The Red Door Part 16

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Cobb did, after a moment's hesitation.

Hamish said, "He's no' pleased now. He wishes he hadna' telt ye about his nephew."

Rutledge thanked him, and Cobb nodded, then walked on without looking back, leaning heavily on his cane.

Rutledge drove out of Hobson to the northwest, and after two false starts he found the farm where Lawrence Cobb lived.

A man was in the barn, working on a steam tractor. Rutledge could hear the clang of a hammer on metal. He walked back there, and as he came through the door, the man yelled, "d.a.m.n!" and began to suck his thumb where the hammer had struck a glancing blow.

"Lawrence Cobb?" Rutledge asked, and identified himself when the man nodded. "I've come from Hobson. Your uncle suggested I might speak to you about Florence Teller."

Suddenly wary, Cobb set down his hammer, glanced briefly at his bruised thumb, and then said, "You're here about her death. Well, I had nothing to do with it, but if I ever lay hands on the b.a.s.t.a.r.d who did it, I'll finish with him before the police can touch him."

"Do you still care that much for Florence Teller?"

Cobb shot a look toward the house. "What if I do? She was married, I couldn't speak to her. It came to nothing. She guessed what I was feeling, and we decided it was best that I move on. I did. My wife and I are happy."

But Rutledge thought it was not true. Content, perhaps, but at least on Cobb's part, not happy.

"Do you know who might have wanted to kill her?"

"No one in Hobson. I'd have torn out their throats if anyone touched her. I think if it hadn't been for Timmy, she might have turned to me when Teller went missing. But she loved her son, and she loved his father. Never mind how he treated her."

"What do you mean, treated her?"

"If I'd had a wife like that, I wouldn't have stayed away so many years at a time. I'd have written more often. He sent gifts, but it wasn't the same as being there. After Timmy died, she needed him more than ever. But I think coming here hurt too much, and his visits got fewer and farther between. Or so it seemed to me."

"There were letters?"

"She kept them in a little rosewood chest on the table beside her favorite chair. When I was working there and came in for a cup of tea or mug of water, I sometimes saw her putting one away, as if she'd just read it again. Her lifeline, she called that chest."

But there had been no such chest by the chair nor anywhere else in the house, as Hamish was remarking.

"You worked for her as a handyman, when you might have done far better for yourself," Rutledge told him.

"My mother left me her money. And I'd have wanted to be there, helping out, rather than in some position in Carlisle or Chester where I couldn't see her every day. I'm not ashamed that I loved her. But I'll thank you not to pa.s.s that on to my wife. Betsy is jealous. I found that out too late." He picked up the hammer and struck the frozen nut around a screw. This time the blow broke the rusty bond that had locked the two together, and he could spin the nut. "How can you be so wrong about a woman's smile? But I was lonely, and I wanted a son. I've not had even him yet."

Hamish said, "Ye ken, he was more likely to kill his ain wife than the la.s.s in the cottage."

Rutledge had got the same feeling. He thanked Lawrence Cobb and left. But not before Cobb said, "I'll tell you this, and then deny I ever said it. But it's crossed my mind a time or two since I heard Florence was dead. It's possible her husband didn't want her anymore, that he'd met someone else he wanted to marry, and he couldn't find a decent way out of his dilemma. And so he killed her. Ask Jake. He might know."

But how did you ask a parrot about a murder?

Rutledge reported his conversations to Constable Satterthwaite, who said, "I expect that tallies with what I've been told. It's sad that Lawrence Cobb couldn't have married her. He would have done his best to make her happy."

"And you don't think he might have come to her, been turned away, and lashed out? He's a strong man. I found him working on his tractor and wielding his hammer with some force. An angry force."

But Satterthwaite shook his head. "I've known Lawrence since he was a boy. And I'll tell you this, if he killed her, he wouldn't have left her there in the doorway for anyone to find. Well. We've got word out for people to watch for a walker. That may be our only hope now. If he didn't get the wind up and leave this part of the country."

"Why would a walker kill her?" he asked for the second time.

"That's puzzled me too, but I'm used to puzzles and answers that make no more sense than the puzzle did. Unless of course he was here on purpose, to take that chest of letters. And she caught him at it. That makes a certain sense, now."

