Play Doctor: Dream Machine Part 8

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The thought had Kurt's hard-on thumping against his abdomen but she wasn't ready for that level of play yet. Becca flushed a deep burgundy, then whimpered, clenching her thighs together as though she could smother her physical response. Her reaction had him considering it a moment longer, wis.h.i.+ng the probe was embedded in her now to supply objective feedback. The readings might prove interesting. He made a mental note to record this in his journal for further deliberation.

Perhaps, when she was more comfortable...

"No, Doctor. Please don't."

"Then forget the camera. All you need to worry about is me. Give yourself over, do as I command and I won't let anything bad happen. Remember my promise. You can stop at any time. Just say the word and it will be over. No hard feelings." Though true, he would never keep her against her will, Kurt would be so f.u.c.king disappointed he didn't think he could ever try again. If she couldn't satisfy him, then no one could.

"Enjoy, Becca."

Chapter Eight.

Rebecca watched the green recording light flash on. Her face flamed now that it doc.u.mented their session.

For the record, Kurt stated their progress to date. She strove to convince herself the antic.i.p.ation building in her stemmed from fear or outrage when pure l.u.s.t dampened her thighs, betraying her excitement.

"We have now completed all of the preliminary reviews including the initial examination of the subject, the gathering of background information and an equipment test run. Today we will establish a baseline reaction to compare the results of the dream sessions to."

While he set the stage for the review board, she tried to make sense of her swirling emotions. Elation at securing a partners.h.i.+p in Dr. Foster's practice battled with the desire heating her body to distraction as she watched him stalk around the table. She recalled vulnerable patients he had treated over the years in an attempt to squelch her apprehension.

He's a good man, you can trust him-give him control. For so long now she had segregated herself from others, depending solely on herself. She wondered if she could do it. Could she let go?

"Stay with me, Becca," he murmured in her ear, breaking her out of her thoughts. His mouth tucked close under the cover of her hair, ensuring the privacy of his guidance even from the panoptic lens. "All you have to worry about is pleasing me."

Straightening, he adjusted the table. Once again, the restraints encircled her ankles and, oddly, she felt comforted and secure. The joy of being bound surprised her but, as with yesterday's session, she found the immobility imbued her with an ironic sense of freedom. She couldn't waste energy on avoiding the situation or denying her pa.s.sionate response. Instead, it focused her on the things happening out of her control.

Today, however, Kurt left her arms unfettered. After splitting the table then shoving her legs wide open, nearly to the point of discomfort, he bent the middle section beneath her knees. They rose, drawing her legs close to her chest. Then, he reattached the probe to the connector welded between her thighs.

Rebecca's p.u.s.s.y clenched at the memory of the machine stroking inside her. The metallic clink of the attachment locking in place triggered instant hunger as though she were affected by the cla.s.sical conditioning made famous by Pavlov's subjects.

Her low moan cut the silence as the blunt tip of the instrument notched against her opening. Kurt flashed his rea.s.suring smile and patted her leg, exercising his innate bedside manner. Somehow, it didn't alleviate her nervous energy.

He raised another segment of the table, this time under her shoulders. The comfortable position left her half-reclining, half-sitting, knees bent and legs spread. Kurt ran his fingers beside her calves, uncovering slots in the face of the platform. From each, he withdrew a retractable strap that reminded her of a seat belt. He worked his way up from her ankles, stretching the bindings around her legs every four inches or so until her striped s.h.i.+ns, knees and thighs were glued to the table. The flexible nylon warmed against her skin, cradling her as it conformed to her curves.

Now high up on her thigh, his hand b.u.mped against her steaming core. She moaned as her hips lifted an inch or so, seeking his touch, before reaching the limits of the restraints. Kurt evaded her with a nimble s.h.i.+ft before strapping her waist to the table as well.

"I won't touch you. Don't do that again." He landed a light slap on the flesh of her inner thigh, startling her.

"Today's session is about a baseline, no interference from me. I need to know what your normal levels of arousal are."

Rebecca grimaced as she turned her head to avoid the censure in his eyes. Get a grip, she scolded herself. Keep it professional. More important now than ever, she slammed a lid on the impulse to beg him to touch her, kiss her, let her taste his long, thick c.o.c.k. She licked her lips as it, already so engorged and rigid it had to be painful, bobbed in time with his heartbeat. At least he wanted her, even if his control outstripped his desire.

