One Good Deed Part 12

One Good Deed -

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"What are they?" Luka asked.

"They're the department that allowed you to come to this country. They decide if you can stay or if you have to go back to Serbia," Peter explained.

"I cannot go back," Luka said. "I left everything behind and...." He s.h.i.+vered at the thought of the reception he'd receive if he were forced to return. Because he'd left in the first place, his life would turn to a veritable h.e.l.l. The government would not be happy he'd left and would not welcome him back with open arms. "What we do?" Luka asked, swallowing hard.

"We find out what they want," Bella said. "They would tell me nothing at all."

"Do we call now?" Luka asked, his insides churning with fear.

"We can try," Peter offered. Luka unlocked the door to his apartment and the others followed him inside. He called the number on the card, but only got a voice mail recording. He thought about leaving a message but hung up instead.

"No answer," he said. He shoved his phone into his pocket and it began to chime. He pulled it out and answered it. "h.e.l.lo."

"I just missed a call from this number," a masculine voice asked.

"I'm Luka Krachek, I was told to call." He glanced at Bella and Peter. "Who this?"

"Marvin Weston from USCIS," the man answered.

Luka felt Peter touch the small of his back.

"We have your paperwork requesting a permanent work permit and green card." Luka already had a temporary work permit, which he kept in a safe place. "Everything seems to be in order, except a couple of items have come to light. The first is that the relative sponsoring you is no longer living."

"Yes," Luka confirmed. He didn't hear anything after that. All he could think about was that they were going to send him back because Josif had died.

"Mr. Krachek, are you still there?"

"Yes. I here," Luka said. "His wife, Bella, can she sponsor me?"


Luka didn't wait, he handed Bella the phone.

"I'm Bella Krachek, the widow of Josif Krachek, and I'm willing to sponsor Luka," she said into the phone, then listened. "Yes, he has a job. You should have the employment information. He also has a place to live. You saw it when you were here today." She listened once more, and Luka began biting his nails. "Of course. That isn't a problem. Luka has valuable skills that this country will benefit from. I'm sure his colleagues at the university will be able to provide the information you need. Send the forms and a request for all the information you need. We'll complete them and get them returned to you right away." Bella flashed Luka a quick smile. "Very good. I'm going to put Luka back on the phone." She handed it to him. "It's okay," she soothed.

Luka breathed a sigh of relief. "h.e.l.lo," he said.

"We're going to send you and your cousin the appropriate forms to be filled out and signed. They will have to be notarized, but all that will be explained in the instructions. Provided you can give us the information and everything is in order, I don't see an issue on that front." Luka sighed. Marvin spoke quickly, but Luka thought he understood most of what he'd said.

"I understand," Luka said.

"Good. Now there is one other issue. We have received a statement from the Serbian authorities a.s.serting that you...," he said, drawing out the last word, "... are in possession of property that belongs to the Serbian government. They are requesting your return to that country."

"I did not steal anything," Luka said more loudly than he intended. "I work for the government in Serbia before I came here. I know things they not want me to tell."

"I see," Weston said. "Okay. Let me look into this a little further. In the meantime, complete and return the paperwork. Don't leave the country, and please remain where we can contact you."

"I will," Luka said. He wasn't sure what else to ask, so he thanked the man and hung up.

"What happened?" Peter asked, placing an arm around his waist.

"I think they're trying to get me to go back," Luka said.

"That won't happen," Bella told him. "Here, they have no authority. We'll fill out the paperwork as soon as they send it, get it signed and notarized, and send it back to them. You have a job where you're valued-that will go a long way."

"But what if they make trouble?" Luka asked.

"That's what they're trying to do. But the government here doesn't like to be pushed around." Bella patted his shoulder. "Try to relax and not think about it too much. When you go to work tomorrow, tell your boss what is happening. His support in completing the paperwork will help." Bella walked toward the door. "I need to get dinner out of the oven. You two talk for a few minutes and then come over." She opened the door and stepped out, leaving the two of them alone.

"Why is nothing ever easy?" Peter asked.

Luka looked at him and nodded. "I thought when I out of Serbia everything be fine. I start new life here and I be happy." Luka moved closer to Peter. "I not complaining, but I think things be easy here."

Peter chuckled softly. "Since I was a kid, I wished I hadn't shot my dad. I just learned today that I didn't. I got what I wanted, or part of what I wanted. But it doesn't seem to matter like I thought it would."