"Why would he want to steal old letters? It's a matter of record that they were married, she and Teller. At the church."

Satterthwaite laughed. "When it comes to money, people change. It's amazing how quickly distant relatives come out of the woodwork when someone dies, wanting their share. Never gave the poor soul the time of day when he was alive, but now he's dead, he's their dearest cousin, however many times removed. They arrive to present their case. Then they stumble over a wife in some dark corner of Lancas.h.i.+re, and something has to be done about her, doesn't it? For all we know, Peter Teller's last will and testament was among those letters, and someone wanted it destroyed. That'ud toss the cat amongst the pigeons, wouldn't it?"

An interesting explanation for the missing letters as well as the murder. "Is the farm all that valuable?"

"The farm is hers, not his. But how do we know what else he might have owned elsewhere that was valuable? Florence might not have been told about that. Or never wanted to face up to the fact that he was dead and the will ought to be taken to a solicitor. She had everything she needed right here."

It was possible, but a stretch of the imagination. Still, Rutledge found himself considering it again over his dinner, losing track of Mrs. Greeley's gossip.

He stayed one more night with Mrs. Greeley, and then left early to make the journey back to London.

Speaking to Satterthwaite the night before his departure, he said, "I want to see if I can find Teller's relatives. They may be able to shed more light on who inherits. Did Florence Teller have a solicitor?"

"She never had cause to need one," the constable told him. "As far as I know."

"Then perhaps Peter Teller did. Meanwhile, if you find any information on a walker, call me at the Yard. If I'm not there, ask for Sergeant Gibson."

On the drive south, the bird Jake, in the cage set in the pa.s.senger's seat, was quiet, almost, Rutledge thought, as if he understood he would never go back to Sunrise Cottage. He sat on one of his perches, sometimes plucking listlessly at his feathers, occasionally muttering to himself, and showing no interest in his surroundings.

Rutledge spoke to him from time to time, as he would have spoken to a dog traveling with him. But except for that one moment in Mrs. Blaine's kitchen and again when the rug was put over the cage last night, he'd said nothing remotely resembling human speech.

Hamish said, "He remembers what he hears o'er and o'er again."

And that was just as sad.

Arriving in London, Rutledge stopped at the Yard and handed the cage and parrot to a startled Sergeant Gibson. "Find out what to feed him, and see that he's kept quiet until I come back for him."

"What to feed him?" the sergeant repeated. "I don't know anyone who has a parrot."

"Try the zoo," Rutledge suggested. "And look to see if we have any information on a Peter Teller, other than the one related to Walter Teller." And he was gone.

Traveling through Dorset in search of Peter Teller's family would take time. But there was a possible shortcut. Edwin Teller might know of a connection there, a distant cousin or an unrelated family of the same name.

It was late in the evening when Rutledge found himself in Marlborough Street, drawing up in front of the Teller residence.

The house, white and three storied, stood among others very like it, a street speaking of old money and long bloodlines. It was quiet, almost no one about, and Rutledge was prepared to find that it was too late for him to speak to anyone.

He lifted the bra.s.s knocker and let it fall.

The maid who opened the door informed him that Mr. Teller had left for the country.

"And Mrs. Teller?"

"She accompanied him."

"Will you tell him on his return that Inspector Rutledge from Scotland Yard has called, and I'd like to speak to him at his earliest convenience."

Uncertain, she said, "You may call on Mrs. Teller in the morning. If it's important?"

"I thought she was in the country as well."

"This Mrs. Teller is Mr. Edwin Teller's grandmother."

"Then I'll speak to her tonight, if I may."

"I'll inquire, sir."

The maid returned very quickly and showed him into the parlor overlooking the street.

The woman sitting there in a brocade-covered chair looked up as he came into the room. Her hair was completely white, her face deeply lined, but her blue eyes swept him as she greeted him with a smile. "You're the handsome young man who just pa.s.sed my window."

"My apologies, Mrs. Teller, for the lateness of my call. I've just returned to London, and this is a matter of some urgency."

"I'm told you're from Scotland Yard."

"Yes, that's true." He realized she was the woman in the portrait in Captain Teller's house.

