Play Doctor: Dream Machine Part 3

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When Rebecca awoke to the orange light of morning, she blinked several times then tried to remember the cause of the exquisite tenderness in her muscles before it all came back to her in a rush. Oh, G.o.d! Had she really been such an idiot?

The mental image of herself in Dr. Foster's office, contorted on the patient's chaise, muscles tight and straining under his dexterous ministrations, snapped into focus. Lying in the comfort and security of her warm bed, she could admit the episode had nothing at all to do with her altruistic commitment and everything to do with her long-unsatisfied daydreams of Kurt.

For the past six years, Rebecca had watched the way he helped his patients face their fears and attain their dreams of s.e.xual freedom. But, as maturity enhanced her discerning vision, she had begun to see through his easygoing mannerisms. He had an innate sense of how to dominate and cut to the heart of someone's desires even when they remained oblivious to their own secret longings. Like a maestro playing a well-tuned instrument, he also knew when to back off a patient who'd reached their limits. He was gentle but demanding, quietly insistent, a combination that had stirred her imagination for years.

Groaning, she rolled out of bed, disgusted with herself. She'd cast herself in the role of one of Dr. Foster's patients, which couldn't be conducive to advancing her career. Entranced by his smoky eyes as he peppered her with questions about her s.e.xual history, she had detected his unspoken conviction. Kurt thought she was repressed. h.e.l.l, it might be the truth but her single-minded focus had been necessary to achieve her goal.

Rebecca didn't regret the path she'd taken. It was just that the idea of her mentor perceiving her as weak or constrained disheartened her. While she dreamed of exploring her fantasies with him, she would never accept his pity. She'd seen him convince recalcitrant patients often enough to realize he'd used some of his infamous charm to get her to proceed with his unusual experiment protocols but it didn't matter because he'd coerced her to overcome her inhibitions and reach for something she desired.

He'd presented her with a golden excuse.

She planned to s.n.a.t.c.h it and run but she wished it didn't mean he considered her, in some way, lacking.

Applying her scholastic knowledge of emotions to the feelings swirling inside her proved more difficult than she would have imagined. Logic couldn't solve this problem.

Following the completion of her dissertation, Rebecca had arranged to work fulltime at the clinic until graduation. She had been thrilled but now apprehension infringed on her glee. How could she maintain professionalism when the rules of the study required her total abandon? What if she disappointed Kurt? What if she exceeded his expectations?

Could they continue to work together or would there be no going back? She hoped the unbiased empathy he demonstrated on a daily basis would extend to her as well.

Head swimming with questions, she trudged toward the shower, both dreading and eager for the day ahead.

She flicked on the water and gathered her clothes while the temperature in her apartment's antiquated water heater crept toward lukewarm. After selecting a suit from her closet, she rifled through her underwear drawer.

Should she opt for a modest, matching cotton set because he would see it? Immediately, she discarded the idea. She was no cowering wallflower in need of his help. When she volunteered for the study, she saw it as a way to experiment a little herself. She needed experience. Who better to give it to her than the s.e.xy man who made her feel safe, who was an excellent teacher and who attracted her as no other man ever had before?

She refused to betray his request for open and honest communication by changing her normal behaviors or hiding the heightened reactions he'd inspired. With a grin, she grabbed her most provocative lingerie, a see-through lace teddy, and her highest pair of heels. She'd noticed how often he appreciated her shoes, and the steamy look in his eyes when she'd revealed her s.e.xy undergarments during his exam the day before.

Dr. Foster had taken her by surprise yesterday. Today, she would fight fire with fire.

Rebecca had known yesterday's encounter would alter her relations.h.i.+p with Kurt but when she entered the office and stared at the dents in the carpet marking the s.p.a.ce her desk used to occupy, she panicked. Her palms grew sweaty and she struggled to control her labored breathing.

She loved her job at the university clinic. Despite her earlier bravado, the reminder of how her partic.i.p.ation in the Dream Machine study could jeopardize her career terrified her. Her only solace lie in her conviction she'd never excel in her field until she understood pa.s.sion firsthand. Plus, her sister's education was worth risking her career, her pride, everything she'd ever worked for. Elsa relied on her alone.

