Wild Marauders MC: Lynch Part 15

Wild Marauders MC: Lynch -

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Getting Kat out of my mind wasn't going to be easy.

In record time she'd wormed her way into my f.u.c.king heart.

We arrived back at the club to see some of our brothers outside smoking and talking. After parking our bikes and dismounting, we headed inside. The crew knew that we had church at ten o'clock, so there was no need to round them up. No one liked paying the stiff fine for walking in late.

"I got time to get us some drinks?" Lenny asked as we neared the bar.

"Always time for drinks," I said, thinking that I could use a good stiff one.

"By the way, what do you want to do about the red-headed kid?"

I instinctively knew Lenny was asking me about Deke. s.h.i.+t, I'd almost forgotten about him. "Have the doc take a look at him, ask Tiny to make sure he gets fed. When he's good release him unless he wants to prospect for us. We owe him, his information f.u.c.kin' saved Kat."

I wasn't surprised to see several brothers sitting at the table when I entered my office. The rest of my crew began to trickle in, and by the time that Lenny returned all of the chairs around the table were occupied. I took the whiskey he brought for me, swallowed it in one gulp, and then slammed the gla.s.s down on the table. That f.u.c.king got everyone's attention while letting them know that church had begun.

"I'm f.u.c.kin proud to call you my brothers," I began, looking around the table. Nods and murmurs of acceptance followed. "We crippled the Red Devils by taking out a third of their crew, including that f.u.c.kin' sc.u.mbag Kirby. Unfortunately we lost Red."

"Good man."

"f.u.c.kin' shame."

Others just nodded with grim expressions. The biker life we lived was dangerous and cruel, but there wasn't one brother at the table who didn't know the score and accept the consequences. Losing brothers like Peewee and Red hurt like a b.i.t.c.h, and we each grieved in our own, hard way.

"Bullseye?" Wizard asked.

"Hanging on, and being cared for by a pretty nurse." Everyone laughed. "Doc says he'll check on him in a couple of days."

"When are we hitting Wildman's f.u.c.kin' compound?" Hulk asked in a strong voice. He wanted revenge. "They need puttin' in their place." His jaw was taut.

"Yeah, ten feet under," someone else added.

"We have a s.h.i.+pment of explosives arriving in two days," Lenny says. "We'll only get one chance at a surprise attack, so we need to go in, and go in f.u.c.king strong."

"How about we send in a couple of cages?" Yank cuts in. "We can set the explosives to go off on impact. At least take out a couple of their buildings."

"I know where we can get a couple of junkers." We all turned to Fat Boy.

"Running junkers?" I asked.

"f.u.c.k, yeah. My old lady has an uncle who owns a junk yard in Boyton. He gets a lot of vehicles still running. Once he strips them of usable parts he crushes them."

"Could we get a couple here in two days?" He nodded. "Get on it," I ordered. "Yank's idea has merit."

"They won't know what f.u.c.kin' hit them," Moody said in a tone of satisfaction. He crossed his arms over his wide chest. "Fill the f.u.c.kin' cars with explosives and cook their"

"Yeah, and while they're dealing with that s.h.i.+t we go in and take out as many of the f.u.c.kers as we can," added Fat Boy.

"We gonna hit them at night?"

"Best f.u.c.kin' time," Hulk growled, responding to Moody. Their murmurs of agreement and the expressions on their weathered faces told me that everyone was on board with that.

"Dark Menace brothers gonna hang around for this one?" Wizard questioned.

I shook my head. "They've done enough for us. We f.u.c.kin' owe them." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "The Red Devils underestimated us this time, but now that they know Dark Menace helped they might f.u.c.kin' retaliate against them."

"We'll be ready." Lenny's comment vocalized what everyone else was thinking. I knew my crew, and they were always ready.

Kat I slammed my door in the face of one of the Wild Marauders and locked it, furious that Lynch had ordered a security alarm for my apartment without consulting me. I couldn't afford one, and I wasn't about to let him pay for it. I had let his men replace my broken windows and repair and paint the door frame damage to the entrance door and my bedroom because it needed it. I didn't need an alarm.

