Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 15

Music And Lyrics: Soul-O -

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Quickly I say, "What does that mean?"

He says, "It means Jennifer Temple has met her fate." I check my phone and he snaps, "Don't call her. She'll call you as soon as they're on their way home." I set my phone on the table and feel completely useless. The thought of Jennifer doing to Lyrics what she did to me is killing me. For practically my whole life, I've protected her and now I'm sitting safe at home while she's in the middle of a f.u.c.king ambush.

In tenth grade, this douche bag on my football team, named Scott, was telling all the guys that he had s.e.x with Lyrics. Without even questioning her, I knew he was full of c.r.a.p. She never knew, or at least I never told her that after one of the games I beat his a.s.s in the locker room. He was going on about how she was squealing and how good she was at oral. I warned him to shut his lying mouth but he kept on. Three of my teammates had to pull me off him, but not before I broke his nose. I think she suspected it was me, but oddly we never spoke about it. Scott talking like that about my best friend p.i.s.sed me off way more than it did her. Lyrics brushed it off and didn't seem to give it a second thought. Yeah, thinking back, I'm sure she knew it was me because that night she brought over my favorite ice cream and my favorite movie at the time, Dazed and Confused. Scott ended up coming clean about his lie, but he never blocked all too well for me after that.

Chapter 26.

'Oh heck, you done brought out my straight-up redneck.'

Lyrics In my whole life, I've never been as scared as I am right now. Each breath I take sounds like I'm breathing into a microphone. The breathing mixed with my thunderous heartbeat is practically deafening the outside sounds. Lorenzo told me to wait outside against the door of this rickety warehouse, in the middle of nowhere TX. When he told me the plan, I was livid. My body started shaking and I must have asked a million questions, inquisition style. He calmed me down by telling me how he led his Special Forces Team for four years on some of the most dangerous a.s.signments the services had ever had. He instantly left his goofy personality and turned into GI Joe. He was extremely clear on his plan and told me exactly what I was going to do. He a.s.sured me that there would be at least two men with Jennifer and that the moment he walks through the door he will kill everybody in the room except Jennifer.

Weirdly I asked, "Why not her?"

He gave an evil smirk and said, "She's got some fessing up to do first, then maybe I'll take her out or maybe she'll take herself out. We'll play that one by ear. One way or the other, this is ending tonight." Those words brought a feeling of peace and my body stopped shaking. He put his hand on mine and told me, "Listen, do not open the door until I come out and get you. I don't want you to see the mess I'm about to make."

I shook my head and said, "What happens after?"

He said with a very serious face, "You know how they have clean-up crews in Mob movies, well that's a real thing. We have a crew coming tonight that will erase every bit of evidence of us ever being here."

"What about the bodies?"

He quickly said, "What bodies?" When we pulled up to the warehouse, he said, "In case they have cameras on us, I'm gonna hold you like I'm dragging you here against your will. When we get to the door, I will push you aside, go in and start shooting before they know what's happening. Do you understand?" I get the throw up bubble in my throat and shake my head yes.

The moment Lorenzo steps inside I hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! My heartbeat speeds up and tears fill my eyes. I begin praying, "Please G.o.d, please, let him be okay. Please, let him come out those doors soon." It seems like an eternity, but it is about five minutes that pa.s.s. The door opens and I'm pinned to the wall like he told me.

He says, "Dylan, come in. Honey, I only want you to focus on Jennifer. Do not look to your left at all once we get inside. Do you understand me clearly?" My brain is telling me to move forward but my legs won't seem to move. Lorenzo steps up to me and says, "It's okay, sweetie. These are very bad people that had very bad intentions concerning you. I want you to hear what that b.i.t.c.h has to say." He gently takes my hand and helps me take the first step forward. As I step into the warehouse, the sight of Jennifer Temple brings something evil out in me and all my nerves suddenly calm down. My breathing begins to slow down and as I look at her a smile forms on my face. Before I walked in, I had no idea how I'd feel about this, but now I feel nothing. This is exactly what she deserves.

Jennifer is sitting in the middle of the empty warehouse with black streaming down her face from the tears flowing. She looks pathetic. Lorenzo hasn't removed the red laser from the center of her forehead once. She looks at me and attempts to wipe away her tears. Lorenzo takes his phone out and holsters his gun. He pushes record on the phone and the video recording begins.

I stand tall to the side of her and ask, "Why did you rape my fiance, Tanner Staff? Why did you do that to him?" Anger builds up and I fight back the tears that are stinging my eyes.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Oh, he told you I raped him? Believe me Mae Bell, he enjoyed every second of it." I look at Lorenzo and signal for him to cut the video off.