Even if she didn't get a job in Dr. Foster's office, her academic record ensured a prestigious position elsewhere. With the added benefit of the s.e.xual experience this project would give her, she would be a stellar candidate. Reaffirming her earlier commitment to stay strong, she drew a deep breath and willed herself to ignore her doubts. Many obstacles had littered her path to success. She'd smash this one like all the others.

Fortunately, she didn't have much time to brood about the situation. Kurt appeared in the doorway to his office, leaning one hip on the jamb in the relaxed pose she'd come to know so well. He looked amazing in his crisp black slacks and silk s.h.i.+rt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The loosened collar gaped, allowing her a glimpse of the dark hair sprinkled on his chest.

Closing her eyes to block out the vision, she tried to resist the immediate reaction of her body. Sensing Kurt's gaze roaming over every inch of her, she stilled her wringing hands. She willed herself to square her shoulders and meet his stare. Drawing a deep, calming breath, she opened her eyes. When she did, she watched a slow, sweet smile of approval spread across his face.

Without a word, he held out his hand. She obeyed his silent command. Crossing to him, she closed the gap by sliding her palm across his. The arc of the electric attraction between them caused her to gasp. He entwined their fingers before leading her down the corridor behind his office. As they made their way deeper into the facility, she wondered at the way his hand wrapped around hers. His fingers were long and strong, warm and supportive.

It seemed right.

She'd never been back to this part of the clinic since he reserved it for his personal study and experimentation. A separate branch of the building housed the general labs, leaving this area secluded. With each step, they drew further away from the bustle of the main practice and deeper into the solitude of the restricted area.

Kurt paused before the door at the end of the hallway to punch in a combination on the keypad next to the door. When the light flashed green, he turned to face her.

"Last chance, Becca. Are you sure?"

Without hesitation, she rotated the k.n.o.b herself, pushed open the door and took the first step inside his private laboratory.

She hadn't expected this. The whole room gleamed, bright white and clinical, compared to the subdued colors and indirect lighting of his office. Some distant part of her mind registered the ominous thunk of the closing door then the snick of the lock engaging as she surveyed the environment.

In the center of the room rested a large padded table similar to the one she had relaxed on when Kurt and their colleagues had treated her to a ma.s.sage at the local day spa for her birthday last year. Surrounding the table, several mechanical objects beeped and whirred. A few she recognized as standard medical equipment but most remained a mystery. In addition to the machines, whiteboards covered with notes and designs for the new invention lined one whole wall. Imbedded in another, a large reflective window she recognized as a one-way observation mirror flung back the picture of her wide-eyed stare and open jaw.

Absorbed in the surroundings, she didn't notice the doctor approaching behind her until he caressed her hip. She flinched beneath his searing palm. He'd always been so careful not to touch her when she studied with him.

"I've dreamt of this for a long time," he whispered in her ear.

Rebecca a.s.sumed he referred to the development of the Dream Machine. If it was as monumental a breakthrough as he antic.i.p.ated then it would aid thousands of people, guarantee his professional success and, no doubt, make him a very rich man in the process. Otherwise, why would he be so desperate to find a subject that he risked the partic.i.p.ation fee if she didn't complete the study? She forced her brain to untangle the problem as she would on any other a.s.signment.

"Tell me more about the Dream Machine. How long has it been in development? Will you show it to me?"

She vacillated between curiosity and apprehension as she thought about what was to come. "What will it feel like? What will it do to me?"

"You'll have all the answers in time." Catching his intense stare, she watched Kurt's grey eyes darken. He refused to be rushed. "We need to establish some rules and get you prepared. First, while in the lab you will address me as Dr. Foster or Doctor. Do you understand?"

Rebecca comprehended the importance of proper procedure and doc.u.mentation for the success of an experiment, even one as personal as this. Trying to ignore the tingle of antic.i.p.ation spreading through her at the prospect of submitting to his authority, she gave him a tentative smile and answered, "Yes, Doctor."

