Play Doctor: Dream Machine Part 2

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The fact that their extensive time together had taught him to read her well delighted him. Every pa.s.sing moment cemented his belief in the purpose and success of the experiment.

Despite what had to be tricks of the board, considering he'd placed no paper on her desk this morning, and the sudden coincidence of her sister's monetary distress, it was clear to him Becca craved this experience. Still, he could tell he made her tense and nervous. He promised himself to go as slow as the need inside them both would allow.

Kurt turned his back for a moment as he mimed note taking and closed his eyes. He hadn't imagined it would be this hard to keep his self-control. It never had been before. He wanted nothing more at this moment than to push her back on the couch, rip open that heavy jacket, shove up her skirt and bury himself in her wet warmth.

He prescribed himself a few steadying breaths before turning back to her.

Dr. Foster pivoted from the table where he had been taking notes. The sudden movement made Rebecca wary but his touch communicated tenderness when he leaned over her. Seeming even taller from this position, he smoothed her hair from her neck with one hand while the other settled on her back, holding her in place. She reached out to steady herself by placing a palm on his solid chest and could have sworn he jerked in response.

Then again, she noted the fine tremble in her own fingers so maybe she had projected the motion on him.

"Easy." He murmured as he placed two fingers to the base of her neck, igniting a s.h.i.+ver that ran down the center of her body, ending in a sharp clench of her p.u.s.s.y.

She barely subdued a whimper.

"I need to take your pulse." For a minute they stayed still, watching each other. She didn't need his fingers over her artery to detect the heartbeat hammering through her. His touch was a dream come true. Sure, there'd been times they'd brushed against each other while working but he'd never reached out with intent to make skin to skin contact no matter how many times she wished he would. After a minute, he moved away then made a few more brief notes on the pad beside the couch.

"Get undressed now, Becca." Although she tried to conceal her shock, she knew the slightest motions could communicate as much to Kurt as the most expressive gestures did to other men. Her cheeks grew warm as she flushed and she knew he'd be able to detect the signs of her uncertainty.

Torn between the promise of what she wanted most and the hesitancy stemming from her lack of experience, she tried to calm herself. He was a doctor. This would be no different from her annual visit to her physician. Yeah, right.

She reached for the top b.u.t.ton of her jacket. Expecting him to turn around and leave her to undress alone, as her usual doctor did, he surprised her by continuing to observe her with a strange look in his eyes. He almost appeared hungry, but surely he couldn't be interested in anything other than the study. Even for him, this was an extreme endeavor. The project he'd outlined to her a minute ago surpa.s.sed any of his previous work, which usually involved standard therapy but sometimes extended to witnessing, instructing or a.s.sisting struggling lovers.

While lost in thought, she removed the jacket and revealed the outline of her hard nipples to his unflinching stare. Right then she remembered what decorated her skin underneath the conservative suit.

"Kurt-" she paused to clear her throat, " there any way we can wait until tomorrow to do the exam?"

"No, Becca, it has to be today. The actual experiment procedures will be much more intimate. If partic.i.p.ating is too difficult for you, we'll forget this ever happened and I'll find someone else for the study."

"No! I can do this. I will do this." She cursed the collection of exotic underwear that const.i.tuted her one extravagance...well, second, if you counted shoes. But shoes were really a necessity.

The thought of Kurt conducting this experiment with some other woman sickened her. Beautiful women constantly vied for his attention. She'd helped him avoid more than a few who called him at the office, refusing to take no for an answer. All the while, she tried to ignore the sense of satisfaction she got from driving them away when he'd asked her for the favor, or the pangs of jealousy that rolled through her when she'd heard him arranging to accept one of their invitations through his open office door. Funny, at the moment, she couldn't remember the last time he had.

Kurt must be able to see traces of her lacey bra through her demure white blouse by now. Peeking up from behind her lowered lids, she searched for any indication of his reaction. Would he think her promiscuous for her racy choice? Rebecca s.h.i.+vered harder and fumbled the uncooperative b.u.t.tons on her top.

"Here, let me help you." He reached out and began threading the slippery discs through the holes with deft flicks. The heat of his fingers against her collarbone caused a wave of need. The backs of his hands trailed down her chest. Her s.h.i.+rt parted in their wake, revealing her pale skin. His fingers were long and thick, steady but gentle.

Standing there, exposed and vulnerable, the potency of her reaction to Kurt paralyzed her. The rational segment of her brain struggled to recall the professional intent behind their encounter. He peeled her s.h.i.+rt off her shoulders and untucked it from her skirt before she recovered from his proximity. He couldn't have known how many times she'd imagined a scene like this while peeking in at him from her desk across the threshold.