Luka hummed his agreement and rested his head on Peter's chest. "You got me."

"That I did. And that's the best thing that has ever happened to me." Peter angled to kiss him. "I will not let them send you back. I know that's what you're worried about, but it won't happen. We won't let it." Peter kissed him lightly. "I waited my entire life for someone as wonderful as you, and I won't let anyone take you away."

Luka hoped Peter was right. The thought of leaving filled him with dread. After losing Misha, he hadn't expected to find someone to care for and who cared for him like Peter. Certainly not as quickly as he had. He was lucky. Yes, part of him still grieved for Misha, but his heart was open, and Peter made him happy. Now if only it wasn't ripped away from him.

THEY HAD HAD a quiet dinner at Bella's. She and Peter held up most of the conversation, with Peter sharing his story and the hypnotic revelation that he'd spent decades believing he'd accidentally shot his father, but hadn't. Bella had agreed with Luka and said he should indeed think about what he wanted and that he might even consider keeping the information to himself. a quiet dinner at Bella's. She and Peter held up most of the conversation, with Peter sharing his story and the hypnotic revelation that he'd spent decades believing he'd accidentally shot his father, but hadn't. Bella had agreed with Luka and said he should indeed think about what he wanted and that he might even consider keeping the information to himself.

Luka listened, but rarely spoke. His mind was on the earlier phone call. "Do you think they try to force me to go back?" he finally asked toward the end of the meal. He couldn't get the earlier phone call out of his mind.

"I don't think so, but we will do our best to stop them if they try," Bella said, and Peter nodded, placing a hand on Luka's knee. "You came here with permission from the government of this country. That's what really counts. None of us lied or were deceitful when we asked permission and applied for the temporary work permit through the university. So they have no basis to make you leave. We need to get the permanent paperwork started, and that is what is being sent. I don't think you have anything to worry about." Bella patted his hand.

Luka looked to Peter for rea.s.surance. "I agree with Bella," Peter said softly, but Luka saw fear in his eyes.

"You two need to think positively," Bella said and then began to laugh. "That's great advice coming from me, the woman who broke down into tears this morning because I burned the toast." Bella reached for her napkin and wiped her eyes. "I'm not sure if it's the hormones or Josif, but I cry at the drop of a hat."

"Maybe it both," Luka offered. "You cry if you want."

Bella huffed and sniffed.

"How was work?" Peter asked "Sucky," Bella answered. "Everyone treated me like I was gla.s.s, and when I told them I was pregnant, most people were thrilled, but others looked at me like I was some poor little match girl."

"What that mean?" Luka asked Peter.

"Pity," Peter said, and Luka nodded.

"They felt sorry for me that Josif was gone and then because I was going to be a single mother. I wanted to pull the b.i.t.c.hes' hair out." Bella stared at Luka.

"It not only crying," Luka said. "I not mess with you."

"d.a.m.n straight," Bella said and then smiled. Luka glanced at Peter and then back at Bella, wondering if she was okay. "It's just everything. Sometimes I cry, and sometimes I have this urge to hurt people who p.i.s.s me off." She sat back, rubbing her belly. "I want this baby more than anything."

Peter glanced at him. "We know."

"Any more from doctor?" Luka asked.

"Not yet," Bella answered. "But I know he's okay." She swallowed, and Luka thought she was going to cry again. "Josif came to me in a dream and told me the baby was fine and that it was going to be a boy." She lifted her napkin and used it to dab her eyes. "I know it sounds crazy, but I want to believe it's true."

"Of course you do," Peter said. "And there's nothing wrong with believing that Josif is looking out for you." His voice broke. "I used to wish my dad was looking out for me. I didn't think I deserved it because of what had happened and all, but I used to wish it." He shrugged. "Maybe he was. Maybe my dad was looking out for me and helping me all these years. I grew up and made it on my own somehow."

Bella nodded, but said nothing. Eventually Peter changed the subject and they began discussing baby names. That morphed into each of them listing the most unusual names they knew, which brought laughter when Peter mentioned Lemonjello. Luka asked him to explain the joke, and Bella got a box and placed it on the table. Finally he understood and laughed along with the others.

