One Good Deed Part 10

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Luka nodded and pulled Peter into a tight embrace.

Luka turned out the lights as they made their way through the room and up the stairs. Neither spoke. Peter's heart pounded in his ears as they approached the bed. He was nervous and felt like he had years ago, when he was about to lose his virginity.

"What is wrong?" Luka asked. Normally Peter would have commented on the addition of the verb Luka sometimes still left out, but he was too keyed up and barely noticed. "You are shaking."

Peter nodded. "It's hard to explain." He sat on the edge of the bed. "I've done this before. We've done this before." Peter motioned toward the bed. "But it seems different this time."

"Of course is different," Luka said, moving closer, until he stood between Peter's legs. "This making love, not just... f.u.c.king? Is that right word?"

"s.e.x is probably a better one, but I get your meaning," Peter said.

"This is your first time... making love," Luka said. "That why you nervous. I nervous too." Luka took his hand and placed it over his rapidly beating heart. "That because of you." He then placed his hand over Peter's chest. "I feel you too." Luka locked his gaze onto Peter's.

Peter's excitement soared to the roof. He s.h.i.+fted slightly for comfort, but nothing seemed to help. He was as excited as he could ever remember being, but scared at the same time.

"What if I mess this up?" Peter asked. He didn't expect an answer, because there really wasn't one, and he felt a bit dumb for saying the question out loud.

"Follow what is here," Luka said, patting his chest. Then he moved closer and covered Peter's lips with his.

Fire shot through Peter, and he gasped and then moaned loudly.

Luka pressed him back, and Peter went willingly.

"Let me love you," Luka said.

Peter nodded his a.s.sent.

Luka slowly, deliberately, and sensually removed Peter's clothes, kissing and licking the exposed skin. He seemed intent on taking his time. Once Peter was finally divested of the last of his clothing, his entire body throbbed and he couldn't see straight. Luka was still completely dressed, staring down at him. In the past, a situation like this would have left him feeling vulnerable, but with Luka it was incredibly naughty and s.e.xy feeling. And the way Luka looked at him took Peter's breath away.

"You are handsome," Luka whispered, kneeling on the bed next to him, slowly rubbing his chest and belly.

Whenever Luka sent his hands south, Peter stilled, praying Luka would touch him, but he only skimmed around his throbbing c.o.c.k without touching it. More than once Peter thought he would scream, but instead gripped the bedding tighter and whimpered.

Finally, Luka unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt, shrugged it off his shoulders, and dropped it behind him. Peter sat up to reach for him, but Luka pressed him back against the mattress with the gentlest touch. Luka's gaze burned into him so hot and deep that the thump of Luka's shoes falling to the floor barely registered. Then Luka stepped off the bed. He turned around and slipped his pants down his legs, giving Peter a stellar view of his perfect bubble backside. He reached out to touch, but Luka moved out of reach. Peter sighed and settled back on the bed.

When Luka turned around, his c.o.c.k bobbing slightly, pointing toward the ceiling, Peter's mouth went dry. Luka stalked closer to the bed, and Peter expected him to growl. He loved the way Luka looked, with dark hair on his chest that tapered down his belly. He licked his lips and waited to see what Luka had in mind.

He didn't have to wait long. Luka climbed on the bed, settled between Peter's legs, and used his knees to spread them apart. "You pretty like this," Luka said.

"I'm not pretty. I can be handsome, but I've never been pretty in my life," Peter countered.

Luka grinned evilly, and Peter wondered what he was up to. Then Luka reached out and wrapped his fingers around Peter's length, squeezing, but holding his hand still. Peter flexed his hips to get more friction, but Luka was having none of it. Peter growled.

"Now, that pretty," Luka said.

Peter growled one more time. "That's mean."

Luka gripped him tighter. Peter whimpered and clamped his eyes shut. Then he felt Luka move. With almost painful slowness, Luka stroked him. Peter gasped for air, his mouth hanging open.

Peter snapped his eyes open at the first touch of Luka's lips. Luka took only the head, which nearly drove Peter insane with desire. Desperation built, and he thrust his hips upward, needing more. His every thought centered on his sheer unadulterated urge to race to the finish. He shook with it, but Luka wasn't giving in.

"See? You loved," Luka said.

"More like frustrated," Peter kidded. "Don't tease."

Luka slid his lips farther down. Peter sighed and waited, stilling completely as he willed Luka to give him what he needed. He did... sort of. Peter was nearly out of his mind with desire. If their lovemaking had been under his control, they would probably be done by now. Luka, on the other hand, had patience, and he slowly built the pa.s.sion inside Peter to the point where he could take no more. Then Luka stopped.

Peter snapped his head forward, darting his gaze around, wondering what happened.

"I am going to love you now," Luka said.

Peter swallowed. "That isn't what you've been doing?"

