Anita Blake - Bullet Part 24

Anita Blake - Bullet -

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"I'd like you to take a look at some crime scene video."

There was a little spurt of relief. Usually I could do that sort of thing from a distance. Distance was good right now. "Be glad to. You want to email it to me, or give me an address and pa.s.sword for a site?"

"Got pen and paper?" he asked. Which meant it was going to be a pa.s.sword and one use of his site.

"Not on me. Hang on a minute." I pantomimed writing in the air, and Nicky handed me his iPhone with the screen set to notebook. I kept forgetting it did that. I used my shoulder to hold my phone and had my fingers poised to hit the itty-bitty keyboard. "Ready when you are."

He gave me a web address and a pa.s.sword. "This will let you view it for today. We'll change the pa.s.sword later today. Just standard protocol."

"It's okay, Finnegan. I wouldn't want someone I didn't know personally having full access to my stuff, either."

"Yeah, but I'm asking for your help, not the other way around."

He had a point. "Fine, I'll stop trying to play well with others."

"Rumor has it that all you preternatural branch marshals aren't team players."

"Being the Lone Ranger doesn't teach you good group skills," I said.

"He was a Texas Ranger actually, not a U.S. Marshal," he said.

"I know, just trying to make my point that being on our own didn't teach us to play well with others."

"Point taken," he said.

"When do you need me to get back to you?" I asked.

"ASAP," he said.

"Look, Finnegan, everyone says that. I need some kind of time frame."

"Watch the video, then you decide how quick you need to get back to me. I think you'll be calling ASAP."

"That bad?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually."

"I'll watch it and get back to you as soon as I can," I said.

"Ben Carter says good things about you."

"I only looked at some surveillance tapes for Marshal Carter."

"Yeah, but he says that you saw things on it that none of their people caught."

"Actually, I saw what everyone else saw; I just understood what it meant."

"None of the rest of us knew enough about vampires to catch it."

"But I'd suck on a forgery case. We all have our expertise."

"You know, Blake, I think you play just fine with others."

"Thanks, Finnegan, but you haven't told me what I'm supposed to be looking for."

"We're looking for reasons, Blake."

"Reasons? Reasons for what?" I asked.

"When you see the video you'll understand. We just want to know what the f.u.c.k happened, excuse my language."

"It's okay, Finnegan, I cuss like a sailor."

"I heard that about you, but my mother raised me that you don't curse in front of a lady."

I was both flattered that he'd called me a lady, and wondering if it would make him treat me as less of a marshal because of it. You had problems if they thought women were ladies, or; it was just different problems. "I appreciate that, but just wanted you to know it's not necessary."

"I think it is, but I'll try not to apologize to you again."

"Hey, I'm okay either way." Then I had a thought, and something about the weirdness of the day made me say it out loud. "You know, it's never occurred to me that my cussing could offend other women. Elderly women, yes, but, huh, I never thought about it."

He laughed. "I don't know if women are offended when other women cuss."

"Me, either, but it's worth a thought."

"That it is, Blake, that it is."

"I'll look at the video and get back to you."

"We'll be looking forward to any insights you can give us."

"Finnegan, I just realized, I didn't ask where you were? I mean, what city did this crime happen in?"

"Sorry, Blake, I thought I said. Atlanta. Atlanta, Georgia."

"Okay, I'll get to a computer and look at it."

"I'm on a landline, but here's my cell. You'll get me any time."

I wrote the number down on Nicky's iPhone. "Got it."

"I hope you come up with something."

"Me, too."

We hung up. I held the phone out to Nicky. "Make those notes appear on my phone and delete them from your phone."

He took it and began to do what I'd asked. Jean-Claude touched my arm, turned me to him and Damian. "Are you truly going to take the time to look at this video, ma pet.i.te ma pet.i.te?"

"I am."

"Our guests from Las Vegas have been very patient."

"Look, I don't want to see them while our eyes are still all black sky and stars."

"Why not?" Damian asked.

I thought about a lot of things but finally said the truth. "It felt good to feed on Jamil and Shang-Da, didn't it?"

Damian nodded.

"I don't want to be around wereanimals that I'm attracted to while this power is still riding me."

"You are afraid your hungers will not stop at the ardeur ardeur," Jean-Claude said.

I looked up at him, and his eyes were still a swimming sea of night. "Yeah."

"I believe your control is better than that, ma pet.i.te ma pet.i.te," he said.

"Maybe, but let me look at the video, and by that time I should be ready to meet our visitors."

He studied my face, and I wondered if he saw me differently with the power riding him. I almost asked, and then I thought better of it. I'd had enough shocks to the system for one day. I wasn't going to fish for any more.

"I need someone to help me get on the computer and then leave me alone to watch."

"I do not want any of us in the triumvirates to be alone, ma pet.i.te ma pet.i.te."

"You're afraid that the council or Mommie Dearest will try something else."

"Aren't you?" he asked.

I thought about it and could only nod. He smiled and touched my face. "Then I will watch with you."