She came to her senses in time to stop Kurt as he lingered at the waistband of her skirt, his thumbs brus.h.i.+ng up her sides. Though he probably intended the gesture to be soothing, she had to move away when pa.s.sion started to bubble inside her. She didn't think she could stand his touch on her sensitized flesh any longer without making a fool of herself. Already, she feared he could sense her arousal.

Rebecca averted her eyes to keep him from stealing the secrets she held there.

"Don't be ashamed, Becca." Kurt needed to ease the doubts reflected in her eyes. It was odd for her to hesitate. In their work together, her natural confidence made her efficient and competent. "I think you're beautiful. Don't ever be afraid to show me how you feel. You'll have nothing to hide from me when the study is complete."

Her chest expanded as she drew a deep breath, gathering her courage, and then rose to slide down the zipper of her skirt. With one hand, she guided the fabric down her legs while s.h.i.+elding herself from his view by turning away then wrapping her arm around her waist.

Encircling her dainty wrist with his fingers, he tugged it free. He couldn't keep himself from touching her, even so fleetingly, as he took in the matching lace-top garters, bra and flimsy silk panties covering her mound.

The glistening damp spot on them betrayed her excitement. She hesitated, looking to him to begin the exam, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling in rapid bursts beneath his hungry eyes.

"As hot as you look like this, you'll need to take off your underwear, too." Kurt couldn't believe how much she tempted him. He'd always been very controlled with his lovers, enjoying the thrill of the chase, teasing them and making them desire him until they couldn't stand it anymore and begged him for release. Never before had he been this close to the edge himself, not after watching a beautiful woman undress.

The tone of his voice, jagged with strain, forced him to admit his best fantasies didn't live up to the reality of this moment.

Now committed, Becca stripped off her bra and panties before settling on the chaise to roll the s.e.xy garters down her s.e.xier legs. Kurt watched as the motion separated her thighs. The swollen folds of her s.e.x parted, moisture glistening in s.h.i.+mmering strands between her l.a.b.i.a, and he yearned to taste her.

"Good girl," he murmured as he moved closer. He pressed her shoulders back, guiding her down on the cus.h.i.+ons. He struggled to keep the encounter clinical in an attempt to ease her into heightened intimacy with him through familiar routines.

"First, I'll need to see how sensitive you are." Resting on the edge of the sofa, he stroked his index finger along the side of her face. He dragged the pad to her glossy lips and brushed it across them. She gasped at the sensation, which caused his finger to slip inside her mouth, moistening the tip. He pulled it out and circled her lips again, making them s.h.i.+ne.

"Do you usually respond this quickly to foreplay?" He tamped down the jealous twinge causing him to wonder if she blossomed like this for other men or for him alone.

"I-I don't really know."

Stupid college kids, he thought. No one had ever seduced her?

Kurt brought his other hand up to frame her face. Pus.h.i.+ng his hands through Becca's hair, he allowed the strands to fill the gaps between his fingers. The warm satin tendrils infused him with longing but her thigh muscles relaxed against his on the couch as he ma.s.saged her scalp. His hands drifted toward her neck with leisurely but methodic strokes. A shaky sound somewhere between a whimper and a moan escaped from deep within her.

Every inch he explored was a delight as he discovered she felt even better than he had imagined. He couldn't resist trailing his hands below her collarbones now, dipping onto the top swells of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, as he savored the heat and silkiness of her skin. She s.h.i.+fted beneath him in restless motions as though the light contact wasn't enough for her. His eyes raked an impa.s.sioned trail down her body, more beautiful than he had antic.i.p.ated. Her full, round b.r.e.a.s.t.s complemented her smooth, but not too skinny, stomach which flared out to hips that enticed him with their sensual curves.

"Do you do self breast exams?" Kurt whispered as he improvised on his original plan. Beneath his inquiring gaze, she closed her eyes and shook her head. From a professional perspective, she would understand this had no bearing on the study. Her willingness to accept his touch, their newfound intimacy, regardless of logic inspired his wish to reward her with pleasure.

"Let me, then." He smiled down at her scrunched eyelids, hoping she suffered as much as he did. He couldn't bear to weather this pain alone. His c.o.c.k had never been this hard. Already, pre-come leaked out, dampening his trousers. His b.a.l.l.s nestled tight to his body.

Very soon, she could be his.

