Play Doctor: Dream Machine Part 7

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The thirst clawing at his throat would only be quenched when he saw Becca again, even if he had to pretend the experiment necessitated their interaction. Confessing the depth of his longing wasn't an option, not if he wanted to preserve their working relations.h.i.+p and definitely not if he wanted a successful experiment. If he didn't see this through, the board would have him banned.

The truth would destroy everything.

An eternity pa.s.sed between each heavy tock of the second hand, until the hour freed him from his patient.

Finally, he could begin work on the Dream Machine for the day. He grabbed Becca's l.u.s.t-inducing shoe off the table in his office, his d.i.c.k filling again at the sight of it. On the way toward his laboratory, he chuckled, recalling the cla.s.sic fairy tale, Cinderella.

If claiming his princess and convincing her of their perfect fit could be so simple, he'd slip the spike heel on her right now. But her stubborn streak, and lack of self-awareness, prevented such an easy solution. h.e.l.l, he didn't know what to make of things himself. The potent energy between them shocked him. It had taken all of his willpower to walk away from her last night. He grinned at the thought of continuing their journey while he opened the door to the laboratory.

He had so much to show her.

Her innocence drew him but he was man enough to admit it scared him, too. Without practical experience, Becca might fall victim to society's propaganda promoting romantic ideals of love in relations.h.i.+ps. She might forget her training, her understanding of science, and believe a relations.h.i.+p between two people consisted of more than compatible hormones and animal magnetism. But, he didn't have a choice.

If he wanted to compile official data in support of the Dream Machine by the council's deadline, he had to act now. However, if he came clean with himself, he'd have to admit his primary goal had transformed from proving his invention worked, to using the Dream Machine to draw Becca out of her rigid confinement.

Besides, he had no doubt about the functionality of the Dream Machine, thanks to the f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d who'd stolen his invention in the equivalent of taking it out joyriding for a night. He'd preyed on Becca as she dozed at her desk while Kurt had been called away on an emergency.

Then, soon-to-be-ex-Dr. Wexford had shared the privileged view into Becca's delectable dreams with the board. Since every last one of her fantasies featured Kurt, they'd insisted he recreate the scenes and measure her responses to see if they truly comprised her greatest desires, as long as she consented to intimacy with him.

Which she eagerly had, even seeking him out before he could propose the arrangement. She'd provided all the confirmation necessary with her sweet approach.

No, the Dream Machine worked. He just had to verify it for the review board.

He entered the private works.p.a.ce, pleased to see Becca waiting for him. Following quick on the heels of his elation, a surge of disappointment burst through him at her clothed state. The insolent glare, which p.r.o.nounced her intentional disobedience, ratcheted his irritation to the next level.

He had a reputation for being laid-back in the cla.s.sroom and at work. He enjoyed the company of women, especially strong-willed women, but a streak of dominance ran deep through his soul.

In private, he craved the thrill of the chase and the eventual surrender of an independent woman. Those he pursued had never resisted his will for long. His s.e.xual preferences compelled him toward submissives.

Therefore, when he saw Becca-the one woman whose compliance he coveted-clothed, hands on hips, with pure defiance radiating from her expression, something inside him snapped.

He couldn't suppress his nature around her.

Kurt crossed to her with two powerful strides then fisted his hand in her hair. Tugging the silky strands with enough force to sting, he compelled her to meet his gaze. Today she would get more than the patient teacher. Even he couldn't disguise reactions this intense. He prayed she could handle the extremity of his temperament because he wouldn't stop now unless she quit the study. Their own version of a safe word.

"Have you forgotten the rules so soon?" He spoke with a quiet command more forceful than a raised voice.

The beast inside him yearned to run free after years on a leash. Close enough to see his expression reflected-a little wild-in her eyes, catching her scent, he focused on controlling the need to tear off her clothes.

He'd like to teach her another kind of lesson right here and now.

Kurt watched excitement flare in the beautiful jade depths of her eyes as he studied them for hints of panic or discomfort. Though the shock and miniscule pain of his grip flickered across her expression, her arousal overrode the other reactions. Becca arched closer to him, her nipples growing tight where they poked his abdomen. Then she held still, never looking away but ceding to his challenge, allowing him to keep her close.

A s.h.i.+ver ran through her. So connected to her, each minute movement advertised her needs like a giant, glowing neon sign. She tried to hide but he understood pleasure, not fear, drove her response. If frightened, she wouldn't hesitate to knock him back. Knowing she enjoyed his control only fueled his desire. Still, she wasn't giving him anything for free today.