Luka reached over him to the nightstand and withdrew a condom and a bottle of lube. He set them both nearby and then lifted Peter's legs. Peter watched with rapt attention as Luka slicked his fingers, the clear gel trickling over his digits.

"Luka," Peter whispered when he felt a finger at his entrance. He gasped and then sighed as Luka slid the thick digit carefully into his body. He tensed for a second, tightening his muscles, and then relaxed. Luka took his time, opening him slowly.

Each touch was gentle, yet firm. Peter couldn't remember the last time anyone had treated him with such care. Luka was always wonderful when they were together, but this was different, each touch deeper, more meaningful. When Luka tugged his fingers away, Peter vibrated in antic.i.p.ation. Luka reached for the condom and rolled it down his shaft. Then he got into position, placed Peter's ankles on his shoulders, and pushed forward.

Peter gritted his teeth at the initial invasion. He relaxed his muscles and breathed a sigh of relief when Luka initially breached him. Taking deep breaths, Peter forced his body to relax rather than spasming at the stretch.

"G.o.d," he groaned under a deep breath.

Luka sank deeper, stroking Peter's chest. Their gazes linked and Peter gasped-not at what was happening, but what he saw. He couldn't remember anyone looking at him that way, like he was the center of the very world. Luka filled him, pressing his hips to Peter's b.u.t.t, and came to a halt. Luka throbbed and jumped inside him. Peter felt every minute movement. He even swore he could feel the beating of Luka's heart.

Then Luka began to move, deliberately.

"Yes," Peter cried.

Once again Luka set his own pace, moving slowly and languidly, rolling his hips rather than snapping them. They moved together, with Luka accompanying their lovemaking with endearments in both Serbian and English. Peter returned them with ones of his own, and soon he was at the limits of his control. His body felt as though it were on fire. Peter stroked himself to Luka's rhythm. Soon he started rolling his head back and forth on the pillow. He gasped for breath as pressure built. Within seconds, Peter clamped his eyes closed as he reached his climax, shooting his release over his stomach and chest.

Warmth spread through him from head to toe. His whole body tingled and then settled into an amazing afterglow that left him floating on clouds. He breathed deeply, afraid to move in case it broke the spell. Slowly, he came back down to earth. Peter opened his eyes and smiled at Luka, who began to move once again.

Luka rolled his hips and quickly picked up speed. Within a minute or so the bed was rocking under him. Sweat rolled down Luka's chest, and the room filled with the musky scent of man. Peter breathed deeply, taking everything in. He knew Luka was close when his rhythm became ragged and his breathing shallow.

"Peter!" Luka cried, and then he thrust deep and then stilled.

Peter felt him coming and saw Luka's eyes drift closed as he throbbed and pulsed deep inside Peter's body. He sat up and reached for Luka, tugging him down. He held Luka tight, letting him catch his breath. He lightly petted Luka's hair. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," Luka whispered.

They separated, and Luka took care of the condom before returning to the bed. They held each other until they nearly stuck together. Then Luka got up, took Peter's hand, and led him to the bathroom, where he turned on the shower, and they stepped under the spray for what turned out to be a very sensual shower.

TWO DAYS DAYS later, Peter paced the campus sidewalks outside the psychology building. Luka was supposed to meet him here, and Peter was getting antsier by the second. He finally saw Luka approaching, walking past the St. Joan of Arc Chapel. Peter stopped his pacing and waited for Luka to approach. later, Peter paced the campus sidewalks outside the psychology building. Luka was supposed to meet him here, and Peter was getting antsier by the second. He finally saw Luka approaching, walking past the St. Joan of Arc Chapel. Peter stopped his pacing and waited for Luka to approach.

"Why are you-" Luka s.h.i.+fted back and forth.

"Nervous," Peter supplied, and Luka nodded. "I'm not sure why. I don't know what Franz has planned, and...."

"He is here to help, not hurt. So no be nervous," Luka said and motioned Peter toward the stairs. Peter went inside and up to Franz's office with Luka beside him. He stepped inside, and Franz greeted them both and closed the door behind them. "As I said when we confirmed the appointment, this one will be longer than the others."

Peter nodded. "You remember Luka."

"Of course," Franz said and ushered Luka to one of the chairs in the corner. "You're here mainly for Peter's support."

"Okay," Luka said. Peter watched him settle in the chair and gave him a quick smile before turning back to Franz.

"There's no need to look like you're expecting to be hurt. I promise there are no needles or bad-tasting medicines." Franz pulled his chair from behind the desk and set it right in front of Peter. "What we're going to do is very intimate and can be very revealing. However, you will be outside of your control for a little while, which is why Luka is here. I'd like to hypnotize you." Franz paused. "There will be no parlor tricks. You will not be made to cluck like a chicken or anything as ridiculous as that. Is this agreeable?"

Peter paused, not sure how he felt. Luka stood, walked over to where he sat, and silently placed his hand on his shoulder. Peter placed his hand over Luka's. "All right."

