Vampire Falls - Heartbreak Part 4

Vampire Falls - Heartbreak -

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She didn't turn to look at him, or stop working when he told her he could finish. He still found it hard to believe she was the daughter of two vicious and powerful He also didn't understand how she could be a s.h.i.+fter. He knew he was right when he said there was more to Petra Thornton than what they had discovered in the initial file.

Finally, he turned away and bent to the task of covering the grave, ignoring the cravings of his body. At last it was finished and they both settled back, covered in grime and mud. Carson rose to his feet and began to gather up fallen leaves and pine branches to cover the mound. Immediately, Petra mirrored his efforts. As she laid the last of the greenery upon the grave, he grabbed her arm and whirled her around to face him.

"Who are you?"

She looked up at him and he saw so much pain and confusion in her expression. "After last night, your mate, I guess. Beyond that, I have no idea."64 Again, he looked at the marks painted across her body. He hadn't wanted another mate after Sybilla died. Hadn't expected something like this to happen and certainly not with the daughter of his enemy. He yanked her against him, saw her wince at the abrupt action, a result of the bruises.

"Is that what you want?" he couldn't help asking. "I won't force you to stay." He stroked her face, brushed at the bits of dirt, smudging it across her cheek, feeling the silky softness of her skin. He dropped his hand and she stepped back, looking up at him with curiosity and surprise in her expression.

"You mean I'm free to go? You don't plan to use me as your bargaining chip?" Her expression darkened. "Oh, I see.

Maybe you've had what you want from me after all. So I guess I'm not worth keeping around."

A moment of anger flared through him at her words. But he looked at her and realized she was angry at what she thought was his rejection after the night they had just spent together. He needed some distance if he were going to offer her freedom. Her feminine scent was too overpowering and it would have been just as easy for him to rescind the offer of release.

"I'm not rejecting you," he a.s.sured her. Right now his body should tell her exactly how much he wanted her. It wasn't like it was something he could hide. "But I can't force you to stay. What I mean to say is that you are free to leave or to stay. No one will stop you. I don't know what you are, but, no, I can't force you to remain with me, no matter how much I want it."65 "Do you want me to go? After last night..." her voice trailed away.

"Last night changes nothing." It changed everything, at least for him. He had to force his emotions down. He needed to say this. "You were taken against your will to use as leverage with your parents. But things are different now." He couldn't force her to stay; she had to know she was free, that she had a choice.

"You called me your mate."

He nodded. "So you are. I fought for you and you belong to me. But you don't know our ways. You don't know our code. You're a s.h.i.+fter and that's something none of us expected. We can't use one of our own. We couldn't give you up to them." He looked at her more closely. "Do they know what you are?"

"No. At least I don't think so. I don't know what's happened to me. A lot of strange things occurred after the operation."

"What operation?"

She pointed to the vivid white scar running down the length of her chest. "Heart surgery. After the cave-in. My brother died, but someone got me out. It took a long time for me to recuperate. But ever since then I've had these odd feelings. Well, I had some ability before, but certainly not s.h.i.+fter ability. At least that I was aware of. But after the operation something changed, I don't know why this has happened; I don't know what I am anymore. And I don't know what to do about it."66 He reached for her and enclosed her in his arms. He couldn't help it, she looked so lost.

"That's how you got away from the Dalwin brothers. Your increased strength. But if your parents aren't s.h.i.+fters-"

Her arms had come up to wrap around his back. He found he liked holding this woman in his arms. Liked the feel of her flesh rubbing against his.

"I told you, they're not my real parents."

He leaned away and looked down at her. "Yes, I remember. Do you know who your real parents were?"

"No. But apparently the Thorntons either couldn't have children, or Deborah didn't want to be bothered getting pregnant. They adopted Jamie and me. Though I still don't know why, because they never seemed to want us around."

Well, that could explain some of it. But not everything. If they'd known she had any kind of powers, wouldn't they have destroyed her immediately? Or at the very least, incarcerated her at the detainment facilities?