It was dark by the time they left. Bella turned on the lights in the yard, and Peter and Luka walked to Luka's place. Inside, Luka locked the door, and they went through the dim apartment to the stairs and then up to the bedroom.

"I don't want to have to leave," Luka said into the darkness.

"You won't," Peter whispered. "We both deserve some happiness, and I'm convinced that for me, you are happiness."

He hugged Luka tight and kissed him hard. When they were together, their kisses were usually tender and soft, but not tonight. Peter was forceful, each kiss searingly deep. Luka felt his knees go weak and pressed harder to Peter in order to keep himself upright. Once they moved closer to the bed, Peter began yanking at Luka's clothes. They broke their kisses only long enough for Peter to pull Luka's s.h.i.+rt over his head. After that it was a dash to skin. Peter had Luka's clothes off and him on the bed within seconds.

The energy coming off Peter carried an almost electric buzz. Within seconds, Luka was on fire. He began pulling at Peter's clothes. Soon they were skin to skin. Luka sighed, and Peter roamed his hands all over Luka's body, chest, belly, arms, sides, then cupped his b.u.t.t. They didn't stop for long, and neither did the vibrations that didn't seem to end.

"Peter," Luka said, his voice rough.

"I'm scared," Peter whispered, his face near Luka's ear.

"Me too," Luka admitted. He wanted to think he was overreacting or being stupid, but in his heart he knew he could be asked to leave, and something deep inside said if they did, he wouldn't be given much time. His mother used to say that only G.o.d knew how much time they had. His mother had been right.

Luka tightened his hold on Peter and gave himself over to their lovemaking, letting it stop his mind and push away the rest of the world. His worries and fears slipped away, replaced by body-shaking pa.s.sion. He wanted to hold, taste, and feel Peter for the rest of his life, and from the way Peter held him, pressing them together from toes to chest, he wanted the same thing.

"Love you," Peter whispered. He rubbed their c.o.c.ks along each other, the room filling with their whimpers and moans.

Within minutes, Luka was soaring outside of himself. Pressure built and abated only to build again. Luka hoped this would never end. He stroked up and down Peter's back, over the curve of his tight b.u.t.t, and then up once again toward his shoulders.

"Love you too," Luka said.

Peter kissed him and then sank down his body, licking and kissing as he went. Luka arched his back, pus.h.i.+ng his chest into the delightful pressure, desperate for more. He needed and wanted it so desperately he could hardly think. "I need!"

"I know," Peter told him. "And I'll give it to you, I promise. But not yet. I want you to always remember that you're mine. I love you for always, and no matter what, I will not let you go."

Luka thought for a few seconds: What would Peter do if he were forced to leave? He wanted to ask, but then Peter lightly pinched a nipple before sucking his length between his lips. After that, the world narrowed to only him and Peter. Nothing else mattered. Not his worries or his fears. They were gone. Only Peter existed, at least for now.

Peter sucked him hard and deep, the sensation mind-blowingly good. Luka hissed and groaned louder and louder as Peter continued sucking. He didn't want to come, not yet, but he was fast approaching the point of no return. Luka tried to signal, but it was already too late. He was floating and soaring within seconds as he came hard and fast, throbbing in the back of Peter's throat.

Luka collapsed back onto his mattress, trying to make his mind work. But he gave up and let himself fly on the wings of afterglow. He felt Peter s.h.i.+ft and lie down beside him, but he couldn't move and didn't try. Open-mouthed, breathing steadily, he willingly basked in the warmth of Peter's love. He knew that was what he felt. Luka hadn't felt this wonderful since Misha, but he recognized the feeling. He was completely and totally in love with Peter.

That thought stayed with him as the worries crept around the edges. How would he feel and what would he do if he were forced to leave? How on earth could he leave Peter and still keep his heart intact? The answer hit him hard: he couldn't. If he had to leave, his heart would shatter. Peter had become very important to him. He believed in him, supported him.

"Why are you smiling, besides the obvious?" Peter asked with a small chuckle.

"I was just thinking about you." Luka rolled on his side and then climbed on top of Peter. He grinned as he straddled him, staring down at Peter's half-lidded eyes.

"What did you have in mind?" Peter asked. Luka stretched toward the nightstand and pulled out the supplies. He rolled a condom down Peter's length, lubed his fingers, and prepared himself before lifting himself and then slowly lowering his body onto Peter.