He pushes the pause b.u.t.ton, smiles and says to Jennifer, "You really aren't in the position to be a smart a.s.s right now."

I walk up to Jennifer and kick her in the stomach as hard as I can. I really want to punch her in the face but I don't want there to be a mark on her, for the video's sake. She folds over onto the floor and is gasping for air. I tell Lorenzo to push record. "Let me ask you one more time. Why did you rape Tanner Staff?"

She looks at me and screams, "Because of you! How could he want you but not me? He wouldn't give me what I wanted so I f.u.c.king took it. n.o.body turns me down, n.o.body. For just a moment, I wanted to believe somebody could love me the way he loves you. h.e.l.l, if I couldn't have him, I figured I'd ruin him for you. Besides that, you punched me and that's how I could make you pay for what you did. Sending you the pictures was just the icing on the cake for me. I didn't want to hurt him really, but I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't love the way he felt inside me."

For a moment, I almost feel sorry for her but that feeling comes and goes quickly. I order her to give me her phone. She gives it to me and I turn on her recorder, push pause and then hand it back to her. I tell her that she's going to record an apology to Tanner, admitting that she raped him and had two men beat him up.

I look at Lorenzo and say, "That's her suicide message."

He kind of flinches and says, "Mental note, don't get on Dylan's bad side."

I turn back to Jennifer and say, "I'm sorry your life is so sad, but it'll be over soon. See, you didn't break us. What you did was make us realize that there is nothing that will come between us. It's called true love. Here's what's gonna happen now. You'll record the apology that I'll send out for the whole world to see, and then you'll take the gun that Lorenzo will give you, and you are going to end it all. If you don't do it, he will. I guess all I have left to say is, G.o.d bless your heart." Jennifer sits paralyzed.

Lorenzo grabs her phone and says, "When she leaves, I'm pus.h.i.+ng play and you're gonna start apologizing."

As I begin to head toward the door, she says, "Hey b.i.t.c.h, I'll bet he's thinking of me when he's f.u.c.king you."

I don't even turn around. I wave and walk out the door. The moment I hear the door close behind me, my body folds to the ground and tears flood my eyes. I hate her. Being so angry and spiteful is not me, she brings out the worst in everybody. I want to get home and scrub this off me. She created this, not me. This is completely on her and will leave blood on her hands, not mine!

Lorenzo comes out and lifts me to my feet. I can't stop crying and shaking. I've never had that much adrenaline pump through my blood and don't ever want it again. He hugs me and says, "She recorded an apology and sent it to her social media pages. She told me that she'd rather send it than you. I left her a gun and told her this is her only chance to control the situation. If I go in and she's still alive, I'll shoot her myself and the two dead men lying against the wall proved my point. I also warned her that if she thinks for one second that she should use the gun on one of us, I'll take her down before she even fully processes that thought."

I ask him, "Now what?"

"We wait for the bang."

Clamminess takes over my body, my head is spinning, and I feel like I'm gonna faint. I fold over and vomit. Lorenzo holds my hair and a.s.sures me that it's normal for me to react like this. Panic sets in and the thought of the reality I'm surrounded with is surreal.

I stutter, "Maybe you should go in there and take the gun. We can call the cops and have her arrested, she confessed."

He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my eyes up to his and says, "Dylan, it's too late honey. We are at the point of no return, this has to happen now." Tears fall uncontrollably. He softly whispers, "I'm sorry you had to be here but it was the best way to end this nightmare for both of you. She wasn't going to stop until her plans were complete. Look at me, darling. You need to know the sick s.h.i.+t she told me about her plans." Before I can stop him, he holds his finger up for me to stop talking. He says, "Just yesterday she told me with excitement in her voice that she and her hired goons were going to tie you up and repeatedly rape you. She told me that she was going to hold your legs open while they take turns in all your holes. I had to pretend that I was going to be part of it, and believe me, honey, I've never felt more disgusted and nauseous. You see, we aren't dealing with an angry person. We're dealing with a completely f.u.c.king demented person that knows no limits. You can go sit in the car if you'd rather." I shake my head no. He looks at his watch and says, "I'll give her three minutes more."

BANG! One shot and my entire body goes limp. Lorenzo tells me to sit against the building and he slowly opens the door, leads with his gun, and leans his head inside. I hear him release the c.o.c.k on the gun and I know it's really over. She's gone. Forever.