I shook my head. "No, it's an ongoing police investigation. I can't share it with civilians."

He gave me a look. "I hardly think I qualify as a civilian."

"But you aren't a cop, either."

"I can spell our so-helpful Micah with the weretigers, but you can't be alone. If the council tried for you when you had no one to touch, I am not sure what would happen."

We debated, not quite argued, but in the end we compromised. Nicky stayed with me, because if I ordered him not to tell anyone what he saw, he'd have to do what I said. Damian got to stay with me for the same reason. Something about him being a vampire servant made it almost impossible for him to refuse a direct order from me. I tried not to give him orders much, but I seemed to have a lot more control over him than I did over Nathaniel, and for that matter a lot more control over Damian than Jean-Claude did over either Richard or me. Since I was the first necromancer in vampire history to have a vampire servant, none of us knew why Damian had to obey me when the rest of us didn't have to obey anyone. It was just another mystery. Anyone who might know the answer to it was trying to kill us right now, or on the run from the Mother of All Darkness. We'd figure it out later, but right now I had a crime scene to look at.

I realized that I was glad to have something else to concentrate on besides our personal or metaphysical problems. Police work wasn't always simple, but it had clear-cut goals. You figured out who did it, or what did it, and you caught them, or killed them. Problem solved. When crime busting is easier than your personal life, something has gone seriously wrong.

The fact that the underground of the Circus of the d.a.m.ned had a computer room still seemed weird to me. Most vampires weren't big on technology, or modern inventions that hadn't been around when they were "alive," but Jean-Claude was an early adapter and he was insisting that all his people know the basics. h.e.l.l, he had some of the dancers taking turns with online blogs. They were on Facebook, Mys.p.a.ce, and even Twitter, whatever that was. It was getting to where I was the least tech-savvy person we had. That seemed weird, too. I was the human being, sort of; wasn't I supposed to be better with this kind of stuff than the vampires?

The only light in the computer room was the soft glow of monitors. Valentina was at one of the terminals with the chair cranked as high as it would go, so her five-year-old body could reach the keyboard. She was dressed in a pink dress that was all lace and bows down to white tights and patent leather shoes. No one made her dress like the proverbial little girl. It was actually a step forward from the centuries-old clothing that she'd come to us with. The delicate triangle of her face was painted ghostly by the monitor's glow. She was staring at something on the screen so intently that she didn't seem to hear us.

I had a horrible thought. She and Bartolome, who was stuck at twelve, had both been in the underground when the ardeur ardeur hit everyone. What had happened to them? hit everyone. What had happened to them?

"Valentina," I said.

She startled visibly and hit some b.u.t.tons. The screen flickered, and then there were pictures of little cartoon animals floating over it. She began to move the mouse as if she were concentrating on the children's game. She might actually enjoy the game, but whatever she'd been doing moments before hadn't been a screen full of big-eyed cartoons. She only looked five. In reality she was older than Jean-Claude. Actually both she and Bartolome were two of the oldest vampires in St. Louis. They were trapped in children's bodies, but they weren't children.

She glanced behind her, smiling, the intensity that I'd seen on her face when I first came through the door gone. She turned a perfectly good little girl's face to me. She could even make her eyes fill with that nave light, but it was a lie. She'd been turned into a vampire too young for s.e.x, but she had some of the drives of an adult. Those urges had been translated into pain. She was a s.e.xual s.a.d.i.s.t and had been a professional torturer for centuries. It had been both a calling and a hobby. I wondered if that was what the ardeur ardeur would translate into for her. would translate into for her.

She smiled sweetly at me. "Anita, do you want to play a game with me?"

"Sorry, I have police work to do."

She pouted at me. "No one ever wants to play."

I didn't want to ask the question, but the very thought that I had forgotten her in all this made me have to ask. "What happened to you and Bartolome last night?"

She crossed her arms over her thin child's chest and pouted harder. There was an edge of anger to it now. "He locked me in my coffin for hours."

I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I fought not to look as relieved as I felt. But she noticed. She'd had centuries to watch adults and to manipulate them.

"I'm sorry for that," I said.

"No, you're not."

"I'm not sorry you were locked away while the ardeur ardeur went through us, no," I said. went through us, no," I said.

"At Belle Morte's court, when the ardeur ardeur was unleashed they'd give me someone to play with while they had s.e.x." was unleashed they'd give me someone to play with while they had s.e.x."

I blinked at her, not sure what to say to that.

"She doesn't mean play play, Anita," Damian said.

I turned to him. "What does she mean?"

"They would give her someone to torture in a private area where no one could reach her, or her victim."

"I thought you only visited the courts once," I said.

"Once was enough," he said. He was looking at the little vampire, and even through the black eyes and the blankness of the very old vampires there was still something.

"You weren't her victim," I said.

"No, I wasn't."

"His friend was, though," Valentina said. "I heard your master shoved him into sunlight and burned him all up later."

Damian stiffened beside me, and I touched his hand. The death of his best friend and brother in arms was one of his worst memories.

"We need to use the room, Valentina."

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