Peter gasped and groaned, pressing up into him. Luka tried to control their joining as best he could, but he figured Peter was way too far gone for control. Luka held still, and Peter thrust up into him. Luka cried out and met Peter's movements with his own, settling across Peter's hips.

Luka waited a few moments and then rolled his hips, slow and long, listening to Peter's small moans. He did it again and again, stretching his body so Peter could get a good look. Peter placed his hands on Luka's hips and began to move. Luka raised himself and dropped once again before lifting himself and holding still. Peter began to move under him, thrusting upward, deeper and deeper. He held Luka's hips tightly to steady him and moved faster and faster. Luka watched as Peter's eyes glaze over.

They moved together, Luka matching Peter's thrusts. He tightened his muscles, and Peter hissed. Then Luka sank down and gripped Peter as hard as he could.

"Luka!" Peter cried, thrusting upward, lifting him. Then Peter stilled as he throbbed deep inside him.

Neither of them moved. Peter closed his eyes and lay back on the mattress, breathing deeply. Luka groaned and slowly lifted off Peter's body. Then he settled on the mattress and held Peter close, letting him ride through his pleasure.

"You're amazing," Peter finally said. "I thought you were going to kill me."

"No kill. Want you around for a long time." Luka closed his eyes and snuggled closer for a few minutes, until Peter got up and took care of the remnants of their lovemaking. Then he returned to the bed and they moved close together. Luka got the sense that after this very unsettling day for both of them, they both needed to be held.

"It be okay," Luka said.

"I was going to tell you the same thing," Peter said. Luka nodded and decided to try his best to take his own advice. Worrying wouldn't do either of them any good.

"I don't want to leave," Luka said, giving voice to his fear.

"I don't want you to leave. So we'll need to stay together and fight if necessary. Bella was right on both accounts: we'll do everything we can to make sure you stay, and I promise to think long and hard before I do anything about telling my family. Until then, I suggest we both get some sleep, because I think we're going to need our rest. The next week or so is going to be very busy." Peter pulled him closer, and Luka closed his eyes, hoping his happiness wouldn't be short-lived.

Chapter 9.

PETER KNEW KNEW he was dreaming; he had to be, because he was sitting on his sofa, watching television, and his father walked in from the kitchen and sat beside him. "What are you doing here, Dad?" Peter asked. He looked just the same as Peter remembered, well, at least partially. He hadn't realized how much he looked like his father until this very second. They had the same eyes and nose. If Peter cut his hair as short as his father's, they could have pa.s.sed for twins. he was dreaming; he had to be, because he was sitting on his sofa, watching television, and his father walked in from the kitchen and sat beside him. "What are you doing here, Dad?" Peter asked. He looked just the same as Peter remembered, well, at least partially. He hadn't realized how much he looked like his father until this very second. They had the same eyes and nose. If Peter cut his hair as short as his father's, they could have pa.s.sed for twins.

"I came because I think you need my help," his father said and sat down beside him, patting his knee once. "What happened wasn't your fault, and it wasn't your brother's fault."

"But, Dad, he shot you and let me think I'd done it," Peter said.

His father shook his head. "There's only one person to blame for what happened to me, and that's me. Yes, your brother should have fessed up to what he did years ago, and that needs to be put right, for both your sakes. But the person truly responsible for my death was me. I was the one who bought that d.a.m.ned gun. Your mother nearly killed me and refused to let me keep it in the house. I didn't remember that it was loaded when I put it away, but I should have checked." The sadness in his father's eyes was palpable. "You see, I should have known that with two young boys and your sister around the house, one of you would find the thing." His father paused.

"Dad, they never forgave me for what happened," Peter said. "I've lived with that for all these years." He paused and blinked at the image of his father. He knew he couldn't possibly be speaking with him.

"You never forgave yourself, son." His father turned away. "I should have come to you earlier. I know that now. But you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for."

"Why now, Dad?" Peter asked. "Why come to me now and not years ago when I really needed you?"

His father stood up and took a step back toward the kitchen. "None of us gets to choose our time, including me. I wish I'd had more of it with all of you. But I didn't. How you handle what you know will determine how much time you have with your brother and sister. They're the ones you need to build the relations.h.i.+p with. There's plenty of blame and guilt on all sides, especially with me." His father took another step and disappeared. Peter jumped off the sofa and caught his legs in something. He began to fall and hit the floor.

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