"You weren't here yet. I didn't feel like sitting around nude while I waited, Doctor." She paused long enough to make the b.a.s.t.a.r.dization of his t.i.tle apparent. While he demanded the use of his t.i.tle in this room, he couldn't construe it as a sign of respect or deference when it launched off her lips like an insult.

d.a.m.n! They'd made such good progress last night. Now, despite her body's betrayal of her obvious arousal, she'd returned to the cool distance and impenetrable formality that drove him insane. Kurt had to breach her resistance before she could withdraw further. Her retreat tested his control like a deer running from a wolf, but she couldn't absorb the full force of his disposition yet. He had to earn her trust first.

Fortunately, he held all the cards in this situation. h.e.l.l, he'd always enjoyed a challenge. Whatever barrier held her back, he would find and destroy it. Tormenting Becca with desire until she begged for relief at his hand sounded like one of the most gratifying things he could imagine.

"Resistance is a waste of energy." Dr. Foster's voice, rough and graveled, raked across Rebecca's senses.

"Get those clothes off so we can begin."

She hadn't wanted him to think her eager although, in truth, she might have died if anything had delayed him. Sheer determination veiled her desire. She refused to let herself get sidetracked again. Proving she could be professional in all circ.u.mstances, especially in their business dealings, was of utmost importance.

She stifled a gasp when he abruptly released his hold, attempting to ignore the pulsing ache left in its wake.

She stumbled back a step. A thrill of excitement raced through her, mixing with the tingling in her scalp that reminded her of his authority. She focused her attention on the task at hand in an attempt to distract herself from her body's traitorous reaction.

With efficient precision, Rebecca removed, folded then stacked her clothes before scooting onto the examination table. Though she couldn't prevent her skin from blus.h.i.+ng under Dr. Foster's observation, she concentrated on relaxing her fists at her sides when she reclined.

She braced herself, meeting his direct stare when ready. "What's the objective for today's session, Doctor?" she asked, proud no tremble or breathiness betrayed her arousal.

"We'll get to that. First, I need to explain something."

A frustrated sigh came from his direction. His regard etched her skin as he studied her. In fact, she could practically hear the gears in his mind turning as he debated the best way to crack her charade. They both knew that's what it was but the power struggle only heightened her arousal. Way out of her league, his experience would lead to her certain defeat in a test of wills but she refused to give in without a fight. Her antic.i.p.ation multiplied.

What is wrong with me?

The rustling of fabric reached her ears as he removed his clothes with careful deliberation, daring her to watch, before replacing them with his lab coat. His words came calm but stern. "Becca, I'm not sure what's happening here, but..."

When he stood beside her, the waves of heat radiating from his hard-on scorched her outstretched arm. His throbbing erection filled her peripheral vision, tempting her to peek, but she remained as still as a statue. Kurt grasped her chin then pivoted her head toward him until she couldn't avoid his steel-grey eyes.

Once he captured her full attention, he continued, "But... I think the truth will work best in this situation.

One truth anyway." He spoke to her with the measured phrasing he used when a.n.a.lyzing problems in their casework, seeking out a solution by lining up the pieces. Before he could reach the correct conclusion in this instance-discovering her personal feelings for him-and chastise her for her conduct the night before, she tried to head him off. Maybe then, they could both move on.

"I understand about yesterday evening, Dr. Foster. I'm sorry for the way I behaved." She gathered a breath to force the rest out but had to close her eyes to finish it. "It's no excuse, but I don't drink alcohol. I realize this is a professional exercise and I won't forget it again. I apologize."

She prayed he would overlook her foolishness but too much rode on his response for her to witness the pity or disgust that might be lurking in his expression now.

A millennium pa.s.sed before he spoke again.

"I refuse your apology. I will never forget what happened last night."

Shock caused her eyelids to pop open and her head to jerk, breaking his hold. Her worst nightmare had come true. Sure she'd lost her chance, it took a while for his comforting tone, and the fact that he was still talking, to seep into her consciousness.

"-have no concerns about your career. I see it's holding you back. I know this is a lot to happen all at once for you, Becca, but there are things you need to learn." Prohibiting her response, he laid his hand over her lips when she would have objected. "First, this experiment is about more than testing the Dream Machine. I want you to be the best psychologist you can be. I understand now why it's so important to you."

Shame bubbled inside her again at the thought of her outburst in the restaurant. She swallowed hard before focusing on his face. When she did, she didn't glimpse the pity she feared but, instead, she saw understanding and concern. That almost frightened her more.

