Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 16

Wild Marauders MC: Lynch -

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"Baby, if you don't want to swallow you better f.u.c.kin' pull away!"

I tried to hold off, but the tightness in my b.a.l.l.s released the pressure, and I knew that there was no going back. Kat ignored my warning, her movements becoming almost frantic. As an o.r.g.a.s.m ripped through my body I arched high off the bed, forcing Kat's mouth further down until I was at the back of her throat. My legs stiffened as I filled her mouth with c.u.m.

I couldn't f.u.c.king move. Kat swallowed as much as I gave her and then took the time to clean up every bit that had escaped. I was still semi-hard when she pulled her mouth away. Reaching for her, I grabbed her arm and pulled her up my body to rest against my chest.

"Good?" I could feel her smile against my chest.

"f.u.c.kin' good, babe, you would have killed a lesser man." Christ, my heart was about to pound out of my chest. I ran my hand down the back of her body to her luscious a.s.s, slipping my fingers between the crack. At first she stiffened at my exploration, until I reached lower, between her legs, flicking my finger between her wet slit. Feeling her twitch made me smile.

I fingered there for a few minutes, tracing her l.a.b.i.a, slipping between the spongy walls of her spongy c.u.n.t, circling her c.l.i.t. Each new discovery brought a moan from Kat, and it wasn't long before she was moving with me. Her breath was coming in rapid pants, and her nails were digging into my sides.

"f.u.c.k me, Lynch." Kat's husky voice went straight to my d.i.c.k. "Make me your woman."

I intended to. I twisted my body so that she ended up on her back, following by covering her body with mine. My d.i.c.k was as hard as if I hadn't just had a mind-blowing o.r.g.a.s.m. I fit my erection between her legs, running the tip up and down her slick slit. Holy Christ, the woman was hot! There was no way I would be able to hold out once I was thrusting inside her tight body, but before I allowed that sweet h.e.l.l, I wanted Kat to come.

She was trembling beneath me. Her hands were all over me, touching, exploring, clenching into my flesh. Soft sighs escaped her pretty lips, and she lifted her head and placed them against my neck. I f.u.c.kin' lost it when she sank her teeth into me, hard enough to turn the pain into pleasure. Her hips began lifting faster, her breathing became labored, and I knew she was close. I applied more pressure.

"Come for me baby." I nibbled my way to her quivering t.i.ts. "Come on my d.i.c.k so I can f.u.c.k you proper." I sucked the tip of one into my mouth.

"Lynch!" she screamed.

I knew she was coming, and I slammed my c.o.c.k all the way inside her. As she whimpered and convulsed I rode through her o.r.g.a.s.m, showing her no mercy. "You're mine, babe, f.u.c.kin' mine!" Kat's body constricted around my hardness, punis.h.i.+ng my c.o.c.k for not waiting, for daring to take her while she was in the throes of climaxing. Her wetness surrounded me and I heard our bodies slap together as I hammered my flesh into her.

I grabbed her leg and brought it over my hip. The change in position allowed me to reach even further inside, hitting all her f.u.c.king sweet spots without mercy. One spot in particular got a wild reaction out of her, coupled with a wide-eyed look. I went back to it time and time again until her body swelled around me and I knew that she was getting ready to come again.

"Open your eyes." I wanted Kat to be looking at me when we came together. I was pounding into her so fast and hard that every thrust pushed her body further toward the edge of the bed. Her t.i.ts were bouncing all over the place. I reached down and drew one to my mouth. As I suckled the nipple, biting it gently, I felt Kat's claws clenching into my a.s.s. I f.u.c.king lost it, growling, "Now, babe!"

The pressure in my b.a.l.l.s lessoned as I came like a f.u.c.king geyser inside of Kat. The room filled with sounds of our release, and the steam of heavy breaths. We stared at into each other's eyes until the pleasure of letting go became too f.u.c.king much. Gradually, the tremors slowed to an occasional ripple, and then we collapsed against each other in total ecstasy. I reluctantly pulled out of Kat and rolled to the side so that I wouldn't crush her.

"Well, I'd say that I've been fully claimed."

I smiled at her teasing tone, reached over, and pulled her against me. "Don't f.u.c.kin' forget it, babe." I planned on claiming her every day, as often as possible. She had one more hole I planned on claiming before she could boast she'd been fully claimed, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"What if I do?"

