The Russian Concubine Part 26

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She released a little huff of annoyance, puffing out her cheeks as a lizard will sometimes do, then tilted her head and gave him an enticing grin.

'Will you at least tell me your age? That can do no harm, can it?'

'No, of course not. I am nineteen.'

Her questions were rude, far too personal, but he knew she did not mean them to be and he took no offence. It was her way. She was a fanqui fanqui and to expect subtlety in a Foreign Devil was like expecting toads to bring forth the song of a lark. and to expect subtlety in a Foreign Devil was like expecting toads to bring forth the song of a lark.

'And your family? Do you have brothers and sisters?'

'My family is dead. All dead.'

'Oh, Chang, I'm sorry.'

He took his hands from the water and drew a bullfrog from the mud. 'Are you hungry, Lydia Ivanova?'

He lit a fire. He baked the frog and also two small fish from the river, all wrapped in leaves, and she ate her share in front of him with relish. He whittled four sticks into rudimentary chopsticks and enjoyed teaching her to use them, touching her fingers, curling them around the sticks. Her laughter when she dropped the fish from them made the branches of the willow trees whisper above their heads and even Lo-shen, the river G.o.ddess, must have stopped to listen.

She relaxed, in a way he'd never seen before. Her limbs grew loose; her eyes emerged from their shadows and abandoned that wary look that was as much a part of her as her flaming hair. And he knew what it meant: she felt safe. Safe enough to tell him a tale of when she was eight years old and broke her arm trying to imitate one of the backflips of the street acrobats. A Chinese girl had tied two bamboo chopsticks tight on each side of the break to keep it safe until she reached home. Her mother scolded her but as soon as it was well again, she had arranged for a Russian ballet dancer to teach her daughter the correct way to do a backflip. To demonstrate, Lydia Ivanova jumped to her feet, leaped into the air, and performed a neat flip that sent her skirt flying over her head for a moment in a most undecorous manner. She sat down again and grinned at him. He loved her grin.

He laughed and applauded her. 'You are Empress of Lizard Creek,' he said and bowed his head low.

'I didn't think Communists approved of empresses,' she said with a smile and stretched out on her back on the sand, her bare feet trailing in the cool water.

He thought she was teasing him but he was not sure, so he said nothing, just watched her where she lay in the shade, the tip of her tongue between her lips as if tasting the fresh breeze that flickered off the water. Her body was slight and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s small, but her feet were too big for Chinese taste. She was so unlike any other he'd ever known. So alien, so fiery, a creature that broke all the rules, yet she brought a strange warmth to his chest that made it hard for him to leave her.

'I must go,' he said softly.

She rolled her head to face him. 'Must you?'

'Yes. I am to go to a funeral.'

Her amber eyes grew wide. 'Can I come too?'

'That is not possible,' he said curtly.

Her audacity would test the patience of the G.o.ds themselves.

They stood at the back of the procession. Trumpets blared out. He could feel the fox girl behind him, sense her excitement as she clung close. She was small and slight like a Chinese youth, and the clothes he'd borrowed for her - white tunic, loose trousers, felt sandals, and wide straw conical hat - made her invisible. But her presence here worried Chang.

Would Yuesheng object? Would the appearance of a fanqui fanqui at his funeral give power to the evil spirits that the drums and cymbals and trumpets were driving away? at his funeral give power to the evil spirits that the drums and cymbals and trumpets were driving away? Oh, Yuesheng, my friend, I am indeed bedevilled. Oh, Yuesheng, my friend, I am indeed bedevilled.

Even the sky was white, the colour of mourning, displaying its grief for Yuesheng. The coffin carriage at the head of the solemn procession was draped in swathes of white silk and drawn by four men all in white, declaring their sorrow. Buddhist priests in saffron robes beat their drums and scattered white petals along the winding route to the temple. Chang felt the girl's cheek brush his shoulder as the crowd crushed around them.

'The man in the long white gown and ma-gua ma-gua,' he murmured, 'the one prostrate on the ground behind the coffin, he is Yuesheng's brother.'

'Who is the big man in the . . . ?'

'Hsst! Do not speak. Keep your head down.' He looked over his shoulder but could see no one paying any attention to them. 'The big man is Yuesheng's father.' Do not speak. Keep your head down.' He looked over his shoulder but could see no one paying any attention to them. 'The big man is Yuesheng's father.'

The chanting of the priests drowned out their words.

'What are those people throwing in the air?'

'It is artificial paper money. To appease the spirits.'

