Lyra: Caught In Crystal Part 8

Lyra: Caught In Crystal -

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Two of Kaylas most importunate problems distracted her at that moment by throwing b.a.l.l.s of snow at her. Kaylas dodge was too slow, and the snow spattered against her shoulder. She laughed and called Mark and Dara to order. Mark objected, but Kayl was firm; she did not want them catching innocent pa.s.sers-by with their missiles.

aI have better aim than that!a Mark said indignantly.

aPossibly,a Kayl said. aBut I still say no. Thereall be other times.a aHuh.a Mark kicked, sending a fat lump of snow skittering into the street. aYou said that last year, and all the snow melted.a aYou forget that Kith Alunel is considerably farther north than Copeham,a Kayl said. aAnd winter is just beginning. In another month the Frost Fair will start.a aFrost Fair? Whatas that?a aItas a little like the Fall Festivals, only much larger. There are flame-jugglers, ice sculptors, knife-throwers, and all kinds of entertainers. People come from all over; even the King and his court spend a day or two at the Frost Fair. Youall see it, if weare still here in a month.a aReally? Will you take us?a aI suppose,a Kayl said with a mock show of reluctance. aIf you and Dara are interested.a She glanced back and stopped. aWhereas Dara?a aShe was here a minute ago.a Kayl frowned, feeling annoyed and mildly worried. aWead better go back a little. If she gets lost in Kith Alunelaa aOh, Mother,a Mark said in an even-a-mother-should-know-better tone. aDara wonat get lost. Thereas hardly any people, and she knows which way weare going.a aCome on, Mark,a Kayl said firmly. aAnd look carefully; I donat want to miss her.a They headed back toward the scene of the aborted snow-fight. Kayl was beginning to feel the first stirrings of real anxiety when she saw Dara on the opposite side of the street, talking to a tall man in a voluminous dark green cloak.

aDara!a Kayl called. The girl turned and her face lit. Kayl started across the street, pausing to let a litter pa.s.s by. When she reached the other side, Dara was alone.

aOh, Mother, Iam glad you came back!a Dara said before Kayl could say anything. aI was getting worried about finding you again.a aWhat happened?a Kayl asked.

aThat man stopped me. He said head seen us come out of the Star Hall, and he kept asking me questions and wouldnat let me leave.a aI see.a Kayl looked quickly up and down the street, but there was no sign of the green-cloaked man. aI think we had better head back to the inn now,a she said briskly. aItas getting colder, and Glyndon will be wondering where we are.a aIam not cold, and I want to see the Palace!a Mark objected.

aTomorrow,a Kayl said, and started for the inn. She kept a sharp eye on both children during the remainder of the walk, and tried with what was left of her attention to determine whether anyone was following them. She did not see anyone, but it was a relief when they reached the inn at last.

Kayl shook out her cloak with a sigh of pleasure; it felt good to be somewhere warm. She looked around and saw Glyndon talking to the innkeeper on the other side of the room. He was wearing his cloak, and his staff was leaning up against the counter. He was squinting in the light from the windows, and every time someone slammed the door of the inn he flinched. Kayl grinned knowingly to herself. She sent Mark and Dara to sit at one of the tables, then went over to join the conversation.

aGood day, slug-a-bed,a she said as she came up behind Glyndon.

Glyndon jumped, then winced and half raised a hand to his head. He turned, looking sheepish and rather guilty. aUm, good day yourself, Kayl.a Kayl smiled and glanced at the innkeeper. aCould I trouble you for something to eat for those two?a she asked, nodding toward Mark and Dara. aTheyave been running around like Thar raiders all morning, and theyare liable to starve to death if they donat get something soon.a The innkeeper chuckled. aI know what you mean; Iave three of my own that are much the same. Iall take care of it as soon as Iave finished adding up his score for this gentleman.a aAdding upa Youare leaving?a she said to Glyndon in surprise.