I'd only been home for two hours, and it was obvious that Lizzy must have notified Lynch that that I was back. After Lenny had dropped me off that morning, G.o.d, a week ago, I'd tossed some things into a suitcase and made for the East Coast Greenway. I spent the week biking, hiking, and traveling through some of the small towns that I pa.s.sed, shopping and sampling some of the local food. I'd needed to get away, and with a week off of work already scheduled, I wasn't going to sit around my apartment and sulk.

I didn't blame Lizzy for telling Lynch. I'm certain that he hadn't left her any choice. She was put in the middle, and as far as I knew she was still taking care of Bullseye. I noticed her car was back, minus the bullet holes. In fact, everything looked like it had been replaced and repaired while I was gone.

I pulled the towel from my wet hair and shook out the damp strands. The first thing I'd done was unpack, put a load of clothes in the washer, and take a shower. I'd also opened the windows to air the place out. I went to the fridge to see what groceries I'd need for the upcoming week. The first thing my eyes landed on when I opened the door were the two huge subs on the second shelf.

c.r.a.p! I was immediately brought back to the day of the shooting, and I thought of Red and Bullseye, and what Red had looked like the last time that I'd seen him. Gagging, I shut the door again, then turned and rushed to the bathroom. I was so sure that I was going to be sick, but all I did was gag. After a while I went to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face.

I glanced up into the mirror, watching droplets of water run down my face before realizing that some of them were tears. f.u.c.k Lynch! I didn't need him. I hadn't cried once the whole week, so why now? A knock at my door had me reaching for a towel to dry my face off. It must be Lizzy. Good, I could give her the tee-s.h.i.+rt I'd bought her.

It didn't occur to me to check to see who it was before opening the door, and suddenly I was face to face with Lynch. I'd barely noticed the bruises and abrasions on his face when instant fury took control of my emotions. His hardened expression warned me that he was feeling the same way.

"I don't want you here." I tried to shut the door in his face, but his hand came up and slapped against the wood, forcing it open enough so he could walk in. I rushed to the center of the room, where I felt safer. "But do come in," I said sarcastically in a b.i.t.c.hy tone.

"Where the f.u.c.k have you been?" he snarled, advancing on me.

"None of your f.u.c.king business," I hissed, taking a step back for every one he took forward. "I'm no longer your concern, remember?" I'd never seen Lynch this angry. It was palpable, and my heart raced.

His expression was raw, animalistic, and real fear raced through me as I realized that this must be the face that his enemies saw when confronted by him. It may be the last face they saw before dying. I picked up speed because he had, and before I knew it he had me against the wall. I gasped, looking up at him, feeling trapped, even though he hadn't touched me. But in the next instant he took hold of my hands and brought them over my head, pinning them against the wall with one of his.

"I've just spent a f.u.c.kin' week worried as h.e.l.l about you. Now I'll ask you one more time, where the f.u.c.k have you been?"

"Or what?" I'd heard the threat in his tone, and the challenge in mine. "What will you do?"

"d.a.m.nit, woman!" His hand applied pressure where he was holding me. I winced. "Tell. Me."

I wanted to tell him I'd just spent a fantastic week at the beach s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g a different man every night, but the truth was that I'd been alone and had kept to myself. "I went to the east coast for the week."


Really, this was too much. "I thought we were done, Lynch."


"Yes!" This time I tried to pull my arms down, but he was too strong for me. "I don't know why you should care."

"I care." His eyes blazed glowing fire down at me. I swear smoke billowed out from his flared nostrils like an angry bull.

"Well, you can't have it both ways. You can't tell me you don't want me and then worry if I'm with someone else. It doesn't work that way."

"I never told you I didn't want you, Kat." His face inched closer to mine. I didn't even try to struggle. My fear had quickly morphed into an all-consuming l.u.s.t at the feeling of his hard muscles pressed against me. He may have been angry, but he was also turned-on, because there was no disputing the huge hard-on he was sporting.

It got to me every time.

"The h.e.l.l you did, are you forgetting our last conversation?" I knew that I was playing with fire, but I didn't care. I arched my lower body into his. OhmyG.o.d! The thought of having his c.o.c.k inside me one more time made me tingle all over.

"I said you aren't cut out for the kind of life I lead and I don't want to worry about you. That's why I pushed you away."

"How's that working for you?" I hissed.

