The Red Door Part 33

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"I thought you told me that the constables had tried again, with no luck."

"That's true, yes, sir. But Inspector c.u.mmins decided he'd try his chances. Without notifying the Yard. He gave as good as he got, the Inspector did, but he's in hospital, and they're st.i.tching him up."

"And Billy?"

"Got away, sir. There was no one posted on either end of the bridge to stop him."

Rutledge swore under his breath. "All right. What does the Chief Superintendent want?"

"You on the bridge tonight. He said to tell you that unless what you're doing is a matter of life and death, you're to be here. No later than nine this evening."

"I'll be there. I'm coming from Ess.e.x."

"Yes, sir."

Rutledge put up the receiver, then stood there for a moment thinking.

He asked himself how he would have viewed the death of Peter Teller and the death of Jenny Teller if he hadn't known the background of events in Hobson. If he'd come here as Inspector Jessup had done with nothing to color his perspective but a man with a bad leg who'd had too much to drink and simply fallen down the stairs. Or a woman distressed by a death almost literally on her doorstep and very tired but unable to sleep, miscounting the drops from a bottle of medicine that she expected to give her some relief.

Hamish said, "But ye ken, it isna' sae simple!"

Rutledge went to find Leticia.

"I'll have to leave for London later in the afternoon."

"There's a cold luncheon in the dining room. I need to speak to you."

He followed her there, and as she filled a plate and handed it to him, she asked, "What did you say to Walter?"

"What is it you think I said?" he asked.

She shook her head irritably. "He's gone up to his room and locked himself in. The dressing room door, as well. They've come to collect Jenny's body. Shall I tell them to wait?" She began putting food on her own plate with scarcely a glance at what she was choosing.

"Let them go ahead. What about Harry?"

"Mary has decided it would be too upsetting for him to see his mother's body. She's staying with him at the rectory."

"If his father finds that acceptable, the police will have no objection."

"It wouldn't matter if you did."

He smiled. "What do you really want me to say, Miss Teller? Very well. The inquiry is closed in Hobson, with the arrest of Florence Teller's killer. It was someone who knew her. And while the evidence was unequivocally pointing to your brother-Captain Teller-he was not the cause of her death."

He could hear the hiss of breath as she released it. "Then Peter was never guilty. Even though he died expecting to be arrested at any moment. Dear G.o.d. That breaks my heart."

"He couldn't see how events unfolded after he'd driven away. Until we tried to account for certain missing items, nor could we. But we might have reached our conclusions earlier if there hadn't been so many lies to cover up who Florence Teller really was."

"But I thought you knew," she said forcefully. "She was Peter's wife. The foolish mistake of a young man whose father refused to allow him to marry his cousin."

"I'm sure Florence Teller would be happy to hear she was only a foolish mistake."

Leticia had the grace to flush. "I wasn't referring-"

"Yes, you were. She's been a thorn in the side of this family since you first learned of her. Did you believe your brother Walter left the Belvedere Clinic to travel to Hobson? Is that why you sent Peter there to find out what he could?"

"Peter didn't discuss his private affairs with us."

"Come now. I was told that he'd gone to Cambridge with Edwin. And that was a lie; he was in Hobson. Susannah told me about Lieutenant Burrows, and that was a lie. She knew the truth and was trying to help conceal it. But Jenny knew nothing." He considered her for a moment. "What did you do, go through his papers looking for some clue to why Walter was ill and not responding? At a guess you found something that set off alarm bells. And you haven't put it back, have you? Because I saw the file this morning, and it held only a will."

He could read the answer in her eyes. That was precisely what someone had done.

"Was it your brother Edwin and his wife? The head of the family, with his strong sense of duty? Yes, I'm sure it was. The truth must have come as a shock. And so Peter-the real Peter Teller-was dispatched to Lancas.h.i.+re to see who this woman was, what she might want, and whether Walter was leaving Jenny for her."

She picked up her plate and put it on the tray for Mollie to collect. "I'll leave you to enjoy your lunch, Inspector. I'm afraid I have much to do."

Leticia walked out without looking back.

Rutledge said to the empty room, "With Florence Teller dead, and Peter, and Jenny, the past is wiped out. Except for Harry . . ."

Hamish answered him, "There's the Captain's wife."

Susannah, who refused to set foot in this house again.

"But she's loyal to the family."

"Was loyal." loyal."

It was a very good point. Could she be trusted to keep the secret? He went to the telephone and put in a call to the Yard. Sergeant Gibson listened to Rutledge's request, then said, "It's going to be difficult getting it past the Chief Superintendent, but I'll see that a watch is set. You don't care to explain why it's needed?"

Rutledge said, "Early days," and let it go at that.

Edwin Teller met him in the pa.s.sage and said, "I should think the Yard would have no further business with the family. I'm told you've found your murderer. I'm glad. A pity Peter couldn't hear that as well."

"Indeed," Rutledge agreed. "I'm leaving this afternoon for London, there's something there I must do. I'll be back by tomorrow morning."

"I don't know why you should return at all."

"There are loose ends."

