Phantasmagoria Part 7

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Panting in the throes of carnal greed, I found myself pressing Bruce's head to my breast. My stocking-clad thighs parted; I pushed my hips against him with a hungry moan, aching and throbbing in my need. I could smell my body's infernal perfume, a touch of brimstone and female in heat scenting the air.

He panted. "G.o.d, you smell so good."

"The better to seduce you with, my dear." My voice was a deep rumbling growl of pleasure. My hands slid all across his shoulders. I couldn't stop myself from reaching out to touch as much of his skin as I could, my nails digging in and scoring his naked back with livid red welts.

His mouth sucked strongly on me, then his mouth released my breast with the sound of wet suction.

Sliding his hand up to cup my head, I felt an arm curve about my knees. I was suddenly flat on my back in the middle of the floor, Bruce's full length stretched over mine, his thighs trapping mine between them. I could feel a powerful erection pressing against my stomach. I averted my face, slitting my eyes to keep Bruce from seeing the flames leaping in their depths. He nipped my throat. In reaction, I dug my sharp, curved nails into his vulnerable back.

"h.e.l.lcat," he hissed in pain, then chuckled.

Surprising me, he captured both of my wrists and held them above my head with one hand. His free hand closed on the lace of my garter-belt, and he yanked. The belt slid down my hips, then over my a.s.s, pulling my stockings down. With a feline twist of his hips, he moved a thigh off of me. In one strong pull, my garter-belt and the attached stockings were peeled from me and flung across the room. With a satisfied sigh, he covered my bared body with his. His hips arched and he slid his trapped heat against my hungry flesh.

Dipping his head, Bruce kissed each nipple, with great tenderness. I arched my back in welcome, pus.h.i.+ng my b.r.e.a.s.t.s more firmly against his mouth. His lips slithered into the valley between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s,, rising up, he nibbled down my stomach. His tongue dipped into my navel. I sighed, pleased with Bruce's attention to details. My original master had been very proud of my navel; he'd worked very hard to get it just right. However, other parts of me were growing impatient.

"Your mouth, Bruce, I need your mouth on me," I said in a voice husky and deep with pa.s.sion, then writhed my hips in temptation.

Bruce chuckled again as he continued to taste my skin with his tongue. I heard a metallic c.h.i.n.k. I looked down watching as Bruce pulled some handcuffs from his back pocket.s.h.i.+t! My heart thumped hard in my chest.I did not need any more complications.

"First things first, Lili," he said glancing up and smiling widely. I growled, then dug my heels into the carpet. Shoving, I bucked him off of my stomach, breaking his hold on my wrists. I rolled out from under him, jumping to my feet. He snagged my ankle, and I hit the floor hands first. He chuckled, and it sounded nasty.

"Oh, no, you don't, the fun is just starting." He pulled me by the ankle, and I slid across the carpet on my hands and knees. The son of a b.i.t.c.h was stronger and faster than I had antic.i.p.ated. I turned my head and hissed at him, barely stopping myself from baring my fangs.

I was expertly flipped over, then his full weight crashed down on top of me, his chest slamming down across my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It should have knocked the wind from me; it p.i.s.sed me off instead. I worked to buck him off again, but he was prepared for that move. I lunged to bite him, but he lurched out of the way. Breathing hard, he caught one hand above my head. I heard the rattle of the cuff closing over one wrist.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" I swore, swinging my free fist at his head.

"b.i.t.c.h!" he snapped back, ducking my fist.

He grabbed my other wrist. The cuffs rattled again. "What the f.u.c.k are you doing, Bruce?" I asked with a snarl. I was fairly sure I could break the chain of the cuffs to free myself, but wearing them still p.i.s.sed me off. He grinned at me, the low-life s.h.i.+t.

"Ensuring my personal safety." He rolled to his feet, hauling me up by the wrists. "You're a lot stronger than you look." He panted briefly.

"The better to hold you with my dear," I sneered as I said it. I could smell his arousal. The stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d was getting turned-on by my resistance.

"Are you a Goth chick?" he asked out of the blue. "I like the fangs," he continued. "But they look sharp and like permanent implants."

