The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 34

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In synagogue and cloister, mosque and school, h.e.l.l's terrors and heaven's lures men's bosoms rule, But they who master Allah's mysteries, Sow not this empty chaff their hearts to fool.

49. C. L. N. A. B. I. J. Meaning, souls re-absorbed in the Divine essence have no concern with the material heaven and h.e.l.l.


You see the world, but all you see is naught, And all you say, and all you hear is naught, Naught the four quarters of the mighty earth, The secrets treasured in your chamber naught.

50. L. N. Meaning, all is illusion (_Maya_).


I dreamt a sage said, Wherefore life consume In sleep? Can sleep make pleasure's roses bloom?

For gather not with death's twin-brother sleep, Thou wilt have sleep enough within thy tomb!

51. C. L. N. A. B. I. J. So Homer, _Kasignetos thanatoio_.


If the heart knew life's secrets here below, At death 'twould know G.o.d's secrets too, I trow; But, if you know naught here, while still yourself, To-morrow, stripped of self, what can you know?

52. C. L. N. A. I. In line 2 scan _Ilahi_. Bl., Prosody, p. 7.


On that dread day, when wrath shall rend the sky, And darkness dim the bright stars' galaxy, I'll seize the Loved One by His skirt, and cry, Why hast Thou doomed these guiltless ones to die?

53. C. L. N. A. I. J. See Koran, lx.x.xii. 1. Note the _alif i wasls_ in lines 1 and 2. In line 4 scan _kata lat_, transposing the last vowel.

Bl., Prosody, p. ii.


To knaves Thy secret we must not confide, To comprehend it is to fools denied, See then to what hard case Thou doomest men, Our hopes from one and all perforce we hide.

54. C. L. N. A. B. I. There is a variation of this, beginning _Asrar i jahan_.


Cupbearer! what though fate's blows here betide us, And a safe resting-place be here denied us, So long as the bright wine-cup stands between us, We have the very Truth at hand to guide us.

55. C. L. N. A. I. In line 3 scan _mayast_. Bl., Prosody, p. 13, and note _tashdid_ on _hakk_ dropped. Ibid, p. iv.


Long time in wine and rose I took delight, But then my business never went aright; Since wine could not accomplish my desire, I have abandoned and forsworn it quite.

56. C. L. N. A. I. J.


Bring wine! my heart with dancing spirits teems, Wake! fortune's waking is as fleeting dreams; Quicksilver-like our days are swift of foot, And youthful fire subsides as torrent streams.

57. C. L. N. A. I. J. In line 3 scan _bedariyi_.


Love's devotees, not Moslems here you see, Not Solomons, but ants of low degree; Here are but faces wan and tattered rags, No store of Cairene cloth or silk have we.

58. L. N. For the story of Solomon and the ants, see Koran, xxvii., 18.

_Kasab_, linen made in Egypt.


My law it is in pleasure's paths to stray, My creed to shun the theologic fray; I wedded Luck, and offered her a dower, She said, I want none, so thy heart be gay.

59. C. L. N. A. I. J.


From mosque an outcast, and to church a foe, Allah! of what clay didst thou form me so?

Like sceptic monk, or ugly courtesan, No hopes have I above, no joys below.

60. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Ummed_ has the _tashdid ob metrum_. Bl., Prosody 9. Line 2 is in metre 17. _Gil i mara_ for _gil i man ra_, Vullers, pp.

173 and 193.


Men's l.u.s.ts, like house-dogs, still the house distress With clamour, barking for mere wantonness; Foxes are they, and sleep the sleep of hares; Crafty as wolves, as tigers pitiless.

61. C. L. N. A. I. J. Sleep of hares, deceit.


Yon turf, fringing the margent of the stream, As down upon a cherub's lip might seem, Or growth from dust of buried tulip cheeks; Tread not that turf with scorn, or light esteem!

62. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Juyiy_: the _ya_ of _juy_ is hamzated because followed by another _ya_. Vullers, p. 24.

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