The Darkness Beyond Part 22

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"It's not an insult when it's the truth. You just feel obligated to defend her cooking because you're married to the woman."

The other man glared at his friend. "Oh, just shut up and go. And, Cody, don't let him be a bad influence on you. The last thing I need around here is another guy with att.i.tude."

Cody wasn't sure whether to laugh or duck for cover. He gave into the urge to grin when Trahern winked at him.

"Yes, sir. No att.i.tude, bad or otherwise."

As the two of them headed toward the exit, he was pretty sure he heard Devlin laughing.

D.J. was pus.h.i.+ng them both hard. Time was ticking by, and the suns were about to set. They needed to reach the flatlands below where they'd stand a better chance of hiding in the deep gra.s.s than they would perched here on this f.u.c.king hillside.

Reggie was a real trooper. Although she didn't hesitate to ask for a short break when she really needed one, she'd kept delays to a minimum. Even when they did stop, she spent most of her time fussing over him and the minor injuries he'd gotten in the explosion. What was she going to do come morning when they'd all but disappeared?

Another point for the freak score.

The trail up ahead looked all too familiar. It was a sad state of affairs that he'd spent enough time in this h.e.l.lhole to already know the terrain. Right now they were only a short distance from where he'd thwarted the Other's ambush the last time he'd pa.s.sed this spot.

Should he check the place out the same way he had last time or charge through and hope for the best? No contest. He might put himself at risk, but no way in h.e.l.l he'd let Reggie go waltzing into a possible trap.

No sooner had that thought crossed his mind than he caught the faint sound of voices on the wind. Turning his head to the side to catch the sound more clearly, he cursed under his breath. If he hadn't stopped when he had, the two of them might have stumbled right into the Others' waiting arms.

Reggie quietly moved up beside him. "What's wrong?"

She pitched her voice just loud enough for him to hear. The woman sure had the right instincts. He hoped like h.e.l.l she survived this adventure and never had to put her hard-earned experience to practical use again.

He whispered the answer near her ear. "Someone's coming. We've got to get out of sight."

There wasn't anything he could do about the trail of footprints they'd left behind in the dust. At least it was getting dark enough that eventually the Others would have trouble reading their tracks.

Which way to go? There was really no choice. He led Reggie around to the far side of the hill, following the same route he'd followed scouting out the earlier ambush. Had that been just the night before?

He pulled Reggie closer to explain the plan. "I want you to stay out of sight in the shadows under those trees up ahead."

"Where will you be?"

He pointed to a nearby cl.u.s.ter of boulders. "I'll stay there. Once they're safely past us, I'll join you."

She slowly nodded, her eyes telling him without words that she thought his plan sucked. Yeah, it did, but it was the best one they had at the moment.

He waited until she'd safely disappeared into the trees before ducking behind the rocks. Just in time, too, because their enemy was almost upon them. There were seven that he could see in the group. From what he knew of Kalith culture, it was unlikely that this was a Sworn Guardian and his Blademates because they traveled in multiples of four.

They also lacked the militaristic discipline that was second nature to Larem, Barak, and even Lusahn. No, he was willing to bet this mob were the buddies Kolar and his friend had been waiting for. Their voices carried clearly in the early evening silence. That didn't mean he understood a word they said.

He kept his Glock in hand as he held his breath, hoping like h.e.l.l they'd just keep going. Just when he thought they were going to pa.s.s by, one of them came to an abrupt halt. He held up his hand, the universal signal for his companions to stop and shut up. Then he tipped his head back and drew in a slow, deep breath.

Son of a b.i.t.c.h, had the b.a.s.t.a.r.d caught their scent? After a few seconds, the Kalith crept forward, his hand reaching to draw a long knife from his belt. He was headed in Reggie's direction. D.J. flicked off the safety on his gun, ready to start picking off the Others one by one.

The Glock held more than enough ammunition to kill them all. But it didn't mean a f.u.c.king thing if he couldn't take them all out. The chances were close to nil that he'd get the job done before one reached Reggie's hiding place.

He'd die trying though.

He was about to rise, to draw their attention, when the Other flicked his wrist, sending his knife flying toward the ground a short distance away. One of the bushes erupted in a flurry of action as a small animal charged out, limping badly. The Other shouted in triumph as he finished off the poor critter with a second blade.

After picking up his knives and cleaning them, he retrieved his kill and held it up for his buddies to admire. As they moved off, he carried the carca.s.s with him, obviously pleased that fresh meat was now on their dinner menu. That in itself was odd. The three Seattle Kaliths were all vegetarians. Fresh game sure sounded better than the MREs Devlin had packed for D.J., not that he was complaining. Right now, all food meant was maintaining enough energy for the two of them to keep moving.

He waited impatiently for the Others to leave. The need to put some distance between themselves and that bunch was riding him hard. He'd look for a place he and Reggie could stop to get some much-needed rest. Tomorrow, they'd resume their charge toward the distant hills and hope they found the barrier before the Others found them.

"Just a little farther."