He started at the outside of her plump breast, walking his fingers in a shallow spiral. As they grew closer and closer to the center, her nipples gathered until they stood straight out. He brushed the palm of his hand over them as he made his way toward the goal with his fingertips then watched the rosy peaks darken when she flushed with excitement. Becca lay so still beneath his touch he realized she focused on maintaining the posture, withholding her desire from him.

She had so much to learn yet.

"It's okay to feel pleasure. Remember, this study will be about your s.e.xuality. Determining your limits will mandate exceeding them. You won't be able to avoid ecstasy. Enjoy it. I will."

The intensity of her reaction impressed Kurt. She attempted to speak but had to try twice before her voice would cooperate. When it did, her words tumbled out as though angry with her body for betraying her. "This isn't easy. You're my boss!"

"Not here, not now. We're in this together. Go with it, let it take you." Kurt's fingers made their way to her nipples, rewarding her for her candor. A strangled moan burst from her. He redoubled his efforts, intent on driving her wild. He let the desire raging inside him be evident in his expression, to soothe her obvious yet misplaced embarra.s.sment.

When she noticed the l.u.s.t in his stare, the tension in her muscles melted away. Rubbing her nipples harder, he graced them with light pinches, conditioning her to respond as he commanded. The initial step away from her ultra-professional bearing would be the hardest for her. He found it difficult to push her, but his dominant instincts declared it the right course of action. Meanwhile, he reminded himself no matter how much he reveled in her pleasure, it was all for the study. For Becca. Her career, but not personal.

"You're doing great." He stroked her b.r.e.a.s.t.s one last time before sliding his hands to her hips.

Instinctively, her pelvis lifted toward him but he avoided direct contact, moving lower until his hands cupped her feet. He ma.s.saged the sole of each with firm strokes to keep from tickling her. Another sigh of pleasure rewarded his efforts. Those wicked heels couldn't be comfortable to wear. He rubbed her feet bit by bit, working his way from her toes to her heels and ankles until she lay pliant before him.

"You're so sensitive. You react intensely to tactile stimulation." He showered her with reverent whispers, causing her blush to deepen. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Pa.s.sion is a normal emotion and you have so much of it in you. Don't hold anything back from me. You will let me know how you feel at all times." As he spoke, his hands glided up her legs, pausing to stroke the sensitive skin behind her knees before moving up the inside of her thighs with excruciating patience.

Her skin scorched him now. The waves of heat from her core warmed his hands. He could make her beg for his touch now that desire seared away all her inhibitions, but he refrained. With every contact, the professional sh.e.l.l cracked further and revealed more of the tantalizing woman beneath.

The transformation stole his breath, a thousand times more seductive than watching her undress. The juices running down her slit into the valley of her a.s.s made him wish he could bury himself b.a.l.l.s deep inside her welcoming grasp.

"How many lovers have you had, Becca?" It wouldn't be many. She'd smothered this side of herself.

Besides, she spent most nights right here, working cases with him at the practice, or completing projects for her studies. He needed to know how careful to be with her. "When did you last have s.e.x?"

By now, he suspected she was too involved to balk at the directness of his questions. When she panted out her answer, a purely male part of him cheered. "I had s.e.x before winter break last year with my date to the end-of-the-semester banquet. That was the third time."

Kurt's fingers quaked on her upper thighs at the thought of her innocence. He couldn't stop himself from touching her p.u.s.s.y. He cupped her, enjoying the light weight of her tender flesh and downy hair against his hand. The slickness of her secretions allowed him to glide his palm over her. She arched into his hold and moaned.

Her trust had been a requirement to go this far but he needed to know her faith in him was absolute. The experiment would require her to go beyond anything she had ever experienced before. It would only work if she placed herself in his control. He would settle for nothing less than her total surrender. He would invest the patience necessary to earn it.

"Do you enjoy touching yourself like this?"

Kurt watched the muscles in her abdomen flex upon hearing the suggestive words he used. He'd never made a woman come just by talking to her but Becca tempted him to try it. These were the kinds of ideas being near her inspired.

The ripples of desire contracted the visible portion of her p.u.s.s.y in rhythmic pulses. He imagined her walls attempting to milk an imaginary c.o.c.k. The pleasure had to be overwhelming her senses now.

"Yes," she gasped. Pressing against her inner thighs with his forearms, Kurt urged her to spread her legs wider. She complied. He began moving his hand in a slow circle while he pressed the base of his palm against her. When the sweet scent of her arousal filled the air, he gritted his teeth against the urge to take her rough, quick, now.

To make her his.

"Have you ever had an o.r.g.a.s.m?" He continued in his most mesmerizing voice, inviting and soothing.