Lorenzo goes inside the warehouse and I sit outside waiting for him. When he comes out, he reaches down for my hand and pulls me up. He says, "Let's go. We're done here." I immediately get up and begin walking toward the car. Truly I can't get out of here quick enough. On the drive home, Lorenzo says, "Clean-up is on their way now. They will remove everything but Jennifer's body. The police will have to find that. There needs to be a body to go with the suicide social media video. There is no evidence that either of us were there and, honey, this is not on your soul. Jennifer was a sick, sad person that did horrible things to people, as you know. She was a waste of oxygen and wrote her own story. I just helped her with the ending."

I wipe a tear away and say, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Lorenzo."

He pats my hand and says, "I'm just sad we're gonna have to leave you two soon. We're getting pretty comfortable with you two."

"You'll always have a room ready in our home. Y'all aren't leaving before the wedding, are you?"

He shakes his head no and says, "Any cute single ladies gonna be there?" I know he's doing his best at getting my mind off what just actually happened, and he's doing a great job at it.

"Can I call Tanner now?" I ask. By the time Lorenzo finishes shaking his head yes, I'm already dialing.

Tanner answers immediately and the moment he says my name, tears begin to cloud my eyes again. His voice is cracked and it's easy to hear the worry that's been swimming around his mind.

He says, "Baby, are you okay?"

I don't answer his question, but I mutter, "She's gone. It's over, Tan."

He's silent for a moment and asks again, "Are you okay?" I am okay, but the words aren't coming out of my mouth. Lorenzo sticks his hand out for the phone and I hand it to him.

He says, "Bro, she's fine just shaken up from the whole ordeal. No, I didn't pull the trigger. Jennifer did it herself. We'll be home in about forty-five minutes so get some hot tea ready for Dylan. Your girl's a bada.s.s. Yeah, I'll fill you in completely when we get there. Don't want to get into it right now. Cool, see you soon. You're welcome." He hands the phone back and says, "So about those cute single friends of yours."

A smile forms on my face and I say, "Any lady would be lucky to have you." Tani, the real-estate lady pops into my head. "You know what, I actually know the perfect person for you. Remember Tani, the pink-haired lady that did the deal for the house?"

Lorenzo's eyes light up and he says, "She's s.e.xy. Think she'd go for a younger man?"

"For you? Of course, she'd be a fool if she didn't. Do you think she's that much older than you?"

"Doesn't matter to me. I thought she was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l when we were following their every move."

I laugh and say, "I'll have Tan make that happen."

He smiles and says, "You really were bad a.s.s today, kid. I'm just sorry you had to be there, but it was a good thing, too. Ya know sometimes seeing is the only way to believe. When you kicked her, I about lost it. You're a true gangster at heart. I mean to have the smarts to keep the mark off her face, that's mob mentality, honey." Weirdly I feel proud of what he's saying.

I quickly say, "Hope to never have to do anything like that again, but it's not me who's the bada.s.s, that's all you. You were like Rambo, Chuck Norris, and The Terminator wrapped up in one package."

Randomly he asks, "Would you teach me how to country dance?"

"Now that this is behind us all, we have some time to have fun, right? We'll take y'all down to 6th street and hit the bars. Sounds like we need to get you fitted for a Resistol."

"A what?"

I laugh and say, "A cowboy hat, oh, and you'll need boots, too."

"Really? I can't just wear my Italian loafers?"

I shake my head and say, "Oh no, y'all need the whole experience. I think you'll be very handsome looking like a southern gentleman. We can go into town tomorrow and get you ready."

"The family will have a hay day with this one."

"I'll be sure to take lots of pictures so they don't think you're lying. Don't worry, I'll get Anthony to join you on your Texas makeover." He laughs at the thought of Anthony in the cowboy gear, which makes me laugh too.

Lorenzo pats me one the knee and says, "Look, kid, you're home." I didn't even notice as we pulled into the driveway. My mind is running on complete overload. Tanner comes running down the driveway and flings opens my door, pulls me out of the car, and embraces me with everything he has. He strokes my hair like a relieved parent. My head is securely pressed against his thumping chest. I feel the dampness from his tears on my forehead.

He says, "I was so worried about you. I'm so sorry you were dragged into this. I'm so sorry."

I look up at him and say, "It's over, it's really over. I just want to take a shower and get this filth off me."

Tanner stops Lorenzo as he walks up the driveway and gives him a hug. He says something quietly to him that I can't hear and Lorenzo says not so quietly back, "I gave you my word. It's over now, bro."

Tanner looks at me and then back to Lorenzo and says, "I'm forever in your debt."

Lorenzo smiles and says, "No you aren't. You're family now and that's what family does, we protect one another. I'm gonna have a quick sit down with Anthony then get some shut eye."

I hug Lorenzo and say, "Thank you, for everything, thank you."

