One Good Deed Part 5

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When Peter returned a few minutes later, he was alone. Luka expected him to have a four-legged follower.

"I bribed him with food," Peter told him and held out his hand. Luka took it, and Peter tugged him to his feet. Luka followed Peter as he turned off the lights, locked the door, and then led him down the hallway to a large bedroom at the end.

Peter stopped once they were inside, looking at Luka as though confused.

"What wrong?" Luka asked, moving closer. "You know what to do."

Peter nodded. "Yes, but...."

Luka stepped still closer, pressing his chest right up to Peter's. He then cupped Peter's cheeks and brought their lips together. He felt Peter totter for a second and then return the kiss. Luka pressed him back toward the bed, using his lips and weight to guide them.

They tumbled back onto the mattress. Luka loved the soft oomph followed by a chuckle he heard from Peter. Then they turned serious. Luka kissed Peter hard, searching for the hem of his s.h.i.+rt, and then slid his hand beneath it. Peter s.h.i.+vered and moaned softly when Luka moved his hand upward, soaking in the feel of Peter's hot, smooth skin. When he reached his nipples, Luka kissed Peter hard as he lightly plucked the buds to firmness.

Peter writhed beneath him, whimpering as he held Luka tighter in a silent plea for him not to stop. At least that was how Luka read it, and he had no intention of pausing. He lifted the s.h.i.+rt higher, stopping his kisses only long enough to pull off Peter's s.h.i.+rt, and his own, as well. Then he kissed him again, pressing his bare skin to Peter's. He soaked up Peter's heat, and Peter squirmed slightly beneath him.

"Luka," Peter whined.

He stopped and lifted his mouth from Peter's.

Peter placed his hand on Luka's chest, rubbing slowly. "You're very hairy," Peter whispered. "I like it." He continued moving his hand slowly, and Luka closed his eyes, soaking up the attention. Being touched was one of the things he lived for.

"I hope so," Luka said. He'd tried shaving once. Misha had been curious how he'd look smooth, so he'd bought the stuff and shaved. It was fine for a few days, and then he'd itched all over. That was the last time he'd done that.

"You're very handsome," Peter said, moving closer. He wrapped his arms around Luka's waist, licking Luka's skin. When he swiped his tongue over a nipple, Luka gasped and thrust his chest forward. Peter sucked lightly, and Luka ran his hands through Peter's hair, tenderly petting for encouragement.

Luka cupped Peter's cheeks, tilting his head upward. Then he sealed his lips over Peter's, kissing him deeply. He s.h.i.+fted his weight, pressing Peter back onto the mattress, holding Peter's hands to still him. He loved seeing Peter stretched on the mattress, everything accessible, all that light, beautiful skin available to him. He wasn't sure where he wanted to start at first, but then began at Peter's shoulder, kissing and licking before moving down his chest. Luka loved the slightly salty sweetness of Peter's skin. With a smile, he licked up Peter's side and over his chest to his nipple. Luka sucked and Peter whined. "Has no one done this?"

"No," Peter said. Luka shook his head slowly, meeting Peter's wide-eyed gaze. The sadness that swirled just beneath the surface made Luka pause.

"How can no one?" he asked and then stopped. He didn't have the words for the question he really wanted to ask, and now wasn't the time to talk about what Peter had been missing. Now was the time for Luka to show him exactly how wonderful he could feel. Luka smiled and kissed Peter lightly before licking down his neck and worrying the spot at the base of his throat, which made Peter quiver like a leaf in the wind.

After a few minutes, Luka paused. Peter kept whimpering, his eyes closed, as if soaking up every bit of attention Luka gave him. Luka sat back and reached for Peter's belt, opened it, and then pulled it off. He dropped it to the floor and opened Peter's pants. Peter gasped, and Luka half expected him to ask him to stop. Thankfully, he didn't, and Luka tugged them down and off Peter's legs. He was magnificent naked: tall, lean, and all of him in proportion.

At first, Peter seemed surprised and didn't move. Luka wondered if he'd done something wrong. "Do I stop?"