Glyndon s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably. aIad planned to, yes.a aWhy?a aI just thought it would be better if I went somewhere else.a aBetter how?a aLast nightaa aSo you got drunk. Iave seen you drunk before, and last night wasnat one of your worst. You didnat even say anything offensive, that I remember.a Glyndon gave her a long, searching look, then took a deep breath and blew it out. aNever mind. Iave decided to stay.a He grinned at her suddenly. aJoin me for breakfast?a Kayl sighed in exaggerated exasperation. aFor us, itas lunch. Oh, come on; I suppose the sooner you get some food, the sooner youall get rid of that hangover.a aHow do you know Ia"a aI told you, Iave seen you drunk before,a Kayl said meaningfully, and grinned. aOver this way.a They joined Mark and Dara beside the fire. The innkeeper brought them a loaf of dark, crusty bread, a slab of creamy yellow cheese, and four pottery mugs of ale. Kayl cut chunks for everyone. aDid you get my note?a Kayl asked Glyndon as the innkeeper walked away from the table.

Glyndon nodded with some care. aWhat did the Sisterhood want you for?a The children looked at Kayl expectantly. Kayl sighed. aTheyad called a council of the Elder Mothers, and they wanted me there as head victim. I have a lot to tell you, but not here.a aMother!a Mark protested. aYou canat just send us off somewhere and not tell us anything. Itas not fair!a aDid I say I was going to do that?a Kayl asked.

aWell, no, buta"a aThere are some odd things going on, Mark, and some of them are very serious. I donat think a public room is a good place to discuss them. Particularly after what happened on the way here.a aWhatas that?a Glyndon asked sharply.

Kayl looked around uneasily. The room was nearly empty; the innkeeper and the other two customers were crowded around the counter, arguing amicably about the proper way of making winter wine. Kayl looked back at Glyndon. aA man in a green cloak stopped Dara and asked her a lot of questions about the Star Hall.a aI see.a Glyndon looked at Dara. aAnd what did you tell him?a aNothing much,a Dara said.

aWhat does that mean?a Kayl asked.

aWell, he acted as if I were stupid or something. So I pretended I was, and kept repeating things and correcting myself and going on about things like how much Iad rather wear red than gray.a She grinned suddenly, and Kayl was reminded vividly of Kevran in one of his mischievous moods. aHe didnat like me much. I think he was getting annoyed.a aI bet he was a spy,a Mark said.

aItas entirely possible,a Glyndon told him.

Markas eyes widened. He opened his mouth, then shut it again, looking very thoughtful. Kayl closed her eyes briefly; all she needed now was for Mark to go looking for Daraas mystery man. She resolved to have a long talk with him very soon. In the meantime, she had more pressing worries. aCan you describe this man, Dara?a aHe had a mustache, and his hair was dark. He was just a man.a aWhat kinds of things did he ask about?a Kayl went on.

Dara frowned, concentrating. aWhat the Star Hall was like, how many Sisters did we see, what did we do, what did people talk about. Things like that.a Kayl and Glyndon exchanged glances. aWeall have to tell the Sisterhood,a Kayl said. aYou did well, Dara, and Iam proud of you.a aI couldave done better,a Mark muttered under his breath.

Kayl decided to have her talk with him that evening, sooner if possible. aThere seems to be no harm done. Still, I want you two to be careful about discussing the Sisterhood and what goes on in the Star Hall, even between the two of you. I suppose I should have made a point of this before, but it didnat seem particularly necessary.a Mark and Dara nodded in unison. aGood,a Kayl said. aNow, if youare all finished eating, I think we should continue this conversation upstairs. You, too, Glyndon.a The children were subdued as they rose and followed Kayl. Glyndon brought up the rear. Kayl waited until they were all inside her room, then said, aGlyndon, would you mind warding the room?a Glyndon looked startled, but he nodded. Mark and Dara watched in fascination as the wizard made a series of intricate before the window, then repeated them in front of the door. He spoke three unfamiliar words and struck his staff lightly against the floor. The draft from the cracks in the window shutters ceased abruptly.

aAll secure,a Glyndon said, leaning his staff against the wall.

aThank you,a Kayl replied with a glance at the window.

aMy pleasure,a Glyndon said, and bowed.

aSit down and let me tell you whatas been happening.a Glyndon settled himself cross-legged on the floor beside the children and looked at her. Kayl took a deep breath and started. She covered most of the important things she had learned at the Star Hall, stopping occasionally to clarify something for Mark or Dara. She hesitated briefly when she came to Barthelmyas revelation about the waning power of the Sisterhoodas magic, then included it in her narrative anyway. The Sisterhood might not trust Glyndon, but Kayl did.

