The Russian Concubine Part 25

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He actually managed to smile at her as he said, 'Then let me buy you one, Lydia.'

The rain had started up again, sharp and stinging, by the time she hurried home. In the attic she found her mother preparing to go out for the evening and she felt a kick of disappointment. Oh yes, the job. For a moment she had forgotten, the dance hostess job. It paid the rent and that's what she wanted, wasn't it? So she mustn't complain, but she didn't want to be on her own, not tonight. Valentina was artfully twisting her hair up on top of her head and her eyes were bright with antic.i.p.ation.

Not just the job then.

'Is Alfred joining you again tonight?' She picked up one of her mother's hairpins lying on the floor and detached two long dark hairs from it. She twined them around her finger.

Valentina was humming a s.n.a.t.c.h of Beethoven's Fifth but silenced herself to apply the vivid carmine lipstick that Lydia loved.

'Yes, he's picking me up, darling.' She turned her head sideways in the mirror to study the effect. 'He comes to the hotel every night I work and buys all my dances. He's a dream.'

'What dull dreams you have, Mama.'

'Poof, don't be so ridiculous,' Valentina snapped. 'He's helping us. Where do you think your supper came from?' She gestured to a large slice of veal pie on a plate with melon and a French baguette. 'You should be grateful.'

Lydia said nothing but sat down at the table and opened one of the poetry books she had brought home from the library. She flicked through the pages and said as if it had only just occurred to her, 'Why don't you invite him up here for a minute, so I can thank him myself?'

Valentina stopped powdering her throat. She was wearing the navy silk dress again, the one Alfred Parker said he admired, but Lydia was quite sure that to Alfred even sackcloth and ashes would look heavenly if Valentina was wearing it.

'Why?' her mother said warily. 'What are you up to?'


'You are never up to nothing, dochenka. dochenka. Look at this afternoon with the commissioner. I meant it when I said you are too wild and deserve a whipping.' Look at this afternoon with the commissioner. I meant it when I said you are too wild and deserve a whipping.'

'I know, Mama.'

Valentina fastened a cloisonne necklace around her throat.

'That's pretty, Mama. Is it new?'


'I'll behave better, you'll see. So will you invite Mr Parker up here before you leave? Please.'

Valentina ran a hand along her jawline as if searching out any flaws. 'I suppose so.'

Alfred Parker beamed at Lydia. 'This is nice.'

He was wearing an elegant charcoal suit and had put something s.h.i.+ny on his brown hair so that it gleamed, and to Lydia he did look quite decent for once. Shame about the spectacles though. He was drinking the little shot of vodka she had poured him and didn't even mention that it was in a cup. Lydia was back at the table with her book.

'Busy with homework, eh?'


He stepped closer and peered at her book. His waistcoat smelled of tobacco. 'Wordsworth, I see.'


'Do you like poetry?'



'Lydochka,' Valentina said in a voice that was much too polite, 'I believe you wanted to say something to Alfred.'


Alfred beamed at her again.

She took a deep breath. 'I am sorry I behaved badly toward you and I want to thank you for your kindness to me.' She glanced at her mother's necklace. 'To us. And so I would like to give you this.'

The words had come out faster than when she'd rehea.r.s.ed them in her head. She held out the small felt package tied up in the red ribbon that had been on Sun Yat-sen's hatbox. Alfred looked impressed.

'Lydia, my dear, no need for gifts, I a.s.sure you.'

'I want you to have it.'

Even her mother was looking pleased.

'Thank you, how nice,' he said as he accepted the present and placed an embarra.s.sed kiss on Lydia's cheek. His jaw was rough against her skin. Carefully he unwrapped the bow and the felt, clearly expecting a homemade trinket of some sort. When he saw the silver hunter watch gleaming in his palm, his face drained till it was paper white, and he sat down heavily on the sofa.

Valentina was the one to speak. 'Good G.o.d, little one, where on earth did you find that? It's beautiful.'

'In a p.a.w.nshop.'

Alfred Parker was fingering the watch, opening its case, winding its spring, adjusting its hands, as if his own hands couldn't get enough of it. Without for one second taking his eyes off it, he said in an amazed tone, 'It's mine.'


'How did you know which p.a.w.nshop to find it in?'

'Because I put it there.'

Valentina glared at Lydia over Alfred's head and made a savage twisting gesture with her two hands, as if she wanted to wring her daughter's neck.

Slowly Alfred looked up and stared at Lydia, comprehension seeping in. 'You stole it?'


He shook his head. 'You mean you stole my father's watch from me?'


He rubbed a hand across his mouth, holding in the words. 'No wonder you asked if it was valuable.'

Lydia was feeling worse than she'd expected. He'd gotten the watch back, so why didn't he go now? Go and dance.

But he stood up and walked over to her until he was standing right next to the table and she could see the hairs in his nose.

'You are a very wicked girl,' he said and his voice sounded all tight, as though he were in physical pain. 'I will pray for your soul.' One hand held the watch, the other was clenched on the table, and she knew there was a lot more he wanted to say but didn't.