"Never with a man." She admitted it without hesitation now, her body strung tight around the pressure building inside her. Kurt dipped his fingers into her slit. He ran them up and down, accustoming her to his touch, before teasing them both by pressing one against the entrance to her p.u.s.s.y.

"Are you ready for me, Becca? I need to see how tight you are. I need to feel you around my fingers."

"Yes, Doctor. Kurt."

He groaned when his name fell from her lips, low and husky with need.

"Open your eyes. Watch me. You won't be able to avoid it during the study." He waited for her to comply, loving the cloudy look that proclaimed she had pa.s.sed beyond her inhibitions. With firm and steady pressure, he pushed one finger inside her to the first knuckle before drawing it out again. She bucked beneath his hands then cried out her pleasure as he reintroduced the digit to the second knuckle. Kurt was so turned on his c.o.c.k throbbed in his pants. He feared he might embarra.s.s himself.

Focus. Today is about her. About proving she can trust you, taking the first step.

His finger, coated with Becca's desire, shuttled in and out of her clinging pa.s.sageway. Her muscles stretched to accommodate the intrusion as it bored deeper on every stroke. He concentrated on her pleasure, tucking a second broad digit inside her. Her flesh gripped him, so hot, tight and slick he could hardly believe it.

Making good use of all his studies in human anatomy, Kurt drove his fingers in further until they brushed her G-spot. He bent them until he pressed the sensitive bundle of nerves inside her womb against her pelvic bone. She writhed beneath his hand.

Turning back now would be impossible. For both of them.

"That's right. I want you to come for me if you can. Do you want to, baby?" He began moving his second and third fingers in and out of her, still slow but building the tempo now. He withdrew until they poised on the very cusp of her entrance before burying them as deep as he could reach. The knuckle of his index finger, curled into his palm, rubbed against her c.l.i.t. She gasped, squeezing her eyes tight, as though trying to ward off the explosion he could feel gathering deep inside her.

She was his.

"Oh! Yes, Kurt, please don't stop. Please."

"That's right, sweetheart, come in my hand. I need to see how much you can feel. Don't hold back."

He bent low over her, chanting encouragement in her ear. His fingers thrust faster now, nudging the sensitive patch of nerves on each pa.s.s. He rubbed his knuckle against her c.l.i.t in a firm rotation. "Come for me, Becca."

"Ah, Doctor. Kurt!"

He growled in triumph as her delicate tissues spasmed around his hand. His eyes followed her hips as they thrust against him. His own release loomed near. Though he tried to abstain, her p.u.s.s.y squeezing him, the hot juices running between his fingers, the musky scent of her arousal and the sound of her o.r.g.a.s.m stripping away the last of her reserve shoved him over the edge. He ground his erection against her hip on the couch in an attempt to stop the inevitable.

It wasn't enough to keep the hot come from shooting out of his d.i.c.k in an earth-shattering release.

"Oh G.o.d, Becca." He groaned. "You're perfect."

Rebecca feared things would be awkward afterward. They lay still for a moment, catching their breath.

Then Dr. Foster stood, looking down at her, making her conscious of her flushed cheeks and tangled hair. What have I done?

All rational thought had fled her mind the first moment he'd touched her. Waves of pleasure had battered her body, making her helpless to do anything but flounder in the tide, all the while struggling to keep her head above water lest she drown in ecstasy.

But she still had to work with him every day. She'd hoped he would hire her after graduation and maybe even advance to working her own cases soon. Had she destroyed any chance of her dream coming true?

"You can get dressed. We'll start work on the study tomorrow. Your normal duties are suspended. The project is most important now."

Disappointment zinged through her. That was it? He was going to let her walk away?

Of course he was, their encounter hadn't been personal to him. He'd simply needed to examine her. She'd nearly forgotten.

Hadn't he come, too?

In the heat of the moment, it had seemed so but maybe she mixed fantasy with reality.

As she rea.s.sembled her clothing, he treated her with the same respect and professionalism he always had.

While that should have eased her nerves, it only made them more ragged. She hadn't comprehended the depth of her longing until now.

Had she imprudently risked her emotions by getting involved?

He'd promised to let her stop at any time but her honor would make her see this through regardless of how vulnerable it made her to explore her s.e.xuality with him.

Rebecca finished dressing and walked to the door but, as she opened it to leave, she sensed him close behind her. His warm breath feathered across her shoulder and his hand, his wonderful hand, covered hers on the door. She turned to look at him with questions she couldn't voice written in her expression. Bridging some of the distance between them, he bent down to kiss her cheek.

"Thank you," he whispered.

She started to reply but he had already turned and headed back to his desk.

Chapter Three.

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