That had to be the fourth time D.J. had made that promise, but Reggie didn't have the energy to call him on it. She understood that he was worried about those guys circling back, but seriously, if they didn't stop for the night soon, she'd drop right in her tracks.

Rather than think about that, she cast about for something else, something positive, to think about. Like last night. The feel of D.J. moving over her, moving in her. Oh, yeah, those were definitely happy thoughts. She normally didn't go for big men-and he was definitely big all over-but there was just something about D.J.

Intelligence was high on her must-have list when it came to men. Check. So was a sense of humor. Double-check. A considerate lover. Check-in fact, triple-check that one. He definitely subscribed to the "ladies first" theory.

She was so focused on her list that she didn't notice D.J. had stopped walking. When she ran right into him, he reached out to steady her.

"What's up?"

"I was thinking this looks like a good place to stop for the night. I can hear a stream, so it can't be far. We can't risk a fire, but at least we'll be able clean up a bit and get some sleep."

He didn't wait for an answer, but simply stepped off the trail and left her to follow as she would.

Half an hour later, she was sitting on the edge of the creek, soaking her feet in the surprisingly warm water. After their makes.h.i.+ft meal, she might just do more than dip her toes. She didn't know about D.J., but she'd sleep better if she shed about ten pounds of dust and dirt before turning in.

"Here's your dinner, fresh from the foil pouch."

D.J. smiled at her as he sat down on the bank beside her. She started eating, but he set his own meal aside to peel off his boots and socks. He eased his feet into the water and sighed happily.

"Oh, yeah, that's good."

Between bites, she asked, "How is your arm doing?"

"My arm?" He seemed genuinely puzzled by the question.

G.o.d save her from macho men who wouldn't admit to a little pain. She pointed at the bandage on his arm with her plastic fork. "That cut. You know, the one that had a chunk of wood stuck in it earlier today."

"Oh, that one. It's fine. Seriously, it wasn't nearly as bad as we first thought."

"I'll be the judge of that. After we finish dinner, I'll take a look at it."

He didn't argue, but she suspected it would be a fight to get him to let her doctor his wound. Also typical of D.J., he was keeping time to a rhythm only he could hear, kicking his feet in the water.

When a few droplets. .h.i.t her, she did a little kicking of her own, paying him back with interest. He wiped his face dry with the sleeve of his tunic.

"You like to live dangerously, lady. Did I happen to mention that one of my mottos is that I don't just get even, I get ahead?"

He gave the deep pool of water a pointed look. "Looks plenty deep to drown one little woman."

She snorted. "Try it, big guy, and I won't be the only one wearing wet clothes tomorrow."

Despite the darkness, she could sense the intensity in his gaze and the temptation in his smile.

A few seconds later, he finished his dinner and set it aside. Then he stood up, peeled off his tunic, and tossed it on the gra.s.s behind them.

When he reached for the clasp of his pants, she scooted away. "D.J., what's going on in that mind of yours?"

"I decided you were right about not getting my clothes wet."

She should be doing something besides staring, she really should. However, she couldn't seem to get her eyes to look anywhere else but at all that luscious man-flesh kissed by the faint moonlight.

When he'd shed everything except his boxers, he started toward her. She scrambled to her feet and backed away.

"D.J., don't you dare! You stop right there."

"I didn't start this, Reggie. You did." He took another baby step toward her. "I am, however, going to finish it."

He folded his arms over his chest. "But to show you just what a nice guy I am, I'll give you one minute to take off whatever clothes you don't want to get soaked before I drag you into the water with me."

"You wouldn't!"

But she hoped he would. After all the horrible stuff they'd been through, maybe a little playtime was in order. Anything to hold the ugliness at bay.

The gra.s.s felt cool against her bare toes as she faced her would-be tormentor. All right, the game was on. She reversed the order that D.J. had used, disposing of her trousers first by turning her back and taking her time to slide them off, bending over as she did so.

Her panties were simple white cotton, but the sharp intake of D.J.'s breath hinted that he didn't mind at all. Next, her tunic went sailing over her shoulder straight at him. She felt perfectly decadent standing outside under alien stars and pale moons wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

The s.h.i.+ver of goose b.u.mps tickling her skin had nothing to do with the warm night air, and everything to do with the weight of her lover's gaze as she slowly eased her panties off. Her fingers fumbled with the catch on the back of her bra, making her feel awkward and clumsy.

"Let me." D.J.'s voice sounded deeper, huskier.

Coc.o.o.ned in the darkness, hidden from the rest of creation, she nodded and turned around. She wanted, needed, his hands on her. With a quick flick, her bra came undone and fell away, only to be replaced by the warmth of D.J.'s palms. He pressed her back against his chest as he nibbled his way along the curve of her neck, the whole time kneading her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his powerful hands. She closed her eyes, shutting out everything except his touch.

When she was about to melt into a little puddle of need, he swept her up in his arms and waded into the stream. Instead of dunking her as she expected, he slowly sank into the water and took her with him.

"Thought we'd play some before things get too far out of hand."