"No, please," Peter said softly. "Don't stop."

Luka smiled and slid his hand down Peter's belly and then to the base of his c.o.c.k. He wrapped his fingers around Peter's length and slowly stroked up and down. Peter gasped, and his mouth fell open in the most adorably s.e.xy way. Luka tightened his grip and watched Peter grab the bedding, but otherwise hold still.

"It okay to move," Luka said softly, stroking faster.

Peter moaned softly and began thrusting his hips.

"Luka," Peter groaned.

Luka smiled and positioned himself above Peter's c.o.c.k. After pointing it toward the ceiling, he parted his lips and slowly slid his mouth over it. Peter was big, there were no two ways about that, and Luka sucked slowly and carefully. Peter's rich, musky flavor burst on his tongue. He hummed and sucked harder, swirling his tongue around the bulbous head. Lifting his gaze, Luka held still and watched Peter roll his head back and forth.

"I... Luka, it's...," Peter stammered, unable to complete a thought, which was the highest compliment as far as Luka was concerned.

He licked along Peter's length, listening to the sounds of pleasure as they intensified.

"Luka, you need to stop," Peter gritted between his teeth.

Luka paused and let Peter's c.o.c.k slip from between his lips. "What wrong?"

"Nothing," Peter gasped and reached for Luka's cheeks. He drew him up to his lips and kissed Luka hard. "I want you naked too." Peter stroked down Luka's chest to his belt and fumbled to get it open.

Luka chuckled, opened his belt, and undid his pants. Peter pushed them down over his hips. Once free of his pants, Luka's c.o.c.k jumped and bounced.

Luka sighed and worked the pants off his legs, kicking off his shoes before following with his pants. It wasn't elegant, but it got the job done. Luka settled onto Peter's hot body, sliding their c.o.c.ks against each other. He licked Peter's shoulder and then up his neck. "You very handsome man," Luka whispered. He hoped in a moment like this that he got the words right. When Peter closed his arms around his back and tightened them, holding him, Luka received his confirmation.

He felt Peter splay his hands on his back and slowly slide them down. Luka started slightly when Peter held his b.u.t.tcheeks, pressing them close together. It felt good, and Luka thrust his hips slightly, a jolt of pleasure surging through him. He threaded an arm around Peter's neck, holding him close and meeting his l.u.s.t-filled gaze. No words pa.s.sed between them; Luka certainly didn't need them. He could read so much in Peter's eyes it was nearly overwhelming. l.u.s.t, pleasure, pain, doubt-all were there was plain as day. Some Luka could understand, but others were so foreign in this situation that they nearly stopped his breath. He wanted to ask about the source of such darkness in Peter's life, but now was not the time. Instead, Luka slowly caressed up Peter's side and over his chest, then tweaked a nipple, watching the darkness recede.

"What you want, Peter?" Luka asked. "What make you happy?" Luka smiled, and Peter did the same in return. They rolled on the bed, and Luka quickly found himself under Peter. He wrapped his legs around Peter's waist, gripping him tight. "Is this what you want?"

Peter swallowed hard and nodded. "Yes," he answered, the vibrations that ran through Peter shaking the bed. "I've wanted you since that first day I saw you at the church." Peter leaned forward and lightly kissed Luka's chest, the moved his lips across until he encircled one of Luka's nipples. He sucked until Luka couldn't see straight. "I know I shouldn't do this, and that I have no right to want something like this, but I do."

Luka wondered why Peter would say something like that. He'd heard similar sentiments before from Peter and had always found them confusing. "I do not understand," he said. Peter slid his hands down Luka's sides and over his cheeks. When he skimmed his fingers past Luka's opening, Luka forgot his question. That was probably what Peter had in mind, and at this moment Luka wasn't about to argue.

Peter teased the skin around Luka's opening, and then backed away before doing it again and again. Luka s.h.i.+vered with pent-up desire that built by the second. Luka whimpered and arched his back, hoping against hope that Peter would go further. Then everything stopped. Luka locked his gaze on Peter's, wondering what was wrong. Peter stretched toward the nightstand near the bed and opened a drawer. He fumbled around and pulled out condoms and a small tube.

