I grasp men's skirts, but find no succour there.

76. Bl. C. L. N. A. I. J. Scan _tayifa_.

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