"Good girl. Second, to maintain the integrity of the experiment, once we begin the official proceedings tomorrow, all of our time here must be witnessed." Although she recognized the standard procedure, she cringed at the thought of anyone but Kurt having access to her innermost desires. Revealing them to him would be difficult enough.

"I thought the intrusion of other people might be difficult for you given the nature of our study so I made a case to the review board that it could skew our results. As head of the board, Luke convinced them to agree." He shot her a conspiratorial smirk.

A sigh of relief escaped her parted lips. She'd always liked Dr. Malone.

"Therefore, I arranged to have our initial sessions videotaped instead." Moments ago, she would have balked at having her first attempts at pa.s.sion captured on film. Yet, now, grat.i.tude flooded her senses on hearing their sessions would be recorded. Pus.h.i.+ng away the potential embarra.s.sment, she focused on the bright side. If nothing else, she would always have the memories of her time with Kurt in the experiment archive.

She communicated her a.s.sent with a slight nod.

"Finally, whenever we are in this room, you will be naked."

When she began to object, he expounded. "My interactions with you will vary during the study. You might not always understand my reasons but I expect you to act without question. Too many specifics could alter the outcome of our research. You have to trust me even if what I ask is intimate or unexpected. If you are unwilling to continue, remember you only have to say the word."

He led her to the edge of the examination table. The genial man she thought she knew so well had transformed the moment they crossed the threshold to this room. Laying down the rules, he wielded indisputable control, making clear the extent of the leniency he had granted her while training in the field. There, he had been a mentor demonstrating ways to become a successful colleague. Here, she was clearly his subject. She had not only accepted his terms but also pet.i.tioned to be involved, granting him the right to demand her obedience.

Isn't that what you wanted? To give up control, to let someone else take charge for once?

He reached forward. Cupping her chin, he raised her face with steady pressure until she couldn't avoid the heat smoldering in his eyes. "Becca, I've seen all of you. I loved every inch. Now, get rid of your clothes or I'll do it for you."

A mental image of the doctor tearing her skirt off fuzzed her mind. When she paused to consider it, he slapped her a.s.s with enough warning to make himself understood. The contact shot sparks of desire up her spine.

She yelped in surprise...and arousal. No one had ever played with her like that before. She found herself eager to see what it would be like to push him further.

"Get going," Dr. Foster growled. Suddenly, her rebelliousness in selecting the revealing lingerie that enhanced her provocative shape didn't seem like such a good idea. She debated testing him for one more moment before she chickened out. Unlike yesterday, she stripped off her suit without hesitation to stand proud before him in the lace teddy, matching stockings and heels.

"d.a.m.n. You have amazing taste in underwear." Kurt exhaled a harsh breath. She slid her feet out of her shoes then bent to roll the stockings down the toned muscles of her legs. Selling her car for textbook money had some side benefits. When she s.h.i.+fted, his eyes fixed on the slender strap of the teddy tucked between her thighs.

"Stop," he demanded.

With her foot in mid air, poised to draw off the stocking, she froze.

"I want to look at you." The nylon sheathing fluttered to the floor as he placed a hand on her collarbone.

Firm, steady pressure from his fingers encouraged her to turn a circle before him.

When her back faced his front, he halted her progress with a squeeze on her shoulder. Bending nearer, his lips hovered over her ear as he whispered, "This drives me crazy."

Her head dropped onto his shoulder when he traced the line of fabric along her crack. She imagined the way it presented the exposed globes of her a.s.s for his enjoyment.

"You have a perfect a.s.s." The explicit words shocked her nearly as much as they turned her on. They also set the stage for this new facet of their relations.h.i.+p. Kurt wasn't the kind of man to do things halfway. By entering this room, she had approved this intimacy. Little did he know, she craved this dark s.e.xual journey and had for a very long time.

His touch broke her from her thoughts. Fitting his palms to her, he cupped her b.u.t.tocks. What she had always considered extra junk in the trunk seemed to please him.