For a minute I didn't think Lynch was going to answer me. He just stood there, staring down at me, his mouth tight. I wet my lips and his gaze dropped there, and he groaned as if in pain. "It f.u.c.kin' isn't." He closed the distance between us and slammed his mouth down on mine.

I creamed in my panties.

I knew it because I could feel the wet warmth spread as it leaked out of my aroused body and soaked through. G.o.d, I'd missed this, missed Lynch's mouth on mine, his big body against me. He made me feel alive, even when I was angry and wanting to hurt him like he'd hurt me. I was a fool for giving in to him, and strained against his strength, knowing I was his captive.

His kiss was savage, full of teeth and tongue, forcing my lips to part so he could move his attack inside. The moans surrounding us were mine, and when his free hand cupped my p.u.s.s.y, applying the pressure I needed, they turned into needy whimpers. It wasn't fair! I wanted to touch him and couldn't. Lynch kept my hands pinned to the wall and tortured me at will. As his hand rubbed between my legs I was ripped apart by an o.r.g.a.s.m that sucked the breath out of me. Liquid fire escaped my twisting body and the deep growl in his chest told me that he'd felt it, too.

He pulled away as if to catch his breath. "Christ, it's only been a f.u.c.kin' week," he snarled. "And all I can think about is ripping your f.u.c.kin' clothes off and sticking my d.i.c.k in you."

Yes! I screamed to myself, wanting that too.

"I want to f.u.c.k you so hard and deep that you'll still feel it tomorrow." His breath was hot against my neck. "Fill your sweet c.u.n.t with c.u.m. Tell me you want it."

I was melting! Lynch's raw words turned my whole body to liquid, scorching need. It was a good thing he was still holding me against the wall, otherwise I'd have floated to the floor at his feet. He jerked away, and our gazes met for an instant before he pulled me away from the wall.

"Lynch, no!" I was surprised I could even talk. I knew what he wanted. "You're not going to show up, f.u.c.k me senseless, and then walk away." My words had no affect on him as he continued to pull me through the room toward my bedroom. "I won't let you!" I wasn't sure how I was going to stop him, though.

"No," he growled, pulling me into my bedroom. "You're mine, Kat."

"I've heard that before." At this point I wasn't sure what that meant.

Lynch pushed me down on the bed, following me. "G.o.d f.u.c.kin' help me," The blaze of emotion in his dark eyes actually frightened me. I was looking into the fierce eyes of a bad-a.s.s biker who was setting down rules. This was real. "Not gonna happen again. f.u.c.k me. I'm staking my claim, babe, and in public when we get back to the clubhouse. I f.u.c.kin' went crazy all week trying to find you. Not gonna let you out of my sight again."

Did that mean I was going to be his old lady? I wanted clarification, but I also wanted to f.u.c.k Lynch. His hard-on was steady pounding at the juncture of my legs, keeping me hot and my breath uneven. He wanted to f.u.c.k, too, but not before he said what he needed to.

Lynch ground his hips against mine, groaning low and deep. "You're gonna learn what it's like to be a biker's woman, babe. What it's like to go through the f.u.c.kin' bad times, and the good. What it means to go on lockdown when s.h.i.+t comes around, what it f.u.c.kin' means to have the club's protection, my protection. I'm f.u.c.kin' putting my brand on you, babe." I caught my breath at the fierce pa.s.sion behind his words.

He lowered his face.

"Starting now."

Chapter 17.

Lynch Before Kat had the chance to bombard me with questions and the other s.h.i.+t that was going through her mind, I slammed my mouth down onto hers. I would tell her whatever she wanted to f.u.c.king hear later. Right this second the only thing on my mind was f.u.c.king her. I'd gone a week without s.e.x before, h.e.l.l, I'd gone months when I was in the county jail, but going a week without Kat wasn't working for me. She'd been on my mind since I'd seen her sweet a.s.s on the back of Lenny's bike as they rode away from my house. Not being able to locate her for a week after that had been f.u.c.king h.e.l.l.

I never wanted to go through that h.e.l.l again.

Her mouth was soft beneath mine, the sweetness inside teasing my tongue to explore every delicious corner. I was still holding her arms above her head, knowing that I could probably let her go, but h.e.l.l, I was enjoying the rush of dominance in my blood that came with claiming a woman in the most raw and basic way.

My woman.