She winced at the clear demonstration of his priorities. Though he found her attractive, little, if anything, mattered more to Dr. Foster than his work. This was a monumental project. As partners, he would expect her to respect their research as much as he did. She would do whatever it took to ensure the successful development of the Dream Machine, but fighting her raging need seemed impossible.

"You're quite a sight, Becca."

She squirmed, testing the bindings. She reached out but couldn't remove the straps due to the angles and the distance.

Satisfied, Kurt stepped back to admire her. His compliments soothed some of the sting of his refusal. "I wish you could see what I see. To me, you look like a gorgeous but decadent masterpiece. Between the black lines across your fair skin and the innocence in your eyes, I can't stop staring."

Seductive power raced through her despite her defenseless position. He studied her for the s.p.a.ce of several ragged breaths before shaking his head as though to clear it.

"I have one other attachment I'd like to test today. Do you mind being the first to try it? I can a.s.sure you it won't hurt you." Before waiting for her answer, he reached into his lab coat pocket then withdrew two silvery rings, each attached to a thin wire. The rings appeared firm but s.h.i.+fted beneath his fingers.

Hesitant, Rebecca watched as he plugged connectors like those you'd see on a set of headphones into the monitor that had tracked the probe's readings the day before. Moving even with her chest, Kurt whispered in her ear again.

"Don't refuse me now. We've just begun." He lingered, nibbling her earlobe while his head blocked the camera's view. Sensation rushed along her nerves like a shockwave. Instincts compelled her to turn her face away, exposing her neck. With a moan, Kurt surged forward to nip the sensitive spot before soothing it with his tongue.

She would do anything he asked. When she inclined her head in the slightest nod, the corners of his mouth curled up in a triumphant smile against her throat. He lifted his head then brought the silver circles to his mouth, licking first one then the other. Her eyes widened at the sight. A hiss broke from her clenched teeth when his fingers guided the tool around her nipple where it adhered.

On contact, it constricted of its own accord to form a snug circle around the outside of her areole. He stroked the flesh, testing the area to ensure a proper fit, then repeated the gesture with the other appliance, making her back arch at his light touch.

It wasn't nearly enough.

"These measure size and density, providing another indicator of your arousal. They'll expand and contract to outline your nipple, tracking the circ.u.mference as a data point." His eyes never strayed from the rings, which made constant adjustments to conform to her body.

"Fascinating," he murmured.

His intense scrutiny reinforced the safety of the environment. Kurt's careful monitoring wouldn't allow anything to go wrong. Of course, her faith in him along with their smoldering attraction only made the rosy peaks tighter. The circlets shrunk further.

"How does that feel, Becca?"

She struggled to describe a sensation so new and glorious. "They're amazing, Doctor. Mmm, they're s.h.i.+fting to match me. The pressure pinches a little. It almost hurts, but it's so good."

Turning from her, Kurt dragged his desk chair about ten feet from the examination table beyond a bold red mark slas.h.i.+ng the floor. She gauged the angle before figuring the placement ensured he remained out of the camera's line of sight. When he adjusted the height of his seat, she blushed. He must have a perfect view of her shaved p.u.s.s.y, dripping with natural lubrication. The way he'd positioned the probe at an angle, on the verge of penetrating her, permitted him full visibility.

a.s.sured of the attachment's proper functioning, Kurt tore himself away. He retreated to his outpost.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to resist touching Becca, to h.e.l.l with the experiment. He concentrated on sinking down then keeping his hands steady when he placed the remote control on the wheeled tray next to his journal and pen. One ankle resting on the knee of his other leg, he balanced the open notebook in his lap to jot a memo to himself for later study.

Subject responding well to stimuli as expected. Elements present in the original dream research seem to evoke the strongest response in accordance with my theory.

He reclined while observing her eyes haze. He didn't need the readings from the machines to detect her extreme arousal. Perhaps this wouldn't be a clean trial. Maybe he'd have to run several rounds of testing to desensitize her to the excitement her surroundings enhanced.

Glancing up from his writing, he witnessed her straining at her bonds while her hips struggled to thrust forward in a subtle rocking motion. Her heavy-lidded eyes prevented her from noticing him admiring her perfect t.i.ts, nipples now fully erect and gleaming with the encircling silver rings.

"Are you ready to begin?" he asked, surprised by the husky tone of his voice.