Rebecca glanced over her shoulder, satisfied with her boldness, as she unclasped the crotch of the s.e.xy garment, deliberately disobeying his instruction to stay still. He indulged her by letting her goad him but it rea.s.sured her to see she had his rapt attention.

Feeling secure and s.e.xy, she continued.

She tugged the tight fabric over her head, drawing a sharp breath when the lace rasped against her sensitized nipples, which grew harder by the second. As soon as she dropped the lingerie on the floor, Kurt pounced from his rigid stance. His left arm clamped around her waist like an iron band as his right hand splayed high on her back, forcing her to bend over. She braced herself with her palms on the table in front of her a moment before he spanked her a.s.s again.

The crisp sound reverberated in the room. As the shockwaves of pain and pleasure flew through her, she was relieved he hadn't treated her like a fragile patient. Before she could figure out what he expected of her, he scooped her into his arms only to deposit her on the inviting, terrycloth-covered table.

"Enough teasing. Let's get started. Don't test me, Becca. I will punish you and you aren't ready for that yet."

She squirmed a bit on the platform although it was more comfortable than she had imagined. She tried not to glance up at him, knowing he would detect her arousal, but she couldn't take her eyes away from him for long. Turning her head, she realized her mistake when the bulge in his slacks s.h.i.+fted, with heavy thumps corresponding to his heartbeat, a mere inch from her face. She longed to reach out and discover how firm and hot his shaft must be. Judging by the size of the tent forming in the front of his pants, his erection would be huge- far bigger than either of the men she'd been with before.

When Kurt stepped back, she wondered if he could sense her hungry stare on his crotch. Eyes fixed on hers, he began to unb.u.t.ton his s.h.i.+rt. The sight of his well-muscled body mesmerized her, confirming all her daydreams. He was more than halfway done when some semblance of her intelligence returned. Her gaze shot to his and she asked, "Dr. Foster, what are you doing?"

The trembling in her voice dismayed her.

"It's only fair you see me too. I hope it will help you relax. You don't mind do you?" As though she would object to the dark golden muscles revealed to her. The ripple of sinewy flesh along his chest and abdomen and the light trail of hair leading into the waistband of his slacks fascinated her. His fingers worked the fly of his pants with deft movements while she checked to make sure no drool escaped her salivating mouth.

Face flushed with heat, the first bead of moisture pooled inside Rebecca's womb. She focused on burning every detail of this scene into her memory for the lonely nights ahead. His fingers slid inside his bulging boxer briefs. When he nudged them down, she thought it proper to avert her stare but found she couldn't. His long, thick erection sprang free and bounced against his flat stomach.

The whimper that escaped when she wished she could taste him brought her back to her senses.

She jerked her eyes away, causing Kurt to chuckle. "Go ahead and look. If we can't be comfortable with ourselves, how can we help others with their intimate issues?" She couldn't bring herself to gawk at his hard-on even though it was the object of her obvious desire. Instead, she focused on his feet then followed the trail of silky charcoal hair, admiring his powerful legs until she realized she'd ended up right back where she started.

His drew up tight against his body, leaving his s.c.r.o.t.u.m wrinkled and a shade darker than the rest of his skin. She wanted to trace a finger up the prominent veins making his c.o.c.k throb.

The physical evidence of his arousal comforted her. He couldn't fake this reaction. Last night she had begun to doubt that the chemistry between them affected him as it did her. She even wondered if she'd imagined the desire in his expression while he'd examined her on the couch in his office.

But she'd been right. He wanted her, too.

Disappointment zinged through her when he pivoted, took a lab coat from a hanger on the wall and threaded his arms through it. With sure, efficient motions, he knotted the belt around his tapered waist. The gesture accentuated his broad shoulders. The coat highlighted his hard, throbbing erection, which parted the fabric in the center, standing out, framed in white. Kurt bent over her form. For a moment, she thought he would kiss her. Instead, he engulfed her wrist with his hand then stretched it above her head. She chastised herself for forgetting this was his job.

"Dr. Foster!" A fuzzy band wrapped around her wrist, pinning it in place.