He was about to walk on when Edwin said, "Do you mean Susannah? Peter's wife-widow?"

"I'm not sure I understand what you're asking."

"Look, I'm just concerned, I wanted to know if you're expecting to speak to Susannah. She's grieving, and in great distress. This was such an-no one can prepare for these things, can they? Peter should have lived to a great age, like my grandmother. Give her time to come to grips with her loss."

"Are you afraid she might decide, finally, to tell the truth? To clear her husband's name?"

"She hasn't been told that he's no longer under suspicion. I tried to telephone her just now, and Iris says she's not taking calls. For G.o.d's sake, let her alone."

"I'll take that under advis.e.m.e.nt, shall I?"

Leticia came out of the study. "Has anyone asked Walter if he'd like a tray? Edwin, try to persuade Gran to eat something. She says she doesn't care for Mollie's cooking, that Jenny knew what she liked."

"I'll try." Edwin excused himself and walked off.

Leticia said, "I'll see to Walter then. He ought to have something." Rutledge, looking after her as she went up the stairs, decided to start out for London. He could hear her now knocking on Teller's door and calling to him. Turning away, he found his hat and left the house. The constable nodded to him.

"I have to return to London. I'll be back as soon as possible. Tell Inspector Jessup I'll give him a clear answer then."

The constable came forward to crank the motorcar for him. And then he was on the road. Clearing his mind of everything else, he concentrated on Billy and what might be waiting for him on Westminster Bridge.

Chapter 31

Rutledge made good time to London and went to his sister's house before reporting to the Yard.

She was surprised to see him, saying as he walked through the door, "Are you coming for Jake?"

"Not yet. How is he?"

"I don't want him to grow more attached to me than he is," she said. "He likes to sit on my shoulder and walk around the house. I dare not take him outside, for fear he'll fly away. But he wants to go to every window and look out, then he searches for roses."

"His owner grew them. Bring a few inside. That might cheer him up."

"A very good idea."

"Any news of Meredith Channing?"

"I haven't seen her since she returned to London. But I'm told she's back and feeling much better. Oh, speaking of injuries and recoveries, did you hear that Chief Inspector c.u.mmins was viciously attacked last night? I ran into his sister coming from the hotel in Marin Street. She was sent for. He was badly hurt, loss of blood, st.i.tches. I hope they find whoever did such a vile thing."

"I'm sure the Yard has every possible man searching."

"What brought you here, if it wasn't Jake?" she asked.

He smiled. "No further word from Scotland?"

"All's well. Ian had his pick of the pups. He's excited because Fiona is allowing him to sleep with it. I don't think there's any lasting harm from the horror of the train crash."

"The resilience of youth."

Leaving, he trolled the streets toward St. Paul's, looking for Charlie Hood. But there was no sign of the man. Another loop, he thought, and then, six blocks from the cathedral, he spotted Hood.

This time Rutledge caught up with him and called, "Hood?"

The man turned, recognized Rutledge, and started toward an alley where the motorcar couldn't follow. And then he thought better of it and came forward slowly, stopping about five feet from the vehicle.

People were swarming around them at this hour of the day, weaving in and out and making any sort of conversation nearly impossible.

"What do you want?" Hood asked. And Rutledge read his lips rather than heard his words in the noisy intersection.

"A drink. A few words," Rutledge said to him.

"I don't have the time," Hood replied. Then, coming nearer, he asked, "You haven't caught your murderer, have you?"

"Not yet. He came close to killing another man last night."

Hood nodded. "Word gets about on the street." He made to go.

Rutledge said, "Have you ever had trouble with the police?"

Hood laughed harshly. "Not since I was twelve and learned my lesson. Still trying to make a connection with that other man?"

"That inquiry was successfully concluded."

"I'm glad to hear it." And he was off, moving briskly through the late afternoon crowds, then crossing the street and disappearing into a shop.

Rutledge watched him go. "I'll have you yet, my friend," he said under his breath, then turned back toward the Yard.

Instead he went to Bolingbroke Street and asked to speak to Susannah Teller.

To his surprise, she agreed to see him. The shades were drawn in the sitting room, but even in the dim light Rutledge could see that her eyes were red-rimmed from crying and lack of sleep. Yet he thought she seemed to have found some inner strength to carry her through.

Hamish said, unexpectedly, "Anger."

Rutledge thought that was very true. For she kept him standing, like a servant.

"I wanted you to know that we've released your husband's body."

"Thank you. I had a call from Inspector Jessup. I have arranged for the service to be held tomorrow afternoon."

That was very quick, but he said only, "He didn't kill anyone, Mrs. Teller. He's been completely absolved."

"How nice to know that the rector needn't mention in his eulogy that Peter was nearly arrested for murder," she said sardonically.

"If I'd had the whole truth from the start," he told her, "it might have been different."

"All I know is, you made his last days a h.e.l.l on earth. I hope this knowledge will give you nights as sleepless as his were."

"I expect there are worse burdens on my conscience than this one."

"Who did kill that woman in Lancas.h.i.+re?" she asked him, unable to stop herself.

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