Doctor Who_ The Mind Of Evil Part 10

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'I'm sure of it.'

'Well, I hope so. We've even had UNIT down here investigating.'

The Master raised an eyebrow. 'Oh, really?'

'Yes, their Scientific Adviser is on his way down here now.'

The Master smiled. 'There's no need to trouble him, I a.s.sure you.' He tapped the big square briefcase at his feet.

'As you can see, I've brought my own equipment.'

'Let me take you to the Process Chamber.'

As the Master rose, he said, 'One thing before we go. I gather that the man who led the riot is next in line for the Process?'

'That's right, Harry Mailer.'

'Then I'd like to see him first of all, if I may?'

'Yes, of course.'

There was something about Professor Keller, reflected the Governor, that made it impossible to refuse him anything...

Harry Mailer was was.h.i.+ng his face at the basin in the corner when the door opened and the Governor, Chief Prison Officer Powers, and a bearded stranger came into the cell.

The Governor nodded to the two warders. 'All right, Johnson, Samuels, you can wait outside.'

Puzzled, the two warders left the cell. Powers followed, saying warningly, 'We'll be right outside, Mailer, so just watch yourself.'

The Governor said, 'Let us know when you've finished with him, Professor Keller.'

The Governor, too, left the cell, and the door was closed, leaving Mailer alone with the bearded stranger.

'He said "Keller",' said Mailer slowly. 'You're the bloke who invented the Machine. Pus.h.i.+ng your luck, aren't you?'

The bearded man seemed amused. 'Well, perhaps I am, a little.'

Mailer advanced menacingly. 'Well, you'd better watch it, mate.' He made a sudden grab for the newcomer, who reached out almost casually, caught his wrist with one hand, and forced him down across the bed. Mailer found himself quite helpless, unable to move a muscle. 'What the ' Smiling, the bearded man released him. 'Shut up, Mailer,' he said pleasantly. 'I've come to help you. You want to get out of here, don't you?'

Sulkily Mailer rubbed his wrist. 'I already tried that.'

'Yes, I heard about that pathetic little attempt. Doomed to failure. No proper plan, no resources.'

As he spoke, the newcomer laid his briefcase on the bed and opened it. To his amazement, Mailer saw that the case held several grenades, automatic revolvers, and what looked like a number of gas masks.

'Let me introduce myself, Mailer,' said the newcomer briskly. 'I am the Master and you and I are going to cause a great deal of havoc in this prison.'

'Just you and me alone?'

The Master smiled. 'Well, not entirely. We have a powerful ally.'

In the Process Chamber the Keller Machine began throbbing angrily, as if aware of the violence to come.

Waves of terror began spreading through the prison.

Waiting rather uneasily outside the cell, the Governor and the others heard the now-familiar yelling and banging from the cells. 'They're starting up again, Mr Green,' said Powers wearily. 'See if you can quieten them will you?'

'They probably think we're going to process Mailer right away,' said the Governor. He turned to the two warders. 'You two stay here, ready to let the Professor out.

Come along Mr Powers, let's see if we can calm them down.'

The Governor and Powers moved away. 'That'll do there!' shouted Powers. 'Quieten down, will you, nothing's happening...'

In the cell the Master was completing Mailer's briefing.

'You'll find more arms and ammunition in the boot of my car. Don't forget, Mailer, you're responsible for taking over the main gate. Outwardly, I want this prison to appear to be running normally. I'm expecting a visitor, you see. Now, are you ready? You understand what to do?'

Mailer nodded. 'Got it.'

The Master rapped on the cell door and called. 'Right, I'm ready to come out now.'

The warder opened the door. To his astonishment he found himself facing two grotesquely masked figures. One of them threw something at his feet, there was a plop and a hiss, a cloud of smoke and the warder knew no more.

Mailer and the Master dashed from the cell. Another gas-grenade exploded at the feet of the second guard, who fell without a sound. As Mailer ran along the corridor, he saw the Governor descending the stairs.

Immediately, Mailer raised his automatic, and shot him down. Chief Officer Powers was close behind the Governor. Seeing what had happened, he turned and ran for the alarm just along the corridor. As his fingers touched the alarm, Mailer shot him in the back...

This time the prison break went according to plan the Master's plan. Vosper and the rest of Mailer's cronies were released and armed. Warders were shot down and ga.s.sed as soon as they were encountered. The revolt spread with amazing speed. A party of prisoners broke out into the yard, secured yet more arms from the Master's car, and began distributing them throughout the prison.

Prisoners were released and armed, and they in turn released and armed more prisoners. In a surprisingly short s.p.a.ce of time, the whole prison had been taken over.

As the fighting died down, the Master stood at the top of the steps leading to the main prison area and raised his voice. 'The rest of you, stay where you are until the gas clears. Get down on the floor. Don't worry, you'll all be released in time. The prison is in our hands!'