"Shh, it's all right. I just need you to stay still. Today's session will ease you into the experiment. I'll prepare you, accustom you to the environment and test out some equipment. Baby steps." He fastened the fur-lined cuff then attached it to the peg above her head before moving on to repeat the procedure with her other hand. Arms crossed, the position forced her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to stand out, drawing attention to her engorged nipples.

Kurt trailed his fingers along her torso until he found the two straps on either side of her waist then drew them through the buckle in the middle. He rested his palm on the supple skin of her abdomen, causing her muscles to jump beneath his fingers. He rewarded her with a tight smile, then cinched the belt until he struggled to remove his hand from beneath it.

He brushed his palms across the sensitive skin below her belly b.u.t.ton, then down her legs, accustoming her to his touch. Finally, he clasped her ankles in his firm grasp before strapping them to the table as well.

Rebecca couldn't still the instinct to struggle. She wriggled against the bonds, testing their strength, and discovered she couldn't move more than a fraction of an inch. She'd never done anything like this before. The fear and thrill inside her competed for dominance.

Panic threatened to wash over her but she fought to subdue it. She had always looked out for herself. The thought of lying back, pa.s.sive, accepting whatever he chose to do to her, terrified her.


His voice drew her away from the edge. Glints of antic.i.p.ation sparkled through the fear. She battled her initial reaction, reaching for the exhilaration underlying her apprehension. Trusting anyone other than Kurt would have been impossible. With him, though, she was aroused and surprised to find her senses heightened.

Glancing up with a nervous flick of her eyes, she met his gaze as he observed her reaction. His appraisal forced her to concentrate on convincing her muscles to relax and allowing the straps to cradle her.

Immediately, they felt more comfortable and less restrictive.

"Good girl. That's right, I'll take care of you." The gentle croon lulled her while he stroked her hip, petting her, soothing her. His approval flared inside her soul. Every beat of her heart strummed though her c.l.i.t. The slick wetness of her pa.s.sion dripped from her so steadily now it ran down her a.s.s, onto the table.

Kurt moved to the bottom of the platform. She heard the clink of metal as he released a mechanism located somewhere under her feet then her legs s.h.i.+fted with a lurch that corresponded to the noise. He looked up at her as he grasped an ankle in each hand then yanked them apart. The table split down the middle, between her legs.

The pieces rotated outward before locking in place, leaving her stretched and totally exposed to his view.

Primal reactions drove her to thrash once more, to curl her legs back in close to her body. Or, at least she tried, but the restraints held fast. Her breath came in several large, sporadic gulps. She wrestled her shock until Kurt's comforting strokes on her skin registered on her mind. She focused on the tone of his voice as he murmured rea.s.surance, attempting to accept her complete vulnerability. She tried to relax, tried to focus on what he was doing and soon she regained some composure.

Once satisfied, he circled the table, observing her from every angle.

"Hmm... We're almost set. But there's one more thing I think we need to do," he muttered, almost as though thinking aloud. Stalking around her, he continued handling her, prodding her, applying firmer pressure in some spots as though testing her resilience. "Yes, just one more thing."

Standing in front of her once again, he raised her head and shoulders using a control that elevated the section of the table her torso rested on, tilting it forward so she could observe his actions.

"Have you ever shaved your p.u.s.s.y, Becca?"

She had to try several times before she could make her voice audible. "N-No, Doctor."

"I'll have to trim you so the camera can get a clear recording of the experiment." Her eyes went wide as he stepped over to the sink against the far wall then began filling a bowl with lukewarm water. When he returned to the table, he set the container on a stainless steel rolling tray positioned between her legs then scooted his chair beside it.

Rebecca heard a heavy drawer in the base of the table open with a squeak. The noise of several unknown objects clanking together echoed through the laboratory as he rummaged among the contents. Straightening, he laid a razor, shaving cream and several towels next to the basin of water on the cart.

Embarra.s.sed, she realized sitting close between her legs he couldn't miss the signs of her arousal. Her thighs flexed as she tried to close them.

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