I glanced down at her. She looked f.u.c.king cute with that just-f.u.c.ked glow going on. "You won't like the consequences," I grinned. "There's more than one way of staking a claim."

"That sounds like a threat," she laughed. "What exactly does it mean to be claimed by the president of Wild Marauders?"

"Seriously, babe? You want to f.u.c.kin' talk about this now?"

I felt her shrug. "We could always talk about what happened to your face."

f.u.c.k. The last thing I wanted to do was put her in a bad mood, but I knew sooner or later that she was going to want to know why someone had used my face for a punching bag. I thought about the Red Devils, and how s.h.i.+t had gone down a few nights before.

The trouble was that it was club business. Kat had a lot to learn about biker life. She wouldn't like everything she heard, she would balk at some of the things we did to keep our women and families safe. f.u.c.k, she would probably fight me every step of the way, but she would learn soon enough, the hard way, that everything we did was for a reason, and kept us alive.

"So, what happened to your face?"

"I'm not going to talk club business with you, baby, except to say that some serious s.h.i.+t went down the other night and that Wild Marauders came out on top. That's all you need to know." I felt her tense, and I tried to soothe her by rubbing my hand over her sweet a.s.s.

"I'd like to see the other guy," she mumbled in a low tone.

No she wouldn't. I thought about the hit that had gone down at the Red Devils' compound. For the most part everything had gone the way that we'd planned. Once our moment of surprise was over, a b.l.o.o.d.y hands-on fight had followed until the sound of sirens had forced us to get the f.u.c.k out of there. My brothers and I knew going in that the explosions caused by the car bombs would probably be heard all the way to town, and they had been. We'd done as much damage as we could in the time that we had. Our goal of taking out Wildman hadn't happened unless the f.u.c.ker had been inside one of the two main buildings that were blown up.

I realized after a few minutes that Kat's breathing and lack of movement revealed that she'd drifted off. Good. It would give me a chance to make a couple of calls and check on Bullseye, who was still recovering next door. I carefully slipped out from the warm softness of my woman and left the bed. Yanking my jeans on, I reached for my burner as I made my way out of the bedroom.

I hit Lenny's number. He picked up almost immediately. "Yeah?"

The background noise revealed that he was in bar somewhere. "Where are you?"

"At Manny's with a couple of brothers getting a bite."

Manny's was a civilian biker bar located on the border of Crows Feet and the next town over, run by a hulk of a man whose only rule was that any bikers were allowed, but all fights were to be taken outside. Most of the time if a MC saw the colors of another MC in the parking lot they kept going, but once in a while a f.u.c.king fight broke out, and Manny backed up his rule with a shotgun that he wasn't afraid to use.

"Hear anything yet?" He hesitated, and I knew that something was up. "Can't talk?"

"Yeah, later." The following click told me he'd ended the call.

s.h.i.+t. Two days since our attack on Red Devils, and still nothing on f.u.c.king Wildman. I'd sent Lenny out to snoop around for any information that he could find. I walked toward the front door, dialing Stone's number, knowing that news of what had gone down would have reached him by now. By the time I hit the bottom of the stairs I knew that he wasn't going to pick up, so I ended the call. f.u.c.k, I hated the waiting game!

Taking the few steps to the main house, I knocked on the door before turning the k.n.o.b to let myself in. Thank f.u.c.k Bullseye was healing up nicely. As I headed toward the bedroom I heard m.u.f.fled sounds coming from the room. Moaning and groaning, and I knew they weren't the sounds of pain. A smile covered my face as I realized what I might find when I reached the doorway. I halted in front of the door. Just as I f.u.c.king thought. Bullseye was getting lucky! s.h.i.+t, if the man could f.u.c.k like he was right now, he was good to return to work.

I watched for a moment. Little Lizzy was riding Bullseye's c.o.c.k with vigor, while his hands played with her t.i.ts. I cleared my throat. Lizzy let out a squeal, jumped off, and grabbed the sheet to cover herself. Bullseye let out a groan, this one sounding like pain, and made brief eye contact with me before saying, "Baby, you almost broke my d.i.c.k."

I gave him a smirk. "No need to ask how you're feeling," I said.