"None of this adds up. Did the Thorntons realize you had any powers? You say you had some before."

"Yes, both Jamie and I ... were different. But we never discussed it with anyone. We only had each other. Jamie and I didn't have the same parents. Like I said, the Thorntons never wanted us and never loved us. The only one who loved me was Jamie. When I found out I could-" She stopped speaking and chewed at her full lower lip.

"When you found out what?" He put a finger beneath her chin and lifted her head. He leaned down to possess her lips ... so soft and responsive. Then he cupped her face and gazed67 into her eyes. "I've claimed you as my mate. Do you really think I would hurt you? Tell me the rest."

She heaved a shuddering breath. "I'm not used to talking about this with anyone. It's dangerous in my part of the world. Jamie was three years older than me. He realized sooner than I did that he had powers. He could do things with his mind."

"Like what?"

"Light a fire, bend things, stuff like that. I was the only one who knew what he could do."

"And what about you?"

She shrugged. "Sometimes when I touch an object, I can see things. Sometimes it's the past, sometimes the future.

Jamie liked to go spelunking and sometimes he took me along. That day, just after we entered the cave, I picked up a rock and I knew. Oh, G.o.d, I knew. But it was too late."

Again, Carson gathered her into his arms. He stroked her hair and tried to soothe her, but he knew losing someone so violently never went away. The horror of it might ease to some degree, but it never totally left you.

"It's all right," he murmured against her hair, inhaling her fragrant scent. "You're safe now. You're with people who can help you, people you can trust."

"I wasn't like this before the operation. Yes, I had the sight, but not the strength. And I certainly wasn't a s.h.i.+fter. I would have known, wouldn't I? I'm frightened, Carson." She looked up at him. "Except when I'm with you. I trust you-I don't know how or why, but I do. There's just something about you. I have to be with you for some reason. It doesn't68 make sense, but I feel like I would die if we were parted now."

He didn't have answers, only more questions, but he knew that now that he had mated her he couldn't let her go. He understood what she meant. He had to help her and keep her safe. Whatever the cost.



It was strange how easily she accepted the role as Carson's mate. Common sense had nothing to do with this.

She wasn't certain being human even had anything to do with it. What she did know was even now she needed him as much as she required oxygen to breathe.

Her whole life had been turned upside down when she came to Silver Creek. It seemed to her the whole previous night was a dream, or a nightmare. She still found it difficult to believe she had s.h.i.+fted into an animal. Having been brought up to hate paraspecies of any type, it mystified her that she responded so quickly to Carson. But then, technically, she was paraspecies, even before the operation.

So hating others with abilities would mean hating herself as well. And Jamie. How would her parents have reacted if they'd known about hers and Jamie's abilities?

Here she stood in the middle of the forest, bare as the day she was born, and in some way it seemed second nature to her. It was as though it had always been a part of her life.

And even though she didn't understand it, it seemed natural for her to be here with Carson. To help him in whatever way she could. To love him when it came right down to it.

"We need to get cleaned up," Carson said. "And find something to eat. I know where there's a stream where we can wash up and there are some blackberry bushes nearby.

Unless you want to wait here while I s.h.i.+ft and hunt for meat."70 "No, oh G.o.d, no," she hastily answered. "Really, the berries will be fine." She shuddered as she remembered the hunt scene in her dream. To humans it might have seemed cruel, but when she was in wolf form her thoughts seemed to revert to primal survival mode. Right now, in human form, she was certain she didn't wanted to deal with the whole hunting thing. Especially right after burying that poor dead wolf. Yes, berries and anything green and edible would be just fine with her right now.

Carson watched her for the s.p.a.ce of a minute and then shrugged. "Okay then, let's get cleaned up."

He grabbed her hand and headed toward a narrow path, which she would have missed if she'd been on her own. But then, it was unlikely she would have been on her own in the middle of the forest under any other circ.u.mstances.