What the h.e.l.l was a Goth chick?Oh, yeah, he thought I was part of the latest fas.h.i.+on craze with people running around pretending to be vampires. Some of them even had permanent fangs put in. Suddenly he made a lot of sense. No wonder he was so obsessed with having me in particular. Most guys take the hint that there's something a little weird with me and go away. None of my hints had worked on Bruce; in fact, all my hints seemed to have caught his interest more. Wonderful, I had actually run across a true weirdo. It seems Bruce had a vampire fetish.

Well, Bruce didn't know it yet, but he was about to get his wish. He was probably thinking the most amount of danger he had to worry about was getting bitten, and possibly losing a little blood. I was a Succubus, an honest-to-Satan Victorian s.e.x vampire, and now I was seriously p.i.s.sed, and really turned on. Stupid, stupid man.

"There is no need for the handcuffs. I said I would f.u.c.k you." I snapped out a kick that he deftly avoided.

"Actually, no, you didn't." Ducking he caught me about the waist, lifting me over his shoulder. I kicked out but he held my legs in an iron grip. "I just want to be sure I get what I want."

He rolled his shoulders to settle my weight and slapped my naked a.s.s. I yelped, more in surprise than anything.

Cursing in three languages, I was carried into a bedroom, then thrown on the bed. His heavy body slammed on top of mine, making the bed squeak in protest and the air woof out of my lungs.

"Now how is it, that you speak French and a dialect of Arabic?" There was a strange glitter in his eyes as he pulled the leather belt from his pants.

"And just how did you recognize the languages I spoke, dear Bruce?" I countered. Deftly avoiding my attempts to kick him, Bruce wrapped the narrow belt around the chain of the cuffs, then buckled it to the headboard.

"That would be telling, Lilli." He leaned over me and licked his lips. "However, I should say that such things should never fall from a lady's lips."

Anger and desire was boiling in my blood, making my heart pound. "But, Bruce, dear, I never said that I was a lady." I lunged up at him, snapping my sharp teeth, and he leapt back.

He smiled and nodded. "But, sweet Lilli, I am counting on just that."

I was suddenly smiling to, but in avaricious antic.i.p.ation.The stupid f.u.c.k. The skilled alchemist that had created me in the early nineteenth century had also underestimated my appet.i.tes and gotten me over-excited. As a succubus, I not only bleed my victims; I literally suck the vitality from them when they c.u.m. Normally, I can control my desires and moderate my feeding, but accidents will happen. I planned to make this idiot figure it out on his own. Preferably while writhing beneath my fangs.

"Now, where was I?" Bruce sighed. "Oh, yes..." With deliberation, Bruce unfastened his pants and writhing his hips and flexing his stomach muscles in wanton display, he slid out of them. His erection was heavy and thick, standing straight out from his thatch of dark curls. A nice full sack completed his package. His lean and well-defined legs were lightly furred with dark hair.

"For a p.r.i.c.k, you are definitely yummy, Bruce," I said deepening my voice in its s.e.xiest manner. My p.u.s.s.y was already slathering my thighs with appet.i.te. His little show dried my mouth, so I licked my lips. "Why don't you come over here and do nasty things to me?" My teeth ached to bite down on his throat. My hips writhing, I undulated among the pillows. I spread my knees so he would have a good view of my unnaturally scarlet p.u.s.s.y. At the rate he was turning me on, I wouldn't have to bleed Bruce to kill him; all he had to do was c.u.m.

"The best is yet to come, baby," he crooned back to me. Moving slowly like a big cat, he crept onto the bed. His hands caressed my feet, then traveled up my legs, spreading me wide. Bruce lifted my knees to work his shoulders under them. With a look of hungry triumph, he nestled himself between my thighs.