She did not, however, mention whatever had happened to her memory; that would have to wait until she could speak with Glyndon alone. She did not want Mark and Dara fussing over her, or casting worried looks at her back, and they would certainly do both if she let them get the idea that something was wrong with her.

Glyndon stopped her only once. aAre you sure you want these two to have all the details?a he asked, nodding at Mark and Dara.

The children made protesting noises. Kayl raised a hand to stop them and said, aOne way or another, this is going to affect Mark and Dara as much as it affects me. I want them to understand whatas happening. And theyare old enough to be trusted not to let things slip in the wrong places.a Mark and Dara exchanged glances and sat up straighter, looking solemn. Kayl went back to her narrative. When she reached the Ri Astar Diary and the Elder Mothersa cryptic comments regarding it, Glyndon turned white. She looked at him inquiringly, but he gestured for her to finish. She did so, then said, aNow, Glyndon, why did the Ri Astar Diary hit you so hard?a aI have to see that scroll, Kayl,a Glyndon said. aI have to. If itas that old, if it has information about the Tower, I might be able to understandaa His voice trailed off and he gestured aimlessly with one hand.

Kayl stared at him, appalled by her own thoughtlessness. She had been so intent on the Sisterhood and its plans that she had forgotten Glydonas visions. aI can try, Glyndon,a she said after a moment. aBut you know how the Sisterhood feels about Varnans.a aYou say they spoke of a crystal?a Glyndon said as though he had not heard. aI have to see that book!a aGlyndon!a Kayl said sharply.

He blinked, then looked at her. aSorry,a he said apologetically. aItas just that, well, it means a lot to me.a aI can see that. Iall do what I can.a Kayl sat up suddenly. aWhich reminds me, I have something else I want you to look at. Kevranas rod.a aYou have it with you?a Glyndon said, sounding surprised.

aDid you think Iad leave it at the inn for the Magicseekers to find?a Kayl snagged the bundle with the rod in the bottom and dug through it until she found the carefully wrapped package.

aWhat is it?a Mark demanded, staring at the oilcloth as if he could see through it if he looked hard enough.

aItas the rod your father used to channel his magic,a Kayl said. She looked at Glyndon. aEvery time I touch it, Ia remember things. Mainly the trip to the Tower.a aIt shouldnat be doing that. Youare sure itas the rod itself, not just a.s.sociations?a Glyndon said. There were harsh edges to his voice, but his tone was gentle.

aIam sure.a aCan I try it?a Mark asked.

aNo.a Kayl pa.s.sed the package to Glyndon, taking care not to dislodge the wrappings.

Glyndon stared at it for a moment. aI suppose Iad better look at it,a he said finally, and laid back the folds of oilcloth.

Mark leaned forward eagerly as the dark, s.h.i.+ny wood came into view. Dara was looking at Kayl with a troubled frown. aMother, why didnat you ever tell us about any of this?a she said.

aThere was no reason to,a Kayl said.

aThere was no reason not to!a aI thought there was.a aWhat?a aI donat think this is the time to go into it. Latera"a aLater, later, you always say youall explain later and you never do!a Dara said angrily.

aThatas enough, Dara,a Kayl said quietly. aI said wead discuss it later, and thatas the end of the matter.a Dara sat back on her heels, her expression mutinous. Kayl waited until she was sure her daughter was not going to try to press matters, then turned away, feeling tired and a little guilty.

The rod lay on the bare floorboards. Glyndon knelt beside it, scrutinizing it with his hands clasped behind his back to avoid an accidental touch. He looked up as Kaylas head turned. aNothingas changed in its appearance, and I canat find any traces of magic lingering on it. Would you mind demonstrating?a aIf you insist,a Kayl said. Seeing Glyndonas expression, she added quickly, aItas not that bad, Glyndon. Theyare only memories. Just tell me when.a Glyndon started to say something, then stopped short and simply gestured Kayl toward the rod. She leaned over and brushed her fingers across it.