Carson pointed out various types of ferns and plants to her along the way, which she found interesting. Much of what he told her was based on scent, and he had her smell the aromas of the various flora in the area. She knew he was attempting to teach her the ways of the wolf, but he didn't say so directly. They walked for about twenty minutes when she heard the sound of rus.h.i.+ng water. Carson pushed back a particularly tall fern and then she saw the stream.

She had to admit she did feel quite grubby, and even if the water was cold, she welcomed the opportunity to scrub clean.

"Go ahead," Carson said. "I'll gather some of the blackberries in the vicinity. I expect you might want a little bit of privacy."71 "You won't go far?" Suddenly, she wasn't quite certain she wanted to be alone, but he was right, she did need at least a few moments of privacy. It was very considerate of him to realize it without her needing to ask.

He leaned down to kiss her. "I won't be far." His eyes blazed as he looked at her. "I won't leave my mate unprotected."

Heat flared to life inside her at his words. How is it she could become so responsive to this man so quickly? It was like touching match to flint, within a breath the heat consumed her. She shook her head as she made her way to a section of overgrown ferns and utilized the few moments of privacy he provided. Then she walked down to the water's edge. It was serene and quiet here. Quite beautiful. She sat on a rock that was partially submerged in the water and began to scrub at her skin. She was actually thankful there wasn't a mirror nearby. She'd probably scare herself if she looked into it.

Then she slipped off the rock to more fully submerge herself into the water. It was cold, but not quite as frigid as she'd expected. And it was deeper than she thought it would be.

Carson walked around the corner and looked down at her.

"Need any help?"

She smiled. "I think I've got it. What about you? Need help?"

He set down the bark he'd used as a bowl to collect the berries and then stepped into the water beside her. "Wash my back?"72 She cupped water and trickled it down his spine. She smoothed her hands over the muscles, feeling the heat that emanated from him. She marveled at the solid sculpted muscles and traced her fingers down the length of his spine.

His skin was burning hot ... male heat that had her wrapping her arms around him and pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his back, needing to feel him close against her body.

He gripped her hands. "We aren't going to get very far if we keep this up."

"Mmm," was all she was able to say as she started rubbing against him. The animal heat rose to the surface once again and she couldn't fight its control. She reached down to enclose his erection, which was slippery and wet, in her hand.

Her fingers swirled over the head, then slid down to cup his His hand gripped hers again, and he raised it to his lips. He licked each finger, then sucked a finger into his mouth and released it.

Carson turned around to look at her. "I'm hungry," he growled. "And those berries aren't going to quench my appet.i.te."

Petra threaded her fingers through his long, black hair.

"What would?"

Without warning he lifted her out of the water and carried her to a sunny spot in the gra.s.s near a tree. He laid her down and then came over her to lick at the droplets of water clinging to her skin.

"'I'm going to eat you,' said the wolf to Little Red Riding Hood." He growled and showed his sharp teeth. She couldn't help laughing. He leaned up to kiss the laughter from her lips73 and then began to slowly lick his way down her body, swirling his tongue inside her navel before moving lower.

"What if Little Red Riding Hood doesn't want to be eaten?

What can she do to save herself, Mr. Wolf?"

She heard him chuckle as he spread her thighs and she felt the heat of his breath against her opening. "Oh, I think Little Red Riding Hood will enjoy being spread across this particular table. In fact, with any luck at all, she'll beg to be devoured." Petra caught her breath as she felt the swipe of his long tongue from a.n.u.s to c.l.i.t, and she shuddered at the pleasurable sensations that a.s.saulted her.

She couldn't help arching up, wanting to feel more of him inside her. "Carson," she cried out when his tongue entered her v.a.g.i.n.a, retreated and lapped at her inner l.a.b.i.a lips, sucking his way toward her engorged c.l.i.toris.

"Mmm, a tasty treat," he said. "Such sweet, sweet cream.

'More,' said the wolf to his delectable breakfast." And he plunged his tongue as deep as it would go into her c.u.n.t, lapping at her juices as they dripped from inside her, excitement and desire surging through her, driving her to the summit.

He consumed her like the ravenous wolf of his nature.