He kisses my cheek and says, "You're an angel, sweetheart. Get that hot tea and a shower now." I nod my head and he runs his knuckles across my jaw, looks at Tanner and says, "This is one tough broad you got."

Tanner smiles and says, "Without question." Tanner takes my hand and leads me into the house. Finally, we can freely enjoy this masterpiece of a house without worry. There is one more thing I must do though. I need to see Jennifer's recording.

Chapter 27.

'You don't know how strong you are until strong is your only option.'

Tanner 7 a.m. and I haven't slept a wink. Lyrics pa.s.sed out the moment her head hit the pillow and I held her all night, staring at her perfectly creamy skin and the beautiful innocence that exudes from her. I hate that she had to be part of that whole thing. She's the kindest person I know and for her to experience that must have taken a toll on her. You'd never be able to tell from the peaceful look on her face as she sleeps, but still it kills me that she was there.

My phone rings and I try to grab it before it wakes her up. "Hey Mom."

Without even saying hi, she says, "Did you see who killed herself?"

I find it weird that she wanted to play the guessing game. I say, "Yeah, I did. The world is just a little better now."

Mom says, "Did you see the weird suicide video she posted? It's all over the news channels. She apologizes to you on there."

I interrupt her and say, "Nah, haven't seen it." Mom asks me if this means Anthony and Lorenzo are leaving now. I feel like we shouldn't talk about this over the phone. I quickly say, "Mom, they're staying for the wedding next week." My phone beeps and it's Chip. I tell Mom I'll call her back and I click over to Chip's call.

Chip says, "I'm stunned. Hollywood couldn't have written a better f.u.c.king ending to that disaster. Ding dong the witch is gone." I feel dirty and disgusting being so happy about somebody dying, but she created this for herself. Chip must have read my silence. He says, "Don't say anything now, I'll see you on Thursday when I get into Austin. I'm picking up my tux on my way to your house. Oh, and by the way, I've been speaking with your agent and she is a character. We want to discuss a few things with both you and Dylan."

"Chip, I can't begin to thank you enough."

He cuts me off and says, "You could invite a smoking hot cowboy to your wedding. Make sure he's at least curious about the c.o.c.k though."

I laugh and say, "I'll put my feelers out. Look forward to seeing you."

"Me too, especially now that the b.i.t.c.h is gone."

I awkwardly chuckle and say, "See you soon."

Lyrics sits up straight and asks, "Who was that?"

"How are you feeling this morning?"

She shrugs her shoulders and says, "I know this sounds awful and I hate saying it, but I am so relieved that she's dead. What she did to you, ugh, I hate her so badly. She deserved worse and got off easy with doing it herself. I do still want to see the video she made though."

I was hoping she'd have changed her mind on watching it. I really don't want to watch it but won't let her watch it alone. I grab my phone and type in Jennifer Temple and the video pops up immediately. My stomach sinks and I ask her one more time if she's sure she wants to see it. Lyrics nods her head yes.

"Lorenzo told me to go outside before this happened, I have no idea what she says."

I push play. I look at Lyrics and I can see the horror on her face. Jennifer is looking right into the camera and says, "What I'm about to say will disappoint my fans and I'm sorry about that." She takes a breath and then looks back into the camera and says, "My life has been h.e.l.l and I have made a complete mess of things. The nicest, most decent person I've ever worked with was Tanner Staff and to show him how much I appreciated his kindness, I drugged his beer and forced him to have s.e.x with me and then had two guys beat him up. Not that it matters now, but Tanner, I'm so sorry. I hope your life with your farm girl is filled with happiness and love. I'd have done anything for somebody to love me the way you two love each other. To my fans, you guys were the only thing that ever made me happy. I love you all. To my mom, you allowed your boyfriends to hurt me and I hope you know that I'll never forgive you. So, this is it, I'm done." The video ends and Lyrics and I both have tears rolling down our faces. I turn off my phone and throw it on the bed.

Lyrics wipes her tears and says, "I'm starving, let's eat." I wipe my tears and we both begin laughing and our laughter grows wilder. This incredibly heavy weight has been lifted and I feel like justice has been served.

We head to the kitchen to have breakfast and when I open the fridge, there is nothing in it.

Lyrics says, "Let's fill this bad boy up." Both of us are sick of eating out and are ready for some normalcy in our lives. Anthony and Lorenzo are sound asleep still. We throw on some sweats and head out the door. When the gate opens, about fifty reporters swarm the exit. Neither of us even considered this would happen. I look at Lyrics and she has a look of terror on her face.

I grab her hand and say, "n.o.body knows anything, babe. They are here because of what her video said."

"What if they found out?"

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