The man was tall and lean, with gray eyes and dark hair that was just beginning to show streaks of gray. Kayl watching him closely as he talked, letting her companions ask most of the questions.

aYes, I know the mountains well,a he told Beshara. His voice was smooth as currant wine, and surprisingly deep for such a lean man. aIave lived in them all my life.a Kayl blinked. Was there an undercurrent of anger in his last few words? Her eyes narrowed and she leaned forward as Beshara smiled and said, aWould you feel capable of acting as our guide, then?a aIam capable enough,a the man said pleasantly, abut Iam no guide. I can direct you, though, if thatas what you need.a aThat is what we need. Among other things,a Beshara murmured.

aThis is ridiculous,a Barthelmy snapped. aAsk him what we want to know, or let him go, but in the starsa name stop sidling around the question!a aBarthelmy.a Evla put a soothing hand on her arm.

aShe has a point,a Kevran said quietly.

Beshara glanced at him and shrugged. aOh, very well, do as you like.a Kevran turned to the dark-haired man, who had been watching the exchange with interest. aWe are, as you may have guessed, searching for something. We know it is somewhere in the Windhome Mountains, and we suspect that it isa unusual.a aNot much of a description,a the man commented.

aNo, but we are hoping you can suggest a place to start looking.a Kevran smiled wryly. aThe Windhome Mountains are a lot to search, otherwise.a The dark-haired man hesitated. aThereas a place I know of,a he said, and stopped.

aTell us. Please,a Varevice said.

aItas a valley, a little less than two weeksa ride north and east of here,a the man said reluctantly. aThereas a towera Itas an evil place; no one lives there. Those who know of it avoid it.a Kevran exchanged glances with Beshara and Varevice. aItas somewhere to start, and itas in the right area,a he said. He turned back to the dark-haired man. aCan you tell us how to find it? Weall pay well for the information.a The man looked startled, and his eyes darkened. For a moment, Kayl thought he was going to refuse; then he said, aI will tell you how to reach the valley, but I will not take your money for it.a aSo?a Beshara raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. aAs you wish. Are you lettered? Write out your directions, then, and give them to Kevran there in the morning, and we will thank you for it.a The man nodded and turned away. As he pa.s.sed Kayl on his way out, she heard him mutter, aFor this, there should be no thanks.a * * *

Kaylas fingers b.u.mped against the floor of the room, and she blinked. Mark and Dara were looking at her with wary fascination. aThat was weird,a Mark said tentatively.

Kayl smiled at him. aYou donat know how right you are.a She looked at Glyndon. aDid you find out anything?a aSomething happened, but Iam not sure what,a Glyndon admitted. aWhat was it like?a aLike daydreaming, I suppose,a Kayl said. aI remembered the inn where Beshara found the man who told us about the Tower and the valley.a aMmm.a Glyndon looked down at the rod. aI suppose the next step is obvious,a he said, half to himself. As he spoke, he reached forward. Kaylas protest was a fraction of a second too late to keep him from touching the rod.

Glyndon went white to the lips. Kayl knocked his hand away from the rod, then caught him as he swayed sideways and almost fell on top of it. He gasped and went limp in her arms. Frightened, she shook him. He did not move at once, and for a moment, she thought he had lost consciousness. Then he shuddered and pushed himself back up to his knees.

Kayl steadied him briefly, then let her hand drop. aSee if thereas any water left in the wash pitcher, Mark,a she said.

aThatas not necessary,a Glyndon said, raising his head.

Mark looked uncertainly from Glyndon to his mother. Kayl nodded. Glyndon was still white, but she could tell from the set of his shoulders that he was going to be stubborn, and there was no point in getting Mark caught in a tug-of-war.

aThank you,a Glyndon said as Mark settled back. He looked at Kayl and there was a gleam of amus.e.m.e.nt on his face. aI do believe you are right about this thing,a he said, indicating the rod.

aGood of you to admit it,a Kayl said, grinning back at him in relief. She wanted to ask what he had seen or remembered, but could not quite bring herself to do so.

aThe question now is why.a Glyndon stared speculatively at the rod, curiosity chasing the signs of strain from his face.

aKevran said something once, a long time agoa. I wonder if he ever did it?a aGlyndon!a Kayl said in much the same tone she used to Mark and Dara. aMake sense.a aHmmm? Oh. Itas just an idea. Kevran was experimenting for a while with using different woods and herbs and so on as channels. He said once that he was going to have a compartment made in his rod, so he could see what effects he could get by using two different things at once.a As he spoke, Glyndon picked up the oiled cloth that had wrapped the rod. He covered his hands with it and picked up the rod. For a long moment, he studied it, turning it over and staring down the length of it, then s.h.i.+fting it so the light caught it at different angles. Then he let his breath out in a little exclamation of satisfaction. He slid his hands along the oiled cloth to either end of the rod and gave a sudden, sharp twist.