"I can't express how much I respect your commitment, but how can you expect patients to trust you with their problems if you can't trust others? How can you discuss their s.e.xual fears and needs if you don't know what your own are?"

Reeling from the turn of conversation, the direction of his reasoning confused her.

"Wh...what? You're not upset with me for last night?" Her trepidation snuck out in a squeak before she locked it away again. It didn't escape his notice.

"Of course I'm not angry. You're so d.a.m.n innocent, Becca. Yet, starving for this..." He stroked his hand across her bare midriff. If he intended the gesture to soothe her, he failed miserably.

"Look how you respond to the slightest touch. You pretend to be indifferent but your body doesn't lie. I didn't plan to tell you so soon but your perception of me as your boss is getting in the way of honest reactions."

Her mind scrambled in a million directions as it attempted to decipher his meaning over the clamor of her body, screaming for him to touch it again.

"Listen to me. Feel me, know what I'm saying is true."

As though she could focus on anything else at the moment. He mesmerized her with the euphonic timbre of his voice. His fingers paused on her stomach as he lingered in his speech, punctuating the important points with caresses and squeezes that left her as entranced as a charmed animal.

"I want to teach you. I need to show you what it means to trust, to be open. Only then can you reach your potential in this profession." Peering down at her with a sly smile, he added, "And my partner needs to be the best."

"Partner!" If not for his hand pinning her to the table, she would have bolted upright.

Laughter rumbled from him as he savored her reaction. "Of course, Becca. You have to know I want you to stay on here after graduation."

Kurt's eyes shone with pride and longing he didn't bother to shutter from her. Overwhelmed, her vocal chords refused to function.

He continued, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. You deserved to know my intent to promote you. You deserve recognition. You earned it. I a.s.sumed you knew and that's my fault. I won't let you go."

His faith returned her voice, but she found it impossible to convey her emotions. "Dr. Foster, really, thank you. I don't know what to say. I mean, I hoped. I dreamed, but..."

Rebecca couldn't believe it. A partners.h.i.+p. She'd half expected him to fire her after the way she'd acted last night. Not even in her wildest dreams did she expect such a high-level position this early in her career. She wouldn't ruin this second chance.

She would learn what he needed to show her.

With that, her awkwardness vanished, proving his instincts had been correct as usual. As the tension drained from her body, Kurt bent over her-brus.h.i.+ng his lips against hers-until she melted under his touch. Her body responded automatically to the tender kiss, opening to him. He traced her teeth and gums with his tongue.

With infinite care, he rubbed his lips over her parted mouth, indulging for a moment before separating them.

Her heavy eyelids fought their way open when he switched directions, resuming his speech as though their conversation hadn't touched them both.

"Now, I want you to realize your full potential but I feel you're holding back. Therefore, I'm going to a.s.sist you." For a moment, the feral gleam off his bared teeth had her wis.h.i.+ng she could retreat one tiny inch but he kept her tight against the table.

"We need to complete this experiment, Becca, but our time here will be about more than that. You confessed a need for experience the other day in my office, yet you were so wrapped up in your goals you neglected to see it as a component of your education. I understand why, sweetheart. I really do, but you've missed some important lessons. Not the kind you find in a book, either. I'm talking about the kind you learn from living."

As he spoke, she noticed his c.o.c.k throbbing. Glistening liquid seeped from the tip.

"What do you get out of this, Doctor?" she whispered.

"Can't you tell how much I enjoy sharing this journey with you, guiding you?" He wrapped his free hand around the thick base of his shaft, then stroked himself with long, sensual motions. She had to bite her cheek to keep from reaching her tongue out to taste him. "I believe in you, Becca. I want you to be my partner. You're amazing now. You'll be even better once we're done here. Plus, our mutual physical attraction will increase the strength of the research. This works for us, Becca."

Her heart tripped in her chest. After all this time, her dream was coming true. His repet.i.tion helped it to sink in. The trembling of her arms and legs made her glad she already lay down. She wouldn't have been able to stand beneath the intense weight of her bliss, shock and yearning.

"I'll teach you. I won't ever let you down, I swear, but I need you to promise me something in return."

Her reservations had melted away with the ultimate demonstration of his faith. As quick as that, the last of her barriers disintegrated. Respect, attraction and grat.i.tude ensured she would grant him whatever he desired.

She nodded.

"Yes, Doctor, anything."