'Shame it's not real,' she whispered as a fifty-dollar note floated past her nose.


She did not speak again. It was good to know the fox could hold its tongue. During the slow progress to the temple, Chang filled his mind with his memories of Yuesheng and the bond they had shared. It had always weighed heavy on Chang's heart that Yuesheng had not seen or spoken to his father for three years because of the anger he carried against him. Three long years. The ancestors would be displeased that he had hardened his face against his duty of filial respect, but Yuesheng's father was not a man easy to honour.

In the temple, in front of the bronze statues of Buddha and Kuan Yin, the coffin was placed at the altar. Incense scented the air. Prayers were chanted by monks. White banners, white flowers, delicate food, fruit and sweetmeats, all laid out for Yuesheng. The mourners kowtowed to the ground like a blanket of snow on the temple floor. Then the burning began. In a large bronze urn the monks laced their prayers with the smoke of burned paper objects for Yuesheng to use in the next life: a house, tools and furniture, a sword and rifle, even a car and a set of mah-jongg tiles, and most important of all, foil ingots of gold and silver. Everything devoured by the flames.

Chang watched as the smoke rose to become the breath of the G.o.ds, and he felt the beginning of a sense of peace. The knife pain of loss grew less. Yuesheng had died bravely. Now his friend was safe and well cared for, his part in the work was over, but as Chang's eyes sought out the heavy figure at the front of the mourners, he knew his own work had barely begun.

'You are the one who brought me my son's body, and for that I owe you a great debt. Ask what you will.'

The father wore a white headband. His white embroidered padded jacket and trousers made his shoulders and thighs look even broader than they were. The sash at his thick waist was decorated with pearls sewn into the shape of a dragon.

Chang bowed. 'It was an honour to serve my friend.'

The big man studied him. His mouth was hard and his eyes shrewd. Chang could see no grief in them, but this man did not reveal his emotions lightly.

'They would have cut off his limbs and scattered them, if you had not carried his body away to me. The Kuomintang does that to frighten others. It could have taken my son's spirit many years to find them all before returning whole to our ancestors. For that gift, I thank you.' He bowed his head to Chang.

'My heart is happy for your son. His spirit will be pleased to know you offer a gift in return.'

The black eyes tightened. 'Name the gift and it shall be yours.' Chang took a deliberate step closer and kept his voice low. 'Your son gave his life for what he believed in, to open the minds of the people of China to the words of Mao Tse . . .'

'Do not speak to me of that.' The father turned his head away in a dismissive gesture, the muscle at the top of his jaw bunched and hard. 'Just name the gift.'

'A printing press.'

A harsh intake of breath.

'Your son's press was destroyed by the Kuomintang.'

'My word is given. The printing machine shall be yours.'

Chang bowed, no more than a dip of his head. 'You do great honour to your son's memory, Feng Tu Hong.'

Yuesheng's father turned his broad back on Chang and strode away to the funeral banquet.

He must take the fox home. She had seen enough. If she stayed, she would be discovered. The guests were no longer bowing their heads in grief but were tipping them back to drink maotai maotai, chattering like pigeons. She would be noticed. He glanced over his shoulder to where she was tucked close behind him and wondered what would happen if he lifted off her wide straw hat. Would the fire spirits of her hair sweep through the great crowd of guests and burn the truth from their tongues: that they had offered no kindness to Yuesheng while he lived?

'Did you ask him?'

It was Kuan, his companion from the cellar. She appeared suddenly in front of him, dressed in black instead of white and carrying a satchel on her back. He had not expected her to come to the funeral, as her work in the factory gave no time off. He moved a few paces away from the fox girl.

'Yes, I asked for the gift. He agreed.'

Kuan's dark slanted eyes widened in disbelief. 'You are fortunate you still carry your head on your shoulders instead of in a bucket.' She leaned close. 'Did he warn you? Against printing more pamphlets and posters?'

'No. There was no point. He despises us, as he despised his son.'

She smiled gently. 'Don't grieve so, Chang An Lo. Yuesheng died doing what was right and he is happy now.'

'He will be happier when we bring freedom to this shackled country of China,' Chang whispered fiercely. He drew in a deep breath of scented air. 'And Yuesheng's father will help us bring that day nearer. Whether he wants to or not.'


'You look tired, old sport,' Alfred Parker said, pausing to dig around in the murk of tobacco at the bottom of the bowl of his pipe. 'A bit grey round the gills.'

Theo ran a hand over his eyes. They felt gritty and raw. 'Yes, I'm feeling a bit rough actually. Not sleeping well these days.'