He ran to a nearby wall phone, ripped out the lead and began attaching a complex electronic device...

In the prison infirmary, Jo and Doctor Summers had just finished settling Barnham back into his bed.

When the alarm sounded, they felt as if they were having the same nightmare twice in one night. 'Oh, no, not again,' groaned Jo.

Summers went to the phone. 'I'd better see what's happening.' He rattled the receiver rest. 'Operator?

Operator? Look, will someone put me through to the Governor '

An electronic screech pierced his ears, and he staggered back, dropping the phone. 'What the devil...'

'Come on,' said Jo. 'We'd better get out of here.'

As they moved to the door it opened, revealing Vosper, an automatic pistol in his hand. He advanced towards Jo, smiling evilly. 'There's no escape this time, love. We've taken over the whole prison...'

The Master stood on the top of the steps, looking around him in satisfaction, as dead or unconscious prison warders were stripped of their uniforms and locked away out of sight.

Armed prisoners were disguising themselves as warders, revelling in their new roles. Already, fake warders had taken over the security arrangements at the main gate.

The Master smiled, rubbing his hands. 'Now then, Doctor, I'm ready for you!'


The Test The Doctor drove up to the main gate and submitted to the usual rigmarole with spy-camera and pa.s.s. It seemed to take a little longer this time for some reason.

The gate was opened and as the Doctor drove under the arch, a uniformed figure jumped into the back of the car and jabbed a rifle at his head.

'Don't point that thing at me!' said the Doctor indignantly. 'I'm here on official business. I understand there's been some trouble in here.'

'That's right, and you're in it. Now, let's get this heap inside.'

Suddenly the Doctor realised that the man wasn't a warder, he was a prisoner. Calmly the Doctor moved the rifle-barrel out of line with his head. 'I was going there anyway,' he said with dignity, and drove along the ring-road towards the inner courtyard.

The main door clanged shut behind him.

A few minutes later, armed prisoners were shoving the Doctor into the Governor's office.

The figure at the desk was turned away from him.

Suddenly the swivel chair swung round, revealing the face of the Master. He waved the prisoners away. 'All right, Vosper, Mailer...'

The Doctor dropped into a chair. 'Yes, I thought as much.'

The Master looked disappointed. 'You don't seem very surprised?'

'Hardly. How's the riot going?'

'Long since over,' said the Master proudly. 'I now have control of the entire prison.'

'And where's Jo Grant?'

'In our best cell.'

'Is she indeed?' The Doctor leaned forward. 'If you so much as touch a hair on her head, I'll...'

Suddenly there was a gun in the Master's hand. 'You'll do nothing, Doctor, or I'll put bullets through both your hearts.'

The Doctor raised a hand in temporary surrender. 'All right, all right. Why the delay I take it I'm to be killed eventually?'

'Eventually, yes, Doctor. But for the moment, I need your help.'

'To control that Machine of yours Professor Keller?

You want to be careful, one day it'll end up killing you.'

'Oh, it won't harm me,' said the Master boastfully. 'I created it, after all. But I admit, it has developed something of a will of its own. You, I am sure, have the ability to control it while I am engaged on other business.'

'What other business?'

'Your UNIT friends, Doctor, are transporting a nerve-gas missile. I intend to take it away from them.'

The Doctor shook his head. 'It's a lunatic-sounding scheme still, I suppose that's only to be expected.'

The Master smiled. 'Come now, Doctor, let's not be petty. How can I fail? I launch the missile, wipe out the Peace Conference, the great Powers will blame each other and the world will be at war.'

The Master leaned back, preening himself and the Doctor tipped the desk over on top of him.

Cat-quick reflexes enabled the Master to avoid being pinned down. But the effort cost him his balance and he crashed over backwards on his chair.

Gun in hand he scrambled to his feet and slipped and fell in the pool of water from the Governor's overturned carafe. He scrambled to his feet again, saw a cloaked figure looming over him and fired...

There was a hollow clang. The Doctor had whipped off his cape and draped it over the suit of armour in the corner. Before the Master could recover from his surprise, the Doctor was disappearing through the door.

The Master started to follow, changed his mind, ran to the window and shouted to Mailer, who was patrolling on top of the wall. 'The Doctor's escaping stop him!'

Mailer waved an acknowledgement and suddenly the Doctor shot out of a doorway and began sprinting across the courtyard.

Mailer threw his rifle to his shoulder and fired. The bullet kicked up dust at the Doctor's heels. Immediately he began zig-zagging wildly, dodging in and out amongst the parked vehicles.

Mailer fired again, and yet again.

A final burst of speed, and the Doctor disappeared through an arched doorway on the other side of the yard.

The Master turned from the window and hurried away.

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