"Very good. It's important for you to know that under hypnosis, your inhibitions and conscious mind take a backseat to memories and feelings that are usually repressed. However, you cannot be compelled to do anything you feel is inherently wrong. So what I want you to do is sit back and get comfortable. When we're done, you are going to feel as though you've gotten a full eight hours sleep. You will also remember everything we have discussed, so nothing will be hidden from you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Peter answered, squeezing Luka's hand.

Franz s.h.i.+fted his gaze to Luka, and Luka stepped away and took his seat once again. "All right. I want you to listen to the sound of my voice. There's nothing for you to worry about. You are comfortable, warm, and safe. No one is going to interrupt or harm you in any way." Franz's voice was unusually calm and soothing. Within a few minutes, Peter felt himself letting go. He didn't try to stop it even though he knew he could. For some reason he felt empowered, like he was being hypnotized, but he was making it happen rather than having it happen to him.

"Let your head fall forward," Franz said.

Peter did as he was told.

"Good," Franz said in a very soothing voice. "You will remember everything. Do you understand?"

Peter answered, "Yes." He was enjoying the restful state he was in. He heard voices off to the side, but paid no attention to them. They weren't speaking to him, so he continued to relax.

"Very good. What we're going to do is take a trip back into your memory. I want you to think back to when you were six years old. Can you do that?"


"Good. I want you to listen to me. When I tap your knee, you are six years old and in the backyard of the house you grew up in, playing with your brother. You will be there, seeing and feeling everything around you. Do you understand?"


"When I tap your knee, you are six years old, playing in the backyard on the day your brother found the gun. You will not be scared, and nothing bad will happen to you. I want you to remember everything like it was yesterday. You will have no memory blockages and all the details will be available to you. Do you understand?"


"I'm going to count to three. One... two... three...."

Peter felt a tap on his leg, opened his eyes, and looked around. Everything was as he remembered. He stood up and walked toward the swing set in the far corner of the yard.

"Sit back down, Peter. Tell me everything you see, but stay in your chair."

There hadn't been a chair in the backyard, but he sat down in the big-boy chair and looked all around.

"What do you see?"

"Vince and I are playing with a red ball. Dad got it for us yesterday. Awww, Vince...," Peter whined as his brother kicked it into the neighbor's yard. "You gotta get it. Vince!" He pointed, but Vince ignored him.

"What is Vince doing?"

He walked toward the shed to get a pole we saw Dad put in there. "You're not supposed to go in there. You'll get in trouble," he said in a singsongy way. "I followed him. Now Vince has the door open, and I'm going inside too."

"What do you see?"

"Dad never lets us in here, but it's full of machines and carvings. Do you think Dad will give me one for my birthday if I ask him?"

"What's your brother doing?"

"He's climbing on the counter. 'Dad's going to get mad,'" Peter said. "Vince found something." Peter put his hand over his mouth. "It's a gun," Peter said and pressed backward. He didn't want anything to do with it.

"Come on, you baby," Vince told him.

"I am not a baby," Peter said, stamping his foot, but he didn't reach for or take the gun when it was offered to him.

"What's happening?" Franz asked.

"Vince jumped down from the counter and is running around the yard. He's pretending to shoot at the birdies. 'Don't do that, Vince. They're nice birds.'" He paused while Vince called back. "They don't p.o.o.p everywhere." He put his hands on his head and ran after Vince. "Stop that. You know Dad will be home soon." He looked at the door and wished he could go inside, but Mom had said they were to play in the yard until she called them for dinner.

"What happened next?"

"Vince walked into the shed. I followed him inside," Peter said. "Dad's coming home," Peter added. "Vince hurried by me and closed the door. Now he's trying to climb onto the counter." Peter's heart sped up. "I don't want to see this."

"Be calm and just tell me what happened."

Peter felt a light touch on his hand.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Just calm down and tell me what you see."

"I'm in the middle of the shed, facing the back. Vince is just in front of me. I can't see the door but I can hear Dad outside. The door is opening. I can see the light coming in." Peter shuddered and put his hands over his ears, closing his eyes. "The gun went off, and I'm falling." He could feel a sharp pain as he landed on his rear end. "It hurts," Peter said and tried to twist around. "The gun is on my lap. I'm picking it up. Ouch." He placed his finger to his lips.

"Daddy is in the doorway staring at me." Peter began to cry and leaped to his feet "Daddy!" He screamed so loud his voice hurt.

"It's okay. I want you to go back to sleep. That was only a memory. You're no longer six. I want you to breathe deeply and relax. Let your head fall forward."

He felt a gentle touch on his head.

"That's very good. Now, when I tap your knee, you will wake up feeling refreshed and rested. You'll also remember everything with no blockage. Three... two... one."

Peter felt a touch on his knee and opened his eyes. The office was there again, and he looked at Franz and then over at Luka.

"How do you feel?"

"Okay, I guess," Peter said.

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