'Not fretting over the spot of bother with that Mason chappie, are you? I thought you said you'd sorted it out.'

'Yes, I have. No problems there. It's the end-of-term examinations, so I'm up marking papers till all hours.'

Plus the fact that he'd spent much of the last three nights in wafer-thin boats bobbing around on the river. Staring out endlessly into blackness. Last night it had sheeted down with rain, but nevertheless the nighttime collections were going smoothly and Theo was surprised at how quickly his own share of silver at the end of each run was growing heavier. That could only mean one thing. They were growing bolder, trafficking in ever-larger cargoes, taking greater risks. They relied on his word. And he relied on Mason's.

No wonder he was looking grey round the gills.

He and Parker were in Theo's favourite teahouse in Junchow. Parker had wanted a meeting and agreed to join him there, overcoming his scruples about hygiene and correctness. Tea without milk was not Alfred's idea of tea at all, but he said he was interested in experiencing a traditional Chinese teahouse to broaden his understanding of the natives. Theo had laughed. Alfred might be an excellent journalist on European matters in China, but he would never have an understanding of the natives. When the slender young girl in her high-necked cheongsam brought over the plain earthenware teapot and poured the red brew into their tiny cups, Alfred smiled at her so warmly that she shook her head and pointed upstairs. Theo knew it didn't enter his friend's head that she thought he wanted s.e.x with her and was telling him the singsong girls were in rooms above, ready to offer the moon and the stars. For a fistful of dollars, of course.

Around them the low bamboo tables buzzed with the erratic tones of Chinese merchants and bankers, even a few j.a.panese diplomats, well dressed and well fed, all men who were on the right side of the food shortages. The place was bright and colourful, fooling customers into a sense of good fortune. Crimson lanterns and golden lions and bright songbirds in elaborate cages soothed away irritations, while a girl with hair like a raven's wing plucked a soft tune on the chin. chin. The clack of mah-jongg tiles never ceased. Normally Theo found it peaceful here, but not today. Somehow he seemed to have lost the knack. The clack of mah-jongg tiles never ceased. Normally Theo found it peaceful here, but not today. Somehow he seemed to have lost the knack. Peaceful Peaceful felt a long way away right now. felt a long way away right now.

'So, Alfred, why the urgency? What is it you are so keen to discuss? '

'You asked me to dig around in Christopher Mason's past, remember? I know you said you've settled whatever your differences were with him, but even so . . .'

Theo leaned forward. 'Found any skeletons?'

'Not exactly.'

'Then what?'

'Just a few irregularities.'

'Such as?'

'He's not quite what he seems, for a start. His parents owned a small hardware shop in Beckenham, Kent. Not the import-export business he claims.'

'Well, well, so Mason's pater was in a brown-ap.r.o.n job. Interesting.'

'There's more.'

Theo grinned. 'Alfred, you are a first-cla.s.s diamond.'

Parker took a moment to relight his pipe. 'His first job was in the customs and excise department in London. And word has it that he wasn't above marketing some of the contraband goods he confiscated - French brandy and perfume, stuff like that.'

'Now why doesn't that surprise me?'

'He eventually moved over to the planning applications department but only after there was a whiff of scandal about him and his boss's wife. Seems she liked rough treatment . . . and he provided it.' Parker was frowning uncomfortably. 'Not the sort of thing a decent chap would do.'

Theo was touched by his friend's naivete. There was something so defenceless about it. His own innocence had been swallowed up by a gunshot in an office in Kensington ten years earlier, and since then he had always expected to up against the bad in people. It just seemed to happen that way. Invariably. That's why he liked teaching. Children were raw material; there was still a chance for them. And there was Li Mei, of course. Li Mei gave him hope. But Parker was an odd sort of fellow because the s.h.i.+ny edges were still intact, not dulled or chipped away by reality. Rare thing these days. Quite refres.h.i.+ng in its way. And there was something different about him today, something exuberant.

'And,' Parker lowered his voice, 'he resigned from Planning after only eighteen months.'

'Enlighten me.'

'Rumours. Nothing definite, you understand.'

'Get on with it, man.'



'Money under the table. Buildings going up where they shouldn't. That sort of thing. Resigned in the nick of time and s.h.i.+pped out to Junchow. Lord only knows how he w.a.n.gled a berth in the education department over here, but apparently he's good at what he does, though not well liked by those under him. They wouldn't say more. Frightened for their jobs, I suppose.'

'Wouldn't you be?'

Parker looked startled. 'Of course not. Not if I saw corruption. '

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