The packets ended up on the bed. Peter opened the small tube and squirted some of the clear gel on his fingers. Then he began teasing Luka again. When Peter slid a finger inside him, Luka gasped and clenched his muscles. It had been a while since he felt this sensation, and it was almost too much. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed it. A steady stream of Serbian profanity crossed his lips. He couldn't help it. What Peter was doing felt so good, he was afraid his brain would short-circuit.

One finger became two, the stretch burning and then morphing into delicious heat that warmed Luka deep down. He groaned softly and then more and more loudly as Peter moved inside him.

"Is this okay?" Peter asked softly. Luka kissed him hard enough to bruise. He hoped he didn't hurt Peter and knew he hadn't when Peter returned his intensity.

Peter slowly removed his finger, kissing him once again before pulling away. He reached for one of the packets and opened it. Luka waited while Peter rolled the condom down his length and lubed it. Then Luka felt Peter press to his opening and pause. Peter seemed to be waiting for something. Luka breathed deeply, nodded, and wrapped his arms around Peter's neck, kissing him hard as Peter breached him for the first time.

Luka gasped as the breath flew from his lungs. He was being stretched almost beyond comprehension. Peter stilled, and Luka inhaled deeply, desperately needing oxygen in his lungs. Peter sank deeper inside him. Luka wanted to yell, but he couldn't make a sound. Peter filled him more and more by the second. All he could do was hang on and look into Peter's eyes. Only when he felt Peter's hips against his b.u.t.t did Luka actually manage to take a deep, shaking breath.

Luka was almost afraid to move. He met Peter's gaze and drew him slowly into a kiss. When their lips parted, Peter began to move. Luka gasped as Peter pulled out, and then moaned softly when he filled him again. The stretch, the slide, the feeling that he was a cave being plugged nearly overwhelmed him.

"Are you okay?"

Luka nodded, unable to speak. He held Peter tighter, arching his back and groaning deep and loud as Peter slowly withdrew from him. He gasped when Peter snapped his hips, once again burying that thick c.o.c.k inside him. Luka's eyes rolled and he inhaled sharply, relaxing his muscles as best he could. Slowly, Peter picked up speed, and as Luka's body adjusted to his size. Luka found Peter's rhythm and moved with him, their bodies easily syncing to each other. At that point, Luka entered near nirvana. Everything felt exactly as it should. He breathed in time with Peter and whimpered when he pulled away.

Peter held Luka's ankles, spreading his legs apart. Luka stroked himself to the timing of Peter's thrusts, his body already hypersensitive. After a few minutes, Peter released one of Luka's ankles and replaced Luka's hand with his own. Luka gasped. Having his own hand on him was one thing, but Peter's was totally different. He had no control now, and had to take what Peter was willing to give him. When Peter didn't stroke fast enough, he felt deprived, and when Peter hit just the right rhythm, he was nearly over the moon. One thing was for sure: he wasn't going to last much longer. Luka groaned and a tingling started deep inside him. It spread up his spine and settled at the base of his brain before blooming fully. Luka yelled as his release barreled into him, smacking him in the chest like a punch that drove the air from his lungs.

Luka floated without moving. Peter was still inside him, but unmoving as well. When Luka opened his eyes, he smiled at Peter, who began to move once more. The bed shook as Peter drove into him deep and hard, sweat glistening on his chest. Their gazes locked together, and Peter filled the room with soft moans that came faster and higher. Peter pushed into Luka and stilled, throbbing inside him. Luka saw the last of Peter's energy leave him and he moved forward. Luka held him tight as they both gasped for air.

Their bodies separated, and both of them gasped softly. Luka closed his eyes, relis.h.i.+ng having Peter in his arms, and let the afterglow wash over him. How long they stayed like that, Luka didn't know. Time seemed to take on a meaning of its own, moving around them. Reality did eventually intrude in the form of a thump on the bed followed by an insistent meow and a heavy b.u.t.t against Luka's arm. Peter lifted himself up and picked Milton up off the bed and set him on the floor.