The center of the rod came apart along a clean line. Kayl leaned forward. The joining had been painstakingly made; when the two halves were fitted together the crack was all but invisible. The left half of the rod ended in a short, grooved protuberance like the tang of a knife, but the right half of the rod had been hollowed out for some way. Kayl could see dried moss filling the cavity.

Glyndon set the solid half of the rod on the floor. aHave you got something I can use to pull this out?a he asked, indicating the moss-packed hole. aUnder the circ.u.mstances, Iad rather not use my fingers.a aHere,a Mark said before Kayl could reply. He pulled his dagger from his belt and offered it hilt-first to Glyndon. aWill this do?a aVery well, I think,a Glyndon said, taking the dagger. He picked at the moss with the daggeras point, then turned the rod over and shook it.

A shower of powdery moss fragments fell out of the hole. Glyndon muttered something and hit the rod sharply with the hilt of the dagger. A wad of moss dropped out and something hit the floor with a rattle. Kayl leaned forward. Something gleamed up at her from the center of the dry debris.

It was a piece of crystal about the size of her thumbnail.



Kayl leaned closer, staring at the crystal. Three sides were perfectly flat and intersected at right angles, forming three straight edges. The fourth side was slightly curved and had an irregular rim, as though the crystal had been chippeda or as though it was a chip of something larger.

She looked up. Glyndon was staring at the bit of crystal and his face was gray. For a moment she thought he was aseeinga things again, and she went cold. aGlyndon?a she said softly. aDo you know what that is?a aIa"no, it canat bea"I donata"a aGlyndon! Whatas the matter with you? What canat it be?a aIt canat be from the Twisted Tower,a Glyndon whispered, his eyes still fixed on the piece of crystal. aIt canat be!a aIs it magic?a Mark said curiously. aIt doesnat look like anything special to me.a aDo you think you can tell whether something is magic just by staring at it?a Dara said scornfully.

aDonat touch it!a Kayl said as Mark leaned forward, frowning.

aI wasnat going to,a Mark said in an injured tone. aI was just looking.a aLook from a little farther away, then.a Kayl turned to Glyndon, who had recovered some of his color. aThe same thought occurred to mea"that crystal the Elder Mothers were talking about. But Kevran couldnat have found anything in the Tower without the rest of us knowing.a aI suppose so,a Glyndon said without conviction.

Kayl gave him a sharp look. aDo you know something I donat?a Glyndonas head came up. aQuite a lot,a he said with the ghost of a smile. aUnless youave spent a couple of years studying on Varna since the last time we met.a aGlyndon! Be serious. Did Kevran go back to the Tower that first night, when I thought he was helping you?a aNo,a Glyndon said flatly. His voice held an undercurrent of relief. aKevran was with me all night.a aThen thereas no way that crystal could be from the Twisted Tower. None.a Kayl wondered whether she was trying harder to convince Glyndon or to convince herself. She looked down at the crystal again and said slowly, aI suppose youare sure that this is what was making Kevranas rod do whatever it was doing?a aQuite sure.a Glyndon picked up the two halves of the rod, one in each hand, and joined them together again. aSee? Thereas nothing special about it now.a aIt was Fatheras!a Dara said indignantly.

aThen can I have it?a Mark said almost simultaneously.

aNot now,a Kayl said to Mark. She was beginning to wish she had sent the children somewhere else, anywhere else, while she and Glyndon discussed the rod. Not that she had anywhere to send them. She looked down at the crystal and sighed. aI suppose we ought to make sure,a she said, half to herself, and reached toward it.

aKayl!a Glyndon said in alarm. He bent forward hastily, also reaching for the crystal. Simultaneously, their fingers touched it.

The circular room was full of light. Large, arched windows were s.p.a.ced at regular intervals around the curving walls, providing an uninspiring view of the dead valley below. The side wall where the stairway came up was covered with a tapestry in cream and crimson, and more tapestries hung between the windows. A cream-colored frieze circled the wall just below the high, domed ceiling. The only furnis.h.i.+ngs were a marble bench on one side and the waist-high pedestal in the center of the room, where the huge crystal cube rested. The place should have seemed pleasant and airy; instead, Kayl felt as if she were standing in a tomb.