"For the duration of the experiment you're mine."

Kurt struggled to rein in his elation as he lost himself in her adoring gaze. Never before had he taken such pleasure in another person's joy. He would give anything to see her happy. He made a silent vow to satisfy her desires for a mentor, a lover, and a man who valued her beyond belief.

Until now, the demands he made on women had eventually proved too much for them to handle. He had tested their desire until they reached their limits, then set them free-no matter how much they begged him not to. He was always dissatisfied. With Becca, he'd discovered a woman whose sensuality had no bounds. Her appet.i.te to learn, her curiosity, matched his own. If only she would liberate herself.

"I require your complete submission."

She froze, blinking at him while she considered his words. While she hesitated, her nipples pebbled, and her legs s.h.i.+fted in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure between them.

"I don't know what to say." She opened her mouth as though to answer but closed it again with a snap.

Allowing her to compose her thoughts, he waited. This had to be her choice, given freely.

"I've already agreed to be open with you during the study, to share my fantasies. I've consented to letting you touch me, be intimate with me, teach me about pa.s.sion, measure my arousal, and record all of my responses.

What more can you want? What more can there be?"

Seeing the genuine confusion in her eyes, Kurt smoothed the lines on her brow. "It's easy, Becca. Give yourself to me. I'll instruct you. I'll be here for you through every step of the journey. I won't push you further than you can go, but you have to trust me to know what you can handle. Trust me to know what you need. Make one decision now, to give me complete control."

He wondered if she realized the way her face tilted to maintain contact with his fingers, like a pet begging its master to keep stroking it, as he spoke.

"Will you do this? No excuses now. This is not for your sister, not for the study, not for our partners.h.i.+p, not for your career, not even for me. Do this because you have to explore this part of you. Because you've hidden yourself away for so long. Because you need to feel."

The words had barely pa.s.sed his lips before she replied.

"Yes, Doctor."

"From now until the end of the experiment you'll stay here with me. You'll be under twenty-four-hour observation. I'll monitor your dreams at night with the Dream Machine, run sessions during the day. Together, we'll work to see how far you can go."

Kurt grinned when she whimpered at the thought. His breath fanned her temple when he whispered, "I'll show you pleasures you've never imagined. I'll tutor you in what it can be like. You will trust me. You will be mine."

He couldn't wait any longer. Turning away from her enticing body before the need to claim her overwhelmed logic, he stepped to the equipment cabinet against the wall behind Becca's head. From her angle, she couldn't see what he was doing. Instincts prevented her budging from where he'd left her, despite her innate curiosity. Signs like this made him confident she was a natural submissive.

He placed the video camera he'd taken from the cabinet on the platform he'd designed to support it. Then he attached it to a rigging system fixed to the ceiling of the laboratory. Using the control box, which also contained the switches for every other mechanical device he'd created in this room, he raised the unit. It hovered above the examination table to capture the action below in crisp detail the standard surveillance equipment couldn't match.

The buzz of the pulley system caused Becca to twitch on the table. He sensed her uncertainty but chose to let the suspense build instead of rea.s.suring her. He watched as her body stiffened. Her nipples, already hard as diamonds, stood out from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. While her fingers fisted in the terrycloth covering the exam surface, her chest began the rapid rise and fall of elevated respiration. When she spotted the camera staring down at her, she moved her hands in an automatic attempt to cover herself.

"No." Kurt had been waiting for her to falter. He stood beside her in an instant, his hands wrapping easily around her wrists. As he dragged her arms to her sides, he instructed, "You will make sure the camera has a clear view at all times. The review board requires complete doc.u.mentation of our proceedings, remember?"

For a moment she balked, her skin blanching. He laughed but little humor infused the sound. "Are you thinking of our colleagues watching you with the infamous Dr. Foster? Don't pretend you dislike the idea. I won't let you hide your desires anymore. Is your sweet p.u.s.s.y soaked thinking of those men and women at the s.h.i.+ny boardroom table watching you beg me to show you more? To take you higher? Is it, Becca?"

She didn't answer.

Kurt didn't need to touch her to be sure. Her spicy arousal perfumed the room. He placed the tip of his index finger on her slick l.a.b.i.a before bringing it to her lips. When she moaned, her hips rising off the table, he slid it inside her mouth and forced her to sample her arousal. The eager laps of her tongue ingesting the proof from his hand provided answer enough. Still, he couldn't resist teasing her.

"It's either this or I go get one of my other a.s.sistants to watch. Would you prefer that?"

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