"I'll be right back," Peter said and then leaned over the bed to give Luka a soft kiss. He left the room, and the cat jumped back onto the bed and sat at one corner, blinking at Luka.

Peter returned to the room and set Milton back on the floor again before cleaning Luka with a warm cloth. He dried him off with a soft towel and then hurried out of the room before returning quickly and getting back into bed. Peter lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, and Luka wondered if he should leave. Granted, he wasn't sure how he'd get home, but there had to be a bus stop nearby.

"Is something wrong?" he finally asked.

"No," Peter answered, rolling onto his side. "I was just thinking." He moved closer, and Luka settled in his arms. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Luka processed what Peter had said and laughed softly. "You no hurt me," Luka whispered. "Make me feel good? Yes. Hurt me? No." Physically, Luka doubted Peter would ever hurt him, but Peter's reticence and the way he seemed to doubt everything had the potential to hurt them both very badly. Luka maneuvered for a kiss and received one. Then they separated and moved apart slightly. Milton jumped back on the bed and thankfully settled at the foot.

"Was this the first time... since Misha?" Peter asked.

"No," Luka answered. "I was with a friend. He wanted to comfort and...." Luka tried to come up with the words to describe what he'd been going through at the time, but he couldn't seem to find them in Serbian, let alone English. "But it was only one time."

"It's been a while for me," Peter said and then pulled Luka to him. "It was wonderful."

Luka sighed softly. He'd been starting to wonder if he'd done something wrong. After the near mind-blowing experience they'd had, Luka hadn't been able to come up with anything that could be wrong, but he'd still wondered.

"In the morning, I'll take you home before my first appointment." Peter stilled. "I'm sorry. I should have asked you to stay instead of presuming you would."

Luka smiled and gently rubbed Peter's arm. "I'll stay with you," he said drowsily. He closed his eyes and listened to Peter's soft breathing and Milton's louder purring. Peter rolled over and spooned to his back. Luka pressed back against him and let sleep start to overtake him. It had been a good day. Bella was doing better, and he'd just had an amazing experience with Peter.

"Why is it that when I'm happiest, I keep waiting for it to end?" Peter asked in a whisper.

Luka didn't know what to say.

"I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help it."

"Take the happy things when you get them," Luka said in Serbian. "Bad things happen to everyone, not just you. If you worry too much, then the good is lost." Luka waited for Peter to say something else, but he became quiet, and Luka eventually fell asleep.

Chapter 5.

"G.o.d, IS IS that the time?" Peter said as he glanced at the clock beside his bed. He pushed back the covers and jumped out of the bed. Milton bounded onto the floor, calling for his breakfast. Peter turned as Luka stirred, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. that the time?" Peter said as he glanced at the clock beside his bed. He pushed back the covers and jumped out of the bed. Milton bounded onto the floor, calling for his breakfast. Peter turned as Luka stirred, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What happened?" he asked in sleep-accented Serbian.

"I overslept and have to be at my appointment in less than half an hour." Peter rushed to pull out fresh clothes and then raced to the bathroom. He shaved and brushed his teeth before hurrying back into his bedroom to dress. Luka sat on the edge of the bed, yawning and looking confused. He'd already pulled on his pants and his s.h.i.+rt was draped over his lap. At the sight, Peter paused. "I won't have time to take you home and make my appointment. You're welcome to come with me if you want." Peter stifled a yawn. "I'll get you a toothbrush, and you can use my electric shaver if you want." Peter hurried back to the bathroom and set out the supplies. Then he went back into the bedroom to finish getting ready while Luka used the bathroom.

By the time he was dressed, Luka had rejoined him in the bedroom. Peter got Luka a fresh s.h.i.+rt and apologized profusely as they both hurried out the door.

"I could take the bus," Luka offered as they walked toward the car.

"You can if you want," Peter said. "You were going to come to the cla.s.s this afternoon, though, weren't you?"