My infernal perfume released in his face. Bruce took a deep breath and I watched his eyes dilate with desire. His mouth brushed the softest part of my inner thigh. My body s.h.i.+vered in antic.i.p.ation. He swept his tongue higher and higher until he was barely brus.h.i.+ng my curls with his mouth. He took another deep breath of my scent, then I felt him brush the outer lips of my l.a.b.i.a. He exhaled warmly, making me s.h.i.+ver, and he stroked my damp red flesh with the full length of his tongue.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. It released in a loud moan. He moaned in return, then proceeded to drive me mad. The tip of his tongue brushed against my c.l.i.t, swiping at the folds of my inner lips. Noisily, he sucked at my juices. His lips slithered across me tasting every fold, every crevice. He lapped at every pearly drop I released. The wet sounds of his mouth filled the room.

His hands held my thighs in a vice-grip as he tormented me deliciously. I writhed under him with gasping moans. Then, he focused his attack on my swollen c.l.i.t. His tongue flicked, rubbing against my point of pleasure, his lips sucking delicately at first then with complete attention and devotion. He was trying very hard to make me c.u.m. He was doing a d.a.m.n fine job of it, too. Then his tongue buried itself in my starving p.u.s.s.y to an impossible depth.

My body arched in voluptuous abandon. I pulled at the handcuffs strapped to the headboard, my hips pumping themselves onto Bruce's mouth. Moaning as I drowned in the building pleasure, I locked my thighs around his head and dug my heels into the mattress in an attempt to get a purchase for thrusting power. I could feel the fire-fall of pleasure beginning to wash over me in small waves, each growing in length and power. I could feel myself building to a powerful climax.

I looked down on Bruce with my eyes slitted to conceal their red fire. He looked back up at me. His eyes were slitted as mine were, and glowing an inhuman heart-of-flame blue. My heart jolted.

"Bruce? Is there something you haven't told me?" I asked between pants. His tongue never stopped but he nodded, grinning slyly. "Bruce?"

He pulled his head up, licking his mouth with a long thin tongue no human ever possessed.What the h.e.l.l?

He opened his blazing eyes fully, and I felt a definite pull. He was trying to roll my mind under with his eyes, the s.h.i.+t. He smiled widely; I noticed that he possessed an impressive set of canines to rival mine.

f.u.c.k! He was a vampire! Well, s.h.i.+t, two could play at this game.

"Well, there's something I've been trying to tell you myself, Bruce..." I opened my eyes fully to let the red flames of my h.e.l.lfire within blaze to full life. Using every drop of mental skill, I pulled at his mind. I was rewarded by a frown creasing his brow. Briefly his face went blank, his body freezing as I caught him, trapping his thoughts.

His fingers closed on me with sudden crus.h.i.+ng force. Darting in like a snake, I felt his mouth, then his tongue on the softest part in the juncture of my thigh. I writhed suddenly but his tongue found the thick artery in my inner thigh, and he bit down. The pain was fierce. I rocked hard into a vicious screaming o.r.g.a.s.m. My blood pumped into his mouth even as I wet the sheets with pearly drops of my pleasure.

Thank the unholy, he wasn't an incubus, a male version of what I was, or he would have sucked my vitality dry as I climaxed. Too bad for him.

I jerked on the cuffs, snapping the belt easily. Gripping his hair with both hands, I wrenched his fangs from my flesh. He howled in frustration, red spattering the sheets as though from a despoiled virgin. Still in the throes of l.u.s.t, I locked my hands in his hair covered his blood-stained mouth with my own, kissing him fully.

He nipped at me, but I'd had centuries to perfect the art of kissing with and around incisors. The taste of my own blood on his lips and tongue fired my ardor. I growled a challenge deep in my chest. His arms locked around me and we embraced fiercely, kissing as though we were trying to devour each other. Which in a way, I guess we were.

I gained some purchase with my feet, then rolled him under me, my full b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressing against his rock-hard chest, my thighs straddling him.

He smiled. "Jeez, Lili, you're very strong."

I gave him a smile of my own. "The better to f.u.c.k you with, my dear."

"Good, because as soon as I finish f.u.c.king you, I intend to take that pretty throat of yours. I can't wait to see what you taste like."

Apparently he had no idea what I was up to. I rose up just enough to position myself over his rampant c.o.c.k. "I don't know if you noticed, Bruce, but I'm f.u.c.king you." I thrust myself down hard onto him.