'You have it back now,' Lydia mumbled, her eyes refusing to back down from his. 'Your father's watch. I thought you'd be pleased.'

He said nothing, just turned and walked out of the room.

'Dochenka, you little fool,' Valentina hissed at her, 'what have you done?'

It was after midnight when Lydia heard her mother return. Her footsteps in the black and silent room sounded loud, her high heels click-clacking on the floorboards, but Lydia lay in bed, face to the wall, pretending she was asleep. She refused to open her eyes, even when Valentina pulled aside her curtain and sat down on the end of Lydia's bed. She sat there for a long time. Without speaking. Lydia could hear her uneven breathing and the rustle of her skirt, as if her fingers were as busy as her thoughts. The church clock struck twelve-thirty and, after what seemed an age, one o'clock, and only then did Valentina speak.

'You are lucky you are still alive, Lydia Ivanova. Maybe he didn't skin you alive, but I nearly did. You frighten me.'

Lydia wanted to cover her ears but didn't dare move.

'I calmed him down.' Her mother gave a long sigh. 'But I didn't need this. Twice in one day. First the police station and now the watch. I think you have gone crazy, Lydia.'

For a while there were no more words and Lydia began to hope she had finished. But she was wrong.

'It's all been lies, hasn't it?'

Valentina waited for an answer but when none came, she continued, 'Lies about where money came from. When I think back, I see lots of them. All the times you said Mrs Yeoman paid you to run errands for her or that you found a purse in the street or had helped someone out with their homework for a fee. And there was no job with Mr Willoughby at the school, was there? That money came from Alfred's watch. You are a wicked thief.'

Valentina took a deep breath. But Lydia was suffocating.

'You must stop. Stop now. Or you will end up in prison. I won't allow that. You must never steal. Not again. Not ever. I forbid it.'

Her words were becoming jerky. Abruptly the weight lifted off the bed and Lydia heard the heels again and a candle flickered into life at her mother's end of the room. The c.h.i.n.k of a bottle against the rim of a cup made Lydia feel sick. She curled up in a tight ball under the sheet and pressed her knuckles against her mouth, so hard it hurt. Her mother hated her. Said she was wicked. But if she hadn't been wicked, they would have starved in the gutter long ago. So what was right? Or wrong?

Helping Communists. Was that right or wrong?

Silently she started to recite the Wordsworth poem she had been learning for homework that evening. To drown out the words in her head. I wandered lonely as a cloud I wandered lonely as a cloud . . . But what did a cloud know about loneliness? . . . But what did a cloud know about loneliness?


Chang barely heard her footstep behind him, she was so quiet. The stealth of a fox. Yet he knew it was her, as surely as he knew the beat of his own heart. He ceased watching the river and faced her. Her appearance trickled pleasure, sweet as honey, into his veins. She wore no hat and her hair was a tumble of rippling copper in the sunlight, but her eyes were full of shadows. She looked more fragile than he'd ever seen her.

'I hoped I would find you here,' she said shyly. She gestured toward the creek and the narrow strip of sand where she had sewn up his foot. 'It's so quiet, it's beautiful. But if you came here to be private . . .'

'No, please.' He bowed to her and spread out a hand to entice her to stay. 'This place was a drab desert before you walked into it.'

She bowed in return. 'I am honoured.'

She was learning Chinese ways. The deep sense of contentment it gave him took him by surprise.

She sat down on the big flat rock, stroked its grey surface, warm in the sun, and watched a lizard that scurried out of a crack. It was dusty and grey with long spiky claws.

'I need to warn you, Chang An Lo. That's why I've come.'

'Warn me?'

'Yes. You're in danger.'

The weight of the word pressed tight against his ribs. 'What danger do you see?'

He crouched quietly down by the water's edge but turned his head so that he could still look at her. She was wearing a light brown dress and it merged with the trees. Her eyes fixed on his.

'Danger from the Black Snake brotherhood.'

He hissed, a hard and angry sound. 'Thank you for the warning. They threaten me, I know. But how do you hear of the Black Snakes?'

She gave him a lopsided smile. 'I had a chat with two men who had black snake tattoos on their necks. They dragged me into a car and demanded to know where you were.'

She made light of it, but his heartbeat trailed away to nothing. He dipped his hand into the water to hide the sudden tremble. He must rule the anger, not let it rule him. His dark eyes looked into hers.

'Lydia Ivanova, listen to me. You must stay out of the Chinese town. Never go near it, and be watchful even in your own settlement. The Black Snakes carry poison in their bite and they are powerful. They kill slowly and savagely, and . . .'

'It's all right. They let me go. Don't look so fierce.'

She was smiling at him, and his heartbeat returned. She dragged a hand through her hair as if plucking thoughts from her head, and he could feel in the tips of his fingers her desire to talk of other things.

'Where do you live, Chang An Lo?'

He shook his head. 'It's better you do not know.'


'It is safer for you. To know nothing of me.'

'Not even what job you do?'

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