Vampire Falls - Heartbreak Part 11

Vampire Falls - Heartbreak -

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Petra was nervous. This was the night of the full moon when pa.s.sions and the animal heat would be at its peak. The time when she would mate with the brothers beneath the light of the full moon.

Tonight she committed herself to this family and they would commit to her. The ritual would seal the family circle and make it stronger.

"Try to relax, Petra, everything will be fine." Petra looked across the table at Rainna, who had an amazingly serene look on her face.

"I still can't believe you accept this."

Rainna smiled. "It took me a long time to understand the needs of this family-of these men. I expect it will actually take you less time to come to terms with it because you share the wolf blood. I had to recognize that I was becoming part of what is essentially a non-human family and the code and morals are distinctly different from humans. Much of the relations.h.i.+p is based on survival and basic instinct. Of course, the animal heat that accompanies the revelation is something to be dealt with as well. Being completely human, I wouldn't have thought I would be affected so acutely."

"It's strange how Mother Nature instills species with different, yet similar, pa.s.sions, isn't it? And yet our unique chemistry somehow bonds us in some way to our fate."

Rainna had related carefully to Petra what she had discovered in the extensive file that had been sent to them from New156 York. Destiny certainly was a strange thing. And from the story Carson told her about the history of their blood, it was nothing like how she'd imagined a werewolf was created.

"Do you really believe this Cerberus myth? About how his blood somehow got into the town well and the werewolf curse was pa.s.sed through the tainted water?"

Rainna shrugged. "Who's to know? There are many things in life that can't be completely explained. We take a lot in life on faith, don't you think? There are still so many people who are afraid of what they can't explain. That fear of the unknown, the unexplainable is what's made the need for sanctuaries such as Vampyre Falls so vital."

"No one has discovered this place yet. I'm surprised about that."

"It's because of the powerful magic of its inhabitants.

There is a wide circle of protection surrounding the Falls that keeps us all safe from discovery. And in the smaller sense, why this ancient ritual of the Cerberus werewolves to secure the pack is so important. You may not comprehend it all right now, but I think in time you will come to understand."

Rainna looked at the clock on the wall and then stood up.

"It's time, Petra. I'll take you to the meeting place."

Petra rose from the table. "Are you sure?"

"It's an honor to do so. Besides, the baby's not due for another four weeks. I'm pleased to have you in the family, Petra. Please don't doubt that. Trey has been a little concerned as well." She smiled. "It took me the better part of the night last night to a.s.sure him all was well."157 That did make Petra laugh, because she had a good idea what form that a.s.surance took. And Rainna's words helped to put Petra at ease.

"Ahh, that explains why you slept in so late this morning."

Rainna laughed. "Well, yes, that and the baby."

"You have a very calming way about you, Rainna. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you before."

Rainna circled an arm around Petra's waist and hugged her. "Maybe I'm here for a reason, too, don't you think?

Come on, let's go, they'll be waiting."

The moon was full and bright when they stepped outside.

Rainna closed the door and then they proceeded toward the meeting place. As they drew closer, Petra felt the animal heat begin to surge and she caught the familiar scent of the males.

Most of the time she could control it or she'd probably have spent a great deal of her time begging Carson, or if he wasn't available, one of his brothers, to f.u.c.k her. It was something she didn't understand, but for tonight she had to simply accept what was to be.

"Let it carry you, Petra. They'll keep you safe."

Somehow she knew it was true. She saw them in the distance, three wolves, silvered by the moonlight and waiting for her. As Rainna and Petra neared the pack, all three turned to the black sky and howled at the moon. It was a mating call, drawing her to them. The heat surged and burned inside her. Her p.u.s.s.y juices coated her thighs and her nipples screwed tightly.

Rainna halted and turned to Petra. She helped her remove her dress, then Petra stood naked, bathed only in moonlight.158 "I was bonded by them here. It is a magical place." She turned and smiled. "This is as far as I go. I won't stay. This is a sacred bonding moment for the four of you. But I'll be waiting when you return. Never forget that you are loved by all of us, Petra. And we shall all protect each other."

Rainna leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, then stepped away. "Go, they're waiting for you."

Petra turned and walked toward where the wolves waited, pulled across the clearing by a need far beyond her understanding as her primal nature took over. As she approached, first Carson s.h.i.+fted to human form and went to meet her. He kissed her and linked his hand with hers, drawing her to the others.

One of the wolves licked her leg and whined as she stepped between the furry bodies.

Carson took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

His warm hands followed the curve of her spine, traveled over the fullness of her rear. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, curling her arms around his neck, pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his strong chest.

Her senses, sharpened by the animal heat, could hear his heart beating in his chest. Then the echo of two more. More hands stroked her body, and she realized his brothers had now s.h.i.+fted to human form. They closed in around her.

"Petra." Her named chanted over and over and she gave herself to them and to the night.