His mouth opened in a howl as I took him hard and deep. I rocked forward, then slammed back onto him with all the power I possessed. I was determined to pump the b.a.s.t.a.r.d dry.

He gripped my hips, rising to meet my downward thrusts. "G.o.d yes! f.u.c.k me, b.i.t.c.h!"

I rode him with an enthusiasm I'd never dared to use before, and his moans told me that he was enjoying every second. "You're turn to c.u.m for me, Bruce," I hissed, bearing my teeth for good measure.

"Anything to please you, babe," he growled in return. His hips rose to meet me with killing force. "I love the taste of you, Lili, especially when you c.u.m."

"You say the sweetest things, Bruce," I said panting. I raised my hands, pulling at the cuffs, and broke the chain with only a small show of force. Links sprayed across the sheets.

I dug my fingers into his shoulders, and he grabbed my long hair with one hand, holding my head from his vulnerable throat. His other hand closed on my hip, guiding my rhythm. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest. I increased my pace, lengthening my strokes. He writhed beneath me, his powerful thighs bunching as he lunged, bucking into me. I was very excited, and I was soaking him to the b.a.l.l.s. His free hand slid up my body to cup, then grip my breast with bruising strength.

"Babe, you have great t.i.ts," he chuckled low in his throat, and moaned.

"And you have a fantastic c.o.c.k, Bruce," I replied.

I felt his climax begin to mount at a murderous pitch, the power of his building o.r.g.a.s.m soaking into my skin. I moaned with the exquisite strength seeping into me. No human I had ever tasted possessed such delicious power. This vampire boy had to be old, really old to have so much vitality.

l.u.s.t gripped me as my own inhuman pa.s.sion came roaring to the fore. At this rate I was probably going to kill him if he didn't pa.s.s out first. I could feel my eyes igniting to an inferno as I bathed in his energy. I was growing drunk with pa.s.sion and impending release. I cried out as I felt him teeter on the edge of his climax.

"Oh f.u.c.k! Oh f.u.c.k, yeah!" he started wailing. Suddenly, he gripped my waist, then rolled me under his body to slam his pistoning shaft into me at full force, his c.o.c.k impossibly large and rigid. I was shuddering with his impending climax. If he had been mortal, Bruce would have been dead by now.

Bruce threw his head up and lunged down, teeth bared. I gripped his neck with both hands to keep his fangs from my throat even as I rose to meet his thrusts. Crying out, he plunged his hardness deeply into my red flesh, then held himself burrowed as far into me as he could get. Suddenly, he came, howling as his b.a.l.l.s released, spraying their load of c.u.m into my waiting flesh.

I screamed, shuddering as I was dragged into an abyss of shrieking pleasure, drowning in Bruce's vitality as he poured himself into my body.

"Oh G.o.d, b.i.t.c.h, you are one h.e.l.l of a f.u.c.k," he growled hoa.r.s.ely, then collapsed.

"The better to eat you with, my dear," I whispered. I could see his vitality as an electric blue mist wreathing around us both. It dissipated into my skin as I sucked the juice of his life into my hungry body.

"What." he moaned, shaking as he felt his life rus.h.i.+ng out of him. "What are you doing?"

"Having breakfast," I quipped, while writhing in ecstasy. His life force scorched through my vitals in a joyous blaze. I could feel the essence that was Bruce touching me viscerally in ways more intimate than s.e.x.

A rush from a second o.r.g.a.s.m screamed through me and I cried out, shuddering and trembling beneath him. He moved feebly but couldn't summon the energy to even roll off of me. With a sigh, his eyes fluttered closed and he lay very still.

I shoved his inert form off me onto the side of the bed where he laid face up, eyes closed. I curled around his exhausted form almost tenderly.

"By the way, Bruce," I giggled, high from riding my second climax in a row, "my name is Lilith." I panted a moment. "As in the mother of demons." I laughed long and hard.