"Begin?" She sounded distant, almost dazed, as though she wasn't sure what he meant. "Haven't we already begun? What's all this?" She gestured to the machines, the camera, the restraints.

"Yes, Becca, begin. The best way to establish the baseline is through self-stimulation. This would demonstrate your ordinary state of arousal and method of fulfillment. I realize some factors might skew the results in this case. For example, the equipment, as well as being observed, appears to heighten your arousal.

However, those things will also be true when we progress to the dream stages so the effect will cancel out in the long term."

She blinked once, then twice, before comprehension dawned in her l.u.s.t-clouded mind.

"You want me to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e for you?" Her bright eyes went wide as her voice flew up an octave.

Rocking back in his chair, Kurt rested his palms on his thighs then met her incredulous emerald gaze head on.

"Yes. Touch yourself. Make yourself come for me."

She blushed, scrunching her lids closed as he watched another drop of liquid squeeze out of her tight slit.

She was so wet now her sweet juice trickled down her crack, leaving a trail of heat between her cheeks. He wished he could taste her.

"Pretend I'm not here. Imagine you're alone in your bed. Can you do that, Becca?" He focused on regulating his voice, keeping it smooth and gentle when he wanted to bark out his demands. He locked away the intensity of his longing by reminding himself of her innocence. She was untried and needed to ease into this.

"Yes, Doctor. I'll try."

Though she kept her eyes closed, Kurt angled the notebook in front of him to block her view of his hand wrapping around his d.i.c.k in case her long lashes fluttered open. He didn't want the visual stimulation to throw off the readings.

"Good girl. It's going to be all right, you'll see. I'll start by inserting the probe at its smallest as I did yesterday." His c.o.c.k jerked in his hand, recalling how even that meager intrusion had stretched her flesh. "I'm going to measure how tight you are, what your normal reactions are, so we can compare the results to your body's feedback during your fantasies."

"Relax, Becca. Let it inside you." She gasped when he initiated the forward motion of the machine. The tip of the probe pressed, insistent, against her p.u.s.s.y. From his optimal vantage point, he watched the muscles first contract then slowly, so slowly, begin to part. The relaxation allowed the machine to furrow deeper inside her.

As soon as the wicked but delicious attachment breached the ring of muscle at the opening of her p.u.s.s.y, a line appeared on the monitor beside Rebecca. She didn't know where to look, nowhere was safe.

The sight of the instrument forcing its way inside her flooded her veins with arousal. Yet, the irrefutable proof of her desire and depravity in enjoying this procedure-drawn in the neon green line blazing across the monitor-tempted her, too. However, Kurt's expression as he witnessed her possession ultimately captured her attention.

When she saw her own pa.s.sion reflected in the lines of strain on his face, her swollen p.u.s.s.y clamped around the probe. The quiet beeping of the monitor increased.

She tried to obey his command by imaging she lay in her cold and lonely bed but she couldn't resist licking her lips as she remembered what his flesh had tasted like or the slick heat of his s.e.m.e.n coating the back of her throat.

Again, the beeping increased tempo. Kurt groaned.

"Baby, are you so hot you're going to make yourself come just sitting there thinking? Come on, Becca.

Touch yourself. Show me how you take care of yourself. Focus on the feel of your hands on your luscious body."

Little did he know, just being in the room with him s.h.i.+fted her body into overdrive. She wanted to ease the flames burning inside her to the point of pain but, still new to shared intimacy with him, her shyness reared its head.

At least she didn't have to worry about lack of interest. One guy in her past had accused her of being frigid because s.e.x with him couldn't quiet her worrying mind, always focused on school, her job and her goals. Of course, she'd known he was full of c.r.a.p but she had never expected pleasure could swamp her like this.

The desperation of her need paralyzed her.

"Dr. Foster..."

"I don't know what's going on in your mind but if you don't want to talk it out with me then let it go.

You're tensing up."

The lines traced on the monitor had dipped and the beeping had slowed. What if she couldn't do this in front of the one man she wanted? What if she failed him?

"Becca, you're a.n.a.lyzing too much. Do it. Now."

Something inside her loosened. Her hand s.h.i.+fted where it rested, rubbing the outer lips of her p.u.s.s.y. They were so smooth now that he had shaved them. Every featherlight brush of her fingertip, and the cool breeze blowing across the exposed skin, echoed in her core as she spread the wetness around her swollen folds.