I was going to f.u.c.king own her.

All of her.

My c.o.c.k was about to explode in my pants, and dry humping Kat between her legs wasn't helping. I needed inside her. As I made my way down her body I squeezed and tweaked her t.i.t through the thin tee-s.h.i.+rt she was wearing, losing my f.u.c.king mind when she arched the hardened tip into my hand, and whimpered. I pinched her nipple roughly, and then lifted her s.h.i.+rt so I could take the abused bud into my mouth. I sucked on it hard, drawing the blood to the tip until it was as red as a strawberry.

"Lynch" she cried when I shaped her t.i.t to get some of it into my greedy mouth. Kat was so responsive, her body twisted and moved sensuously beneath mine, begging for more. If she were on a dance floor doing these same moves on a stripper pole, the men would storm the stage to have a piece of her.

I locked my mouth around her t.i.t and while I nibbled, sucked, and tongued the pliant flesh, my hand continued down her body to the waistband of her boy shorts. It was so f.u.c.king easy to slip beneath the elastic, going straight for her swollen, pink p.u.s.s.y lips. I teased the seam open and slipped inside heaven. f.u.c.k!




Swallowing her moans, I added another finger and began to move them in and out, making sure to glide over her swollen, sensitive c.l.i.t. Each time I touched the tiny package of nerves Kat shuddered and strained against the hand holding her captive. I let go and she was like a f.u.c.king wildcat. Even with my cut on I could feel her nails digging into my back. Not good enough. I wanted them on my naked flesh, so I could feel her pa.s.sion as it tore my flesh.

I sat up, straddling her, and quickly removed my cut and the black tee-s.h.i.+rt under it. Our eyes clashed, glazed with l.u.s.t. "Get your f.u.c.kin' clothes off now, babe." I realized that my demand sounded nothing like a lover's, but didn't care. I wasn't a sweet talker. When the urge came over me, I could f.u.c.king tear the place down with my bare hands.

Kat moved fast, as fast as she could while I was still straddling her. When her top came off my eyes went straight to her plump t.i.ts. Christ, they were perfect, heavy, round, and with nipples hard enough to score gla.s.s. My hand went to the front of my pants. My d.i.c.k was hard enough to tear her up. She shoved my hands aside and began to undo my jeans. While she did that I easily removed her shorts, lifting my leg so that I could pull the material all the way down her leg.

I glanced down, seeing that my jeans had been opened and pulled down and my d.i.c.k was in Kat's little hand. She sat up and then gave me a hard push back. As soon as my back hit the bed she was up and over me. I raised my head to see what she was going to do with the hard muscle she was caressing. Watching her half-closed eyes focus on me, the tip of her tongue darting out to wet those pretty, plump lips, and that slow, s.e.xy smile moved over her flushed face, warning me that I might not survive.

"I'm going to make you come so hard you'll think your head is exploding."

I had to chuckle at her threatening tone.

Her tongue came out and licked the bulbous head, causing me to lay back with a long groan. After that all I did was feel, feel what her talented tongue and mouth was doing to my d.i.c.k. She ran her tongue up and down the length, curling it around before swallowing it whole. I had to fight hard to keep from coming too soon, but it was right there, ready to explode from my b.a.l.l.s. My hand dropped to her hair so I could control her speed and how much of my d.i.c.k she swallowed. Nothing turned me off quicker than hearing someone gagging over me.

"f.u.c.k, baby, suck it hard." I s.h.i.+fted my hips upward, pumping them slowly to match her actions.

She moaned softly, picking up speed. I tried to remain conscious of not forcing too much into her mouth. I knew I was bigger than most and not every woman could take my length and girth. Kat surprised me by fighting the hold I had in her hair and going down the length of my d.i.c.k until I felt the tip at the back of her throat, and her chin against my b.a.l.l.s.

Holy. f.u.c.king. s.h.i.+t.

No gagging.

Just pure pleasure as she mouth-f.u.c.ked my c.o.c.k, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked it with the force of a vacuum cleaner. I knew I wasn't going to last with the way she practically swallowed me, then worked her throat muscles and squeezed. She paused long enough to take my b.a.l.l.s into her mouth and roll them around gently. The feel of her tongue exploring underneath the flap of flesh circling the head of my d.i.c.k did it for me.

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