The wizards were all cl.u.s.tered around the pedestal, muttering over the crystal. Kevran was taking measurements, while Glyndon hunched over one side, feeling for any irregularities in the surface. Varevice and Beshara seemed to be arguing about something; Evla was staring into the cube as if she were in a trance. Only Barthelmy and Kayl hung back. Barthelmy watched Odevan standing behind his mistress in an att.i.tude of respectful attention. Kayl prowled the perimeter of the room, looking for conventional, nonmagical threats.

aI give up,a Kevran said at last. aThe thingas a perfect cube, as near as I can tell, and thatas all I can tell.a aYouave done better than I have,a Varevice said sourly. aIave done every spell I can think of, and that lump of rock is still just a lump of rock.a aOdevan!a Beshara said peremptorily. aCan you see anything?a The sklathranasy came forward and pressed his long, spidery fingers against the top of the crystal. aNo, Mistress.a aCould it be witch-gla.s.s?a Evla asked. aI canat think of anything else thatas so dead to magic.a Beshara looked speculatively at the Crystal. aI hadnat thought of that, but youare probably right. Itas a pity, in a way; weall have to destroy it now.a aDestroy it?a Glyndon said, looking up from his crouch beside the cube. aWhy?a aBesharaas right,a Varevice said reluctantly. aIf it is witch-gla.s.s, a lump this size would account for that odd echo in the Elder Mothersa seeing spells.a aNot to mention the blur in the ones the High Mage cast,a Beshara put in. aIam afraid the only way of stopping the interference is to break the cube up into smaller chunks.a aI donat think thatas a good idea,a Glyndon said. aEspecially since we still arenat sure what this really is.a aHave you some alternate suggestion?a Beshara asked sweetly.

aWe could try breaking off a small piece to test,a Kevran said. aThat ought to at least tell us what the cube is made of.a aBut that will spoil the cube!a Glyndon objected.

aI donat like the idea either, but I think itas the only way weall ever find out what we need to know,a Varevice said.

aAnd itas better than just breaking it up.a Evla nodded agreement. Glyndon looked from one to another, then threw up his hands. aAll right, then, go ahead. You will anyway. Just donat slip and hit me instead.a He crouched and began again his examination of the Crystalas surface, his palms pressed flat against one vertical side of the cube.

aEveryone agrees, then?a Kevran asked, looking at the other magicians. aAll right.a He drew his dagger and raised it over his head, then brought it down, hilt first, in a hard, sharp blow on one corner of the crystal cube. The Crystal rang with a high, pure note, but did not break. Kevran raised the dagger and brought it down again.

With a loud crack, a small corner of the cube broke off. The ringing of the crystal filled the chamber, still a single high note but without the same purity. Momentarily, it mingled with Glyndonas scream of anguish; then he collapsed forward over the top of the crystal cube, his hands still pressed against its surface.

Evla was on her feet at once, bending over the unconscious Varnan. Kayl started forward to see if she could help.

aBehind you!a Barthelmyas cry of warning snapped Kaylas attention away from Glyndon. She turned, and took an involuntary step backward.

A thick, dull blackness was oozing from the wall behind her. It spread rapidly, forming a dark, wet curtain that shut out the light from the windows, then began creeping forward like a cat stalking. Kayl drew her sword and backed away. The blackness wiggled and moved up another foot. She heard screams and shouting behind her, but she could not take her attention off of the black thing long enough to glance around. Somehow she was certain that if she did, it would engulf her.

The thing moved forward. The light in the room dimmed as it blocked more of the windows. Kayl cut at it with her sword, but the blackness closed behind the blade like flowing together behind a knife. She slashed at it again, and again, and felt the balance of her blade change in her hand. She looked down and saw that the metal was dull and pitted, and the edge of the sword visibly eaten away.

She retreated again and glanced around. Her companions, except for Glyndon, were casting spell after spell at the dripping black curtain, with no apparent effect. The blackness covered half the chamber wall nowa"including the door to the stairway. They were trapped.