Luka nodded and paused, looking around before following Peter to the car. He got in, apparently having made up his mind. Peter got in as well and programmed the address of his client into the GPS and got ready to go. He followed the voice to one of the poorer neighborhoods and parked in front of the house, in the shade of a large tree. He checked the address against what he'd been given. He lowered the windows before staring once again at the half-boarded-up house.

Peter told Luka he wouldn't be long and picked his way up the front walk. He carefully made his way across the porch and knocked on the front door. "They ain't there," a man called from the house next door. Peter turned toward the man. "They left last week." A skinny man in a T-s.h.i.+rt that had once been white looked back at him. "There ain't n.o.body there except the bangers, and even they didn't stay long. They supposed to tear that place down, but it's gonna fall on its own."

"Do you know where Mrs. Rivers went?" Peter had been working with her to find a place she could afford and he'd finally located one. But it looked like he was too late.

"I surely don't," he said.

Peter nodded and cautiously stepped off the porch, not breathing again until he was on what was left of the concrete walk. As bad as it was, at least it didn't seem like a hazard.

"Thank you," Peter called as he approached the car. He waved to the man and got inside.

"No one there?" Luka asked.

Peter sighed. "They moved already." He wished she had called him to let him know he didn't have to keep working on finding them a place to live. But that was par for the course with his job. People seemed to move in and out of the system. He hoped Mrs. Rivers contacted him eventually so he could make sure she was okay, but for now there was nothing he could do. "Would you like to get something to eat?" he asked, checking his watch. "I could try to take you home if you wanted. I have to pick up my mother in just under an hour."

Luka perked up. "Let's eat. Then I meet your mother." He seemed inordinately pleased, and Peter didn't go into why meeting his mother was not something to be excited about.

"Okay, it's your funeral," he quipped and pulled out onto the street. He drove to a bagel shop, and they went inside and had breakfast. They were done in plenty of time for him to make the drive to Mequon, pulling into the driveway of his mother's ranch-style home a few minutes early. He opened his car door to get out when his mother came out the front door of the house, pulled it closed, and locked it. She walked around the car without saying a word, and stopped when she saw Luka in the pa.s.senger seat.

Luka had just opened his door when his mother pulled open the door to the backseat and got inside. The entire car rocked when his slight mother slammed the door closed. This trip was not going to be pleasant. "Luka, this is my mother, Marie. Mom, this is Luka, a friend of mine."

"It nice to meet you," Luka said, turning around in the seat. "I move to back."

His mother leaned forward. "Is he a friend friend, or a friend friend?" she asked.

"Luka is...," Peter began and knew instantly his mother would read whatever she wanted into his hesitation.

His mother moved back. "It's nice to meet you," she said to Luka and lightly took his offered hand. "Peter never introduces me to any of his friends." She opened her purse and rummaged around in it, then pulled out a lipstick. "The office is on Port Was.h.i.+ngton Road a little north of Brown Deer."

Peter backed out of the driveway and made his way out of the residential development toward the main road.

"Where are you from, Luka?"

"Belgrade," Luka answered. "I arrive here a few weeks ago. Peter is helping me with English."

"What do you do?" she asked.

Peter glanced into the rearview mirror just in time to see her expression. He knew she expected some answer about still looking for work or being helped by the government. He'd heard his mother rail against any sort of government a.s.sistance for as long as he could remember. "They didn't help me one bit after...." That was as far as she usually got before either anger or tears would take over.

"I work in genetics research," Luka said. Peter had to stop himself from interjecting. Luka needed to be able to express himself to other people, and his mother was a good test. "I have a job at the university."

Peter smiled at the slightly surprised look on his mother's face that flashed in his rearview mirror.

"I work for the government in Serbia before I come here."

"So you have a good job," his mother said.

"Luka is really intelligent. His cousins helped him immigrate, and they were able to help him get the job here," Peter supplied.

"I can tell that," his mother sniped at him and then turned back to Luka.

Peter drove and tried not to let her shortness get to him. He'd had to deal with that for a very long time now and had learned to let it run off his back.

"Did you go to school in Belgrade?"

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