"That's it." His approval raced through her, prompting her to grow bolder. Increasing the pressure of her fingers, she stroked a slow path along the outside of her lips. When her inner muscles gripped the smooth probe, she thought she heard a sound from Kurt's direction. A groan?

Rebecca couldn't think much about it as ecstasy began to overwhelm her. Pent up for so long, her pa.s.sion steamrolled her logic now that he'd given her permission to let it out. As soon as she started touching herself, her eyes closed and pleasure overtook rationality.

Her mouth opened, her chest fluttered with uneven respiration, and her thigh muscles slackened, scooting her down a fraction of an inch. The motion lodged the probe in her to the hilt.

A moan burst out of her at the intrusion. Her free hand flew to her chest. The rings alternately chilled then heated against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She had to rub her nipples or the sensation would drive her crazy. Using a finger on either side of her slit, she ma.s.saged herself, trapping her c.l.i.t between her fingers. The rippling of her walls triggered another wave of honey, which coated the probe before leaking from her.

Restless, she tried to impale herself further but the straps prevented her forward motion. The tug reminding her of her bound condition inched her closer to release. She wished the probe were f.u.c.king her as it had yesterday. h.e.l.l, she wished he would f.u.c.k her.

With that single thought, her o.r.g.a.s.m loomed near. As she teetered on the edge, the pitch of the machine recording her responses crescendoed.

"Yes, Becca. Just like that. G.o.d, you look gorgeous."

Rebecca sighed when she heard his rea.s.surance. She concentrated on clenching the probe so it stroked her as she needed. Her muscles milked the foreign object, straining to wedge it further into her body or, maybe, to eject it. She wasn't sure which. The nipple rings tightened again. She couldn't last much longer under the unrelenting waves pounding her.

Usually it took her a while to o.r.g.a.s.m, even when she used her vibrator. She only got quick relief when she woke in the middle of the night from a dream of Kurt's powerful frame moving in heavy thrusts on top of her.

She'd barely acknowledged the fantasy when she flew over the edge. The whir and escalating beeping of the machines didn't register on her mind as they recorded her climax. All she was aware of was the rapture rus.h.i.+ng through her with every heartbeat, the invading probe she shuddered around, the restraints-tight but comforting on her skin-and, somewhere in the distance, the guttural sound of Kurt succ.u.mbing to his own needs.


She drifted in a strange combination of satisfaction and yearning. The o.r.g.a.s.m had been t.i.tanic. Yet, more than ever, she craved Kurt's c.o.c.k. She wanted him to dominate her, force her to surrender to both of their desires. She huffed out a breath. He'd refused her twice already. She didn't have the courage to make her request only to be denied again.

Rebecca peeked out. She admired his broad back as he soaked a rag in the sink. He came near, then bent over between her legs with a wooden stick similar to a tongue depressor clasped in his hand. The collector sc.r.a.ped across her tender tissue with rapid strokes, eliciting a shriek. She couldn't stop herself from squirming against the restraints in an attempt to relieve her hypersensitive flesh while he removed copious dollops of the feminine come still oozing from her.

"Shh, Becca, I need to measure how wet you were." He continued scooping her secretions into a large vial with mLs marked in red slashes up the side. When satisfied, he placed it in a metal stand on the counter. His hands found a clasp beneath her a.s.s then disengaged a similar collection reservoir. She hadn't noticed the discreet plate and funnel earlier.

Adding the contents together, he made note of the volume in his journal, humming with appreciation at the final figure. He swiped the warm, wet cloth across her thighs and crotch to remove the last bit of stickiness from her skin and ensure her comfort.

"Baby, you're amazing."

She expected him to remove the probe and nipple rings but, instead, he ran a finger over her p.u.s.s.y, around the side of the inserted device. Her hypersensitive nerve endings rebelled. The ferocity of her reaction startled her, as it had when her o.r.g.a.s.m had made her a victim of spontaneous combustion.

"I'm sorry, Doctor. I couldn't help but come so quick."

Anger flared in his usually easygoing expression as he drew himself to his full height. "I told you never to apologize for your nature. If you do it again I'll be forced to punish you."

She tried to ignore the jump on the monitor indicating an unexpected clench of her p.u.s.s.y at his threat but a man as observant as Kurt couldn't possibly have missed it. "Besides, that's why we have several trials to establish a trend."

She treated him to a blank stare until her relaxed body reawakened at his implication. With him standing so close, distracting her, she wasn't certain she'd understood him.


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