Petra cried out again and again as he sucked and stroked, driving the heat higher and higher, frenzied with the need to mate with him.

"Carson," she cried out as another climax surged over her.

"Please, I need you. I need you, now."

Only then did he rise over her, and she felt the tip of his p.e.n.i.s press to her opening and then sink inside. Her channel74 clutched at him, welcomed his invasion, reveled in his possession.

"More. More," she cried as she arched against him, gripping his a.s.s and pressing him closer.

He rode her, thrusting in and out, again and again, until finally he climaxed, and she thought she would die from the pleasure. She heard his raspy breaths as though he had run a long distance as he collapsed next to her. He pulled her into his arms. He started to pull from inside her, but she stopped him.

"No, not yet. Please. It feels so right to have you there. I don't want you to leave me just yet. Please."

He tightened his embrace, pulled one of her legs over his and buried himself deeper into her channel. Without him she felt so alone. But connected, like this, she felt so much a part of something special. She wanted it to go on forever. She closed her eyes and snuggled against him.

It was a long time later that Carson finally allowed his c.o.c.k to slip from inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.

"We have to get back to the cabin," Carson said. "Donovan will have returned by now and wonder what happened to us.

He's probably already gone looking for us. That broken window in the bedroom won't help matters any."

She looked up at him. "How far away are we? How long will it take us to get back? What if someone sees us?" Her questions fell over each other, her mind a muddle of thoughts and feelings she couldn't seem to unknot. She really did not want to return to civilization. Not just yet.75 Carson's dark, hungry eyes surveyed her. "We'll have to s.h.i.+ft. It's the fastest way."

"But I don't know how. I don't know how I did it last night.

I don't seem to have any control over it."

He nodded. "I figured that's what happened. You're going to have to center and call upon your primal nature. You've done it once already; it should come easier this time. Close your eyes and call the image back into your mind. Don't panic. This time it may be a slower change, but yield to it."

She tried to do as he instructed, but each time she felt a disturbance inside her, she panicked and pulled back. She backed away from Carson. "I don't think I can do this."

"I know you're scared." He moved toward her and leaned forward to kiss her.

She felt the press of his lips, his closeness centered her, gave her strength. He lifted away. "What if I can't s.h.i.+ft back to human form? What then?"

"You'll do it. Don't worry. You're strong. I'll be with you the whole way. I won't leave you, Petra. You're part of me now."

She inhaled a deep breath. Okay. She could do this. She regulated her breathing and focused inward. It had to work the same way she called on the power when she was back in the truck. She centered herself, willing and harnessing the power inside her. She felt the s.h.i.+ft begin, her bone structure altering, like fluid ma.s.s, reshaping her. The fear rose, but she pushed it aside. She dropped to her hands and knees; her frightened gaze clung to Carson.

"It's all right," he a.s.sured her. "I'll s.h.i.+ft as soon as your transformation is complete. You won't be alone."76 Her back arched, her body was covered with fur, her ears lengthened, her face narrowed and altered. She tried to say something, but it came out as a whine instead of words. And then suddenly she was wolf and no longer human.

She watched with wonder as Carson transformed into his wolf shape. He was beautiful with a thick, silky coat. So male.

So alpha. Animal instinct pulled at her and she trotted over to him. He turned his head and licked the side of her face and nuzzled her. Then he looked at her and it was almost as though they communicated on a different wavelength in this form. She knew he wanted her to follow him. He turned and trotted off into the woods and she followed him.

The sounds and scents of the forest were different. They seemed magnified, her ears p.r.i.c.ked to pick up sounds, both friendly and dangerous. The scents were stronger and she tried to pick them apart, to identify each one. Her paws struck the soft earth, she sensed vibrations. She was enthralled by the sensuousness of such intimate surroundings as she absorbed their texture inside.

Carson started to move faster, his gait changing into a lope, and then they ran. The wind whipped across Petra's fur as she raced after him, her heart pumping fast, her legs and lungs powerful beyond anything she had ever known before.

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