Haunted On Bourbon Street Part 10

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"Not the response I antic.i.p.ated, but I'll take it." He smiled.

I grinned and took in his very cute bed-head look. "Sorry I had to wake you so early."

"No problem. I need to head home and get ready for work anyway." He fished around, searching for his shoes.

"They're over here." I pointed to the end of the bed. "Did you sleep okay?"

He slipped his feet in the unlaced Vans. "Yep, like a baby. You?"

"Best night's sleep since I moved in." I hadn't dreamt of Mr. s.e.xy or Kane, to my immense relief. I'd die of embarra.s.sment if Ian heard me call out in my sleep for another man-if I did, in fact, call out in my sleep. Judging by the intensity the dreams held, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Good, glad I could help." He picked up the movie we never got around to watching. We'd been too busy discussing my ghost and-once I'd gotten over my intense embarra.s.sment-the dreams. He'd been amused and highly curious about the new turn of events. He'd heard of dream hauntings before, but not any of the s.e.xual nature. He promised to check into it further.

"Maybe next time."

"Yeah, next time," he agreed.

"If you're ready I'll walk you down. Maybe grab you a m.u.f.fin from the cafe?"

"Sure." He followed me to the door.

I stopped just before opening it. "Thanks, Ian. I had a good time."

"My pleasure."

I leaned in and kissed his cheek. He winked and followed me down the stairs.

"Hey, I forgot to ask, did you finish with the results of the reading you did the other night?"

"I was going to finish up last night, but I got distracted." He grinned. "Tell you what, I can get them done today and bring you a copy tomorrow. Maybe we can finally get that dinner date in?"

"That'd be great." I smiled up at him.

"But in the meantime, you can do some research. Look for past residents of the building. See if you can find information about anyone who died here. Especially if it wasn't a natural death. A suicide, accident, murder...that kind of thing."

"Why?" I stopped on the bottom stair.

"If we find out who it is, we might have a better idea what he's doing here and how best to get rid of him."

Suddenly, I felt unsettled at the thought of my ghost's possible gruesome death. I didn't notice Kane until his irritation filled my energy field. I stiffened and turned around. "Kane?" I stood to one side, watching him.

"Jade, Ian." His eyes narrowed at Ian, taking in his appearance. Jealousy swarmed around us, and I had to hide a smile.

"You're up early," I said.

"Up late." Kane locked the door to the club. Turning to Ian, he said, "You seem to have had a late night as well."

Ian shrugged.

Kane's face stayed neutral, but his emotions spiraled out of control. Anger, jealousy and maybe even a little pain swirled together.

The pain made me pause. I put a hand on his arm. "Everything okay?" The touch sent a s.h.i.+ver through my entire body, and I felt him flinch slightly.

"Fine, just tired. I'm headed up to bed. See you later." He turned without another word and took the other set of stairs leading to Pyper's apartment.

"What was that about?" Ian asked.

"No idea. Come on, let's get you that m.u.f.fin."

We arrived at the cafe just as Pyper turned the lights on.

"Good morning," I sang.

"Morning to you, too. New employee?" She gestured to Ian.

Ian laughed. "No, not today, anyway. I was promised a m.u.f.fin."

"In that case, take your pick." She waved him to the trays on a rolling rack.

Ian grabbed a double chocolate and pulled out some dollar bills.

"No, no. I got it covered. Thanks again, Ian. I really appreciate everything." I leaned in giving him a big hug. "I'll call you later."

He bent down and kissed my cheek. "You better." He waved to Pyper and left out the back door.

"Oh my G.o.d!" Pyper exclaimed.


"The schoolboy had a sleepover? Kane is going to freak." Mischief danced in her eyes.

"What? Why will Kane freak?" I asked, clocking in.

"Because, silly, he's the one who wants the sleepovers."

"Since when?" It's not like he'd asked me out or anything.

"Since the day he set eyes on you. How was it?" Curiosity and antic.i.p.ation dominated Pyper's energy.

"How was what?"