Bullseye shrugged, wrapped his arm around the back of Lizzy's neck and pulled her in for a hard kiss. The expression on her face still revealed her shock at seeing me. "This little girl has been a f.u.c.king angel, prez," he grinned.

"So I see." I glanced at Lizzy, who quickly looked away. I wanted to talk to him about business, but it could wait.

"You just missed the doc." His comment drew my interest back to him. "Said to take another week and I should be f.u.c.king good to go."

"Will be good to have you back at work, brother." I nodded. I glanced at Lizzy, and this time she made eye contact with me in spite of the blush on her pretty cheeks. "We owe you, girl. You're under the club's protection now. You ever need anything, you come to me." She and Bullseye exchanged a meaningful glance before she gave me a brief nod. Interesting. It struck me as the kind of move a girlfriend would make. In our lives it made sense to move fast.

Thinking of girlfriends, I was eager to get back to Kat. I didn't want her waking and freaking out that I wasn't there. Not after her f.u.c.king words about me f.u.c.king her and then leaving. "I just wanted to check in with you, bro. Let me leave you to your fun."

"Thanks, prez."

Before I even left the house my phone was buzzing. It was Stone. "Hey, man," I said. "Did you hear?"

"f.u.c.k, yeah. Talk is wild in the biker community. Would have loved to have been in on that s.h.i.+t."

"s.h.i.+t, you've done enough, and we weren't waiting. Wanted to hit Wildman while his guard was down."

Stone chuckled. "I'm sure the f.u.c.ker wasn't expecting retaliation so soon after his. .h.i.t on you."

"We took out a lot of his guys but still don't know if Wildman was in one of the buildings we blew up." I was making my way up the stairs leading to Kat's.

"Well, if he made it out alive the Red Devils are keeping it quiet. Some of his guys have been seen around town."

I frowned, stopping just outside of Kat's door. "You think they're trying to get in with the Predators?" The Predators might be a new MC but they still had muscle, and numbers.

"f.u.c.k, I don't know." Stone's tone was hard. "They could have just been pa.s.sing through."

"Hey, brother, do you ever think about getting out of this f.u.c.k life and living like a civilian?"

He grunted, "h.e.l.l no, brother! MC life is all I know."

We'd both been born into the MC life. I was with Stone. I might think about a different life on occasion when s.h.i.+t got tough, but I'd never give up the life I loved. It ran through my veins. Every run, every business deal, every f.u.c.king fight was the life source in my blood.

"How's Bullseye?" he asked.

"Good, thank f.u.c.k. I was just over there. His cute little nurse was giving him a workout." I opened the door and entered Kat's apartment, surprised to see her in the kitchen. She swung around, saw that it was me, and went back to what she was doing. "Look, I gotta go man. Call me if you hear anything, and I'll do the same here."

"Will do."

I slipped the burner into my back pocket and walked to the kitchen. Kat was cutting chunks off a block of cheese.

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked, not looking at me. "I can't offer much until I go shopping, but what I have is yours."

I slipped my arms around her waist from behind. She caught her breath and stopped cutting for a minute as I pulled her back against me. I nuzzled the side of her neck, breathing in deep her unique scent. Sighing, she tilted her head so that I had better access to run my mouth along her flesh. My d.i.c.k was already twitching against her a.s.s, and I couldn't stop myself from rubbing it against her. She surrendered with a s.h.i.+ver and a sigh.

"You're so f.u.c.kin' soft," I said with my lips against her skin. "Smell so f.u.c.kin' sweet." I licked her from where her neck met her shoulder, up to where her ear met her jaw. "Don't know why I thought I could let you go." I clamped my teeth into her just enough to make the sting of pain dimmer into a sliver of pleasure.

Slipping one hand beneath the hem of the oversized tee-s.h.i.+rt she was wearing, my other fisted in her hair as I pulled her head back. Her pretty mouth opened into a gasp, and I took her lips in a kiss of rough pa.s.sion. As I ground my mouth against hers, my other hand slid up her quivering thigh to her p.u.s.s.y. Discovering how wet she was for me I f.u.c.king lost control. We were both out of breath when I swung her around and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me.

"f.u.c.k food," I growled, pulling her s.h.i.+rt up until I bared her t.i.ts. I went for a hard nipple, sucking on it hard.