I took my time as I gently slid my needle-sharp fangs into his defenseless throat. He wasn't quite unconscious and flinched, then sighed in soft ecstasy as I took his blood. I only needed a sip or two; my actual needs had already been met. I was more than sated. Bruce was still alive, but just barely as I rose invigorated from his rumpled bed. Gazing at his collapsed body, I realized that I'd aged him considerably. He now appeared to be a sixty-year-old man instead of his seemingly twenty-four.

Well, d.a.m.n, I guess I'm not the only true vampire after all. If they're all as tasty as this one, I'll never have to sip from mortals again, not when I can feast on immortals.Suddenly the future was looking much brighter.

I stepped out of the bedroom into the main sitting room. Pa.s.sing in front of a wall mirror, I stopped in shock. My body had been transformed. I was no longer a mature thirty-something I was a sweet sixteen, possibly less. Bruce had to be old, really old, in order to have made me this young. I had never lost this many years without causing a death.

p.i.s.s. Now I'll have to quit my job.

I gathered up my clothes, shoving them into a pillowcase as I considered how I was going to explain my youthful self to my landlord.

Moving the curtains to the balcony, I saw that dawn was about twenty minutes away. I opened the sliding gla.s.s doors, smelling the city and the beginnings of morning rising from the pavement.

Stepping out onto the hotel balcony in all my naked glory, I gathered the stolen power that filled me. My scarlet locks lifted from my shoulders as the power coalesced and caressed me. I stretched out my arms and drew on the power to reshape myself for flight.

My wings spread wide, the thin membranes stretched taut and sheer over the long elegant bones. I'm always amazed when I see them form from my body. Another advantage exclusive to the succubae vampires.

With a lunge, I leapt up and perched atop the railing of the balcony, clutching my pillowcase of clothes. The city night below me was quiet in those softest moments before dawn. The concrete valleys and cliffs of the city's tall buildings beckoned.

I vaulted from the railing into the soft gray of predawn, gliding on the updrafts, headed homeward across the sleeping city, laughing.

Molly Coddle.

Highway Robbery.

* Autumn 1764 *

"Dammit, Molly, you're always spoiling the pretty lords," growled the huge highwayman from amongst the night dark trees. He was practically invisible on his ma.s.sive black horse. A second black charger tugged on the reins knotted to his saddle. The six powerful coach horses chomped at their bits and stamped in impatience as they stood sweating and blowing from the failed escape attempt.

"Christ's c.o.c.k, girl, " he continued to snarl. His pistol was primed and pointed at the coachman as Molly dealt with the pa.s.senger of the imposing conveyance.

"Is there something you wanted to say?" Molly asked. She smiled, showing her perfect white teeth. With one hand, she swept her feathered cavalier's hat from her head. Her red-gold curls tumbled across her shoulders and down her back in wild disarray.

The young man they referred to replied with a m.u.f.fled "Mmfftt!"

"Well, I do suppose it is rather difficult to say anything in your position." He was face first in her ample bosom. Molly's arm was locked around the back of his neck with her gloved hand knotted in his long, neatly bowed queue to keep him in place. The silky tail of his over-long golden mane looked so pretty against the black leather of her riding gauntlets. She had tied his wrists together behind him, so he really had no way of coming up for air.

"So, now will you surrender your valuables, or do I need to get rough?" She pulled back on the fine silk of his tail, lifting his face from the deep valley of her bosom.

"That was unfair," he wheezed as he gasped noisily for breath. The moon silvered the fine perfection of his face, the cupid's bow of his delicious lips.

Molly pouted prettily "Well, I did saystand and deliver, milord." She tightened the grip on his hair then bent lower until her full lips were almost brus.h.i.+ng his cheek. "Oh, come on, give it up so I can be nice to you," she purred. "I can be very, very nice," she breathed, then brushed her lips against the fine sh.e.l.l of his ear.

"Well, all right," he said softly, then moaned as she rewarded him with an exciting touch of her tongue on his ear. Molly stood up abruptly and the handsome young lord winced as she pulled him up from his knees by his hair. "Hey!" he protested.

"All right, now tell my rather burly a.s.sistant where you've got the jewels stashed in your rather impressive coach."

"You mean your vastly large and abundantly well-armed a.s.sistant highwayman?"

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