They blended together as one. Carson moved to the side and Trey took his place. Naked and strong, she felt Trey's c.o.c.k rising up, hot, silky flesh pressing against her dripping159 mound. Hands slipped between her legs from behind, teasing her c.l.i.t, spreading her lips and then Trey was buried inside her c.u.n.t.

Petra moaned as the pleasurable sensations spilled through her. She felt his hands at her hips, lifting her, and she wound her legs around his hips. She turned her head to the side and Carson's mouth possessed her. As he drove his tongue between her lips, he cupped her face.

Donovan behind her, separating her cheeks. Something cool and wet, like a gel spread around her a.n.u.s, slick fingers entered her puckered opening, spreading her.

Wild need surged through her, driving her as she rode Trey's c.o.c.k, pulling him deeper, squeezing and releasing his throbbing member as he thrust inside her slick channel.

Carson dropped forward and his teeth clamped onto a hardened nipple, tugging and sucking it into his mouth, razing his teeth across the flesh, sending her soaring out into the night.

She felt Donovan's fingers invading her a.s.s, tunneling deep, widening her, preparing her to accept him inside that narrow place. It was Carson's fingers that found her c.l.i.t, teasing and driving her into a wild frenzy. She heard the whimpers and growls emanating from her throat, joined by the sounds of her feral lovers. And then Donovan's c.o.c.k was at her entrance, pressing inward, opening her, impaling her between the wolfmen that would love and protect her always.

"Carson," she cried out as Donovan's c.o.c.k locked inside her.160 "I'm here, love. I'll always be here." His finger circled her c.l.i.t.

Trey moved inside her, in and out, again and again. Petra raised her arms to the sky, as though to embrace the moon, giving herself over to these men who were her lovers, her protectors.

She arched her back, threw her head back, and howled the mating call. As each pulse of climax mingled and soared, her voice was joined by three deeper voices in a song as old as time as new as first love, as all encompa.s.sing as the arms which held and protected her.

Each of them took her, loved her, cherished her and she accepted them all into her body without restraint.

"I love you, Carson. I love you," she cried over and over again.

And when the pa.s.sionate hunger had been appeased, they s.h.i.+fted to their wolf forms, Petra at the heart as they loped off as one unit, forever bound together.



Four months later Carson sat on the couch with Petra nestled against his chest. A possessive hand cupped her warm breast and he kneaded lightly as they watched Trey and Rainna with little Kyle.

Rainna was breast-feeding the infant and Trey held them close as he watched his mate with their child. They had decided to name the baby after their lost pack brother; all had agreed it was a fitting name.

Rainna looked across at Petra and smiled. It was strange how the two women had connected so quickly. And their family was so much stronger for it. Thinking of Kyle, Petra had decided there were some things better left unsaid. Some revelations just hurt too much. The monstrous thing that Deborah had done to Kyle was best left buried.

"How's the work going, Petra? Are you getting used to working in the catacombs?"

Carson had been surprised that Petra had accepted the position of doc.u.mentation director considering where the doc.u.ment vaults were located.

Petra laughed. "It took a bit of getting used to, and the first few weeks, I wasn't certain I could do it. But somehow I've been able to get past my anxiety. Of course, I was determined not to let my fear get the best of me." She stroked Carson's jaw and then kissed him. "I think you all have given me strength to overcome the past. And once I162 start working on the doc.u.ments, my surroundings seem to disappear. At least until I come up for air. The catacombs I can handle. It's when the vampires stop by to check on things that it gets a little dicey. Now they make me nervous."

They all laughed.

"You've come a long way, Petra," Rainna said as she lifted little Kyle away from her breast and s.h.i.+fted him to her shoulder. It was Trey who patted his back lightly.

Carson wondered if he would make as good a father figure as Trey did. It was a weighty responsibility siring a child.

Rainna moved to stand and adjusted the front of her sapphire robe as she s.h.i.+fted Kyle to her other shoulder. "He's out like a light. I'm going to take him upstairs and put him down. He's been so good at sleeping through the night. Good night everyone."

"I'll join you shortly," Trey said.

Rainna turned back to smile at him. "I'll be waiting."

Nothing subtle about this family, that was certain. Petra looked at Carson and he saw the heat reflected in her eyes.

He had to wonder if they'd even make it upstairs before the animal heat flared up. G.o.d, but he loved her warmth and her pa.s.sion.

Suddenly, Donovan burst through the door, excitement glittering from his eyes. "You'll never guess what news just reached us."

Trey rose from his chair. "What's happened?"

"The facility in New York has been breached. The paras have been freed and"-he shot a look at Petra-"and the Thorntons are dead."163 Carson pulled Petra close, concerned for how this news might affect her. He could tell little from her expression. "How did they die?" Carson finally asked.