"Lynch!" she cried out, tightening her thighs against my sides. "s.h.i.+t"

"Say it, babe." She was quivering wildly, her movements against my d.i.c.k almost causing me to come in my jeans. "f.u.c.kin' say it," I snarled. She began to pump her p.u.s.s.y against me. "Tell me you want me to f.u.c.k you, Kat."

"I want you to f.u.c.k me," she said, panting.

"And you want my c.u.m inside your c.u.n.t," I continued, loving her t.i.ts until they were wet, swollen and chafed from my whiskers.

"I want, your c.u.m inside me."

I gave her a little shake. "Your c.u.n.t, baby" I rasped. "When I hear you say those words they f.u.c.kin' turn me on."

"My c.u.n.t," she cried. "Yes! f.u.c.k me, Lynch. I want your c.u.m inside my c.u.n.t."

I had a wild woman in my arms and thought it was a good thing that I wasn't wearing my cut. Her nails raked over my skin, the sharp burning sting giving me more f.u.c.king pleasure than she could know. I wanted her to mark me. Claim me as her man. f.u.c.k, when her teeth began to graze over my neck and shoulders I knew that I'd never make it to the bed. I didn't want to waste my load in my pants.

I slammed Kat against the nearest wall, reached between our bodies to undo my jeans, and freed my c.o.c.k. In the next instant I thrust into her body, going hard and deep. She cried out, and didn't lose any time moving her hips back and forth, f.u.c.king herself on my d.i.c.k. I let her have control for a few minutes before grabbing her hands and pinning them against the wall. My body held her in place, and I plowed into her hot softness like a f.u.c.king jackhammer. My free hand found the little bud that would make her come, and I worked it as fast as I was f.u.c.king Kat. I wanted her with me.

"f.u.c.k, baby, give me your c.u.m," I rasped, feeling my b.a.l.l.s tighten. I was going to blow any second. I gave her c.l.i.t a tug. "I need you to come now, Kat!"

As she climaxed her walls squeezed around me and I came hard. My o.r.g.a.s.m seemed to last a long time as I pumped my seed deep inside her body. For a few blinding moments we convulsed against one another until pleasure became exhaustion.

"Hold on, baby." I walked us to her bedroom and we collapsed onto the bed. Christ, the woman was going to kill me. I couldn't remember the last time I'd come like that, maybe never. Gradually Kat's legs dropped from around my body and I rolled off her.

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

She sounded like she was more than halfway sleeping already. I reached for her and pulled her tightly to my side. "I'll be here."

There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

Chapter 18.

Kat "I want you to move to the clubhouse."

It was more of a demand than a question. "Why?" We were still in bed. Lynch had his arms around me and I was resting my head on his chest. I glanced up at him. "I like living here." It was my own private little world.

"I can protect you better there."

"Do I need protection?"

"You're mine, babe. A lot of enemies will go after you to get to me and they'll take pleasure in hurting you any way they can."

I shuddered, trying not to let my mind go there, but I couldn't stop the images of what had happened a week ago. I couldn't forget Red and Bullseye, nor the dead I had seen littering the ground. Lynch's reasons for wanting me out of his life made more sense to me now, after having a week to think about it. I could only guess why he'd changed his mind. He was a hard man to understand, and there was still so much that I didn't understand about MC life. Much of what Stella had said about it hadn't registered because it hadn't involved me.

"What are you thinkin'?"

I smiled and ran my open palm over his sculptured chest, finding his skin warm and feeling the beat of his heart. "That I should have paid more attention to what Stella has been talking about all these months."

Lynch's scowl confused me. "Like what?"

I could feel the tension grow in his body. How many times had he shut me down when it came to discussing club business? I didn't want to get Stella into trouble. "She mainly talked about how s.e.xy the men were and how she wanted to become a member, specifically an old lady."

"She f.u.c.kin' had her sights on becoming my old lady," Lynch admitted.

I hesitated. "You slept with her."

"I f.u.c.ked her."

"Same thing," I said.

His hand clenched in my hair and he pulled me further up his body. "I've f.u.c.ked a lot of women, babe. That's the MC way of life. We all do it, it means nothing. The sweetb.u.t.ts on hand know what they're there for and it keeps the men stress free and happy."

"Even the ones with old ladies?"

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