A long tendril whipped out from the blackness and wrapped itself around Odevanas waist. The demon screamed in agony and tore at it with his hands. Beshara and Barthelmy cried out together, but it was Beshara who dove forward to grab Odevanas arm. With her free hand she sent a gout of fire at the tentacle. The blackness continued to draw Odevan closer, and Beshara with him. She did not release her hold, even when the black thing overwhelmed them.

Kayl wanted to turn her head away, but she did not dare. Another tentacle flashed toward her; she slashed at it and deflected it enough to dodge the rest of the way out of its path. She heard Evla scream, and her heart contracted.

Glyndon was leaning heavily against the crystal, shaking his head as if to clear it. Kayl shouted at him to do something; they needed everyone, even a groggy Varnan wizard. Then a wave of mental agony struck her and she staggered, knowing that one of her star-sisters was dead. The blackness oozed closer, and Kayl slashed at it angrily, hopelessly, uselesslya.

aMother? Mother, are you all right? Mother?a Daraas voice, growing more and more frantic, brought Kayl back to herself. The crystal had rolled a little away from her hand and Glyndonas; looking at it, she shuddered. She forced herself to look up and meet Daraas worried gaze. aItas all right, Dara. Iam fine. I think.a aAre you sure? You lookedaa Dara stopped, shaking her head for lack of any better description.

aThereas no harm done,a Kayl said. She glanced across at Glyndon, then turned back to Dara. aWould you and Mark go down and get a couple of mugs of wine from the innkeeper? It will break the warding, but I donat think that matters much anymore, and Glyndon and I could use them.a Mark and Dara exchanged glances, and Dara nodded. They slipped out of the room. Kayl looked back at Glyndon as the door closed. aAre you all right? You look a littleaa She made an ambiguous gesture.

aIam fine,a Glyndon said with an attempt at a smile. aI think that thing just brought back the worst effects of last nightas ale.a aMaybe next time you wonat drink so much of it, then,a Kayl said, trying to match his tone. aAnd I thought you told me it was winter wine.a aIt was.a Glyndon shook his head experimentally. aAt least the effects of the crystal donat last as long as the effects of the wine. What did it do to you?a aNothing like that, but then I wasnat drinking last night. This time I remembered a circular room at the top of the Twisted Tower, with a big cube of crystal.a Glyndon looked up quickly. aI saw the same thing. A visionaa aThat was no vision,a Kayl said flatly. aIt was a memory. An impossible memory. We never got past the door at the top of the stairs; the black thing was waiting for us.a Glyndon did not answer. Kayl stared at him, an unwelcome suspicion growing in her mind. aWe never got past the top of the stairs,a she repeated. aDid we?a Glyndon looked miserable. aKayl, please donat ask me.a aThen explain to me how I can remember something that never happened.a aI canat.a aCanat or wonat? What did you do while I was fighting that black thing?a aI donat know!a Glyndon all but shouted.

Kayl studied him, and the anguished self-doubt in his expression shook her to the core. aTell me what you do know, then,a she said in a quieter voice.

aI tried to use the Crystal,a Glyndon said. aI thought the black thing was its guardian; thatas why it appeared when Kevran knocked the chip off the corner of the Crystal. I thought if I could reach the black thing through the Crystal somehowa It didnat work.a aBut you did do something.a aI donat know what or how. I donat remember anything about the Twisted Tower after I tried to reach into the Crystal, except for some vague images of fighting on the stairs.a aNone of us seem to remember that fight very clearly,a Kayl said in a grim tone. aBut youave known about the Tower room and the Crystal all these years, havenat you? Why didnat you say anything?a aAnd make you all certain Iad gone mad?a Glyndon said bitterly. aThe visions were bad enough without claiming I remembered something n.o.body else did.a Kayl stared at him. Had the trip back to Kith Alunel really been that bad for him? She tried to remember. She had not paid much attention to Glyndon and Kevran then; she had been too wrapped up in her own grief and Barthelmyas. Did he think she had been avoiding him out of fear that he had lost his wits? aIf thatas the way you saw it, Iam sorry,a she said at last. aI wisha I wish Iad known.a There was a momentas silence. Kayl turned and picked through her scattered belongings until she found a long wool sash. Bending forward, she covered the crystal with the end of the sash, then picked it up and knotted the sash tightly around it. She wrapped the sash around her waist and tucked the end in, hiding the knot.

aNow what?a Glyndon asked cautiously.

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About Lyra: Caught In Crystal Part 8 novel

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