With that comment, he abruptly dropped her. She slipped completely under the surface and came up sputtering and furious. Talk about ruining a beautiful moment! Okay, two could play that game.

She twirled in the water. Where had that jerk gone? Then he surfaced right in front of her and lay a hot kiss on her lips before once again disappearing beneath the dark surface.

He swam past her legs a few seconds later, his hand touching and teasing on the way by. Reggie dove after him, managing to land on his back. She held him down briefly before making her own escape. His wicked grin promised retribution when he came up for air. She turned her back to him and tried to escape, but stood no chance against his long reach. When he flipped her around to face him, she wrapped an arm around his neck and held on. Her other hand slid down between them to capture his, um, attention.

She didn't know what he'd planned to do next, but as her fingers worked their magic, he froze and let her have her way with him for several strokes. His mouth sought hers, the warm brush of his tongue a sweet contrast to the cool water against her skin.

When his hands cupped her a.s.s, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Being pressed against his powerful chest did little to a.s.suage the ache in her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She needed more.

As if reading her mind, he waded toward the shallows and then sank down into the water as she straddled him. He bent her back enough that his mouth found her nipple, sucking to just the right side of painful. He turned his attention to her other breast, at the same time slipping his hand down between her legs. One finger tested her pa.s.sage, working her gently, then with a stronger rhythm. The splash of the water, the heat of his mouth, the thrust of his fingers-it all suddenly became too much to bear.

She wasn't sure whether to beg him to stop or to beg for more. He took the decision away from her. Once again he lifted her in his arms, but this time he laid her down in the gra.s.s along the bank of the stream. Before she could catch her breath, he parted her thighs and used his tongue to quickly drive her over the edge.

She might have screamed his name. She didn't know for sure. It was all she could do to remember how to breathe. She was dimly aware of him leaving her briefly, though she protested. Without his heat to keep her warm, she s.h.i.+vered. Where had he gone? She rolled over to see.

He was already on his way back. Unless she was mistaken, that was an empty foil packet he dropped in the gra.s.s as he knelt beside her. When she would've turned onto her back, he stopped her.

His hand rested briefly on her lower back before wandering to her backside and then back up. The long, slow strokes relaxed her, and at the same time slowly built up the fire again. Gradually, his caresses drifted to her legs, finally spreading them apart and staking his claim there. He grasped her waist and pulled her back toward him and up onto her knees.

He leaned out over the length of her back. "Is this okay?"

She dropped her head down to her arms and tried to frame an answer to his question. Never before in her life had she made love outside with nothing but the heat of a man for a blanket. It was intoxicating. Primitive. Perfect.

Then she looked back over her shoulder at the man poised there, ready to take her soaring again.

"D.J., this is so much more than just okay."

Chapter 19.

Breakfast consisted of drive-up cuisine, heavy on the caffeine and cholesterol. Cody downed three sandwiches in rapid order and was in the process of finis.h.i.+ng off a fourth. He'd have apologized for pigging out, but Trahern had ordered three dozen. With Devlin, Trahern, Lonzo, and Cullen in the room, the food disappeared quickly. Even Barak had consumed his fair share.

They'd all gathered in Devlin's office, which evidently often served as a hangout. As soon as everyone finished stuffing their faces, Devlin cleared his throat. The room got quiet, the mood suddenly grim.

"Okay, here's where we are. First of all, the crossing D.J. used is officially dead and gone. We won't be monitoring it any longer because the barrier vanished with the explosion. Second, Hunter finally heard from Berk. The Sworn Guardian has sent word to other Guardians he trusts, and their Blademates will be on the lookout for D.J. and Reggie. He'll notify Hunter with any news on that front."

Cody leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor. If that was their entire rescue plan, it sure wasn't much. No matter how you looked at it, Reggie and D.J. were still trapped in the alien world. At least everyone was a.s.suming they were both still alive. Okay, he got that. No one wanted to be the one to even hint that they weren't.

Did these guys really trust a bunch of aliens to scour the countryside to find Reggie and D.J.? Why weren't they mounting an invasion to go on the offensive?

When Cody looked up, Devlin caught his eye. "I understand you and Cullen made some progress yesterday. Where do we stand on that end of things?"

Cody let his cyberpartner fill Devlin and the rest in on the trail they were following. Cullen's summary was dead-on. Cody swallowed hard. He had something to add to the report but wasn't sure how they'd react to what he was about to say. What was the worst Devlin could do to him? Well, maybe shove him across the barrier the next time it went down.

Cullen was winding up. "So that's where we'll start today."

Cody raised his hand and then realized his mistake when Devlin's eyebrows shot up. Then the Paladin leader grinned.

"See, you bunch of bozos, that's how you indicate you have something to add to the conversation. A nice, polite raised hand."

While Lonzo rolled his eyes, Trahern muttered something about teacher's pet.

Devlin cut them off cold. "Okay, you two, let him talk."

At the moment, there was nothing Cody wanted more than to crawl into a hole. He kept his eyes on Devlin and tried to get his mouth to work.

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