"'How was what?'" she parroted. "Your night with Ian. Come on, dis.h.!.+"

"We didn't have a sleepover in that way. My ghost paid me a brief visit yesterday, and I called Ian about it. He ended up coming over and stayed so I didn't freak out. We just talked and slept. It was all rather boring actually."

Her face fell. "The ghost?"

"Don't worry, nothing happened. Just a minor apparition."

"That is rather boring. At least Kane won't have to worry."

I laughed. "Well...he did see Ian leaving with me this morning."

Pyper joined in my laughter. "Oh yeah, this is gonna get interesting."

Chapter 8.

At nine o'clock I grabbed a m.u.f.fin and headed to the back for a short break. Just as I took my first bite, the back door squeaked. Kane walked in, with a calm almost Zen-like energy.

"Good morning again. I thought you'd still be sleeping," I said.

He shrugged.

"You're not stoned, are you?" I asked before I could stop myself.

His expression implied I'd lost my mind. "Of course not. Let's see what you look like after three hours of sleep."

I gazed at him, taking in his dark, wavy, fresh-from-the-shower hair. He looked as if he'd just had a full night's worth of sleep. "You look great. I was referring to your mood."

Pleasure and a heavy dose of desire flowed from him as his lips turned up in a half grin. "Great, huh?"

I nodded. With full knowledge of his attraction to me, my bravado came out in full force. "Every woman's dream."

He paused, studying me. "Even yours?"

"Maybe." I met his eyes. His energy remained steady, like a cool stream.

He moved closer, stopping just in front of me. "Who else do you dream about, Jade?"

My breath caught as my pulse sped up. I was outcla.s.sed and not experienced enough for this game. But that didn't stop me. Smiling, I raised an eyebrow. "Unfair question, Kane."

"Maybe, but you're the star of my dreams these days. I'm just wondering if Ian has a role in yours, or is he a distraction?"

His mocha eyes transfixed mine. The breath left my lungs as I sat motionless, mesmerized.

"The star?" I asked when my breathing resumed. "Who are the supporting characters?"

"Unfair question."

"Then you don't need to know who else has roles in mine." I smirked.

He narrowed his eyes, and a predatory grin broke out on his face. He leaned in close to mine and whispered, "I'll find out." Before I could respond he retreated out the back door.


I slowed my steps as I entered the club, unsure if I wanted to see Kane or not. Okay, I wanted to see him. Who wouldn't? But after the morning's interlude I didn't know what to say. I took a deep breath and knocked.

A m.u.f.fled, "Come in," answered.

I made my way inside.

"Jade, what can I do for you today?" Charlie asked from behind the desk as I flopped into a folding chair across from her.

"I was looking for Pyper." Or Kane, but my stomach got jittery just thinking his name. "Have you seen her?"

She shook her head. "No, I think she actually went to get some sleep."

"Really? I didn't think she ever slept." I fiddled with the notebook in my lap. "I'm glad to hear it. I was hoping to research some doc.u.ments, but since she isn't here I guess I'll come back." I stood up, but Charlie held her hand up in a stop motion.

"Hold on. I have access to records. What do you need?"

"Would it be all right if I take a look at who might have rented my apartment in the past? Do they have those records?" I filled her in on Ian's suggestion to try to identify the ghost.

"It's like a mystery." Charlie got up and headed to the door. "Come on, the files are in the storage room."

I followed her into the hallway. She stopped outside the room where I'd gotten my used furniture and fumbled with a ring of keys.

"There are files in here as well?" I didn't remember seeing any.

Charlie nodded. "There are now. They used to live in one of Pyper's closets until you took some of that old furniture."

We walked in, turned the light on, and found a mound of bankers' file boxes stacked next to the door, barricading us from the rest of the room.

"I guess she was in a hurry," I said and coughed from the disturbed dust. "Thanks Charlie, I can take it from here."

She sat in an old thread-worn chair and grabbed the box closest to her. "I can help." Opening it up, she pulled a stack of papers out.

"You don't have other work you need to do?" I didn't want to get her into trouble.

She shrugged. "Sure, but helping you is a lot more entertaining, and I can hear the phone from here if anyone calls."

"Okay, thanks," I said, pleased to have some company.

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