"There was an explosion. But it was the fire that got Deborah. Apparently she was down in one of the experimental labs below ground and was trapped there. What they're saying is that they couldn't get her to leave without her research notes. It ended up killing her. George Thornton was in his office and it was the blast that took him out."

Carson looked at Petra. "Are you all right, love?"

"It's strange how fate turns the tables, isn't it? Deborah caused my brother's death in a cave-in. And in the end her death occurred underground." She turned and looked at Carson. "I don't know what I feel right now. I think I'm numb.

It's an odd feeling."

"So it's begun," Trey said.

Donovan nodded. "It's begun. I don't know where it will go or how long it will take, but the tides are going to turn. The government will have to listen to us eventually."

"Hold me, Carson, just hold me," Petra said.

Carson enclosed her in the protection of his arms.

Heartbreak littered both their lives, but feeling the powerful, steady beat of her heart, he knew their combined pa.s.sion and love would keep them strong. He was so thankful fate had brought her into his life. And he would keep her safe, whatever it took.

164 Adrianna Dane Theresa Gallup uses the pen names of Tess Maynard and Adrianna Dane. Theresa has been writing since the age of 10.

A legal secretary for 30 years, she is currently working on another erotic romance, as well as a full-length romantic mystery/suspense. She has been married for 30 years and has three grown children (a daughter and twin sons), and is a new grandmother.

Writing as Tess Maynard, her first published short story appeared in the ezine, The Whispering Forest, in January of 2004. Writing as Adrianna Dane, where adding sensual heat to romance is her motto, Esmerelda's Secret was her first foray into the erotic romance genre.

Having traveled and lived from the East Coast to the West Coast, Theresa receives inspiration for her stories from a variety of sources, including music and poetry, and her tastes are eclectic.

For more information about current projects, visit Theresa's websites at: or * * * *

Don't miss Vamprye Falls: Morganna's Sacrifice, by Adrianna Dane, available at!165 Morganna's lover, Keelan Moonhunter, a seductive dark elf, disappeared from their province in the Faerie Realm years ago without a word. She a.s.sumed he'd simply grown weary of her and sought his pleasures elsewhere. To help her deal with the heartbreak, Morganna pacted with the goblin alchemist, Syril Grimstarker, for a potion that would mask all the pain- at least for a time. Little did she know, however, exactly what evil secrets Syril held.

Until the night her long-lost lover, Keelan, saves her from the s.a.d.i.s.tic hands of the vampire Romulus. Now, Keelan's a vampire with tortured memories and living in a place called Vampyre Falls. He whisks her away to the human world to protect her, and there, she meets the mysterious vampire, Daffyd Angelus, who once saved Keelan's life. Morganna senses deeper ties between Daffyd and the dark elf she still loved. And Keelan reveals why he disappeared so long ago.

The only hope for any future together could hinge on sacrifices Morganna will be asked to make in order to remain in Vampyre Falls. Is her love strong enough to turn her back on everything she has known to stay with the one man she knows is her soulmate? Even if he is a vampire?

Don't miss The Wolfe Proxy, by T.D. KcKinney & Terry Wylis, available at!

Ruthless CEO Quinton Wolfe sets off every alarm on sculptor Max Bowman's warning system. No way is that166 playboy getting near Max's sister, the newest shareholder in Wolfe's multinational corporation. No matter Quint's charming smile and s.e.xy form, Max won't let his kid sister get taken in by that Lothario. Even if it means Max cuts a deal with Big Bad Wolfe himself.

And what a deal! Max becomes Quint's play toy. Good thing Max enjoys it. He'll just play the game until he can turn the tables on the CEO. Or that's the plan. But somehow, even knowing the CEO is a ruthless snake at the core, Max still lets Quint worm his way right into Max's heart.

Cutting Quint out of his life is the best thing Max can do.

So why does it feel like Max might never be able to breathe again? It doesn't help that Quint's every bit as heartbroken and miserable. So maybe Max's view of Quint was skewed by the media. But can he separate the ruthless CEO from the gentle, caring man who loves him? And can he trust either one?

Don't miss Dressed For Dying by Janet Quinn, available at!

In 1892, reporter Sean Madigan is pitted against the New York police when he's a.s.signed his first high-profile murder story, the slaying of the wealthy Marshal Haversham, clothing industry mogel and sweatshop owner. While Sean hunts for the killer in order to prove his worth to his newspaper editor, the madman goes on a violent spree, burning down167 Haversham's warehouses and sweatshops and killing young women who work within them. Each victim is found dressed in a fancy ball gown that was secretly made within the sweatshops themselves.

When Madigan's sweetheart, Bridget, becomes the killer's next target, Sean determines he will find the man and his connection to the ball gowns. But the murderer has other designs, and it soon becomes a race against time and the police to discover the fiend's ident.i.ty before he silences Sean or Bridget ... permanently...

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