"You haven't come to tell me that Walter is missing again, have you? It's really entirely too much. I've been in the country visiting, and I arrived here to find everything at sixes and sevens. In fact, I'm hardly in the door before Edwin and Amy were out of it on their way to Ess.e.x."

"As far as I know, Mr. Teller is with his wife and son, recovering."

"Recovering from what, I'd like to know? Nice people don't disappear without a word and upset the entire family. I hardly knew what to say to George when I was asked to stay a week longer with him. It was thoughtless of Walter, that's all I have to say. Do sit down, young man. You're quite tall, and it hurts my neck to look up at you."

He took the chair across from hers.

"Now tell me why you are here, if it isn't Walter you're looking for."

"I'm here to ask about another member of the family. I'm aware that you have a grandson called Peter, but I wonder if perhaps you have a nephew by the same name."

"Not that I know of. Why should I?"

"We're trying to find a Lieutenant Peter Teller who served in France, and was reported missing around the end of the war."

"Our Peter did come home. He was a captain, you know."

"The Peter Teller I'm looking for apparently came from Dorset, although he lived in Lancas.h.i.+re after his marriage. His wife's name was Florence."

"What is this catechism in aid of?" she demanded irritably. "I don't care to be questioned in this way."

"We are trying to locate members of Lieutenant Teller's family."

"Peter's wife was a Darley before her marriage. Susannah Darley. My grandniece."

"Yes, I understand that. How long have they been married?"

She frowned. "I'm not quite sure. Twelve years? Yes, that sounds about right. Now, young man, I've answered your questions. You must answer mine."

"Willingly," he told her.

"Did you know that my grandson Walter went missing?"

They had already spoken of that. But he humored her. "Yes. I was at the clinic shortly after he returned."

"Then explain to me, if you will, why he disappeared. It's bothering me, and no one will satisfy my curiosity. It's not something our family does, you know. Causing a scandal. It was really selfish of Walter, in my view. I wish I could understand it."

"Perhaps you should ask him," Rutledge answered gently. "The police were pleased that he was safe and unharmed. Now I'm trying to find one Peter Teller, whose wife Florence lived in Lancas.h.i.+re."

"Is he missing as well? Such a pity. When did he go missing?"

"I'm told he never returned from the war."

"How sad. Walter was in the war, of course. A chaplain. Peter was with the Army, and he still has shrapnel in his hip and leg. Nearly died of his wounds. Edwin couldn't be in the fighting, of course, but he was in charge of s.h.i.+pping and materiel. I couldn't sleep at night, worrying about Peter. And then the Zeppelins came, and I was sent to the country to stay with George and Annie. But I still couldn't sleep."

Hamish said, "She doesna' ken what you're asking."

Rutledge asked, "Who are George and Annie?"

"George Darley is my sister Evelyn's grandson. Susannah's brother. Annie is his wife. Evelyn and I were twins. I still miss her terribly. They say that twins do."

Another thread that went nowhere.

"When was Peter wounded?"

"The spring before the Armistice. I remember that well. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The Germans must have chosen that. It's very like them. They have quite orderly minds, you know. We still observe two minutes of silence on that date."

"Does Peter have a namesake in the family?"

"Oh, no, dear. Walter's son is named for his great-grandfather. My husband."

Rutledge found himself at a loss.

"Of course, my husband's grandfather was the black sheep in the family. He killed three men in duels and had to flee to the Continent for several years. My mother-in-law told me that it was feared he'd come home with an Italian wife, because he appeared to spend so much time in Venice. But in the end, he was sensible and married a girl from Dorset. Quite a good family too. Everyone was amazed that she'd accept the proposal of such a scoundrel."

"Then the connection with Dorset was on your mother-in-law's side, not the Tellers?"

"Didn't I just tell you? You must pay attention, young man. My husband's people were from Ess.e.x."

"Thank you for your help, Mrs. Teller," he said, rising. "I apologize again for disturbing you at this late hour."

"But you haven't had your tea, my boy. Surely you'll stay for tea?" She reached for the small silver bell by her chair. "I like having someone call on me. Not many people do, these days. And Evelyn is dead, you know. I miss her so."

The maid appeared at the door.

"Could we have tea, do you think?" Mrs. Teller asked, turning to speak to her.

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